Breakfast: Technological Future – Utopia or Dystopia?

Paul Grenyer from Paul Grenyer

When: 04/06/2019 07:30 - 08:30
Where: The Maids Head Hotel, Tombland, Norwich, Norwich
Price: 13.95 GBP

Technological Future – Utopia or Dystopia?

A Norfolk Developers breakfast discussion with Callum Coombes and Fiona Lettice.

Technological innovation allows organisations to do more with less. As well as improving innovation and productivity, new technologies will help us with some of the key challenges ahead – making better use of limited resources like energy and water, mitigating the effects of climate change on food and poverty, disease prevention, and improving healthcare for an ageing population.

Technological innovation has generally been a powerful force for good, creating new jobs and improving salaries. But new technology also threatens jobs and whole industries, with devastating consequences in some communities and with the benefits unevenly distributed. So is the future utopian or dystopian?

Whichever, technological change will continue, so If we are to realise the potential of new technologies, like artificial intelligence and machine learning, we will need responsible innovation approaches and new regulatory frameworks.

We will need to develop future technologies using multidisciplinary perspectives and methods so that we better consider the future of work, protect our privacy and data, build consumer trust, and respond effectively to ethical and safety issues.

Norfolk Developers are facilitating this by bringing together its members and speakers to debate and shape a healthier technological future.

Cognitive capitalism chapter reworked

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

The Cognitive capitalism chapter of my evidence-based software engineering book took longer than expected to polish; in fact it got reworked, rather than polished (which still needs to happen, and there might be more text moving from other chapters).

Changing the chapter title, from Economics to Cognitive capitalism, helped clarify lots of decisions about the subject matter it ought to contain (the growth in chapter page count is more down to material moving from other chapters, than lots of new words from me).

I over-spent time down some interesting rabbit holes (e.g., real options), before realising that no public data was available, and unlikely to be available any time soon. Without data, there is not a lot that can be said in a data driven book.

Social learning is a criminally under researched topic in software engineering. Some very interesting work has been done by biologists (e.g., Joseph Henrich, and Kevin Laland), in the last 15 years; the field has taken off. There is a huge amount of social learning going on in software engineering, and virtually nobody is investigating it.

As always, if you know of any interesting software engineering data, please let me know.

Next, the Ecosystems chapter.

strong_typedef – Create distinct types for distinct purposes

Anthony Williams from Just Software Solutions Blog

One common problem in C++ code is the use of simple types for many things: a std::string might be a filename, a person's name, a SQL query string or a piece of JSON; an int could be a count, an index, an ID number, or even a file handle. In his 1999 book "Refactoring" (which has a second edition as of January 2019), Martin Fowler called this phenomenon "Primitive Obsession", and recommended that we use dedicated classes for each purpose rather than built-in or library types.

The difficulty with doing so is that built-in types and library types have predefined sets of operations that can be done with them from simple operations like incrementing/decrementing and comparing, to more complex ones such as replacing substrings. Creating a new class each time means that we have to write implementations for all these functions every time. This duplication of effort raises the barrier to doing this, and means that we often decide that it isn't worthwhile.

However, by sticking to the built-in and library types, we can end up in a scenario where a function takes multiple parameters of the same type, with distinct meanings, and no clear reason for any specific ordering. In such a scenario, it is easy to get the parameters in the wrong order and not notice until something breaks. By wrapping the primitive type in a unique type for each usage we can eliminate this class of problem.

My strong_typedef class template aims to make this easier. It wraps an existing type, and associates it with a tag type to define the purpose, and which can therefore be used to make it unique. Crucially, it then allows you to specify which sets of operations you want to enable: it might not make sense to add ID numbers, but it might make perfect sense to add counters, even if both are represented by integers. You might therefore using jss::strong_typedef<struct IdTag,unsigned,jss::strong_typedef_properties::equality_comparable> for an ID number, but jss::strong_typedef<struct IndexTag,unsigned,jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable | jss::strong_typedef_properties::incrementable | jss::strong_typedef_properties::decrementable> for an index type.

