Weekend Maintenance as Chaos Engineering

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

I was working on a new system – a grid based calculation engine for an investment bank – and I was beginning to read about some crazy ideas by Netflix around how they would kill off actual production servers to test their resilience to failure. I really liked this idea as it had that “put your money where your mouth is” feel to it and I felt we were designing a system that should cope with this kind of failure, and if it didn’t, then we had learned something and needed to fix it.

Failure is Expected

We had already had a few minor incidents during its early operation caused by dodgy data flowing down from upstream systems and had tackled that by temporarily remediating the data to get the system working but then immediately fixed the code so that the same kind of problem would not cause an issue in future. The project manager, who had also worked on a sister legacy system to one I’d worked on before, had made it clear from the start that he didn’t want another “support nightmare” like we’d both seen before [1] and pushed the “self-healing” angle which was a joy to hear. Consequently reliability was always foremost in our minds.

Once the system went live and the business began to rely on it the idea of randomly killing off services and servers in production was a hard prospect to sell. While the project manager had fought to help us get a UAT environment that almost brought us parity with production and was okay with us using that for testing the system’s reliability he was less happy about going to whole hog and adopting the Netflix approach. (The organisation was already very reserved and despite our impeccable record some other teams had some nasty failures that caused the organisation to become more risk adverse rather than address then root problems.)

Planned Disruption is Good!

Some months after we had gone live I drew the short straw and was involved with a large-scale DR test. We were already running active/active by making use of the DR facilities during the day and rotated the database cluster nodes every weekend [2] to avoid a node getting stale, hence we had a high degree of confidence that we would cope admirably with the test. Unfortunately there was a problem with one of the bank’s main trade systems such that it wouldn’t start after failover to DR that we never really got to do a full test and show that it was a no-brainer for us.

While the day was largely wasted for me as I sat around waiting for our turn it did give me time to think a bit more about how we would show that the system was working correctly and also when the DR test was finished and failed back over again that it had recovered properly. At that point I realised we didn’t need to implement any form of Chaos Engineering ourselves as the Infrastructure team were already providing it, every weekend!

It’s common for large enterprises to only perform emergency maintenance during the week and then make much more disruptive changes at the weekend, e.g. tearing parts of the network up, patching and rebooting servers, etc. At that time it was common for support teams to shut systems down and carefully bring them back up after the maintenance window to ensure they were operating correctly when the eastern markets opened late Sunday evening [3]. This was the perfect opportunity to do the complete opposite – drive the system hard over the weekend and see what state it was after the maintenance had finished – if it wasn’t still operating normally we’d missed some failure modes.

An Aria of Canaries

We were already pushing through a simple canary request every few minutes which allowed us to spot when things had unusually gone south but we wanted something heavier that might drive out subtler problems so we started pushing through heavy loads during the weekend too and then looked at what state they were in at the end of the weekend. These loads always had a lower priority than any real work so we could happily leave them to finish in the background rather than need to kill them off before the working week started. (This is a nice example of using the existing features of the system to avoid it disrupting the normal workload.)

This proved to be a fruitful idea as it unearthed a couple of places where the system wasn’t quite as reliable as we’d thought. For example we were leaking temporary files when the network was glitching and the calculation was restarted. Also the load pushed the app servers over the edge memory-wise and highlighted a bug in the nanny process when the machine was short of memory. There was also a bug in some exponential back-off code that backed off a little too far as it never expected an outage to last most of the weekend :o).

Order From Chaos

When they finally scheduled a repeat DR test some months later after supposedly ironing out the wrinkles with their key trade capture systems our test was a doddle as it just carried on after being brought back to life in the DR environment and similarly after reverting back to PROD it just picked up where it had left off and retried those jobs that had failed when the switchover started. Rather than shying away from the weekend disruption we had used it to our advantage to help improve its reliability.


[1] Eventually the team spends so much time fire-fighting there is no time left to actually fix the system and it turns into an endless soul-destroying job.

[2] Rotating the database cluster primary causes the database to work with an empty cache which is a great way to discover how much your common queries rely on heavily cached data. In one instance a 45-second reporting query took over 15 minutes when faced with no cached pages!

[3] See Arbitrary Cache Timeouts for an example where constant rebooting masked a bug.

Arbitrary Cache Timeouts

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

Like many other programmers I’ve probably added my fair share of caches to systems over the years, and as we know from the old joke, one of the two hardest problems in computer science is knowing when to invalidate them. It’s a hard question, to be sure, but a really annoying behaviour you can run into as a maintainer is when the invalidation appears to be done arbitrarily, usually by specifying some timeout seemingly plucked out of thin air and maybe even changed equally arbitrarily. (It may not be, but documenting such decisions is usually way down the list of important things to do.)


If there is a need for a cache in production, and let’s face it that’s the usual driver, then any automatic invalidation is likely to be based on doing it as infrequently as possible to ensure the highest hit ratio. The problem is that that value can often be hard-coded and mask cache invalidation bugs because it rarely kicks in. The knee-jerk reaction to “things behaving weirdly” in production is to switch everything off-and-on again thereby implicitly invalidating any caches, but this doesn’t help us find those bugs.

The most recent impetus for this post was just such a bug which surfaced because the cache invalidation logic never ran in practice. The cache timeout was set arbitrarily large, which seemed odd, but I eventually discovered it was supposed to be irrelevant because the service hosting it should have been rebooted at midnight every day! Due to the password for the account used to run the reboot task expiring it never happened and the invalidated items then got upset when they were requested again. Instead of simply fetching the item from the upstream source and caching it again, the cache had some remnants of the stale items and failed the request instead. Being an infrequent code path it didn’t obviously ring any bells so took longer to diagnose.

Design for Testability

While it’s useful to avoid throwing away data unnecessarily in production we know that the live environment rarely needs the most flexibility when it comes to configuration (see “Testing Drives the Need for Flexible Configuration”). On the contrary, I’d expect to have any cache being cycled reasonably quickly in a test environment to try and flush out any issues as I’d expect more side-effects from cache misses than hits.

If you are writing any automated tests around the caching behaviour that is often a good time to consider the other non-functional requirements, such as monitoring and support. For example, does the service or tool hosting the cache expose some means to flush it manually? While rebooting a service may do the trick it does nothing to help you track down issues around residual state and often ends up wreaking havoc with any connected clients if they’re not written with a proper distributed system mindset.

