The problem with Product Owners

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


Advertisement: at the time of writing there are still a few tickets available for my online User Stories Masterclass beginning this Wednesday, 90 minutes each week for 4 weeks.

After submitting his review of The Art of Agile Product Ownership one of the reviewers sent me a note about the review was and said:

“Gee, I really wish I could be that type of Product Owner.”

His comment made me smile. He nicely summarised much of the argument in Art of PO. The book makes a case for an expansive product owner – one with product management skills and business analysis skills; a product owner who looks to improve value over the short and long run, and for product owners with more customer empathy and marketing skills than code empathy and technical skills.

Many of the Product Owners I meet aren’t really owners of the product. Rather they are “Backlog Administrators” and as such the industry is creating another problem for itself.

Over the years the product owner role has been diluted, so many product owners are not really owners of their products. Instead their role is limited and constricted. They are judged on how many features they get the team deliver, whether those features are delivered by some date or whether they have met near term goals of doing the things customers – or internal users – are complaining about.

In other words the whole team is a feature factory: requests go in and success is measured by how many of those requests reach production.

Sure that is one way to run a team, and in some places that might be the “right” way to do it (a team dedicated to addressing production/customer issues perhaps.)

Unfortunately agile is prone to this failing because of the sprint-sprint-sprint nature of work. The things in front of you are obviously more valuable than the things that are not. The people shouting at you today obviously represent greater value than those who are sitting quietly asking nicely. And both groups can mask bigger insights and opportunities.

Hang on you say: Is this the same Allan who has argued against long term planning? And against analysis phases? The Allan who always argues for action this day?

Well, yes I am that Allan. And I agree that I regularly argue that teams should get started on coding and limit planning and analysis.

But that doesn’t mean I’m against these things, it only means I’m conscious of the diminishing returns of planning; and I know that what is technically possible frames not only the solution but the problem – because often we can’t conceive of the problem until we see how a solution might change things.

Teams need to watch out for the “bigger” questions. Teams need to take some time to thing long term. Time needs to be spent away from the hurly-burly of sprint-sprint-sprint to imagine a different world. Dis-economies of scale may rule but there still needs to be consideration of larger things, e.g. jobs to be done over user stories.

The responsibility rests with the Product Owner.

They own the product the way I own my house: I have to pay the mortgage and I have to change blow light bulbs but I also need to think: how long will the roof last? Will we build an extension? When will we rebuild the patio? And where am I going to put a car charging point when that day comes?

I don’t take those decisions in isolation, I don’t spend lots of time on them and I don’t let them get in the way of work today. But spending a little time thinking about them, and I may well leader on the discussion. Taking a little time to think through out how things might fit together (don’t do the roof until after the extension is built) has benefits.

And so many Product Owners aren’t doing that. Worse still their organizations don’t expect them to. Maybe they see an Architects doing that, or a Product Manager – or maybe nobody does.

The thing is: the Product Owner is the OWNER.

Managers and architects are hired and fired as needed. The buck stops with owners.

Many organizations have got this the wrong way round. The Product Owner role is diluted and individual Product Owners emasculated.

Advertisement: at the time of writing there are still a few tickets available for my online User Stories Masterclass beginning this Wednesday, 90 minutes each week for 4 weeks.

The post The problem with Product Owners appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.

MongoDB tips – How to find documents containing a non-empty array in MongoDB

Timo Geusch from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

Why do we need another post cluttering up the Interpipes on how to find a set of documents in a MongoDB collection that contain a non-empty array field? It’s not like we suddenly have a shortage of posts and articles on this topic after all. Well, it maybe a shocking revelation but not all of […]

The post MongoDB tips – How to find documents containing a non-empty array in MongoDB appeared first on The Lone C++ Coder's Blog.

Example Android project with repeatable tests running inside an emulator

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

I’ve spent the last couple of days fighting the Android command line to set up a simple project that can run automated tests inside an emulator reliably and repeatably.

To make the tests reliable and independent from anything else on my machine, I wanted to store the Android SDK and AVD files in a local directory.

