NoNo workshop in London

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates

Smaller cartons of software are cheaper and less risky
Smaller cartons of software are cheaper and less risky


Vasco Duarte and myself are running our #NoProjects/#NoEstimates workshop again in London – February. This is a one day class with myself and Vasco, it is very interactive, lots of exercises and lots of changes to ask us your questions.


“A one day introduction to #NoEstimates and #NoProjects. Learn to apply the digital-first tools that help you deliver more value in less time. From breaking down 9 month projects to 30 minutes, to learning to reduce investment risks. In this workshop you will learn how to transform your product development.”

More details and booking at the Learning Connexions website.

The post NoNo workshop in London appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.

Guaranteed Copy Elision Does Not Elide Copies

Simon Brand from Simon Brand

This post is also available at the Microsoft Visual C++ Team Blog

C++17 merged in a paper called Guaranteed copy elision through simplified value categories. The changes mandate that no copies or moves take place in some situations where they were previously allowed, e.g.:

struct non_moveable {
    non_moveable() = default;
    non_moveable(non_moveable&&) = delete;
non_moveable make() { return {}; }
non_moveable x = make(); //compiles in C++17, error in C++11/14

You can see this behavior in compiler versions Visual Studio 2017 15.6, Clang 4, GCC 7, and above.

Despite the name of the paper and what you might read on the Internet, the new rules do not guarantee copy elision. Instead, the new value category rules are defined such that no copy exists in the first place. Understanding this nuance gives a deeper understanding of the current C++ object model, so I will explain the pre-C++17 rules, what changes were made, and how they solve real-world problems.

Value Categories

To understand the before-and-after, we first need to understand what value categories are (I’ll explain copy elision in the next section). Continuing the theme of C++ misnomers, value categories are not categories of values. They are characteristics of expressions. Every expression in C++ has one of three value categories: lvalue, prvalue (pure rvalue), or xvalue (eXpring value). There are then two parent categories: all lvalues and xvalues are glvalues, and all prvalues and xvalues are rvalues.

diagram expressing the taxonomy described above

For an explanation of what these are, we can look at the standard (C++17 [basic.lval]/1):

  • A glvalue ([generalised lvalue]) is an expression whose evaluation determines the identity of an object, bit-field, or function.
  • A prvalue is an expression whose evaluation initializes an object or a bit-field, or computes the value of an operand of an operator, as specified by the context in which it appears.
  • An xvalue is a glvalue that denotes an object or bit-field whose resources can be reused (usually because it is near the end of its lifetime).
  • An lvalue is a glvalue that is not an xvalue.
  • An rvalue is a prvalue or an xvalue.

Some examples:

std::string s; 
s //lvalue: identity of an object 
s + " cake" //prvalue: could perform initialization/compute a value 

std::string f(); 
std::string& g(); 
std::string&& h(); 

f() //prvalue: could perform initialization/compute a value 
g() //lvalue: identity of an object 
h() //xvalue: denotes an object whose resources can be reused 

struct foo { 
    std::string s; 

foo{}.s //xvalue: denotes an object whose resources can be reused


What are the properties of the expression std::string{"a pony"}?

It’s a prvalue. Its type is std::string. It has the value "a pony". It names a temporary.

That last one is the key point I want to talk about, and it’s the real difference between the C++11 rules and C++17. In C++11, std::string{"a pony"} does indeed name a temporary. From C++11 [class.temporary]/1:

Temporaries of class type are created in various contexts: binding a reference to a prvalue, returning a prvalue, a conversion that creates a prvalue, throwing an exception, entering a handler, and in some initializations.

Let’s look at how this interacts with this code:

struct copyable {
    copyable() = default;
    copyable(copyable const&) { /*...*/ }
copyable make() { return {}; }
copyable x = make();

make() results in a temporary. This temporary will be moved into x. Since copyable has no move constructor, this calls the copy constructor. However, this copy is unnecessary since the object constructed on the way out of make will never be used for anything else. The standard allows this copy to be elided by constructing the return value at the call-site rather than in make (C++11 [class.copy]). This is called copy elision.