Another scenario to consider is if the cache gets poisoned; if there is no easy way to eject the bad data you’re looking at the sledgehammer approach again. If your cache is HA (highly available) and backed by some persistent storage getting bad data out could be a real challenge when you’re under the cosh. One system I worked on had random caches poisoned with bad data due to a threading serialization bug in an external library.


The monitoring side is probably equally important. If you generate no instrumentation data how do you know if your cache is even having the desired effect? One team I was on added a new cache to a service and we were bewildered to discover that it was never used. It turned out the WCF service settings were configured to create a new service instance for every request and therefore a new cache was created every time! This was despite the fact that we had unit tests for the cache and they were happily passing [1].

It’s also important to realise that a cache without an eviction policy is just another name for a memory leak. You cannot keep caching data forever unless you know there is a hard upper bound. Hence you’re going to need to use the instrumentation data to help find the sweet spot that gives you the right balance between time and space.

We also shouldn’t blindly assume that caches will continue to provide the same performance in future as they do now; our metrics will allow us to see any change in trends over time which might highlight a change in data that’s causing it to be less efficient. For example one cache I saw would see its efficiency plummet for a while because a large bunch of single use items got requested, cached, and then discarded as the common data got requested again. Once identified we disabled caching for those kinds of items, not so much for the performance benefit but to avoid blurring the monitoring data with unnecessary “glitches” [2].


[1] See “Man Cannot Live by Unit Testing Alone” for other tales of the perils of that mindset.

[2] This is a topic I covered more extensively in my Overload article “Monitoring: Turning Noise Into Signal”.

Abstraction with Database Views

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

After being away from the relational database world for a few years it’s been interesting coming back and working on a mature system with plenty of SQL code. It’s been said that SQL is the assembly language of databases and when SQL code is written only using its primitives (types and tables) it’s easy to see why.

Way back in 2011 I wrote “The Public Interface of a Database” which was a distillation of my thoughts at the time about what I felt was generally wrong with much of the database code I saw. One aspect in particular which I felt was sorely underutilised was the use of views to build a logical model over the top of the physical model to allow a more emergent design to unfold. This post documents some of the ways I’ve found views to be beneficial in supporting a more agile approach to database design.

Views for Code Reuse

The first thing that struck me about the recent SQL code I saw was how much there was of it. Most queries were pretty verbose and as a consequence you had to work hard to comprehend what was going on. Just as you see the same tired examples around Orders => OrderItems => Products so the code had a similar set of 3 table joins over and over again as they formed the basis for so many queries.

One of the primary uses for database views is as a code reuse mechanism. Instead of copy-and-pasting the same bunch of joins everywhere:

FROM Orders o
INNER JOIN OrderItems oi
ON o.Id = oi.OrderId 
INNER JOIN Products p
ON oi.ProductId = p.Id

we could simply say:

FROM OrdersOrderItemsProducts

This one simplification reduces a lot of complexity and means that wherever we see that name we instantly recognise it without mentally working through the joins in our head. Views are composable too meaning that we can implement one view in terms of another rather than starting from scratch every time.


However, if the name OrdersOrderItemsProducts makes you wince then I don’t blame you because it’s jarring due to its length and unnaturalness. It’s a classic attempt at naming based on how it’s implemented rather than what it means.

I suspect a difficulty in naming views is part of the reason for their lack of use in some cases. For our classic example above I would probably go with OrderedProducts or ProductsOrdered. The latter is probably preferable as the point of focus is the Products “set” with the use of Orders being a means to qualify which products we’re interested in, like “users online”. Of course one could just easily say “unread messages” and therefore we quickly remember why naming is one of the two hardest problems in computer science.

Either way it’s important that we do spend the time required to name our views appropriately as they become the foundation on which we base many of our other queries.

Views for Encapsulation

Using views as a code reuse mechanism is definitely highly beneficial but where I think they start to provide more value are as a mechanism for revealing new, derived sets of data. The name ProductsOrdered is not radically different from the more long-winded OrdersOrderItemsProducts and therefore it still heavily reflects the physical relationship of the underlying tables.

Now imagine a cinema ticketing system where you have two core relationships: Venue => Screen => SeatingPlan and Film => Screening => Ticket => Seat. By navigating these two relationships it is possible to determine the occupancy of the venue, screen, showing, etc. and yet the term Occupancy says nothing about how that is achieved. In essence we have revealed a new abstraction (Occupancy) which can be independently queried and therefore elevates our thinking to a higher plane instead of getting bogged down in the lengthy chain of joins across a variety of base tables.

Views for Addressing Uncertainty

We can also turn this thinking upside down, so that rather than creating something new by hiding the underlying existing structure, we can start with something concrete and re-organise how things work underneath. This is the essence of refactoring – changing the design without changing the behaviour.

When databases were used as a point of integration this idea of hiding the underlying schema from “consumers” made sense as it gave you more room to change the schema without breaking a bunch of queries your consumers had already created. But even if you have sole control over your schema there is still a good reason why you might want to hide the schema, nay implementation, even from much of your own code.

Imagine you are developing a system where you need to keep daily versions of your customer’s details easily accessible because you regularly perform computations across multiple dates [1] and you need to use the correct version of each customer’s data for the relevant date. When you start out you may not know what the most appropriate way to store them because you do not know how frequently they change, what kinds of changes are made, or how the data will be used in practice.

If you assume that most attributes change most days you may well plump to just store them daily, in full, e.g.

| Date       | Name      | Valuation | ... | 
| 2019-03-01 | Company A | £102m     | ... |  
| 2019-03-01 | Company B | £47m      | ... |  
| 2019-03-02 | Company A | £105m     | ... |  
| 2019-03-02 | Company B | £42m      | ... |  
| 2019-03-03 | Company A | £105m     | ... |  
| 2019-03-03 | Company B | £42m      | ... |

On the contrary, if the attributes rarely change each day then maybe we can version the data instead:

| Name      | Version | Valuation | ... |
| Company A | 1       | £147m     | ... |
| Company A | 2       | £156m     | ... |
| Company B | 1       | £27m      | ... |

So far so good, but how do we track which version belongs to which date? Once again I can think of two obvious choices. The first is much like the original verbose table and we record it on a daily basis:

| Date       | Name      | Version |
| 2019-03-01 | Company A | 1       |
| 2019-03-01 | Company B | 1       |
| 2019-03-02 | Company A | 1       |
| 2019-03-02 | Company B | 2       |

The second is to coalesce dates with the same version creating a much more compact form:

| From       | To         | Name      | Version |
| 2019-03-01 | (null)     | Company A | 1       |
| 2019-03-01 | 2019-03-01 | Company B | 1       |
| 2019-03-02 | (null)     | Company B | 2       |

Notice how we have yet another design choice to make here – whether to use NULL to represent “the future”, or whether to put today’s date as the upper bound and bump it on a daily basis [2].

