Just when you thought it wasn’t safe to search for tea…

Paul Grenyer from Paul Grenyer

There hasn’t been anything from Find My Tea HQ for a while. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes improving the existing infrastructure and fixing bugs in the app, not least of which, the lack of functioning maps on iPhone. The good news is the maps are back and there’s a new version of the app to download for iPhone users!

Early next year we hope to release a feature which will let users add new locations for other users to search for. Stick with us, we really appreciate your support so far.

Please connect with us on social media in the meantime:

Website: http://findmytea.co.uk/ (including links to the apps)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Findmytea-113424607013669

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/findmytea

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FindMyTea

Reality is not what is seems

Jon Jagger from less code, more software

is an excellent book by Carlo Rovelli (isbn 978-0-141-98321-9)
As usual I'm going to quote from a few pages.

It doesn't describe where there is a particle but how the particle shows itself to others.
It isn't things that enter into relations but, rather, relations that ground the notion of 'thing'.
An object is a monotonous process. [Nelson Goodman]
The sun bends space around itself, and the Earth does not circle around it drawn by a mysterious distant force but runs straight in a space that inclines.
What is conserved is the sum of mass and energy, not each separately. Processes must exist that transform energy into mass, or mass into energy.
Take the equations of quantum mechanics that determines the form of the orbitals of an electron. This equation has a certain number of solutions, and these solutions correspond exactly to hydrogen, helium, oxygen ... and the other elements!
On Mars, there are events that in this precise moment have already happened, events that are yet to happen, but also a quarter of an hour during which things occur that are neither in our past nor in our future.
Time is not universal and fixed, it is something which expands and shrinks, according to the vicinity of masses.
Suppose we want to observe a very, very, very small region of space. To do this, we need to place something in this area to mark the point that we wish to consider. Say we place a particle there. Heisenberg had understood that you can't locate a particle at a point in space for long. It soon escapes. The smaller the region in which we try to locate a particle, the greater the velocity at which it escapes. This is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
It isn't true that we 'do not see' Faraday lines. We only see vibrating Faraday lines. "To see" is to perceive light, and light is the movement of Faraday lines.

Pair Programming Interviews

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

Let’s be honest, hiring people is hard and there are no perfect approaches. However it feels somewhat logical that if you’re hiring someone who will spend a significant amount of their time solving problems by writing software, then you should probably at least try and validate that they are up to the task. That doesn’t mean you don’t also look for ways to asses their suitability for the other aspects of software development that don’t involve programming, only that being able to solve a problem with code will encompass a fair part of what they’ll be doing on a day-to-day basis [1].

Early Computer Based Tests

The first time I was ever asked to write code on a computer as part of an interview was way back in the late ‘90s. Back then pair programming wasn’t much of a thing in the Enterprise circles I moved in and so the exercise was very hands-off. They left me in the boardroom with a computer (but no internet access) and gave me a choice of exercises. Someone popped in half way through to make sure I was alright but other than that I had no contact with anyone. At the end I chatted briefly with the interviewer about the task but it felt more like a box ticking affair than any real attempt to gain much of an insight into how I actually behaved as a programmer. (An exercise in separating “the wheat from the chaff”.)

I got the job and then watched from the other side of the table as other people went through the same process. In retrospect being asked to write code on an actual computer was still quite novel back then and therefore we probably didn’t explore it as much as we should have.

It was almost 15 years before I was asked to write code on a computer again as part of an interview. In between I had gone through the traditional pencil & paper exercises which I was struggling with more and more [2] as I adopted TDD and refactoring as my “stepwise refinement” process of choice.

My First Pair Programming Interview

Around 2013 an old friend in the ACCU, Ed Sykes, told me about a consultancy firm called Equal Experts who were looking to hire experienced freelance software developers. Part of their interview process was a simple kata done in a pair programming style. While I had done no formal pair programming up to that time [3] it was a core technique within the firm and so any candidates were expected to be comfortable adopting this practice where preferable.

I was interviewed by Ed Sykes, who played a kind of Product Owner role, and Adam Straughan, who was more hands-on in the experience. They gave me the Roman Numerals kata (decimal to roman conversion), which I hadn’t done before, and an hour to solve it. I took a pretty conventional approach but didn’t quite solve the whole thing in the allotted time as I didn’t quite manage to get the special cases to fall out more naturally. Still, the interviewers must have got what they were after as once again I got the job. Naturally I got involved in the hiring process at Equal Experts too because I really liked the process I had gone through and I wanted to see what it was like on the other side of the keyboard. It seemed so natural that I wondered why more companies didn’t adopt something similar, irrespective of whether or not any pair programming was involved in the role.