The unfortunate part is this: even if all copies of the type are elided, the constructor still must exist.

This means that if we instead have:

struct non_moveable {
    non_moveable() = default;
    non_moveable(non_moveable&&) = delete;
non_moveable make() { return {}; }
auto x = make();

then we get a compiler error:

<source>(7): error C2280: 'non_moveable::non_moveable(non_moveable &&)': attempting to reference a deleted function
<source>(3): note: see declaration of 'non_moveable::non_moveable'
<source>(3): note: 'non_moveable::non_moveable(non_moveable &&)': function was explicitly deleted

Aside from returning non-moveable types by value, this presents other issues:

auto x = non_moveable{}; //compiler error
  • The language makes no guarantees that the constructors won’t be called (in practice this isn’t too much of a worry, but guarantees are more convincing than optional optimizations).
  • If we want to support some of these use-cases, we need to write copy/move constructors for types which they don’t make sense for (and do what? Throw? Abort? Linker error?)
  • You can’t pass non-moveable types to functions by value, in case you have some use-case which that would help with.

What’s the solution? Should the standard just say “oh, if you elide all copies, you don’t need those constructors”? Maybe, but then all this language about constructing temporaries is really a lie and building an intuition about the object model becomes even harder.


C++17 takes a different approach. Instead of guaranteeing that copies will be elided in these cases, it changes the rules such that the copies were never there in the first place. This is achieved through redefining when temporaries are created.

As noted in the value category descriptions earlier, prvalues exist for purposes of initialization. C++11 creates temporaries eagerly, eventually using them in an initialization and cleaning up copies after the fact. In C++17, the materialization of temporaries is deferred until the initialization is performed.

That’s a better name for this feature. Not guaranteed copy elision. Deferred temporary materialization.

Temporary materialization creates a temporary object from a prvalue, resulting in an xvalue. The most common places it occurs are when binding a reference to or performing member access on a prvalue. If a reference is bound to the prvalue, the materialized temporary’s lifetime is extended to that of the reference (this is unchanged from C++11, but worth repeating). If a prvalue initializes a class type of the same type as the prvalue, then the destination object is initialized directly; no temporary required.

Some examples:

struct foo {
    int i;

foo make();
auto& a = make();  //temporary materialized and lifetime-extended
auto&& b = make(); //ditto

foo{}.i //temporary materialized

auto c = make(); //no temporary materialized

That covers the most important points of the new rules. Now on to why this is actually useful past terminology bikeshedding and trivia to impress your friends.

Who cares?

I said at the start that understanding the new rules would grant a deeper understanding of the C++17 object model. I’d like to expand on that a bit.

The key point is that in C++11, prvalues are not “pure” in a sense. That is, the expression std::string{"a pony"} names some temporary std::string object with the contents "a pony". It’s not the pure notion of the list of characters “a pony”. It’s not the Platonic ideal of “a pony”.

In C++17, however, std::string{"a pony"} is the Platonic ideal of “a pony”. It’s not a real object in C++’s object model, it’s some elusive, amorphous idea which can be passed around your program, only being given form when initializing some result object, or materializing a temporary. C++17’s prvalues are purer prvalues.

If this all sounds a bit abstract, that’s okay, but internalising this idea will make it easier to reason about aspects of your program. Consider a simple example:

struct foo {};
auto x = foo{};

In the C++11 model, the prvalue foo{} creates a temporary which is used to move-construct x, but the move is likely elided by the compiler.

In the C++17 model, the prvalue foo{} initializes x.

A more complex example:

std::string a() {
    return "a pony";

std::string b() {
    return a();

int main() {
    auto x = b();

In the C++11 model, return "a pony"; initializes the temporary return object of a(), which move-constructs the temporary return object of b(), which move-constructs x. All the moves are likely elided by the compiler.

In the C++17 model, return "a pony"; initializes the result object of a(), which is the result object of b(), which is x.