So, with all those choices how do we make a decision? What if we don’t need to make a decision, now? What if we Use Uncertainty as a Driver and create a design that is easily changeable when we know more about the shape of the data and how it’s used?

What we do know is that we need to process customer data on a per-date basis, therefore, instead of starting with a Customer table we start with a Customer view which has the shape we’re interested in:

| Date | Name | Valuation | ... | 

We can happily use this view wherever we like knowing that the underlying structure could change without us needing to fix up lots of code. Naturally some code will be dependent on the physical structure, but the point is that we’ve kept it to a bare minimum. If we need to transition from one design to another, but can’t take the downtime to rewrite all the data up-front, that can often be hidden behind the view too.

Views as Interfaces

It’s probably my background [3] but I can’t help but notice a strong parallel in the latter two examples with the use of interfaces in object-oriented code. George Box reminds us that “all models are wrong, but some are useful” and so we should be careful not to strain the analogy too far but I think there is some value in considering the relationship between views and tables as somewhat akin to interfaces and classes, at least for the purposes of encapsulation as described above.

On a similar note we often strive to create and use the narrowest interface that solves our problem and that should be no different in the database world either. Creating narrower interfaces (views) allows us to remain more in control of our implementation by leaking less.

One final type related comparison that I think worthy of mention is that it’s easier to spot structural problems when you have a “richer type system”, i.e. many well-named views. For example, if a query joins through ProductsOrdered to get to UserPreferences you can easily see something funky is going on.

Embracing Change

When you work alongside a database where the SQL code and schema gets refactored almost as heavily as the services that depend on it is a pleasurable experience [4]. Scott Ambler wrote a couple of books over a decade ago (Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design and Agile Database Techniques) which convinced me long ago that it was possible to design databases that could embrace change. Making judicious use of views certainly helped achieve that in part by keeping the accidental complexity down.

Admittedly performance concerns, still a dark art in the world of databases, gets in the way every now and but I’d rather try to make the database a better place for my successors rather than assume it can’t be done.


[1] In investment banking it’s common to re-evaluate trades and portfolios on historical dates both for regulatory and analytical purposes.

[2] Some interesting scenarios crop up here when repeatability matters and you have an unreliable upstream data source.

[3] I’m largely a self-taught, back-end developer with many years of writing C++ and C# based services.

[4] Having a large suite of database unit tests, also written in T-SQL, really helped as we could use TDD on the database schema too.

The Perils of Multi-Phase Construction

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

I’ve never really been a fan of C#’s object initializer syntax. Yes, it’s a little more convenient to write but it has a big downside which is it forces you to make your types mutable by default. Okay, that’s a bit strong, it doesn’t force you to do anything, but it does promote that way of thinking and allows people to take advantage of mutability outside the initialisation block [1].

This post is inspired by some buggy code I encountered where my suspicion is that the subtleties of the object initialisation syntax got lost along the way and partially constructed objects eventually found their way into the wild.

No Dragons Yet

The method, which was to get the next message from a message queue, was originally written something like this:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
  result = new Message
    Priority = message.Priority,
    Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
    Body = message.Body, 

return result;

This was effectively correct. I say “effectively correct” because it doesn’t contain the bug which came later but still relies on mutability which we know can be dangerous.

For example, what would happen if the GetHeader() method threw an exception? At the moment there is no error handling and so the exception propagates out the method and back up the stack. Because we make no effort to recover we let the caller decide what happens when a duff message comes in.

The Dragons Begin Circling

Presumably the behaviour when a malformed message arrived was undesirable because the method was changed slightly to include some recovery fairly soon after:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
    result = new Message
      Priority = message.Priority,
      Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
      Body = message.Body,  
  catch (Exception e)
    Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);

return result;

Still no bug yet, but that catch handler falling through to the return at the bottom is somewhat questionable; we are making the reader work hard to track what happens to result under the happy / sad paths to ensure it remains correct under further change.

Object Initialisation Syntax

Before showing the bug, here’s a brief refresher on how the object initialisation syntax works under the covers [2] in the context of our example code. Essentially it invokes the default constructor first and then performs assignments on the various other properties, e.g.

var __m = new Message();
__m.Priority = message.Priority;
__m.Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”);
__m.Body = message.Body,  
result = __m;

Notice how the compiler introduces a hidden temporary variable during the construction which it then assigns to the target at the end? This ensures that any exceptions during construction won’t create partially constructed objects that are bound to variables by accident. (This assumes you don’t use the constructor or property setter to attach itself to any global variables either.)

Hence, with respect to our example, if any part of the initialization fails then result will be left as null and therefore the message is indeed discarded and the caller gets a null reference back.

The Dragons Surface

Time passes and the code is then updated to support a new property which is also passed via a header. And then another, and another. However, being more complicated than a simple string value the logic to parse it is placed outside the object initialisation block, like this:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
    result = new Message
      Priority = message.Priority,
      Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
      Body = message.Body,  

    var str = GetHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”);
    if (str != null && TryParseInt(str, out var value))
      result.IntValue = value;

    // ... more of the same ...
  catch (Exception e)
    Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);

return result;

Now the problems start. With the latter header parsing code outside the initialisation block result is assigned a partially constructed object while the remaining parsing code runs. Any exceptions that occur [3] mean that result will be left only partially constructed and the caller will be returned the duff object because the exception handler falls out the bottom.

+1 for Tests

The reason I spotted the bug was because I was writing some tests around the code for a new header which also temporarily needed to be optional, like the others, to decouple the deployments. When running the tests there was an error displayed on the console output [4] telling me the message was being discarded, which I didn’t twig at first. It was when I added a retrospective test for the previous optional fields and I found my new one wasn’t be parsed correctly that I realised something funky was going on.


So, what’s the answer? Well, I can think of a number of approaches that would fix this particular code, ranging from small to large in terms of the amount of code that needs changing and our appetite for it.