I've implemented something similar to this class for various clients over the years, so I decided it was about time to make it publicly available. The implementation on github condenses all of the solutions to this problem that I've written over the years to provide a generic implementation.

Basic Usage

jss::strong_typedef takes three template parameters: Tag, ValueType and Properties.

The first (Tag) is a tag type. This is not used for anything other than to make the type unique, and can be incomplete. Most commonly, this is a class or struct declared directly in the template parameter, and nowhere else, as in the examples struct IdTag and struct IndexTag above.

The second (ValueType) is the underlying type of the strong typedef. This is the basic type that you would otherwise be using.

The third (Properties) is an optional parameter that specifies the operations you wish the strong typedef to support. By default it is jss::strong_typedef_properties::none — no operations are supported. See below for a full list.

Declaring Types

You create a typedef by specifying these parameters:

using type1=jss::strong_typedef<struct type1_tag,int>;
using type2=jss::strong_typedef<struct type2_tag,int>;
using type3=jss::strong_typedef<struct type3_tag,std::string,

type1, type2 and type3 are now separate types. They cannot be implicitly converted to or from each other or anything else.

Creating Values

If the underlying type is default-constructible, then so is the new type. You can also construct the objects from an object of the wrapped type:

type1 t1;
type2 t2(42);
// type2 e2(t1); // error, type1 cannot be converted to type2

Accessing the Value

strong_typedef can wrap built-in or class type, but that's only useful if you can access the value. There are two ways to access the value:

  • Cast to the stored type: static_cast<unsigned>(my_channel_index)
  • Use the underlying_value member function: my_channel_index.underlying_value()

Using the underlying_value member function returns a reference to the stored value, which can thus be used to modify non-const values, or to call member functions on the stored value without taking a copy. This makes it particularly useful for class types such as std::string.

using transaction_id=jss::strong_typedef<struct transaction_tag,std::string>;

bool is_a_foo(transaction_id id){
    auto& s=id.underlying_value();
    return s.find("foo")!=s.end();

Other Operations

Depending on the properties you've assigned to your type you may be able to do other operations on that type, such as compare a == b or a < b, increment with ++a, or add two values with a + b. You might also be able to hash the values with std::hash<my_typedef>, or write them to a std::ostream with os << a. Only the behaviours enabled by the Properties template parameter will be available on any given type. For anything else, you need to extract the wrapped value and use that.



An ID of some description might essentially be a number, but it makes no sense to perform much in the way of operations on it. You probably want to be able to compare IDs, possibly with an ordering so you can use them as keys in a std::map, or with hashing so you can use them as keys in std::unordered_map, and maybe you want to be able to write them to a stream. Such an ID type might be declared as follows:

using widget_id=jss::strong_typedef<struct widget_id_tag,unsigned long long,
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable |
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::hashable |

using froob_id=jss::strong_typedef<struct froob_id_tag,unsigned long long,
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable |
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::hashable |

Note that froob_id and widget_id are now different types due to the different tags used, even though they are both based on unsigned long long. Therefore any attempt to use a widget_id as a froob_id or vice-versa will lead to a compiler error. It also means you can overload on them:

void do_stuff(widget_id my_widget);
void do_stuff(froob_id my_froob);

widget_id some_widget(421982);

Alternatively, an ID might be a string, such as a purchase order number of transaction ID:

using transaction_id=jss::strong_typedef<struct transaction_id_tag,std::string,
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable |
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::hashable |

transaction_id some_transaction("GBA283-HT9X");

That works too, since strong_typedef can wrap any built-in or class type.


