Month: November 2015

  • Using GitHub and GitLab

    Taking all the Git understanding we’ve developed through the series on Git and applying it to how to work on and contribute to projects on GitHub and similar systems like GitLab:

  • Writing: Bug hunting (part 1)

    The latest C Vu magazine has hit respectable doormats the world over. It contains my latest column, entitled “Bug Hunting”. You’ll never guess what it’s about.

  • Writing: Bug hunting (part 1)

    The latest C Vu magazine has hit respectable doormats the world over. It contains my latest column, entitled “Bug Hunting”. You’ll never guess what it’s about.

  • Speaking: Juce Summit

    I’m giving a “guest talk” at the Juce Summit on the 19th November. Juce is a great C++ framework that’s particularly well suited to audio application development. I’ll be giving a specially crafted version of one of my favourite talks – this time call…

  • Speaking: Juce Summit

    I’m giving a “guest talk” at the Juce Summit on the 19th November. Juce is a great C++ framework that’s particularly well suited to audio application development. I’ll be giving a specially crafted version of one of my favourite talks – this time call…

  • Avoiding postfix error “status=deferred (unable to look up host”

    My emails wouldn’t send when I was working from home, giving me this message in /var/log/mail.log: Nov 11 12:38:16 machinename postfix/smtp[20672]: CF5D6D41CE2: to=, relay=none, delay=14416, delays=14416/0.01/0.07/0, dsn=4.3.5, status=deferred (Host or…