Category: history
The 2024 update to my desktop system
I have just upgraded my desktop system. As you can see from the picture below, it is a bespoke system; the third system built using the same chassis. The 11 drive bays on the right are configured for six 5.25-inch and five 3.5-inch disks/CD/DVD/tape drives, there is a drive cage that fits above the power […]
A new NASA software dataset from the 1970s
When modeling the process of software development, to optimise the creation of new projects, the best measurement data to use are those relating to whatever developers are doing today. Unfortunately, measurement data for software engineering processes is very hard to find; few development groups record anything about what they do, and even when they do […]
Fast Hardware Hides Many Sins
Way back at the beginning of my professional programming career I worked for a small software house that wrote graphics software. Although it had a desktop publisher and line-art based graphics package in its suite it didn’t have a bitmap editor and so…
Fast Hardware Hides Many Sins
Way back at the beginning of my professional programming career I worked for a small software house that wrote graphics software. Although it had a desktop publisher and line-art based graphics package in its suite it didn’t have a bitmap editor and so…