Coronavirus: a silver lining for evidence-based software engineering?

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

People rarely measure things in software engineering, and when they do they rarely hang onto the measurements; this might also be true in many other work disciplines.

When I worked on optimizing compilers, I used to spend time comparing code size and performance. It surprised me that many others in the field did not, they seemed to think that if they implemented an optimization, things would get better and that was it. Customers would buy optimizers without knowing how long their programs took to do a task, they seemed to want things to go faster, and they had some money to spend buying stuff to make them feel that things had gotten faster. I quickly learned to stop asking too many questions, like “how fast does your code currently run”, or “how fast would you like it to run”. Sell them something to make them feel better, don’t spoil things by pointing out that their code might already be fast enough.

In one very embarrassing incident, the potential customer was interested in measuring performance, and my optimizer make their important program go slower! As best I could tell, the size of the existing code just fitted in memory, and optimizing for performance made it larger; the system started thrashing and went a lot slower.

What question did potential customers ask? They usually asked whether particular optimizations were implemented (because they had read about them someplace). Now some of these optimizations were likely to make very little difference to performance, but they were easy to understand and short enough to write articles about. And, yes. I always made sure to implement these ‘minor’ optimizations purely to keep customers happy (and increase the chances of making a sale).

Now I work on evidence-based software engineering, and developers rarely measure things, and when they do they rarely hang onto the measurements. So many people have said I could have their data, if they had it!

Will the Coronavirus change things? With everybody working from home, management won’t be able to walk up to developers and ask what they have been doing. Perhaps stuff will start getting recorded more often, and some of it might be kept.

A year from now it might be a lot easier to find information about what developers do. I will let you know next year.

On A Very Cellular Process – student

student from thus spake a.k.

Recently my fellow students and I have been spending our free time using Professor B------'s remarkable calculating engine to experiment with cellular automata, being mathematical contrivances that might be thought of as crude models of the lives of those most humble of creatures; amoebas. In their simplest form they are unending lines of boxes, some of which contain a living cell that at each generation will live, die or reproduce according to the contents of its neighbouring boxes. For example, we might say that each cell divides and its two offspring migrate to the left and right, dying if they encounter another cell's progeny.

Exercises in Programming Style: the python way

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Exercises in Programming Style by Cristina Lopes is an interesting little book.

The books I have previously read on programming style pick a language, and then write various programs in that language using different styles, idioms, or just following quirky rules, e.g., no explicit loops, must use sets, etc. “Algorithms in Snobol 4” by James F. Gimpel is a fascinating read, but something of an acquired taste.

EPS does pick a language, Python, but the bulk of the book is really a series of example programs illustrating a language feature/concept that is central to a particular kind of language, e.g., continuation-passing style, publish-subscribe architecture, and reflection. All the programs implement the same problem: counting the number of occurrences of each word in a text file (Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice is used).

The 33 chapters are each about six or seven pages long, and contain a page or two or code. Everything is very succinct, and does a good job of illustrating one main idea.

While the first example does not ring true, things quickly pick up and there are lots of interesting insights to be had. The first example is based on limited storage (1,024 bytes), and just does not make efficient use of the available bits (e.g., upper case letters can be represented using 5-bits, leaving three unused bits or 37% of available storage; a developer limited to 1K would not waste such a large amount of storage).

Solving the same problem in each example removes the overhead of having to learn what is essentially housekeeping material. It also makes it easy to compare the solutions created using different ideas. The downside is that there is not always a good fit between the idea being illustrated and the problem being solved.

There is one major omission. Unstructured programming; back in the day it was just called programming, but then structured programming came along, and want went before was called unstructured. Structured programming allowed a conditional statement to apply to multiple statements, an obviously simple idea once somebody tells you.