In essence, rather than an initializer creating a series of temporaries which in theory move-construct a chain of return objects, the initializer is teleported to the eventual result object. In C++17, the code:

T a() { return /* expression */ ; }
auto x = a();

is identical to auto x = /* expression */;. For any T.


The “guaranteed copy elision” rules do not guarantee copy elision; instead they purify prvalues such that the copy doesn’t exist in the first place. Next time you hear or read about “guaranteed copy elision”, think instead about deferred temporary materialization.

Impact of group size and practice on manual performance

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

How performance varies with group size is an interesting question that is still an unresearched area of software engineering. The impact of learning is also an interesting question and there has been some software engineering research in this area.

I recently read a very interesting study involving both group size and learning, and Jaakko Peltokorpi kindly sent me a copy of the data.

That is the good news; the not so good news is that the experiment was not about software engineering, but the manual assembly of a contraption of the experimenters devising. Still, this experiment is an example of the impact of group size and learning (through repeating the task).

Subjects worked in groups of one to four people and repeated the task four times. Time taken to assemble a bespoke, floor standing rack with some odd-looking connections between components (the image in the paper shows an image of something that might function as a floor standing book-case, if shelves were added, apart from some component connections getting in the way) was measured.

The following equation is a very good fit to the data (code+data). There is theory explaining why log(repetitions) applies, but the division by group-size was found by suck-it-and-see (in another post I found that time spent planning increased with teams size).

There is a strong repetition/group-size interaction. As the group size increases, repetition has less of an impact on improving performance.

time = 0.16+ 0.53/{group size} - log(repetitions)*[0.1 + {0.22}/{group size}]

The following plot shows one way of looking at the data (larger groups take less time, but the difference declines with practice):

Time taken (hours) for various group sizes, by repetition.

and here is another (a group of two is not twice as fast as a group of one; with practice smaller groups are converging on the performance of larger groups):

Time taken (hours) for various repetitions, by group size.

Would the same kind of equation fit the results from solving a software engineering task? Hopefully somebody will run an experiment to find out :-)

Poor performance in Chrome (especially on mobile) – caused by SVG background images

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam&#039;s Blog

I have spent the last few hours investigating abysmal performance in my latest little game project Cross The Road. Firefox was fine, but Chromium and Chrome, especially on mobile, was rendering at about three frames per second.

When I stopped using SVGs as background-images for my elements, and used PNGs instead, it improved to about 20-30 FPS.

It seems fine to use SVGs as normal images, but for background-image, it really hurt performance.

nor(DEV):con 2019 schedule live now!

Paul Grenyer from Paul Grenyer

nor(DEV):con 2019
Thursday 21st to Saturday 23rd of February 2019
The Kings Centre, Norwich, NR1 1PH

Friday opening keynote: The Failure of Focus
Liz Keogh

We know that in our landscape of people and technology, aiming for a particular outcome doesn’t always lead to us getting what we want. Sometimes the best results come from approaching a problem obliquely. But in Agile our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through the early and continuous delivery of valuable software. We like to start with the outcome, meet the needs of our users, delivering high-quality working software with happy teams and true agility… but how might that focus be holding us back, and what are the alternatives?

In this talk we look at some different strategies for approaching complex ecosystems, starting from where we are right now, and allowing innovation to emerge through obliquity, naivety, and serendipity.

Friday closing keynote: Software doesn't always work out. 
Kevlin Henney

Looking at the number of software failure screens in public places, it can sometimes seem that software developers are the greatest producers of installation art around the planet. Software failures can be entertaining or disastrous. They can also be instructive — there's a lot we can learn.