Suppose you have a device that supports a number of channels, so you want to be able to retrieve the data for a given channel. Each channel yields a number of data items, so you also want to access the data items by index. You could use strong_typedef to wrap the channel index and the data item index, so they can't be confused. You can also make the index types incrementable and decrementable so they can be used in a for loop:

using channel_index=jss::strong_typedef<struct channel_index_tag,unsigned,
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable |
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::incrementable |

using data_index=jss::strong_typedef<struct data_index_tag,unsigned,
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable |
    jss::strong_typedef_properties::incrementable |

Data get_data_item(channel_index channel,data_index item);
data_index get_num_items(channel_index channel);
void process_data(Data data);

void foo(){
    channel_index const num_channels(99);
    for(channel_index channel(0);channel<num_channels;++channel){
        data_index const num_data_items(get_num_items(channel));
        for(data_index item(0);item<num_data_items;++item){

The compiler will complain if you pass the wrong parameters, or compare the channel against the item.

Behaviour Properties

The Properties parameter specifies behavioural properties for the new type. It must be one of the values of jss::strong_typedef_properties, or a value obtained by or-ing them together (e.g. jss::strong_typedef_properties::hashable | jss::strong_typedef_properties::streamable | jss::strong_typedef_properties::comparable). Each property adds some behaviour. The available properties are:

  • equality_comparable => Can be compared for equality (st==st2) and inequality (st!=st2)
  • pre_incrementable => Supports preincrement (++st)
  • post_incrementable => Supports postincrement (st++)
  • pre_decrementable => Supports predecrement (--st)
  • post_decrementable => Supports postdecrement (st--)
  • addable => Supports addition (st+value, value+st, st+st2) where the result is convertible to the underlying type. The result is a new instance of the strong typedef.
  • subtractable => Supports subtraction (st-value, value-st, st-st2) where the result is convertible to the underlying type. The result is a new instance of the strong typedef.
  • ordered => Supports ordering comparisons (st<st2, st>st2, st<=st2, st>=st2)
  • mixed_ordered => Supports ordering comparisons where only one of the values is a strong typedef
  • hashable => Supports hashing with std::hash
  • streamable => Can be written to a std::ostream with operator<<
  • incrementable => pre_incrementable | post_incrementable
  • decrementable => pre_decrementable | post_decrementable
  • comparable => ordered | equality_comparable

Guideline and Implementation

I strongly recommend using strong_typedef or an equivalent implementation anywhere you would otherwise reach for a built-in or library type such as int or std::string when designing an interface.

My strong_typedef implementation is available on github under the Boost Software License.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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Evidence on the distribution and diversity of Christianity: 1900-2000

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

I recently read an article saying that Christianity had 33,830 denominations, with 150 having more than 1 million followers. Checking the references, World Christian Encyclopedia was cited as the source; David Barrett had spent 12 years traveling the world, talking to people to collect the data. An evidence-based man, after my own heart.

Checking the second-hand book sites, I found a copy of the 1982 edition available for a few pounds, and placed an order (this edition lists 20,800 denominations; how many more are there to be ‘discovered’).

The book that arrived was a bit larger than I had anticipated. This photograph shows just how large this book is, compared to other dead-tree data sources in my collection:

World Christian Encyclopedia.

My interest in a data-driven discussion of the spread and diversity of religions, was driven by wanting ideas for measuring the spread and diversity of programming languages. Bill Kinnersley’s language list contains information on 2,500 programming languages, and there are probably an order of magnitude more languages waiting to be written about.

The data is available to researchers, but is not public :-(

The World Christian Encyclopedia is way too detailed for my needs. I usually leave unwanted books on the book table of my local train station’s Coffee shop. I have left some unusual books there in the past, but this one feels like it needs a careful owner; I will see whether the local charity shop will take it in.

No-one knows the type of char + char

Anders Schau Knatten from C++ on a Friday

Quick quiz! Given the following:

void f(unsigned int);
void f(int);
void f(char);

Which overload gets called by the following?

char x = 1;
char y = 2;
f(x + y);


  1. f(unsigned int)
  2. f(int)
  3. f(char)
  4. No-one knows the type of char + char

If you answered 4), congratulations! And if you answered 2), maybe you tried the code on your own computer? Most people will get f(int) when they try this code, but this is actually not specified by the standard. The only thing we know for sure is that it’s not 3), f(char)!