Whenever I got involved in hiring for the end client I also used the same technique although I tended to be a lone “technical” interviewer rather than having the luxury of the PO + Dev approach that I was first exposed to but it was still my preferred approach by a wide margin.

Pairing – Interactive Interviewing

On reflection what I liked most about this approach as a candidate, compared to the traditional one, is that it felt less like an exam, which I generally suck at, and more like what you’d really do on the job. Putting aside the current climate of living in a pandemic where many people are working at home by themselves, what I liked most was that I had access to other people and was encouraged to ask questions rather than solve the problem entirely by myself. To wit, it felt like I was interviewing to be part of a team of people, not stuck in a booth and expected to working autonomously [4]. Instead of just leaving you to flounder, the interviewers would actively nudge you to help unblock the situation, just like they (hopefully) would do in the real world. Not everyone notices the same things and as long as they aren’t holding the candidate’s hand the whole time that little nudge should be seen as a positive sign about taking on-board feedback rather than failing to solve the problem. It’s another small, but I feel hugely important, part of making the candidate feel comfortable.

The Pit of Success

We’ve all heard about those interviews where it’s less about the candidate and more about the interviewer trying to show how clever they are. It almost feels like the interviewer is going out of their way to make the interview as far removed from normal operating conditions as possible, as if the pressure of an interview is somehow akin to a production outage. If your goal is to get the best from the candidate, and it should be if you want the best chance of evaluating them fairly, then you need to make them feel as comfortable as possible. You only have a short period of time with them so getting them into the right frame of mind should be utmost in your mind.

One of the problems I faced in that early programming test was an unfamiliar computer. You have a choice of whether to try and adapt to the keyboard shortcuts you’re given or reconfigure the IDE to make it more natural. You might wonder if that’s part of the test which wastes yet more time and adds to the artificial nature of the setting. What about the toolset – can you use your preferred unit testing framework or shell? Even in the classic homogenous environment that is The Windows Enterprise there is often still room for personal preference, despite what some organisations might have you believe [5].

Asking the candidate to bring their own laptop overcomes all of these hurdles and gives them the opportunity to use their own choice of tools thereby allowing them to focus more on the problem and interaction with you and less on yak shaving. They should also have access to the Internet so they can google whatever they need to. It’s important to make this perfectly clear so they won’t feel penalised for “looking up the answer” to even simple things because we all do that for real, let alone under the pressure of an interview. Letting them get flustered because they can’t remember something seemingly trivial and then also worrying about how it’ll look if they google it won’t work in your favour. (Twitter is awash with people asking senior developers to point out that even they google the simple things sometimes and that you’re not expected to remember everything all the time.)

Unfortunately, simply because there are people out there that insist on interviewing in a way designed to trip up the candidate, I find I have to go overboard when discussing the setup to reassure them that there really are no tricks – that the whole point of the exercise is to get an insight into how they work in practice. Similarly reassuring the candidate that the problem is open-ended and that solving it in the allotted is not expected also helps to relax them so they can concentrate more on enjoying the process and feel comfortable with you stopping to discuss, say, their design choices instead of feeling the need to get to the end of yet another artificial deadline instead.

The Exercise

I guess it’s to be expected that if you set a programming exercise that you’d want the candidate to complete it; but for me the exercise is a means to a different end. I’m not interested in the problem itself, it’s the conversation we have that provides me with the confidence I need to decide if the candidate has potential. This implies that the problem cannot be overly cerebral as the intention is to code and chat at the same time.

While there are a number of popular katas out there, like the Roman Numerals conversion, I never really liked any of them. Consequently I came up with my own little problem based around command line parsing. For starters I felt this was a problem domain that was likely to be familiar to almost any candidate even if they’re more GUI oriented in practice. It’s also a problem that can be solved in a procedural, functional, or object-oriented way and may even, as the design evolves, be refactored from one style to the other, or even encompass aspects of multiple paradigms. (Many of the classic katas are very functional in nature.) There is also the potential to touch on I/O with the program usage and this allows the thorny subject of mocking and testability to be broached which I’ve found to be a rich seam of discussion with plenty of opinions.

(Even though the first iteration of the problem only requires supporting “-v” to print a version string I’ve had candidates create complex class hierarchies based around the Command design pattern despite making it clear that we’ll introduce new features in subsequent iterations.)


