Category: development process
Using CoPilot-Like Tools is Not Pairing
Ever since the rise of LLM based tools like ChatGPT and CoPilot there have been quips made about how great it makes as a pairing partner. The joke is because these tools are passive and won’t trash your code, or disagree with your approach, or smell of…
Unpacking Code Ownership
This post was prompted by a document I read which was presented as a development guide. While the rest of it was about style, the section that particularly piqued my interest was one involving code ownership. For those of us who’ve been around the bloc…
Unpacking Code Ownership
This post was prompted by a document I read which was presented as a development guide. While the rest of it was about style, the section that particularly piqued my interest was one involving code ownership. For those of us who’ve been around the bloc…
Planning is Inevitable
Like most programmers I’ve generally tried to steer well clear of getting involved in management duties. The trouble is that as you get older I think this becomes harder and harder to avoid. Once you get the mechanics of programming under control you m…
Planning is Inevitable
Like most programmers I’ve generally tried to steer well clear of getting involved in management duties. The trouble is that as you get older I think this becomes harder and harder to avoid. Once you get the mechanics of programming under control you m…
Cargo Culting GitFlow
A few years back I got to spend a couple of weeks consulting at a small company involved in the production of smart cards. My team had been brought in by the company’s management to cast our critical eye over their software development process and prov…
Cargo Culting GitFlow
A few years back I got to spend a couple of weeks consulting at a small company involved in the production of smart cards. My team had been brought in by the company’s management to cast our critical eye over their software development process and prov…
Git is Not the Problem
Git comes in for a lot of stick for being a complicated tool that’s hard to learn, and they’re right, git is a complicated tool. But it’s a tool designed to solve a difficult problem – many disparate people collaborating on a single product in a totall…
Git is Not the Problem
Git comes in for a lot of stick for being a complicated tool that’s hard to learn, and they’re right, git is a complicated tool. But it’s a tool designed to solve a difficult problem – many disparate people collaborating on a single product in a totall…
Validate in Production
The change was reasonably simple: we had to denormalise some postcode data which was currently held in a centralised relational database into some new fields in every client’s database to remove some cross-database joins that would be unsupported on th…
Validate in Production
The change was reasonably simple: we had to denormalise some postcode data which was currently held in a centralised relational database into some new fields in every client’s database to remove some cross-database joins that would be unsupported on th…