To do this I had to define a lot of inter-related environment variables, and wrap the tools in scripts that ensure they run with the right flags and settings.

The end result of this work is here:

You need all the utility scripts included in that repo for it to work, but some highlights include:

The environment variables that I source in every script, scripts/paths:

PROJECT_ROOT=$(dirname $(dirname $(realpath ${BASH_SOURCE[${#BASH_SOURCE[@]} - 1]})))
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="${PROJECT_ROOT}/android_sdk"

Creation of a file that tells Gradle and Android Studio where the SDK is, by running something like this:

echo "# File created automatically - changes will be overwritten!" >
echo "sdk.dir=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" >>

The wrapper scripts for Android tools e.g. scripts/sdkmanager:


set -e
set -u

source scripts/paths

"${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/bin/sdkmanager" \
    "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" \

The wrapper for avdmanager is particularly interesting since it seems we need to override where it thinks the tools directory is for it to work properly – scripts/avdmanager:


set -e
set -u

source scripts/paths

# Set toolsdir to include "bin/" since avdmanager seems to go 2 dirs up
# from that to find the SDK root?
    "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/bin/avdmanager" "$@"

An installation script that must be run once before using the project scripts/install-android-tools:


set -e
set -u
set -x

source scripts/paths

mkdir -p "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}"
mkdir -p "${ANDROID_AVD_HOME}"

# Download sdkmanager, avdmanager etc.
test -f commandlinetools-*.zip || \
    wget -q ''
unzip -q -u commandlinetools-*.zip
cd ..

# Ask sdkmanager to update itself
./scripts/sdkmanager --update

# Install the emulator and tools
yes | ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'emulator' 'platform-tools'

# Platforms
./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'platforms;android-21'
./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'platforms;android-29'

# Install system images for our oldest and newest supported API versions
yes | ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'system-images;android-21;default;x86_64'
yes | ./scripts/sdkmanager --install 'system-images;android-29;default;x86_64'

# Create AVDs to run the system images
echo no | ./scripts/avdmanager -v \
    create avd \
    -f \
    -n "avd-21" \
    -k "system-images;android-21;default;x86_64" \
    -p ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/avds/avd-21
echo no | ./scripts/avdmanager -v \
    create avd \
    -f \
    -n "avd-29" \
    -k "system-images;android-29;default;x86_64" \
    -p ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/avds/avd-29

Please do contribute to the project if you know easier ways to do this stuff.

User Stories: online workshops – booking now (free for furloughed)

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


Last month I ran an experiment: I delivered my one day workshop on User Stories, Requirements and Backlogs as a series of four 90 minute workshops and offered them for free. I had a great response with over 20 people signing up immediately and during the last month we all learned something – I had great feedback.

I’m now reworking that workshop further into two series: User Stories Masterclass and Value Driven Planning. Both of these will run as four 90 minute workshops online over successive weeks.

Booking is are now open for User Stories Masterclass. This will start next week, Wednesday 13 May (3pm, London BST time.) There will be one class at the same time each week.

Places are limited so don’t hold off booking. (If you miss out let me know and I’ll try to schedule another soon.)

Workshops 1 and 2 will focus on User Story format and what makes a good story. Workshop 3 will consider some of the processes that fit around User Stories (definitions of done and ready, acceptance criteria, etc.) and, importantly non-functional requirements. The final workshop will look at splitting stories.

I’m making some tickets free for those who have been laid-off or furloughed because of you-know-what.

For everyone else there are two price points. “Self pay” for those of you who are paying out of your own pocket. And a more expensive “Company paying” ticket for those with a generous employer – who can reclaim or avoid UK VAT.

To sweeten the extra price I’m including a one-hour one-on-one consultation for those who pay the higher price.

More about the value workshop soon – and why the split? Well, a) it turns out I have more than enough material, and b) people had some great questions and I want to allow time for conversation.

More details on my website.

Subscribe to my blog newsletter and download Project Myopia for Free

The post User Stories: online workshops – booking now (free for furloughed) appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.