Let’s have a look at what’s going on:

Before being passed to operator +, the operands (x and y) go through a conversion. [expr.add]§8.7¶1:

The usual arithmetic conversions are performed for operands of arithmetic or enumeration type.

What are “the usual arithmetic conversions”?


Many binary operators that expect operands of arithmetic or enumeration type cause conversions and yield result types in a similar way. The purpose is to yield a common type, which is also the type of the result. This pattern is called the usual arithmetic conversions, which are defined as follows:
– [a bunch of rules for floats, enums etc]
– Otherwise, the integral promotions (7.6) shall be performed on both operands

So both chars go through integral promotions. Those are defined in [conv.prom]§7.6¶1:

A prvalue of an integer type other than bool, char16_t, char32_t, or wchar_t whose integer conversion rank (7.15) is less than the rank of int can be converted to a prvalue of type int if int can represent all the values of the source type; otherwise, the source prvalue can be converted to a prvalue of type unsigned int.

So a char gets converted to an int if int can fit all possible values of a char. If not, they get converted to unsigned int. But any char should fit in an int, right? As it turns out, that’s not necessarily the case.

First, int could actually be the same size as char. [basic.fundamental]§6.9.1¶2:

There are five standard signed integer types : “signed char”, “short int”, “int”, “long int”, and “long long int”. In this list, each type provides at least as much storage as those preceding it in the list.

Note that it says “at least as much storage”, it doesn’t have to be more. So for instance you could have an sixteen bit system where both char and int are sixteen bits.

Second, char can be either signed or unsigned, it’s up to the implementation: [basic.fundamental]§6.9.1¶1:

It is implementation-defined whether a char object can hold negative values.

int is signed, so if char is also signed, all possible values of char will fit in an int. However, if char is unsigned, and int and char is the same size, char can actually hold larger values than int!

Let’s see an example. If char and int are both sixteen bits, int (which is always signed) can hold [-32768, 32767]. If char is signed, it can also hold [-32768, 32767], and any char fits in an int. However, if char is unsigned, it can hold [0,65535], half of which fall outside the range of int!

In the former case, chars get promoted to ints, but in the latter case, chars get promoted to unsigned ints before being summed.

So in practice, most systems will call f(int), but some might call f(unsigned int), and they would both be confirming to the standard.

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Identity over roles and responsibilities

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


When was the last time you read your “roles and responsibilities” description?

My guess is, it was about the time you applied for your current position. Of course, if your HR department, or agile coaches, have decided to change your description you might have read the new document but even then, did you?

My guess is most people remember little more then the job title.

Like so many documents, it goes in one eye and out the other. And the longer it is, the more detail the less you are likely to remember.

So it won’t surprise you when I say: I don’t think roles and responsibilities documents have much use.

And it might not surprise you when I say roles are pretty pointless too.

To my mind your personal sense of identity, your own idea of who you are and what you do, plays a much bigger role in the actions you take in work and the responsibilities you accept – and those you ignore.

If, for example, your business card says “Business Analyst” it is not because someone defines your work as a “Business Analyst” it is because you see yourself as a business analysts and your sought out a business analyst role. You are a business analyst because you see yourself as a business analyst. You are not a programmer because you didn’t apply for a programmers job because you are not a programmer.

Let me suggest that what you actually do has little to do with what it says in some document, rather what you do is determined by your sense of identity, your identity may well be entwined with a job title. Identity is a powerful motivator.

If you consider yourself to be a programmer, a software engineer, software developer or whatever, then you probably shun business cards altogether but the same idea applies: you are a programmer not because you read a job description and say “I like the sound of that”. You are a programmer because you like doing the things you think a programmer does.

Of course this can cause problems because different people see things differently. Things fall between the gaps – your manager expects you to update the user manual and you see that as someone else job. Or things get difficult because two people try to do the same thing: the programmers try to design the software and so too do the architects.

Things get more complicated when people – us consultants! – start trying to change things. Maybe we say “programmers should test the code they write” but programmers say “testing is a Testers job.” Its even more difficult when you try and remove responsibility for someone: “programmers are no longer responsible for updating the system documentation.”