Firstly we could avoid falling through in the exception handler and make it easier on the reader to comprehend what would be returned in the face of a parsing error:

catch (Exception e)  
  Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);
  return null;

Secondly we could reduce the scope of the result variable and return that at the end of the parsing block so it’s also clearer about what the happy path returns:

var result = new Message  
  // . . .  

var str = GetHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”);
if (str != null && TryParseInt(str, out var value)
  result.IntValue = value;

return result;

We could also short circuit the original check too and remove the longer lived result variable altogether with:

RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message == null)
    return null;

These are all quite simple changes which are also safe going forward should someone add more header values in the same way. Of course, if we were truly perverse and wanted to show how clever we were, we could fold the extra values back into the initialisation block by doing an Extract Function on the logic instead and leave the original dragons in place, e.g.

  result = new Message  
    Priority = message.Priority,  
    Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),  
    Body = message.Body,
    IntValue = GetIntHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”),
    // ... more of the same ...  
catch (Exception e)  
  Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);  

But we would never do that because the aim is to write code that helps stop people making these kinds of mistakes in the first place. If we want to be clever we should make it easier for the maintainers to fall into The Pit of Success.

Other Alternatives 

I said at the beginning that I was not a fan of mutability by default and therefore it would be remiss of me not to suggest that the entire Message type be made immutable and all properties set via the constructor instead:

result = new Message  
  priority: message.Priority,  
  type: GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),  
  body: message.Body,
  IntValue: GetIntHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”),
  // ... more of the same ...  

Yes, adding a new property is a little more work but, as always, writing the tests to make sure it all works correctly will dominate here.

I would also prefer to see use of an Optional<> type instead of a null reference for signalling “no message” but that’s a different discussion.


While this bug was merely “theoretical” at the time I discovered it [5] it quickly came back to bite. A bug fix I made on the sending side got deployed before the receiving end and so the misleading error popped up in the logs after all.

Although the system appeared to be functioning correctly it had slowed down noticeably which we quickly discovered was down to the receiving process continually restarting. What I hadn’t twigged just from reading this nugget of code was that due to the catch handler falling through and passing the message on it was being acknowledged on the queue twice –– once in that catch handler, and again after processing it. This second acknowledgment attempt generated a fatal error that caused the process to restart. Deploying the fixed receiver code as well sorted the issue out.

Ironically the impetus for my blog post “Black Hole - The Fail Fast Anti-Pattern” way back in 2012 was also triggered by two-phase construction problems that caused a process to go into a nasty failure mode, but that time it processed messages much too quickly and stayed alive failing them all.


[1] Generally speaking the setting of multiple properties implies it’s multi-phase construction. The more common term Two-Phase Construction comes (I presume) from explicit constructor methods names like Initialise() or Create() which take multiple arguments, like the constructor, rather than setting properties one-by-one.

[2] This is based on my copy of The C# Programming Language: The Annotated Edition.

[3] When the header was missing it was passing a null byte[] reference into a UTF8 decoder which caused it to throw an ArgumentNullException.

[4] Internally it created a logger on-the-fly so it wasn’t an obvious dependency that initially needed mocking.

[5] It’s old, so possibly it did bite in the past but nobody knew why or it magically fixed itself when both ends where upgraded close enough together.

Overthinking is not Overengineering

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

As the pendulum swings ever closer towards being leaner and focusing on simplicity I grow more concerned about how this is beginning to affect software architecture. By breaking our work down into ever smaller chunks and then focusing on delivering the next most valuable thing, how much of what is further down the pipeline is being factored into the design decisions we make today?

Wasteful Thinking

Part of the ideas around being leaner is an attempt to reduce waste caused by speculative requirements which has led many a project in the past into a state of “analysis paralysis” where they can’t decide what to build because the goalposts keep moving. By focusing on delivering something simpler much sooner we begin to receive some return on our investment earlier and also shape the future based on practical feedback from today, rather than trying to guess what we need.

When we’re building those simpler features that sit nicely upon our existing foundations we have much less need to worry about the cost of rework from getting it wrong as it’s unlikely to be expensive. But as we move from independent features to those which are based around, say, a new “concept” or “pillar” we should spend a little more time looking further down the backlog to see how any design choices we make might play out later.

Thinking to Excess

The term “overthinking” implies that we are doing more thinking than is actually necessary; trying to fit everyone’s requirements in and getting bogged down in analysis is definitely an undesirable outcome of spending too much time thinking about a problem. As a consequence we are starting to think less and less up-front about the problems we solve to try and ensure that we only solve the problem we actually have and not the problems we think we’ll have in the future. Solving those problems that we are only speculating about can lead to overengineering if they never manage to materialise or could have been solved more simply when the facts where eventually known.

But how much thinking is “overthinking”? If I have a feature to develop and only spend as much effort thinking as I need to solve that problem then, by definition, any more thinking than that is “overthinking it”. But not thinking about the wider picture is exactly what leads to the kinds of architecture & design problems that begin to hamper us later in the product’s lifetime, and later on might not be measured in years but even in days or weeks if we are looking to build a set of related features that all sit on top of a new concept or pillar.

The Horizon

Hence, it feels to me that some amount of overthinking is necessary to ensure that we don’t prematurely pessimise our solution and paint ourselves into a corner. We should factor work further down the backlog into our thoughts to help us see the bigger picture and work out how we can shape our decisions today to ensure it biases our thinking towards our anticipated future rather than an arbitrary one.

Acting on our impulses prematurely can lead to overengineering if we implement what’s in our thoughts without having a fairly solid backlog to draw on, and overengineering is wasteful. In contrast a small amount of overthinking – thought experiments – are relatively cheap and can go towards helping to maintain the integrity of the system’s architecture.

One has to be careful quoting old adages like “a stich in time saves nine” or “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” because they can send the wrong message and lead us back to where we were before – stuck in The Analysis Phase [1]. That said I want us to avoid “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” and forget exactly how much thinking is required to achieve sustained delivery in the longer term.


[1] The one phrase I always want to mean this is “think globally, act locally” because it sounds like it promotes big picture thinking while only implementing what we need today, but that’s probably stretching it too far.

Always Reply Within Your SLA – Succeed or Abort

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

Way back in 2012 I wrote the blog post “Service Providers Are Interested In Your Timeouts Too” about how you can help service teams understand your intentions so that they can handle requests more efficiently. That was written at a time when I had been working for many years on internal systems where there were no real SLAs per-se, often just a “best efforts” approach with manual intervention required to “unblock” the system when the failures start occurring [1]. In contrast I have always strived to create self-healing systems as much as possible so that only truly remarkable events require any kind of human remediation.

