Author: Tim Pizey

  • Routine competance

    My daughters created a Gingerbread House, as they have for a decade. They can now do it with such routine, practiced ease that it hardly seems like a challenge, but the compenance is built upon layers of memory, and tempered with focus and care.

  • Our doors are always open

    I extracted the text: Portentum plagens tua si caret asse commena Pergerian numinis resonat celer intus amice Si tamen esurit luges maxilla calabit Ostia nam miseris fraler sunt semper aperta Which google translates as: If your plag…

  • – Tombstones for git projects

    There is something wrong with the idea that git gives you confidence to delete. As so often this is from the perspective of the individual programmer. Sure, you can delete your code and you can retreive it. Well done you, but you are relyi…

  • – Tombstones for git projects

    There is something wrong with the idea that git gives you confidence to delete. As so often this is from the perspective of the individual programmer. Sure, you can delete your code and you can retreive it. Well done you, but you are relyi…

  • Melati Day – Twenty Five Year Anniversary

    Happy Melati Day! On February 16th 2000 WilliamC made the first commit to Melati. The name … Indonesia’s national flowers: the melati (small white…

  • Melati Day – Twenty Five Year Anniversary

    Happy Melati Day! On February 16th 2000 WilliamC made the first commit to Melati. The name … Indonesia’s national flowers: the melati (small white…

  • Five Element Maven Version Numbering System (N5)

    The Five Element Maven Version Numbering System (N5) addresses the problem of wack-a-mole Maven dependency management: through the combination of excessive modularisation, microservices fervour, XML Declarative Project Object Models and non-uni…

  • Five Element Maven Version Numbering System (N5)

    The Five Element Maven Version Numbering System (N5) addresses the problem of wack-a-mole Maven dependency management: through the combination of excessive modularisation, microservices fervour, XML Declarative Project Object Models and non-uni…

  • Maven Version Versions and a Regex Block Refactoring of Sequential Identifier

    In the first post in this series I had thought about the need for a globally unique incrementable artifect id, in the next post I not only designed but tested a proposal for such a globally unique artifact id and how to change it. A t…

  • Maven Version Versions and a Regex Block Refactoring of Sequential Identifier

    In the first post in this series I had thought about the need for a globally unique incrementable artifect id, in the next post I not only designed but tested a proposal for such a globally unique artifact id and how to change it. A t…

  • Maven version schema change

    I proposed a new versioning scheme to yield a unique version string for each artifact in our highly modularised Maven java application. Currently we are running a classic SemVer semantic verioning system. The only shortcoming I can see wit…

  • Maven version schema change

    I proposed a new versioning scheme to yield a unique version string for each artifact in our highly modularised Maven java application. Currently we are running a classic SemVer semantic verioning system. The only shortcoming I can see wit…

  • Unique versions as pitons out of Maven Dependency Hell

    The whole Maven ecosystem, and more, follows the Semantic Versioning proposal from @mojombo who made a success of being right about most things. Even Oracle use it (no more ojdbc.jar for them). The problem Semantic Versioning addressed was th…

  • Unique versions as pitons out of Maven Dependency Hell

    The whole Maven ecosystem, and more, follows the Semantic Versioning proposal from @mojombo who made a success of being right about most things. Even Oracle use it (no more ojdbc.jar for them). The problem Semantic Versioning addressed was th…

  • Linux Laptop 2023 as a present

    My eldest has been using Linux on a 2012 macbook pro with 16GB and an SSD where the optical drive used to be, something she did herself whilst at school, so for her twenty first birthday I wanted to give her a new Linux laptop which she could be proud…

  • Linux Laptop 2023 as a present

    My eldest has been using Linux on a 2012 macbook pro with 16GB and an SSD where the optical drive used to be, something she did herself whilst at school, so for her twenty first birthday I wanted to give her a new Linux laptop which she could be proud…

  • Making maven dependency tree readable

    We have a super-POM which ties our POM forest into a tree. It takes 24 minutes just to compile. The dependency tree output is overwhelming, but the below leavs you with a fairly managable todo list of problems. Assuming for …

  • Making maven dependency tree readable

    We have a super-POM which ties our POM forest into a tree. It takes 24 minutes just to compile. The dependency tree output is overwhelming, but the below leavs you with a fairly managable todo list of problems. Assuming for …

  • Load bearing structures

    Fast, light lily trotter. Dall-e Hippo. Hippo trotter. For me this is connected with writing software.

  • Load bearing structures

    Fast, light lily trotter. Dall-e Hippo. Hippo trotter. For me this is connected with writing software.

  • Variety build up in a long lived project

    My current project has 319 Maven POMs. These have been worked upon by at least five ‘generations’ of coders, that is under five different software engineering leads. Maven enables different actions depending upon different profiles…

  • Variety build up in a long lived project

    My current project has 319 Maven POMs. These have been worked upon by at least five ‘generations’ of coders, that is under five different software engineering leads. Maven enables different actions depending upon different profiles…

  • Press Release Driven Development

    I realised, as I stumbled forwards with a presentation on my current project, that the presentation can be seen as a Press Release and remembered that I have explicitly followed the Amazon Working Backwards practice twice before. Write th…

  • Press Release Driven Development

    I realised, as I stumbled forwards with a presentation on my current project, that the presentation can be seen as a Press Release and remembered that I have explicitly followed the Amazon Working Backwards practice twice before. Write th…

  • Trying to use AI to create an image for work

    The idea I want to convey, in a slide deck at work, is that the codebase we are working on has not had enough attention for five years. It has been run by a small number of people who managed to keep the system working, ‘kept the lights on’ but the …

  • Trying to use AI to create an image for work

    The idea I want to convey, in a slide deck at work, is that the codebase we are working on has not had enough attention for five years. It has been run by a small number of people who managed to keep the system working, ‘kept the lights on’ but the …

  • House Marks in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees

    Last summer, in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees, I came across a House Mark above a barn door.