This is why I despair when people tell me problems can be fixed by updating the “RACI matrix” – don’t ask me what R A C I stands for, it seems to be a tool where responsibilities are listed against roles. RACI doesn’t change identity.

But you know what? – I like the way the world is. I do not want a world were people do what is on their job description and don’t do what is not.

People who are doing what they think needs doing, and who are doing it with the aim of producing a better outcome are motivated.

People who are doing something because it is in a job description, or because they’ve been told it is now their responsibility are not so motivated. Job description documents are pretty useless.

Whether you agree with me or think that people “should” do what is in some document: simply stop expecting them to do what it says. Instead look at what they do.

Go further, if something is missing ask “Who would like to do this?”. Work with people who are motivated by asking them what they want to do.

Few, very few, people are truly disruptive and working against you – unless of course your final outcome is something evil. Work with them.

Delete the roles and responsibilities documents.

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The Hydra Of Argos – baron m.

baron m. from thus spake a.k.

Ho there Sir R-----! Will you join me for a cold tankard of ale to refresh yourself on this warm spring evening?

And, might I hope, for a little sport?

I should not have doubted it for a moment sir!

This fine weather reminds me of the time I spent as the Empress's trade envoy to the market city of Argos, famed almost as much for the remarkable, if somewhat fragile, mechanical contraptions made by its artificers and the most reasonably priced jewellery sold by its goldsmiths as for its fashion for tiny writing implements.

Background checks on pointer values being considered for C

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

DR 260 is a defect report submitted to WG14, the C Standards’ committee, in 2001 that was never resolved, then generally ignored for 10-years, then caught the attention of a research group a few years ago, and is now back on WG14’s agenda. The following discussion covers two of the three questions raised in the DR.

Consider the following fragment of code:

int *p, *q;

    p = malloc (sizeof (int)); assert (p != NULL);  // Line A
    (free)(p);                                      // Line B
    // more code
    q = malloc (sizeof (int)); assert (q != NULL);  // Line C
    if (memcmp (&p, &q, sizeof p) == 0)             // Line D
       {*p = 42;                                    // Line E
        *q = 43;}                                   // Line F

Section 6.2.4p2 of the C Standard says:
“The value of a pointer becomes indeterminate when the object it points to (or just past) reaches the end of its lifetime.”

The call to free, on line B, ends the lifetime of the storage (allocated on line A) pointed to by p.

There are two proposed interpretations of the sentence, in 6.2.4p2.

  1. “becomes indeterminate” is treated as effectively storing a value in the pointer, i.e., some bit pattern denoting an indeterminate value. This interpretation requires that any other variables that had been assigned p‘s value, prior to the free, also have an indeterminate value stored into them,
  2. the value held in the pointer is to be treated as an indeterminate value (for instance, a memory management unit may prevent any access to the corresponding storage).

What are the practical implications of the two options?

The call to malloc, on line C, could return a pointer to a location that is identical to the pointer returned by the first call to malloc, i.e., the second call might immediately reuse the free‘ed storage.

Effectively storing a value in the pointer, in response to the call to free means the subsequent call to memcmp would always return a non-zero value, and the questions raised below do not apply; it would be a nightmare to implement, especially in a multi-process environment.

If the sentence in section 6.2.4p2 is interpreted as treating the pointer value as indeterminate, then the definition of malloc needs to be updated to specify that all returned values are determinate, i.e., any indeterminacy that may exist gets removed before a value is returned (the memory management unit must allow read/write access to the storage).

The memcmp, on line D, does a byte-wise compare of the pointer values (a byte-wise compare side-steps indeterminate value issues). If the comparison is exact, an assignment is made via p, line E, and via q, line F.

Does the assignment via p result in undefined behavior, or is the conformance status of the code unaffected by its presence?

Nobody is impuning the conformance status of the assignment via q, on line F.