In more recent years I’ve spent far more time working on web services where there is a much stronger notion of an SLA and therefore a much higher probability that if you fail to meet your SLA then the client will attempt to perform some kind of recovery rather than hang around and wait for the reply [2]. Hence what I wrote about wasting resources on dead requests in that earlier blog post have started to become more significant.


A consequence of this ideology is that I’ve started to become far more interested in the approach of always responding within the SLA even if that means aborting mid-request. Often an SLA is seen as an aspiration rather than any kind of hard deadline, something which we hope to achieve more often than not, where “more often” usually involves quoting some (arbitrary) number of “nines”. For those requests that fall outside this magical number all bets are off and you might get an answer in a useful timeframe or you might not. This kind of uncertainty has always bothered me as a client consumer.

Hence, I’ve started moving towards building services that always provide a reply within the SLA whether or not the request has been satisfied. Instead of tying up valuable resources in the hope that when the answer finally arrives the client still has a vested interest in it, I’d prefer to just abandon the request and let the client know the SLA would be violated if it had continued servicing it. In essence the request times-out server-side, where the time-out is the SLA.

What this means for the client is that they have a definitive reply (network issues notwithstanding) to their request within the time limit allowed. More importantly if they want to allow more time to handle the request than the SLA allows for then they need to tell the service that they’re willing to wait. Essentially this creates a priority system and allows the service to decide what to do with requests that are happy to hang around for a bit longer.


Implementation-wise what this mostly boils down to is ensuring that every non-trivial piece of work (think: database query, network call, disk read, etc.) must be made with a bounded call time, i.e. one where a timeout can be provided so that the caller always regains control in a timely fashion. Similarly we don’t start any work that we suspect we can’t finish in time either. This generally manifests as aborting on the first timeout which is usually given the entire SLA and therefore you’re never going to recover in time.

Internally the maximum timeout starts with the SLA and as each background query is sent it is timed and the timeout gets progressively shorter [3]. As the load increases and internal queries take longer the chances of a request aborting rises but at least the load on the upstream systems doesn’t keep rising too. Ultimately it’s just a classic negative feedback loop.


Unfortunately what makes implementing this somewhat less than idea is that we still don’t really have cancellable requests in many frameworks and you’re never entirely sure what happens when the timeout triggers. If the underlying operation is abandoned, but has to complete anyway because it can’t be cancelled, you may not be much better off. The modern async-enhanced programming world is great for avoiding tying up threads in the happy path but once you start considering the failure modes it’s much harder to reason about and, more importantly, control what’s going to happen. Despite the fact that under the covers the world of I/O has practically always been asynchronous the higher layers still assume a synchronous model with syntactic sugar only helping to reinforce that perspective.

So far I don’t have nearly enough production-level data points to know if it’s an idea that is truly worth the effort to implement or not. Being able to reject work outright because you’ve already missed the SLA isn’t too onerous but does mean you need to tap into the processing pipeline early before the request is queued in the background to know when the internal clock has started ticking. What’s harder to determine is whether you really get any benefit out of the additional complexity needed to track your request’s progress and if aborting upstream requests creates a more or equally unstable service due to the way the timeouts leave their underlying requests dangling.

I still think it’s an approach worth pursuing but I wouldn’t be surprised to find The Morning Paper covering something from decades ago that shows it’s just a fools errand :o).


[1] See “Support-Friendly Tooling” for some other examples about how this can play out if reliability out-of-the-box is “assumed”.

[2] In one instance that would mean abandoning the request and potentially taking on some small financial risk on behalf of the customer.

[3] Naturally for parallel / scatter-gather I/O it’s the time of the longest concurrent request.

Surgical Support Needs Surgical Tools

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

In the world of IT support there is the universal solution to every problem – turn it off and on again. You would hope that this kind of drastic action is only drawn upon when all other options have been explored or that the problem is known a priori to require such a response and is the least disruptive course of action. Sadly what was often just a joke in the past has become everyday life for many systems as rebooting or restarting is woven into the daily support routine.

In my professional career I have worked on a number of systems where there are daily scheduled jobs to reboot machines or restart services. I’m not talking about the modern, proactive kind like the Chaos Monkey which is used to probe for weaknesses, or when you force cluster failovers to check everything’s healthy; I’m talking about jobs where the restart is required to ensure the correct functioning of the system – disabling them would cripple it.


The need for the restart is usually to overcome some kind of corrupt or immutable internal state, or to compensate for a resource leak, such as memory, which degrades the service to an unacceptable level. An example of the former I’ve seen is to flush a poisoned cache or pick up the change in date, while for the latter it might be unclosed database connections or file handles. The notion of “recycling” processes to overcome residual effects has become so prominent that services like IIS provide explicit support for it [1].

Depending on where the service sits in the stack the restart could be somewhat disruptive, if it’s located on the edge, or largely benign if it’s purely internal, say, a background message queue listener. For example I once worked on a compute farm where one of the front-end services was restarted every night and that caused all clients to drop their connection resulting in a support email being sent due to the “unhandled exception”. Needless to say everyone just ignored all the emails as they only added to the background noise making genuine failures harder to spot.

These kind of draconian measures to try and attain some system stability actually make matters worse as the restarts then begin to hide genuine stability issues which eventually start happening during business hours as well and therefore cause grief for customers as unplanned downtime starts occurring. The impetus for one of my first ACCU articles “Utilising More Than 4GB of Memory in a 32-bit Windows Process” came from just such an issue where a service suddenly starting failing with out-of-memory errors even after a restart if the load was awkwardly skewed. It took almost four weeks to diagnose and properly fix the issue during which there were no acceptable workarounds – just constant manual intervention from the support team.

I also lost quite a few hours on the system I mentioned earlier debugging a problem in the caching mechanism which was masked by a restart and only surfaced because the restart failed to occur. No one had remembered about this failure mode because everyone was so used to the restart hiding it. Having additional complexity in the code for a feature that will never be used in practice is essentially waste.

Cracking Nuts

Although it’s not true in all cases (the memory problem just described being a good example) the restart option may be avoidable if the process exposed additional behaviours that allowed for a more surgical approach to recovery to take place. Do you really need to restart the entire process just to flush some internal cache, or maybe just a small part of it? Similarly if you need to bump the business date via an external stimulus can that not be done through a “discoverable” API instead of hidden as part of a service restart [2]?