  • House Marks in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees

    Last summer, in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees, I came across a House Mark above a barn door.

  • The Tims by Eleanor Farjeon

    From The Little Bookroom by Eleanor Farjeon via Eldrbarry There were five Tims all told, Old Tim, Big Tim, Little Tim, Young Tim and Baby Tim, and they were all born wise. So whenever something was the matter in the village, or anything went wrong, o…

  • The Tims by Eleanor Farjeon

    From The Little Bookroom by Eleanor Farjeon via Eldrbarry There were five Tims all told, Old Tim, Big Tim, Little Tim, Young Tim and Baby Tim, and they were all born wise. So whenever something was the matter in the village, or anything went wrong, o…

  • Letter to Anneliese Dodds on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia

    Dear Anneliese Dodds, I learn from the BBC ( that “The UK is to phase out Russian oil by the end of the year” and “Russian imports account for 8% of total UK oil demand”. 8% is a small amount and the end of t…

  • Letter to Anneliese Dodds on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia

    Dear Anneliese Dodds, I learn from the BBC ( that “The UK is to phase out Russian oil by the end of the year” and “Russian imports account for 8% of total UK oil demand”. 8% is a small amount and the end of t…

  • An Exception wrapper suitable for a RESTful API

    User Story As a third line support engineer I want to be able to go to the server class that throws an exception reported by a client So that I do not need to look for the stack trace in the server logs Example Client code if (responseCode != …

  • An Exception wrapper suitable for a RESTful API

    User Story As a third line support engineer I want to be able to go to the server class that throws an exception reported by a client So that I do not need to look for the stack trace in the server logs Example Client code if (responseCode != …

  • Twenty Year Exit from the Oracle Ecosystem

    The Oracle Ecosystem instance that I inheritted was designed from 2000 and went live in 2004. Its centre piece Oracle Workflow went end of life that year but had new versions through to 2007. In its own way it was a pinnacle of a certain view of softw…

  • Twenty Year Exit from the Oracle Ecosystem

    The Oracle Ecosystem instance that I inheritted was designed from 2000 and went live in 2004. Its centre piece Oracle Workflow went end of life that year but had new versions through to 2007. In its own way it was a pinnacle of a certain view of softw…

  • Letter to Anneliese Dodds MP: Support for the Labour Left

    Dear Anneliese Dodds MP,  I have voted for you in the last two elections, as a proxy for my support for Jeremy Corbyn, though your attendance and performance at the hustings arranged by the Stop the War Coalition was a reason for my suppor…

  • Victory in Europe (VE) Day in Churchill’s Toyshop

    My grandfather, Norman Angier, worked at Churchill’s Toyshop (M.D.1) as the head civilian engineer during WWII. On VE day “Norman Angier felt it was an occasion for fireworks. He therefore acquired a large batch of quite big rockets and proc…

  • Victory in Europe (VE) Day in Churchill’s Toyshop

    My grandfather, Norman Angier, worked at Churchill’s Toyshop (M.D.1) as the head civilian engineer during WWII. On VE day “Norman Angier felt it was an occasion for fireworks. He therefore acquired a large batch of quite big rockets and proc…

  • Clean git blame history

    Place the following in a command file, run it within your repo: #!/bin/sh git filter-branch –env-filter ‘ an=”$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME” am=”$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL” cn=”$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME” cm=”$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL” if [ “$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL” = “timp@paneris.o…

  • Clean git blame history

    Place the following in a command file, run it within your repo: #!/bin/sh git filter-branch –env-filter ‘ an=”$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME” am=”$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL” cn=”$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME” cm=”$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL” if [ “$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL” = “timp@paneris.o…

  • Disaster Recovery: A Dynamic Redundancy Approach

    The problem with disaster planning is that it is not rehearsed. When you need to retrieve a file from backup is when you discover that your backup has been broken for three months. Modern cloud systems, based upon software defined infrastructure and…

  • Disaster Recovery: A Dynamic Redundancy Approach

    The problem with disaster planning is that it is not rehearsed. When you need to retrieve a file from backup is when you discover that your backup has been broken for three months. Modern cloud systems, based upon software defined infrastructure and…

  • Direct access to SonarQube Postgresql Database

    I want to change to change the name of a sonarqube project. This cannot be done without performing another analysis. You can just do it in SQL but you have to be…

  • Direct access to SonarQube Postgresql Database

    I want to change to change the name of a sonarqube project. This cannot be done without performing another analysis. You can just do it in SQL but you have to be…

  • Thames path improvements – Letter to Oxfordshire County Council

    I have sent the following letter to LTS.Team AT in response to &nbsp Hi, &nbsp I have submitted the following via the questionnaire: &nbsp The Oxpe…

  • Thames path improvements – Letter to Oxfordshire County Council

    I have sent the following letter to LTS.Team AT in response to &nbsp Hi, &nbsp I have submitted the following via the questionnaire: &nbsp The Oxpe…

  • Tell, don’t ask

    More than twelve years ago Tim Joyce passed on some programming wisdom: With programs tell don’t ask, vice versa for people. This was a bit abstract for me at the time but last night it came back to me as what is wrong with the code I am currently …

  • Tell, don’t ask

    More than twelve years ago Tim Joyce passed on some programming wisdom: With programs tell don’t ask, vice versa for people. This was a bit abstract for me at the time but last night it came back to me as what is wrong with the code I am currently …