In vivo, in vitro, in silico

Frances Buontempo from BuontempoConsulting

In vivo, in vitro, in silico

Some people get unit testing and some people don't. The reasons vary, usually based on a mixture of previous experience, lack of experience, fear of the unknown or joy at a safer quicker way of developing. One specific doubt crops up from time to time. It comes in the form of "If I test small bits, i.e. units, whatever *that* means, it proves nothing. I need to test the whole thing or small parts of the whole thing live."

My PhD was in toxicity prediction, which involves testing if something will be toxic or not. You can test a chemical "in vivo" - administer it to a several animals in varying doses. You sit back and wait til half of them die, or show toxicity symptoms and record the doses. This gives you the Lx50 - for example the LD50 is the lethal dose that kills 50% of the animals.  Notice I said you can do this. You can also test the chemical on a set of cells in a test tube or petri dish - "in vitro" (in glass). Again you can find the dose which affects 50% of the specimens. I personally find this less upsetting, but I want to focus on parallels with testing code here. Finally, given all this data the previous tests have generated, you can analyse the data, probably on a computer, perhaps finding chemical structure to activity relationships - SAR, or quantitative SARS i.e. QSARs. These are referred to as "in silico" - for obvious reasons. Some in silico experiments will just find clusters of similar chemical, which can either alert you to groups that might need more detailed toxicity testing, or even guide drug discovery by steering clear of molecules, say containing benzene rings which can be carcinogenic, saving time and money if you are trying to invent a drug that cures cancer. The value of testing on a computer outside a live organism should be clear. It can save time, money and even lives.

If we keep this in mind while considering testing a software system, rather than a biological system, we should be able to see some parallels. It is possible to test a live system - maybe on beta rather than "TIP" (Test in production). This can be a good thing. However, it might save time and money, and though maybe not lives, certainly headaches, to test parts of the live system in a sandboxed environment, analogous to in vitro. Running an end to end test against a test database instance with data in a specific state might count. Pushing the analogy further, you could even test small parts of the system, say units, whatever they are, in silico. Just try this small part away from the live system in a computer. This is worthwhile. It will be quicker, as toxicity in silico experiments are quicker - they tend to take hours rather than days. This is a good thing. Of course, you won't know exactly what will happen in a full live system, but you can catch problems earlier, before killing something. This is a Good Thing.

Other industries also test things in units - I could put together a car or a computer hit the on switch and see if it works.  However, I am given to believe that the components are tested thoroughly *before* the full system is built. If I build a PC and it doesn't work I will then have to go through one part at a time and check. If someone tests the parts first, this will ensure I haven't put a dodgy power block in the whole thing. Testing small parts, preferably before testing the whole system, is a Good Thing.

I don't believe this short observation will change anyone's minds. But I hope it will give pause for thought to those who think only testing from end to end matters, and testing "in silico" is a waste of time.

Event-Sourced Domain Models in Python at PyCon UK

Rob Smallshire from Good With Computers

At PyCon UK 2015 I led a very well attended workshop with the goal of introducing Python developers to the tried-and-tested techniques and patterns of Domain Driven Design (DDD), in particular when used as part of an event-sourced architecture.

The two-and-a-half hour workshop was comprised of excerpts from our training course DDD Patterns in Python. Although the workshop material was heavily edited and compressed from the course – I'm confident that the majority of attendees grasped the main principles.

Several attendees have since asked for the introductory slides, which preceded the exercises. Here they are:

Sixty North training materials are for individual use. For training in a commercial setting please contact us to book a training course or obtain a license for the materials.

Read Maven Surefire Test Result files using Perl

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

When you want something quick and dirty it doesn't get dirtier, or quicker, than Perl.

We have four thousand tests and they are taking way too long. To discover why we need to sort the tests by how long they take to run and see if a pattern emerges. The test runtimes are written to the target/surefire-reports directory. Each file is named for the class of the test file and contains information in the following format:

Test set: com.mycorp.MyTest
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.03 sec

#! /usr/bin/perl -wall

my %tests;
open(RESULTS, "grep 'Tests run' target/surefire-reports/*.txt|");
while () {
s/Tests run:.+Time elapsed://;
s/ sec//;
$tests{$1} = $2;

my $cumulative = 0.0;
foreach my $key (sort {$tests{$a} <=> $tests{$b}} keys %tests) {
$cumulative += $tests{$key};
($cumulative/60)%60, $cumulative%60,
($tests{$key}/60)%60, $tests{$key}%60,

The resultant CSV can be viewed using a google chart:

A slight enhancement on Developing tvOS Apps with Swift

Pete Barber from C#, C++, Windows &amp; other ramblings

Apple announced tvOS yesterday. Downloading Xcode 7.1 Beta comes with the SDK and simulator for tvOS apps. The official documentation starts to run through how to create a basic app but is doesn't mention where to place and load the JS from and the same for the TVML.

Fortunately and vert quickly Jamerson Quave put together a tutorial.

I followed the Apple docs but checked Jameson's tutorial to verify the missing declaration of

var appController: TVApplicationController?

from AppDelegate and also for the JS and then TVML loading. I don't understand and the docs don't seem to see where the JS & TVML should be loaded from. They seem to suggest it should be remote, i.e. not part of the App Bundle but I don't know why. Anyhow I thought I'd see if I could.

The following assumes you've got to the end of Jameson's tutorial.

Loading the JS file; that then loads the TVML is easy. Add main.js to your application and change the lines within application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in AppDelegate.swift from:

let jsFilePath = NSURL(string: "http://localhost:8000/main.js") let javascriptURL = jsFilePath! appControllerContext.javaScriptApplicationURL = javascriptURL!


guard let jsUrl = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("main", withExtension: "js") else
    return false

This just loads the Javascript file (main.js) from the bundle instead. It's not a great improvement but it removes one dependency on the local web server.

I then tried to add hello.tvml to the bundler and modify main.js to create the fetched (via XmlHttpRequest). Unfortunately I couldn't create the Document in the JS. It seems that the normally (I've not done JS in a long time so what do I know) available document object isn't available to more documents and/or elements can't be created.

An attempt to create one, i.e.

var otherDoc = Document()


015-09-10 21:53:50.213 tv1[55699:1483712] ITML <Error>: Document is not a function. (In 'Document()', 'Document' is an instance of IKDOMDocumentConstructor) - file:///Users/pete/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/C2E7E5BD-1823-48BF-89E9-D3A499EE778A/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/F9C514E1-1A95-46A8-83D1-1BC96BC9A220/ - line:18:25

The objects mentioned in the TVJS documentation don't seem to be able to create one either.

Anyway, hopefully another small step. Full source on github.

A good be being dumb here and another look at the docs & samples suggests that writing apps. via JS is just one way and that a more iOS like app. can be written. Perhaps this is similar to Windows Metro that had both a JS and .Net (C#) version of WinRT; & C++ for completion.

Tomcat7 User Config

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

Wouldn't it be nice if tomcat came with the following, commented out, in /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml ?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="manager-gui" />
<role rolename="manager-status" />
<role rolename="manager-script" />
<role rolename="manager-jmx" />

<role rolename="admin-gui" />
<role rolename="admin-script" />

roles="manager-gui, manager-status, manager-script, manager-jmx, admin-gui, admin-script"/>