In some of my previous posts and articles, e.g “From Test Harness To Support Tool”, “Home-Grown Tools” and more recently in “Libraries, Console Apps, and GUIs”, I have described how useful I have found writing simple custom tools to be for development and deployment but also, more importantly, for support. What I think was missing from those posts that I have tried to capture in this one, most notably through its title, is to focus on resolving system problems with the minimal amount of disruption. Assuming that you cannot actually fix the underlying design issue without a serious amount of time and effort can you at least alleviate the problem in the shorter term by adding simple endpoints and tools that can be used to make surgical-like changes inside the critical parts of the system?

For example, imagine that you’re working on a grid computing system where tasks are dished out to different processes and the results are aggregated. Ideally you would assume that failures are going to happen and that some kind of timeout and retry mechanism would be in place so that when a process dies the system recovers automatically [3]. However, if for some reason that automatic mechanism does not exist how are you going to recover? Given that someone (or something) somewhere is waiting for their results how are you going to “unblock the system” and allow them to make progress, without also disturbing all your other users who are unaffected?

You can either try and re-submit the failed task and allow the entire job to complete or kill the entire job and get the client to re-submit its job. As we’ve seen one way to achieve the latter would be to restart parts of the system thereby flushing the job from it. When this is a once in a million event it might make sense [4] but once the failures start racking up throwing away every in-flight request just to fix the odd broken one becomes more and more disruptive. Instead you need a way to identify the failed task (perhaps using the logs) and then instruct the system to recover such as by killing just that job or by asking it to resubmit it to another node.

Hence, ideally you’d just like to hit one admin endpoint and say something like this:

> admin-cli kill-job --server prod --job-id 12345

If that’s not easily achievable and there is distributed state to clear up you might need a few separate little tools instead that can target each part of system, for example:

> admin-cli remove-node –s broker-prod --node NODE99
> admin-cli remove-results -s results-prod --job 12345
> admin-cli remove-tasks –s taskq-prod --job 12345
> admin-cli reset-client –s ui-prod --client CLT42
> admin-cli add-node –s broker-prod --node NODE99

This probably seems like a lot of work to write all these little tools but what I’ve found in practice is that usually most of the tricky logic in the services already exists – you just need to find a way to invoke it externally with the correct arguments.

These days it’s far easier to graft a simple administration endpoint onto an existing service. There are plenty of HTTP libraries available that will allow you to expose a very basic API which you could even poke with CURL. If you’re already using something more meaty like WCF then adding another interface should be trivial too.

Modern systems are becoming more and more decoupled through the use of message queues which also adds a natural extension point as they typically already do all the heavy lifting and you just need to add new message handlers for the extra behaviours. One of the earliest distributed systems I worked on used pub/sub on a system-wide message bus both for functional and administrative use. Instead of using lots of different tools we had a single admin command line tool that the run playbook generally used (even for some classic sysadmin stuff like service restarts) as it made the whole support experience simpler.

Once you have these basic tools it then becomes easy to compose and automate them. For example on a similar system I started by adding a simple support stored procedure to find failed tasks in a batch processing system. This was soon augmented by another one to resubmit a failed task, which was then automated by a simple script. Eventually it got “productionised” and became a formal part of the system providing the “slow retry” path [3] for automatic recovery from less transient outages.

Design for Supportability

One of the design concepts I’ve personally found really helpful is Design for Testability; something which came out of the hardware world and pushes us to design our systems in a way that makes them much easier test. A knock-on effect of this is that you can reduce your end-to-end testing burden and deliver quicker.

A by-product of Design for Testability is that it causes you to design your system in a way that allows internal behaviours to be observed and controlled in isolation. These same behaviours are often the same ones that supporting a system in a more fine-grained manner will also require. Hence by thinking about how you test your system components you are almost certainly thinking about how they would need to be supported too.

Ultimately of course those same thoughts should also be making you think about how the system will likely fail and therefore what needs to be put in place beforehand to help it recover automatically. In the unfortunate event that you can’t recover automatically in the short term you should still have some tools handy that should facilitate a swift and far less disruptive manual recovery.


[1] Note that this is different from a process restarting itself because it has detected that it might have become unstable, perhaps through the use of the Circuit Breaker pattern.

[2] Aside from the benefits of comprehension this makes the system far more testable as it means you can control the date and therefore write deterministic tests.

[3] See “When Does a Transient Failure Stop Being Transient” for a tangent about fast and slow retries.

[4] Designing any distributed system that does not tolerate network failures is asking for trouble in my book but the enterprise has a habit of believing the network is “reliable enough”.

Support-Friendly Tooling

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

One of the techniques I briefly mentioned in my last post “Treat All Test Environments Like Production” was how constraining the test environments by adhering to the Principle of Least Privilege drove us to add diagnostic specific features to our services and tools.

In some cases that might be as simple as exposing some existing functionality through an extra command line verb or service endpoint. For example a common technique these days is to add a “version” verb or “–-version” switch to allow you to check which build of a particular tool or service you have deployed [1].

As Bertrand Meyer suggests in his notion of Command/Query Separation (CQS) any behaviour which is a query in nature should have no side-effects and therefore could also be freely available to use for diagnostic purposes – security and performance issues notwithstanding. Naturally these queries would be over-and-above any queries you might run directly against your various data stores, i.e. databases, file-system, etc. using the vendors own lower-level tools.

Where it gets a little more tricky is on the “command” side as we might need to investigate the operation but without disturbing the current state of the system. In an ideal world it should be possible to execute them against a part of the system reserved for such eventualities, e.g. a special customer or schema that looks and acts like a real one but is owned by the team and therefore its side-effects are invisible to any real users. (This is one of the techniques that falls under the in-vogue term of “testing in production”.)

If the issue can be isolated to a particular component then it’s probably more effective to focus on that part of the system by replaying the operation whilst simultaneously redirecting the side-effects somewhere else (or avoiding them altogether) so that the investigation can be safely repeated. One technique here is to host the component in another type of process, such as a GUI or command line tool and provide a variety of widgets or switches to control the input and output locations. Alternatively you could use the Null Object pattern to send the side-effects into oblivion.

In its most simplest form it might be a case of adding a “--ReadOnly” switch that disables all attempts to write to back-end stores (but leaves logging intact if that won’t interfere). This would give you the chance to safely debug the process locally using production inputs. As an aside this idea has been formalised in the PowerShell world via the “-WhatIf” switch which allows you to run a script whilst disabling (where supported) the write actions of any cmdlets.

If the operation requires some form of bulk processing where there is likely to be far too much output for stdout or because you need a little more structure to the data then you can add multiple switches instead, such as the folder to write to and perhaps even a different format to use which is easier to analyse with the usual UNIX command line tools. If implementing a whole different persistence mechanism for support is considered excessive [2] you could just allow, say, an alternative database connection string to be provided for the writing side and point to a local instance.

