Category: LOC

  • Putnam’s software equation debunked

    The implementation of a project has a lifecycle that starts and finishes with zero people working on it. Between starting and finishing, the number of staff quickly grows to a peak before slowly declining. In a series of very hard to obtain papers during the early 1960s (chapter 5), Peter Norden created a large project […]

  • Modeling program LOC growth with recurrence equations

    Models predicting the growth, in lines of code, of a program are based on the assumption that future growth follows the same pattern of behavior as past growth. One such model is the recurrence relation: , where: is LOC at time , is the LOC carried over from release , and is the LOC added […]

  • Distribution of program sizes

    Program size, in lines of code (LOC), used to be a topic of conversation among developers and managers. Program size is an issue when computer memory is measured in kilobytes. Large programs would be organized into overlays such that only small subsets needed to be held in memory at any time, i.e., programmer defined memory […]