Month: January 2016

  • The Perils of debugging with return statements in languages without semi-colon statement terminators, i.e. Swift

    This is a pretty obvious post but perhaps writing it will stop me falling prey to this issue. When I’m debugging and I know that some code executed in a function is not to blame but is noisy in terms of what it causes to happen etc. I’ll often just pr…

  • The Perils of debugging with return statements in languages without semi-colon statement terminators, i.e. Swift

    This is a pretty obvious post but perhaps writing it will stop me falling prey to this issue. When I’m debugging and I know that some code executed in a function is not to blame but is noisy in terms of what it causes to happen etc. I’ll often just pr…

  • OAuth authentication on tvOS

    Recently I’ve just published an Apple TV (tvOS) App to view photos stored on Microsoft OneDrive. Implementing this on tvOS rather than iOS presented one unique challenge. The OneDrive REST API requires OAuth2 authentication in order to o…

  • OAuth authentication on tvOS

    Recently I’ve just published an Apple TV (tvOS) App to view photos stored on Microsoft OneDrive. Implementing this on tvOS rather than iOS presented one unique challenge. The OneDrive REST API requires OAuth2 authentication in order to o…

  • What’s new in Java 8

    Java 8 makes some functional programming ideas available to the rest of us, using Lambda, function references and a streaming style (map, filter, replace etc.): Slides: What’s new in Java 8

  • Which Raspberry Pi photo was funniest?

    We had a great day at the Egham Raspberry Pi Jam, and Rabbit Escape and our Photo Booth: seemed to go down well: But which photo was funniest? Here are some of the entries (I had to choose kids’ ones without faces to go on here, but there were some o…

  • Raspberry Pi Funniest Photo Game

    For our latest Egham Raspberry Pi Jam, we worked on a photo booth program, using the Raspberry Pi camera. Here’s how we did it. Downloads: funniest-photo-game.odp, Update 1: fixed a bug where it tried to create a directory that already…

  • Snake in Elm

    Snake Series: Groovy, Ruby, BASIC, Dart, Elm, Python3+Qt5 Elm Series: Snake in Elm, Elm makes me happy, Elm Basics, Elm Unit Test, Elm JSON I’m writing the game Snake in lots of programming languages, for fun, and to try out new languages. Elm brings t…

  • Out-of-school education settings

    Here is the comment I sent to the Government consultation on out-of-school education settings. Feel free to re-use, modify, distribute as you like. I am writing to express my opposition to the government’s plans to regulate the content of out-of-school…