Earlier I mentioned that the Principle of Least Privilege helped drive out the need for these customisations and that’s because restricting your access affects you in two ways. The first is that by not allowing you to make unintentional changes you cannot make the situation worse simply through your analysis. For example if you happened to be mistaken that a particular operation had no side-effects but it actually does now, then they would be blocked as a matter of security and an error reported. If done in the comfort of a test environment you now know what else you need to “mock out” to be able to execute the operation safely in future. And if the mocking feature somehow gets broken, your lack of privilege has always got your back. This is essentially just the principle of Defence in Depth applied for slightly different reasons.

The second benefit you get is a variation of yet another principle – Design for Testability. To support such features we need to be able to substitute alternative implementations for the real ones, which effectively means we need to “program to an interface, not an implementation”. Of course this will likely already be a by-product of any unit tests we write, but it’s good to know that it serves another purpose outside that use case.

What I’ve described might seem like a lot of work but you don’t have to go the whole hog and provide a separate host for the components and a variety of command-line switches to enable these behaviours, you could probably get away with just tweaking various configuration settings, which is the approach that initially drove my 2011 post “Testing Drives the Need for Flexible Configuration”. What has usually caused me to go the extra step though is the need to use these features more than just once in a blue moon, often to automate their use for longer term use. This is something I covered in much more detail very recently in “Libraries, Console Apps & GUIs”.


[1] Version information has been embedded in Windows binaries since the 3.x days back in the ‘90s but accessing it easily usually involved using the GUI shell (i.e. Explorer) unless the machine is remote and has limited access, e.g. the cloud. Luckily PowerShell provides an alternative route here and I’m sure there are plenty of third party command line tools as well.

[2] Do not underestimate how easy it is these days to serialise whole object graphs into JSON files and then process them with tools like JQ.

Test the Code, Not the Mock

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

About 18 months or so ago I wrote a post about how I’d seen tests written that were self-reinforcing (“Tautologies in Tests”). The premise was about the use of the same production code to verify the test outcome as that which was supposedly under test. As such any break in the production code would likely not get picked up because the test behaviour would naturally change too.

It’s also possible to see the opposite kind of effect where the test code really becomes the behaviour under test rather than the production code. The use of mocking within tests is a magnet for this kind of situation as a developer mistakenly believes they can save time [1] by writing a more fully featured mock [2] that can be reused across tests. This is a false economy.

Example - Database Querying

I recently saw an example of this in some database access code. The client code (under test) first configured a filter where it calculated an upper and lower bound based on timestamps, e.g.

// non-trivial time based calculations
var minTime = ...
var maxTime = ...

query.Filter[“MinTime”] = minTime;  
query.Filter[“MaxTime”] = maxTime;

The client code then executed the query and performed some additional processing on the results which were finally returned.

The test fixture created some test data in the form of a simple list with a couple of items, presumably with one that lies inside the filter and another that lies outside, e.g.

var orders = new[]
  new Order { ..., Timestamp = “2016-05-12 18:00:00” },
  new Order { ..., Timestamp = “2018-05-17 02:15:00” },

The mocked out database read method then implemented a proper filter to apply the various criteria to the list of test data, e.g.

  var result = orders;

  if (filter[“MinTime”])
  if (filter[“MaxTime”])
  if (filter[...])

  return result;

As you can imagine this starts out quite simple for the first test case but as the production code behaviour gets more complex, so does the mock and the test data. Adding new test data to cater for the new scenarios will likely break the existing tests as they all share a single set and therefore you will need to go back and understand them to ensure the test still exercises the behaviour it used to. Ultimately you’re starting to test whether can actually implement a mock that satisfies all the tests rather than write individual tests which independently validate the expected behaviours.

Shared test data (not just placeholder constants like AnyCustomerId) is rarely a good idea as it’s often not obvious which piece of data is relevant to which test. The moment you start adding comments to annotate the test data you have truly lost sight of the goal. Tests are not just about verifying behaviour either they are a form of documentation too.

Roll Back

If we reconsider the feature under test we can see that there are a few different behaviours that we want to explore:

  • Is the filter correctly formed?
  • Are the query results correctly post-processed?

Luckily the external dependency (i.e. the mock) provides us with a seam which allows us to directly verify the filter configuration and also to control the results which are returned for post-processing. Consequently rather than having one test that tries to do everything, or a few tests that try and cover both aspect together we can separate them out, perhaps even into separate test fixtures based around the different themes, e.g.

public static class reading_orders 
  public class filter_configuration    
  public class post_processing    

The first test fixture now focuses on the logic used to build the underlying query filter by asserting the filter state when presented to the database. It then returns, say, an empty result set as we wish to ignore what happens later (by invoking as little code as possible to avoid false positives).

The following example attempts to define what “yesterday” means in terms of filtering:

public void filter_for_yesterday_is_midnight_to_midnight()
  DateTime? minTime = null;
  DateTime? maxTime = null;

  var mockDatabase = CreateMockDatabase((filter) =>
    minTime = filter[“MinTime”];
    maxTime = filter[“MaxTime”];
  var reader = new OrderReader(mockDatabase);
  var now = new DateTime(2001, 2, 3, 9, 32, 47);


  Assert.That(minTime, Is.EqualTo(
                new DateTime(2001, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0)));
  Assert.That(maxTime, Is.EqualTo(
                new DateTime(2001, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0)));

As you can hopefully see the mock in this test is only configured to extract the filter state which we then verify later. The mock configuration is done inside the test to make it clear that the only point of interest is the the filter’s eventual state. We don’t even bother capturing the final output as it’s superfluous to this test.

If we had a number of tests to write which all did the same mock configuration we could extract it into a common [SetUp] method, but only if we’ve already grouped the tests into separate fixtures which all focus on exactly the same underlying behaviour. The Single Responsibility Principle applies to the design of tests as much as it does the production code.

One different approach here might be to use the filter object itself as a seam and sense the calls into that instead. Personally I’m very wary of getting too specific about how an outcome is achieved. Way back in 2011 I wrote “Mock To Test the Outcome, Not the Implementation” which showed where this rabbit hole can lead, i.e. to brittle tests that focus too much on the “how” and not enough on the “what”.