Enthusiasm on the Fortran standards committee

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

The Fortran language standards committee, SC22/WG5, has an unusual situation on its hands. Two people have put themselves forward to chair the committee, when the current chairman’s three year term ends. What is unusual is that it is often difficult to find anybody willing to do the job.

The two candidates are the outgoing chair (the person who invariably does the job, until they decide they have had enough, or can arm wrestle someone else to do it), and a scientist at Los Alamos; I don’t know either person.

SC22 (the ISO committee responsible for language standards), and INCITS (the US Standards body; the US is the Fortran committee secretariate) will work something out.

I had heard that the new guy was ruffling some feathers, and I thought good for him (committees could do with having their feathers ruffled every now and again). Then I read the running for convenor announcement; oh dear. Every committee has a way of working: the objectives listed in this announcement would go down really well with the C++ committee (which already does many of the points listed), but the Fortran committee don’t operate this way.

The language standards world appears to be very similar to the open source world, in that they are both driven by the people who do the work. One person can have a big impact in the open source world, simply by doing the work, but in the language standards world there is voting (people can vote in the open source world by using software or not). One person can write papers and propose lots of additions to a standard, but the agreement of committee members is needed before any wording is added to a draft standard, which eventually goes out for a round of voting by national bodies.

Over the years I have seen several people on a standards committee starting out very enthusiastic, writing proposals and expounding them at meetings; then after a year or two becoming despondent because nothing has happened. If committee members don’t like your proposal (or choose to spend their time on other proposals), they do nothing. A majority doing nothing is enough to stop something happening.

Once a language has become established, many of its users want the committee to move slowly. Compiler vendors don’t want to spend all their time keeping up with language updates (which rarely help sell more product), and commercial users don’t want the hassle of having to spend time working out how a new standard might impact them (having zero impact on existing is a common aim of language committees).

The young, the enthusiastic, and magazines looking to sell clicks are excited by change. An ISO language committee is generally not the place to find it.

Moments Of Pathological Behaviour – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

Last time we took a look at basis function interpolation with which we approximate functions from their values at given sets of arguments, known as nodes, using weighted sums of distinct functions, known as basis functions. We began by constructing approximations using polynomials before moving on to using bell shaped curves, such as the normal probability density function, centred at the nodes. The latter are particularly useful for approximating multi-dimensional functions, as we saw by using multivariate normal PDFs.
An easy way to create rotationally symmetric functions, known as radial basis functions, is to apply univariate functions that are symmetric about zero to the distance between the interpolation's argument and their associated nodes. PDFs are a rich source of such functions and, in fact, the second bell shaped curve that we considered is related to that of the Cauchy distribution, which has some rather interesting properties.

Beta release of data analysis chapters: Evidence-based software engineering

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

When I started my evidence-based software engineering book, nobody had written a data analysis book for software developers, so I had to write one (in fact, a book on this topic has still to be written). When I say “I had to write one”, what I mean is that the 200 pages in the second half of my evidence-based software engineering book contains a concentrated form of such a book.

This 200 pages is now on beta release (it’s 186 pages, if the bibliography is excluded); chapters 8 to 15 of the draft pdf. Originally I was going to wait until all the material was ready, before making a beta release; the Coronavirus changed my plans.

Here is your chance to learn a new skill during the lockdown (yes, these are starting to end; my schedule has not changed, I’m just moving with the times).

All the code+data is available for you to try out any ideas you might have.

The software engineering material, the first half of the book, is also part of the current draft pdf, and the polished form should be available on beta release in about 6 weeks.

If you have a comment or find a problem, either email me or raise an issue on the book’s Github page.

Yes, a few figures and tables still bump into each other. I’m loath to do very fine-tuning because things will shuffle around a bit with minor changes to the words.

I’m thinking of running some online sessions around each chapter. Watch this space for information.

Tizen on Orange Pi PC

Christof Meerwald from blog

Made some significant progress for running Tizen on an Orange Pi PC (and hopefully any other SBC with a similar Mali GPU). Main issue was that alignments in TBM (Tizen Buffer Manager) weren't in sync with what the actual GPU driver expected. With that fixed, rendering seems to work fine now and I was also able to enable Full HD (1920x1080) resolution.