Saturday keynote: Plain Wrong?
Heydon Pickering

I love writing JavaScript. The trouble is, so does everyone else. When people aren’t writing JavaScript, they’re usually writing frameworks for writing JavaScript in JavaScript. In fact, most of the JavaScript that’s around these days seems to either be written for, or within, a JavaScript flavor like React, Vue, or Angular. Frameworks make writing your own code faster and more ergonomic, but they do not come without problems. Code written with Framework A depends on the environment Framework A provides in order to work — and this dependency often represents a lot of code to transmit, decompress, parse, and compile. What about ‘plain’ JavaScript? Is it always naïve to think anything worthwhile can still be achieved just writing some straight-up code? It turns out this is a tricky question to answer, because the line between plain and flavored JavaScript is kind of blurry. It’s also not clear who should be the ones to get to write JavaScript, for what reasons, or when. But there’s no doubt the little we do as web developers is often done with much more than we 

See the full schedule here:

Archimedean View – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

Last time we took a look at how we could define copulas to represent the dependency between random variables by summing the results of a generator function φ applied to the results of their cumulative distribution functions, or CDFs, and then applying the inverse of that function φ-1 to that sum.
These are known as Archimedean copulas and are valid whenever φ is strictly decreasing over the interval [0,1], equal to zero when its argument equals one and have nth derivatives that are non-negative over that interval when n is even and non-positive when it is odd, for n up to the number of random variables.
Whilst such copulas are relatively easy to implement we saw that their densities are a rather trickier job, in contrast to Gaussian copulas where the reverse is true. In this post we shall see how to draw random vectors from Archimedean copulas which is also much more difficult than doing so from Gaussian copulas.

Overthinking is not Overengineering

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

As the pendulum swings ever closer towards being leaner and focusing on simplicity I grow more concerned about how this is beginning to affect software architecture. By breaking our work down into ever smaller chunks and then focusing on delivering the next most valuable thing, how much of what is further down the pipeline is being factored into the design decisions we make today?

Wasteful Thinking

Part of the ideas around being leaner is an attempt to reduce waste caused by speculative requirements which has led many a project in the past into a state of “analysis paralysis” where they can’t decide what to build because the goalposts keep moving. By focusing on delivering something simpler much sooner we begin to receive some return on our investment earlier and also shape the future based on practical feedback from today, rather than trying to guess what we need.

When we’re building those simpler features that sit nicely upon our existing foundations we have much less need to worry about the cost of rework from getting it wrong as it’s unlikely to be expensive. But as we move from independent features to those which are based around, say, a new “concept” or “pillar” we should spend a little more time looking further down the backlog to see how any design choices we make might play out later.

Thinking to Excess

The term “overthinking” implies that we are doing more thinking than is actually necessary; trying to fit everyone’s requirements in and getting bogged down in analysis is definitely an undesirable outcome of spending too much time thinking about a problem. As a consequence we are starting to think less and less up-front about the problems we solve to try and ensure that we only solve the problem we actually have and not the problems we think we’ll have in the future. Solving those problems that we are only speculating about can lead to overengineering if they never manage to materialise or could have been solved more simply when the facts where eventually known.

But how much thinking is “overthinking”? If I have a feature to develop and only spend as much effort thinking as I need to solve that problem then, by definition, any more thinking than that is “overthinking it”. But not thinking about the wider picture is exactly what leads to the kinds of architecture & design problems that begin to hamper us later in the product’s lifetime, and later on might not be measured in years but even in days or weeks if we are looking to build a set of related features that all sit on top of a new concept or pillar.

The Horizon

Hence, it feels to me that some amount of overthinking is necessary to ensure that we don’t prematurely pessimise our solution and paint ourselves into a corner. We should factor work further down the backlog into our thoughts to help us see the bigger picture and work out how we can shape our decisions today to ensure it biases our thinking towards our anticipated future rather than an arbitrary one.

Acting on our impulses prematurely can lead to overengineering if we implement what’s in our thoughts without having a fairly solid backlog to draw on, and overengineering is wasteful. In contrast a small amount of overthinking – thought experiments – are relatively cheap and can go towards helping to maintain the integrity of the system’s architecture.

One has to be careful quoting old adages like “a stich in time saves nine” or “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” because they can send the wrong message and lead us back to where we were before – stuck in The Analysis Phase [1]. That said I want us to avoid “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” and forget exactly how much thinking is required to achieve sustained delivery in the longer term.