Mock Results

With the filtering side taken care of we’re now in a position to look at the post-processing of the results. Once again we only want code and data that is salient to our test and as long as the post-processing is largely independent of the filtering logic we can pass in any inputs we like and focus on the final output instead:

public void upgrade_objects_to_latest_schema_version()
  var anyTime = DateTime.Now;
  var mockDatabase = CreateMockDatabase(() =>
    return new[]
      new Order { ..., Version = 1, ... },
      new Order { ..., Version = 2, ... },
  var reader = new OrderReader(mockDatabase);

  var orders = reader.FindYesterdaysOrders(anyTime);

  Assert.That(orders.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
  Assert.That(orders.Count(o => o.Version == 3),

Our (simplistic) post-processing example here ensures that all re-hydrated objects have been upgraded to the latest schema version. Our test data is specific to verifying that one outcome. If we expect other processing to occur we use different data more suitable to that scenario and only use it in that test. Of course in reality we’ll probably have a set of “builders” that we’ll use across tests to reduce the burden of creating and maintaining test data objects as the data models grow over time.


While reading this post you may have noticed that certain things have been suggested, such as splitting out the tests into separate fixtures. You may have also noticed that I discovered “independence” between the pre and post phases of the method around the dependency being mocked which allows us to simplify our test setup in some cases.

Your reaction to all this may well be to suggest refactoring the method by splitting it into two separate pieces which can then be tested independently. The current method then just becomes a simple composition of the two new pieces. Additionally you might have realised that the simplified test setup probably implies unnecessary coupling between the two pieces of code.

For me those kind of thoughts are the reason why I spend so much effort on trying to write good tests; it’s the essence of Test Driven Design.


[1] My ACCU 2017 talk “A Test of Strength” (shorter version) shows my own misguided attempts to optimise the writing of tests.

[2] There is a place for “heavier” mocks (which I still need to write up) but it’s not in unit tests.

Network Saturation

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

The first indication that we seemed to have a problem was when some of the background processing jobs failed. The support team naturally looked at the log files where the jobs had failed and discovered that the cause was an inability to log-in to the database during process start-up. Naturally they tried to log-in themselves using SQL Server Management Studio or run a simple “SELECT GetDate();” style query via SQLCMD and discovered a similar problem.

Initial Symptoms

With the database appearing to be up the spout they raised a priority 1 ticket with the DBA team to investigate further. Whilst this was going on I started digging around the grid computation services we had built to see if any more light could be shed on what might be happening. This being the Windows Server 2003 era I had to either RDP onto a remote desktop or use PSEXEC to execute remote commands against our app servers. What surprised me was that these were behaving very erratically too.

This now started to look like some kind of network issue and so a ticket was raised with the infrastructure team to find out if they knew what was going on. In the meantime the DBAs came back and said they couldn’t find anything particularly wrong with the database, although the transaction log consumption was much higher than usual at this point.

Closing In

Eventually I managed to remote onto our central logging service [1] and found that the day’s log file was massive by comparison and eating up disk space fast. TAILing the central log file I discovered page upon page of the same error about some internal calculation that had failed on the compute nodes. At this point it was clearly time to pull the emergency chord and shut the whole thing down as no progress was being made for the business and very little in diagnosing the root of the problem.

With the tap now turned off I was able to easily jump onto a compute node and inspect its log. What I discovered there was every Monte Carlo simulation of every trade it was trying to value was failing immediately in some set-up calculation. The “best efforts” error handling approach meant that the error was simply logged and the valuation continued for the remaining simulations – rinse and repeat.

Errors at Scale

Of course what compounded the problem was the fact that there were approaching 100 compute nodes all sending any non-diagnostic log messages, i.e. all warnings and errors, across the network to one central service. This service would in turn log any error level messages in the database’s “error log” table.

Consequently with each compute node failing rapidly (see “Black Hole - The Fail Fast Anti-Pattern”) and flooding the network with thousands of log messages per-second the network eventually became saturated. Those processes which had long-lived network connections (we used a high-performance messaging product for IPC) would continue to receive and generate traffic, albeit slowly, but establishing new connections usually resulted in some form of timeout being hit instead.

The root cause of the compute node set-up calculation failure was later traced back to some bad data which itself had resulted from poor error handling in some earlier initial batch-level calculation.

Points of Failure

This all happened just before Michael Nygard published his excellent book Release It! Some months later when I finally read it I found myself frequently nodding my head as his tales of woe echoed my own experiences.

One of the patterns he talks about in his book is the use of bulkheads to stop failures “jumping the cracks”. On the compute nodes the poor error handling strategy meant that the same error occurred over-and-over needlessly instead of failing once. The use of a circuit breaker could also have mitigated the volume of errors generated and triggered some kind of cooling off period.

Duplicating the operational log data in the same database as the business data might have been a sane thing to do when the system was tiny and handling manual requests, but as the system became more automated and scaled out this kind of data should have been moved elsewhere where it could be used more effectively.

One of the characteristics of a system like this is that there are a lot of calculations forming a pipeline, so garbage-in, garbage-out means something might not go pop right away but sometime later when the error has compounded. In this instance an error return value of –1 was persisted as if it was normal data instead of being detected. Latter stages could do sanity checks on data to avoid poisoning the whole thing before it’s too late. It should also have been fairly easy to run a dummy calculation on the core inputs before opening the flood gates to mitigate a catastrophic failure, at least, for one due to bad input data.

Aside from the impedance mismatch in the error handling of different components there was also a disconnect in the error handling in the code that was biased towards one-off trader and support calculations, where the user is present, versus batch processing where the intention is for the system to run unattended. The design of the system needs to take both needs into consideration and adjust the error handling policy as appropriate. (See “The Generation, Management and Handling of Errors” for further ideas.)

Although the system had a monitoring page it only showed the progress of the entire batch – you needed to know the normal processing speed to realise something was up. A dashboard needs a variety of different indicators to show elevated error rates and other anomalous behaviour, ideally with automatic alerting when the things start heading south. Before you can do that though you need the data to work from, see “Instrument Everything You Can Afford To”.

The Devil is in the (Non-Functional) Details

Following Gall’s Law to the letter this particular system had grown over many, many years from a simple ad-hoc calculation tool to a full-blown grid-based compute engine. In the meantime some areas around stability and reliably had been addressed but ultimately the focus was generally on adding support for more calculation types rather than operational stability. The non-functional requirements are always the hardest to get buy-in for on an internal system but without them it can all come crashing down and end in tears with some dodgy inputs.


[1] Yes, back then everyone built their own logging libraries and tools like Splunk.