Aside from how a candidate solves a problem from a design standpoint I’m also interested in the actual mechanics of how they program. I don’t mean whether they can touch type or not – I personally can’t so that would be a poor indicator :o) – no, I mean how they use the tools. For example I find it interesting what they use the keyboard or mouse for, what keyboard shortcuts they use, how they select and move text, whether they use snippets or prefer the editor not to interfere. While I don’t think any of the candidate’s choices says anything significant about their ability to solve the problem, it does provide an interesting avenue for conversation.

It’s probably a very weak indicator but programmers are often an opinionated bunch and one area they can be highly opiniated about is the tools they use. Some people love to talk about what things they find useful, in essence what they feel improves or hinders their productivity. This in turn begs the question about what they believe “productivity” is in a software development context.


What much of this observation and conversation boils down to is not about whether they do things the same way I do – on the contrary I really hope they don’t as diversity is important – it’s about the “reflective” nature of the person. How much of what they do is through conscious choice and how much is simply the result of doing things by rote.

In my experience the better programmers I have worked with tend to more aware of how they work. While many actions may fall into the realm of unconscious competence when “in the zone” they can likely explain their rationale because they’re are still (subconsciously) evaluating it in the background in case a better approach is suitable.

(Naturally this implies the people I tend to interview are, or purport to be, experienced programmers where that level of experience is assumed to be over 10 years. I’m not sure what you can expect to take away from this post when hiring those just starting out on their journey.)

An Imperfect Process

Right back at the start I said that interviewing is an imperfect process and while I think pairing with someone is an excellent way to get a window into their character and abilities, so much still comes down to a gut feeling and therefore a subjective assessment.

I once paired with someone in an interview and while I felt they were probably technically competent I felt just a tinge of uneasiness about them personally. Ultimately the final question was “would I be happy to work with this person?” and so I said “yes” because I felt I would be nit-picking to say “no”. As it happens I did end up working with this person and a couple of months into the contract I had to have an awkward conversation with my other two colleagues to see if they felt the same way I did about this team mate. They did and the team mate was “swapped out” after a long conversation with the account manager.

What caused us to find working with this person unpleasant wasn’t something we felt could easily and quickly be rectified. They had a general air of negativity about them and had a habit of making disparaging, sweeping remarks which showed they looked down on database administrators and other non-programming roles. They also lacked an attention to detail causing the rest of us to dot their I’s and cross their T’s. Even after bringing this up directly it didn’t get any better; they really just wanted to get on and write new code and leave the other tasks like reviewing, documenting, deploying, etc. to other people.

I doubt there is anything you can do in an hour of pairing to unearth these kind of undesirable traits [6] to a level that you can adequately assess, which is why the gut still has a role to play. (I suspect it was my many years of experience in the industry working with different people that originally set my spider senses tingling.)


The hiring question I may find myself putting to the client is whether they would prefer to accidentally let a good candidate slip away because the interview let them (the candidate) down or accidentally hire a less suitable candidate that appeared to “walk-the-walk” as well as “talk-the-talk” and potentially become a liability. Since doing pairing interviews this question has come up very rarely with a candidate as it’s been much clearer from the pairing experience what their abilities and attitude are.


[1] This doesn’t just apply to hiring individuals but can also work for whole teams, see “Choosing a Supplier: The Hackathon”.

[2] See “Afterwood – The Interview” for more on how much I dislike the pen & paper approach to coding interviews.

[3] My first experience was in a Cyber Dojo evening back in September 2010 that Jon Jagger ran at Skills Matter in London. I wrote it up for the ACCU: “Jon Jagger’s Coding Dojo”.

[4] Being a long-time freelancer this mode of operation is not unexpected as you are often hired into an organisation specifically for your expertise; your contributions outside of “coding” are far less clear. Some like the feedback on how the delivery process is working while others do not and just want you to write code.

[5] My In The Toolbox article “Getting Personal” takes a look at the boundary between team conventions and personal freedom for choices in tooling and approach.

[6] I’m not saying this person could not have improved if given the right guidance, they probably could have and I hope they actually have by now; they just weren’t right for this particular environment which needed a little more sensitivity and rigour.

Researching programming languages

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

What useful things might be learned from evidence-based research into programming languages?

A common answer is researching how to design a programming language having a collection of desirable characteristics; with desirable characteristics including one or more of: supporting the creation of reliable, maintainable, readable, code, or being easy to learn, or easy to understand, etc.

Building a theory of, say, code readability is an iterative process. A theory is proposed, experiments are run, results are analysed; rinse and repeat until a theory having a good enough match to human behavior is found. One iteration will take many years: once a theory is proposed, an implementation has to be built, developers have to learn it, and spend lots of time using it to enable longer term readability data to be obtained. This iterative process is likely to take many decades.