[1] The one phrase I always want to mean this is “think globally, act locally” because it sounds like it promotes big picture thinking while only implementing what we need today, but that’s probably stretching it too far.

Coding guidelines should specify what constructs can be used

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

There is a widespread belief that an important component of creating reliable software includes specifying coding constructs that should not be used, i.e., coding guidelines. Given that the number of possible coding constructs is greater than the number of atoms in the universe, this approach is hopelessly impractical.

A more practical approach is to specify the small set of constructs that developers that can only be used. Want a for-loop, then pick one from the top-10 most frequently occurring looping constructs (found by measuring existing usage); the top-10 covers 70% of existing C usage, the top-5 55%.

Specifying the set of coding constructs that can be used, removes the need for developers to learn lots of stuff that hardly ever gets used, allowing them to focus on learning a basic set of techniques. A small set of constructs significantly simplifies the task of automatically checking code for problems; many of the problems currently encountered will not occur; many edge cases disappear.

Developer coding mistakes have two root causes:

  • what was written is not what was intended. A common example is the conditional in the if-statement: if (x = y), where the developer intended to write if (x == y). This kind of coding typo is the kind of construct flagged by static analysis tools as suspicious.

    People make mistakes, and developers will continue to make this kind of typographical mistake in whatever language is used,

  • what was written does not have the behavior that the developer believes it has, i.e., there is a fault in the developers understanding of the language semantics.

    Incorrect beliefs, about a language, can be reduced by reducing the amount of language knowledge developers need to remember.

Developer mistakes are also caused by misunderstandings of the requirements, but this is not language specific.

Why do people invest so much effort on guidelines specifying what constructs not to use (these discussions essentially have the form of literary criticism)? Reasons include:

  • providing a way for developers to be part of the conversation, through telling others about their personal experiences,
  • tool vendors want a regular revenue stream, and product updates flagging uses of even more constructs (that developers could misunderstand or might find confusing; something that could be claimed for any language construct) is a way of extracting more money from existing customers,
  • it avoids discussing the elephant in the room. Many developers see themselves as creative artists, and as such are entitled to write whatever they think necessary. Developers don’t seem to be affronted by the suggestion that their artistic pretensions and entitlements be curtailed, probably because they don’t take the idea seriously.

Emerging talent at the DevelopHER Awards 2018!

Paul Grenyer from Paul Grenyer

A couple of weeks ago I was honoured to be asked to judge and present the overall winner of the DevelopHER Awards 2018. There are a number of categories in the awards, including TechStar which I also judged, and the overall winner is chosen from the winners of the other categories.

I believe that the best developers start writing code at an early age and continue throughout their lives and on through their careers. As well as learning all they can, all the time, they give back to community around them and help other people develop as well.

Federica Freddi, who also won the Emerging Talent award, is clearly passionate about software development and is fully deserving of the DevelopHER award and I couldn’t have been more delighted to be able to present her with it on the night.

Federica told me "It is fantastic to see so many women recognised for their contribution to our industry. It is a huge honour for me to be able to represent so many talented people that are making the difference in tech. As an Emerging Talent, I still have a long way ahead and I don’t know what awaits for me in the future, however I am sure I will never forget to stop along the way to give back to people and help the next generations of tech stars to grow too."

I am hoping we’ll see Federica back in Norwich very soon.

I wrote a book

Frances Buontempo from BuontempoConsulting

I've written a book pulling together some of my previous talks showing how to code your way out of a paper bag using a variety of machine learning techniques and models, including genetic algorithms.
It's on pre-order at Amazon and you can download free excerpts from the publishers website.

The sales figures show I've sold over 1,000 copies already. I'm going through the copy edits at the moment. I can't wait to see the actual paper book.

Thank you to everyone at ACCU who helped and encouraged me while I wrote this.

I will be giving some talks at conferences and hopefully some meetups based on ideas in some of the chapters in 2019.

Watch this space.