Next step would be to get the Home Screen app auto started and find some way to get a "Home" button (to be able to switch between apps without completely closing them).

Creating a tiny Docker image of a Rust project

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

I am building a toy project in Rust to help me learn how to deploy things in AWS. I’m considering using Elastic Beanstalk (AWS’s platform-as-a-service) and also Kubernetes. Both of these support deploying via Docker containers, so I am learning how to package a Rust executable as a Docker image.

My program is a small web site that uses Redis as a back end database. It consists of some Rust code and a couple of static files.

Because Rust has good support for building executables with very few dependencies, we can actually build a Docker image with almost nothing in it, except my program and the static files.

Thanks to Alexander Brand’s blog post How to Package Rust Applications Into Minimal Docker Containers I was able to build a Docker image that:

  1. Is very small
  2. Does not take too long to build

The main concern for making the build faster is that we don’t download and build all the dependencies every time. To achieve that we make sure there is a layer in the Docker build process that includes all the dependencies being built, and is not re-built when we only change our source code.

Here is the Dockerfile I ended up with:

# 1: Build the exe
FROM rust:1.42 as builder
WORKDIR /usr/src
Creating a tiny Docker image of a Rust project
# 1a: Prepare for static linking
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \
    apt-get install -y musl-tools && \
    rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

# 1b: Download and compile Rust dependencies (and store as a separate Docker layer)
RUN USER=root cargo new myprogram
WORKDIR /usr/src/myprogram
COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.lock ./
RUN cargo install --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --path .

# 1c: Build the exe using the actual source code
COPY src ./src
RUN cargo install --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --path .

# 2: Copy the exe and extra files ("static") to an empty Docker image
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/cargo/bin/myprogram .
COPY static .
USER 1000
CMD ["./myprogram"]

The FROM rust:1.42 as build line uses the newish Docker feature multi-stage builds – we create one Docker image (“builder”) just to build the code, and then copy the resulting executable into the final Docker image.

In order to allow us to build a stand-alone executable that does not depend on the standard libraries in the operating system, we use the “musl” target, which is designed to statically linked.

The final Docker image produced is pretty much the same size as the release build of myprogram, and the build is fast, so long as I don’t change the dependencies in Cargo.toml.

A couple more tips to make the build faster:

1. Use a .dockerignore file. Here is mine:


2. Use Docker BuildKit, by running the build like this:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build  .

Visual Lint has been released

Products, the Universe and Everything from Products, the Universe and Everything

This is a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 7.0. The following changes are included:

  • The Visual C++ built-in preprocessor symbol _MSC_VER is now defined on the generated CppCheck command line when analysing Visual Studio 2019 projects.

  • Appropriate defaults (e.g. the compiler indirect file co-rb-vs2019.lnt) are now offered when creating a PC-lint Plus analysis configuration for Visual Studio 2019.

  • Updated the values of _MSC_VER and _MSC_FULL_VER in the PC-lint Plus compiler indirect file co-rb-v2017.lnt to reflect those in the latest Visual Studio 2017 update (VS2017 v15.9.21).

  • Updated the values of _MSC_VER and _MSC_FULL_VER in the PC-lint Plus compiler indirect file co-rb-vs2019.lnt to reflect those in the latest Visual Studio 2019 update (VS2019 v16.5.1).

  • Fixed a bug in the Configuration Wizard "Select Analysis Tool Installation Folder" page.

  • Fixed a bug in the implementation of the "Active Analysis Tool" option.

  • Fixed a bug in the implementation of the .vlconfig file "Solution specific Analysis Tool" property [Visual Lint Enterprise and Build Server Editions]`.

  • Fixed a display bug in the Configuration Wizard "Information" page. Note that this page is PC-lint and PC-lint Plus specific.

  • Corrected the title of the "PC-lint" page in the Analysis Configuration Dialog to "PC-lint Plus" when the active analysis tool is PC-lint Plus.