Running one iteration will require 100+ developers using the language over several years. Why 100+? Lots of subjects are needed to obtain statistically meaningful results, people differ in their characteristics and previous software experience, and some will drop out of the experiment. Just one iteration is going to cost a lot of money.

If researchers do succeed in being funded and eventually discovering some good enough theories, will there be a mass migration of developers to using languages based on the results of the research findings? The huge investment in existing languages (both in terms of existing code and developer know-how) means that to stand any chance of being widely adopted these new language(s) are going to have to deliver a substantial benefit.

I don’t see a high cost multi-decade research project being funded, and based on the performance improvements seen in studies of programming constructs I don’t see the benefits being that great (benefits in use of particular constructs may be large, but I don’t see an overall factor of two improvement).

I think that creating new programming languages will continue to be a popular activity (it is vanity research), and I’m sure that the creators of these languages will continue to claim that their language has some collection of desirable characteristics without any evidence.

What programming research might be useful and practical to do?

One potentially practical and useful question is the lifecycle of programming languages. Where the components of the lifecycle includes developers who can code in the language, source code written in the language, and companies dependent on programs written in the language (who are therefore interested in hiring people fluent in the language).

Many languages come and go without many people noticing, a few become popular for a few years, and a handful continue to be widely used over decades. What are the stages of life for a programming language, what factors have the largest influence on how widely a language is used, and for how long it continues to be used?

Sixty years worth of data is waiting to be collected and collated; enough to keep researchers busy for many years.

The uses of a lifecycle model, that I can thinkk of, all involve the future of a language, e.g., how much of a future does it have and how might it be extended.

Some recent work looking at the rate of adoption of new language features includes: On the adoption, usage and evolution of Kotlin Features on Android development, and Understanding the use of lambda expressions in Java; also see section 7.3.1 of Evidence-based software engineering.

Evidence-based software engineering: book released

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

My book, Evidence-based software engineering, is now available; the pdf can be downloaded here, here and here, plus all the code+data. Report any issues here. I’m investigating the possibility of a printed version.

The original goals of the book, from 10-years ago, have been met, i.e., discuss what is currently known about software engineering based on an analysis of all the publicly available software engineering data, and having the pdf+data+code freely available for download. The definition of “all the public data” started out as being “all”, but as larger and higher quality data was discovered the corresponding were ignored.

The intended audience has always been software developers and their managers. Some experience of building software systems is assumed.

How much data is there? The data directory contains 1,142 csv files and 985 R files, the book cites 895 papers that have data available of which 556 are cited in figure captions; there are 628 figures. I am currently quoting the figure of 600+ for the ‘amount of data’.

Cover image of book Evidence-based software engineering.

Things that might be learned from the analysis has been discussed in previous posts on the chapters: Human cognition, Cognitive capitalism, Ecosystems, Projects and Reliability.

The analysis of the available data is like a join-the-dots puzzle, except that the 600+ dots are not numbered, some of them are actually specs of dust, and many dots are likely to be missing. The future of software engineering research is joining the dots to build an understanding of the processes involved in building and maintaining software systems; work is also needed to replicate some of the dots to confirm that they are not specs of dust, and to discover missing dots.

Some missing dots are very important. For instance, there is almost no data on software use, but there can be lots of data on fault experiences. Without software usage data it is not possible to estimate whether the software is very reliable (i.e., few faults experienced per amount of use), or very unreliable (i.e., many faults experienced per amount of use).

The book treats the creation of software systems as an economically motivated cognitive activity occurring within one or more ecosystems. Algorithms are now commodities and are not discussed. The labour of the cognitariate is the means of production of software systems, and this is the focus of the discussion.

Existing books treat the creation of software as a craft activity, with developers applying the skills and know-how acquired through personal practical experience. The craft approach has survived because building software systems has been a sellers market, customers have paid what it takes because the potential benefits have been so much greater than the costs.

Is software development shifting from being a sellers market to a buyers market? In a competitive market for development work and staff, paying people to learn from mistakes that have already been made by many others is an unaffordable luxury; an engineering approach, derived from evidence, is a lot more cost-effective than craft development.

As always, if you know of any interesting software engineering data, please let me know.

What’s The Lucky Number? – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

Over the last few months we have been looking at Bernoulli processes which are sequences of Bernoulli trails, being observations of a Bernoulli distributed random variable with a success probability of p. We have seen that the number of failures before the first success follows the geometric distribution and the number of failures before the rth success follows the negative binomial distribution, which are the discrete analogues of the exponential and gamma distributions respectively.
This time we shall take a look at the binomial distribution which governs the number of successes out of n trials and is the discrete version of the Poisson distribution.