There are people who think that the assignment via p, on line E, should be treated as undefined behavior, despite the fact that the values of p and q are byte-wise identical. When this issue was first raised (by those trouble makers in the UK ;-), yours truly was less than enthusiastic, but there were enough knowledgeable people in the opposing camp to keep the ball rolling for a while.

The underlying issue some people have with some subsequent uses of p is its provenance, the activities it has previously been associated with.

Provenance can be included in the analysis process by associating a unique number with the address of every object, at the start of its lifetime; these p-numbers are not reused.

The value returned by the call to malloc, on line A, would include a pointer to the allocated storage, plus an associated p-number; the call on line C could return a pointer having the same value, but its p-number is required to be different. Implementations are not required to allocate any storage for p-numbers, treating them purely as conceptual quantities. Your author knows of two implementations that do allocate storage for p-numbers (in a private area), and track usage of p-numbers; the Model Implementation C Checker was validated as handling all of C90, and Cerberus which handles a substantial subset of C11, and I don’t believe that the other tools that check array bounds and use after free are based on provenance (corrections welcome).

If provenance is included as part of a pointer’s value, the behavior of operators needs to be expanded to handle the p-number (conceptual or not) component of a pointer.

The rules might specify that p-numbers are conceptually compared by the call to memcmp, on line C; hence p and q are considered to never compare equal. There is an existing practice of regarding byte compares as just that, i.e., no magic ever occurs when comparing bytes (otherwise known as objects having type unsigned char).

Having p-numbers be invisible to memcmp would be consistent with existing practice. The pointer indirection operation on line E (generating undefined behavior) is where p-numbers get involved and cause the undefined behavior to occur.

There are other situations where pointer values, that were once indeterminate, can appear to become ‘respectable’.

For a variable, defined in a function, “… its lifetime extends from entry into the block with which it is associated until execution of that block ends in any way.”; section 6.2.4p3.

In the following code:

int x;
static int *p=&x;

void f(int n)
   int *q = &n;
   if (memcmp (&p, &q, sizeof p) == 0)
      *p = 0;
   p = &n; // assign an address that will soon cease to exist.
} // Lifetime of pointed to object, n, terminates here

int main(void)
   f(1); // after this call, p has an indeterminate value

the pointer p has an indeterminate value after any call to f returns.

In many implementations, the second call to f will result in n having the same address it had on the first call, and memcmp will return zero.

Again, there are people who have an issue with the assignment involving p, because of its provenance.

One proposal to include provenance contains substantial changes to existing word in the C Standard. The rationale for is proposals looks more like a desire to change wording to make things clearer for those making the change, than a desire to address DR 260. Everybody thinks their proposed changes make the wording clearer (including yours truly), such claims are just marketing puff (and self-delusion); confirmation from the results of an A/B test would add substance to such claims.

It is probably possible to explicitly include support for provenance by making a small number of changes to existing wording.

Is the cost of supporting provenance (i.e., changing existing wording may introduce defects into the standard, the greater the amount of change the greater the likelihood of introducing defects), worth the benefits?

What are the benefits of introducing provenance?

Provenance makes it possible to easily specify that the uses of p, in the two previous examples (and a third given in DR 260), are undefined behavior (if that is WG14’s final decision).

Provenance also provides a model that might make it easier to reason about programs; it’s difficult to say one way or the other, without knowing what the model is.

Supporters claim that provenance would enable tool vendors to flag various snippets of code as suspicious. Tool vendors can already do this, they don’t need permission from the C Standard to flag anything they fancy.

The C Standard requires a conforming implementation to diagnose certain constructs. A conforming implementation can issue as many messages as it likes, for any other construct, e.g., for line A in the first example, a compiler might print “This is the 1,000,000’th call to malloc I have translated, ring this number to claim your prize!

Before any changes are made to wording in the C Standard, WG14 needs to decide what the behavior should be for these examples; it could decide to continue ignoring them for another 20-years.

Once a decision is made, the next question is how to update wording in the standard to specify the behavior that has been decided on.

While provenance is an interesting idea, the benefits it provides appear to be not worth the cost of changing the C Standard.