Why a Free Software web games site?

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Recently I’ve been having a lot of fun working on Smolpxl, which is a web site featuring some little retro web games that are all Free and Open Source Software.

Here’s a sneak preview of the game I am working on:

A pixellated spaceship avoids some walls, then crashes into them

Why do this?

Apart from the fact that it’s fun, I also think there is a need for a site like this: a safe place for kids to play little games without creepy advertising looking over their shoulder, and perverse incentives for the site creators.

Little web games can be a diversion during train journeys, helpful distractions for parents and teachers to provide for kids, and even be a little educational around mouse and keyboard use. I’ve seen the sites that already exist be helpful in all those contexts, but I’ve always felt uncomfortable that these sites are supported by advertising, which always comes with concerns about privacy, and also leads game creators to focus on “engagement”, creating mechanisms like site-wide currencies and gambling-style rewards that drive addictive behaviours.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we in the Free and Open Source community could write some fun games that are free from those unhealthy influences?

Wouldn’t it be even nicer if we took the opportunity to encourage kids to learn how to make games as well as play them?

Well, that’s the idea. Have a look at smolpxl.artificialworlds.net, play a few games, and think about writing a few more…

Also, if you know of existing Free and Open Source web games that might work well on the site, let me know and I’ll have a chat with their creators: I definitely plan to include games by more people than just me.

The Weirdest people in the world

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic: WEIRD people are the subject of Joseph Henrich’s latest book “The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous”.

This book is in the mold of Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, but comes at the topic from a psychological/sociological angle.

This very readable book is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand how very different WEIRD people are, along with the societies they have created, compared to people and societies in the rest of the world today and the entire world up until around 500 years ago.

The analysis of WEIRD people/societies has three components: why we are different (I’m assuming that most of this blog’s readers are WEIRD), the important differences that are known about, and the cultural/societal consequences (the particularly prosperous in the subtitle is a big clue).

Henrich cites data to back up his theories.

Starting around 1,500 years ago the Catholic church started enforcing a ban on cousin marriage, which was an almost universal practice at the time and is still widely practiced in non-WEIRD societies. Over time the rules got stricter, until by the 11th century people were not allowed to marry anyone related out to their sixth cousin. The rules were not always strictly enforced, as Henrich documents, but the effect was to change the organization of society from being kin-based to being institution-based (in particular institutions such as the Church and state). Finding a wife/husband required people to interact with others outside their extended family.

Effects claimed, operating over centuries, of the shift from extended families to nuclear families are that people learned what Henrich calls “impersonal prosociality”, e.g., feeling comfortable dealing with strangers. People became more altruistic, the impartial rule of law spread (including democracy and human rights), plus other behaviors needed for the smooth running of large social units (such as towns, cities and countries).

The overall impact was that social units of WEIRD people could grow to include tens of thousands, even millions, or people, and successfully operate at this scale. Information about beneficial inventions could diffuse rapidly and people were free(ish) to try out new things (i.e., they were not held back by family customs), and operating in a society with free movement of people there were lots of efficiencies, e.g., companies were not obligated to hire family members, and could hire the best person they could find.

Consequently, the West got to take full advantage of scientific progress, invent and mass produce stuff. Outcompeting the non-WEIRD world.

The big ideas kind of hang together. Some of the details seem like a bit of a stretch, but I’m no expert.

My WEIRD story occurred about five years ago, when I was looking for a publisher for the book I was working on. One interested editor sent out an early draft for review. One of the chapters discusses human cognition, and I pointed out that it did not matter that most psychology experiments had been done using WEIRD subjects, because software developers were WEIRD (citing Henrich’s 2010 WEIRD paper). This discussion of WEIRD people was just too much for one of the reviewers, who sounded like he was foaming at the mouth when reviewing my draft (I also said a few things about academic researchers that upset him).

Letter to Anneliese Dodds MP: Support for the Labour Left

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

Dear Anneliese Dodds MP, 

I have voted for you in the last two elections, as a proxy for my support for Jeremy Corbyn, though your attendance and performance at the hustings arranged by the Stop the War Coalition was a reason for my support for you personally. 

For me to vote for you again I would need to see your support for the left of the Labour party,  and the mass movement built by Jeremy Corbyn; should you instead side with the faction which has suspended him you will lose my support. 

best wishes 
Tim Pizey