When an if-statement can only be followed by a single statement, that statement has to be a goto; an if/else is implemented as (using Fortran, I wrote lots of code like this during my first few years of programming):

      IF (I .EQ. J)
      GOTO 100
      GOTO 200
100   Z=2

Based on the EPS code in chapter 3, Monolithic, an unstructured Python example might look like (if Python supported goto):

for line in open(sys.argv[1]):
    start_char = None
    i = 0
    for c in line:
        if start_char != None:
           goto L0100
        if not c.isalnum():
           goto L0300
        # We found the start of a word
        start_char = i
        goto L0300
        if c.isalnum():
           goto L0300
        # We found the end of a word. Process it
        found = False
        word = line[start_char:i].lower()
        # Ignore stop words
        if word in stop_words:
           goto L0280
        pair_index = 0
        # Let's see if it already exists
        for pair in word_freqs:
            if word != pair[0]:
               goto L0210
            pair[1] += 1
            found = True
            goto L0220
            pair_index += 1
        if found:
           goto L0230
        word_freqs.append([word, 1])
        goto L0300
        if len(word_freqs) <= 1:
           goto L0300:
        # We may need to reorder
        for n in reversed(range(pair_index)):
            if word_freqs[pair_index][1] <= word_freqs[n][1]:
               goto L0240
            # swap
            word_freqs[n], word_freqs[pair_index] = word_freqs[pair_index], word_freqs[n]
            pair_index = n
        goto L0300
        # Let's reset
        start_char = None
        i += 1

If you do feel a yearning for the good ol days, a goto package is available, enabling developers to write code such as:

from goto import with_goto

def range(start, stop):
    i = start
    result = []

    label .begin
    if i == stop:
        goto .end

    i += 1
    goto .begin

    label .end
    return result

Custom Bash tab completion for my program

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam&#039;s Blog

I love Bash tab completion, and I want it for the command I am writing, so it can automatically complete parts of the command line when I run my program.


Here is the script (install-bash-completion) I wrote to set it up (no need to be root – it installs in ~/.local):


set -u
set -e


mkdir -p ${DIR}

cp _myprogram ${DIR}

The actual completion script (_myprogram) it installs looks like this:

    local cur prev opts
    opts=$(bash -c "./myprogram --commands")

    COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
    return 0
complete -F _myprogram_commands ./myprogram


To install it, run:


Then log out and log in again.

Now when you type ./myprogram and press TAB a couple of times, you should see the possible completions listed.


The completion script must be named to match the program name, with a leading underscore.

If I wanted it to work when it was installed in my PATH, I would need to change ./myprogram to just myprogram in 2 places.

Notice the line opts=$(bash -c "./myprogram --commands") – it actually runs my program to get the list of completions. This means my program needs to accept a --commands option which prints the valid commands. Alternatively, I could have hard-coded it by replacing that line with just:

opts="cmd1 cmd2 --help --etc"

More info:

The Spectral Apparition – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

Over the last few months we have seen how we can efficiently implement the Householder transformations and shifted Givens rotations used by Francis's algorithm to diagonalise a real symmetric matrix M, yielding its eigensystem in a matrix V whose columns are its eigenvectors and a diagonal matrix Λ whose diagonal elements are their associated eigenvalues, which satisfy

    M = V × Λ × VT

and together are known as the spectral decomposition of M.
In this post, we shall add it to the ak library using the householder and givens functions that we have put so much effort into optimising.

Invariants and Preconditions

Anthony Williams from Just Software Solutions Blog

I tend to think about invariants and preconditions a lot. Pretty much every class has invariants, and most functions have preconditions. I don't think they are complicated concepts, but somehow they seem to confuse people anyway, so I decided it was time to write down some of my thoughts.


A class invariant is something that is always true for every instance of that class. Users of objects of that class never see an object for which the invariant is not true; it is true for all states of all objects of that class at all times. This is what makes it invariant.

In order to perform the required operations, class member functions may temporarily break invariants, and then restore them afterwards. Unless you allow concurrent invocations of member functions on the same object, or deliberately pass the object to another function from inside a member function, this is OK, as the outside world will not be able to interact with the object when it is in such a state. It does mean you need to be especially careful when calling other functions from inside a member function, to ensure that the invariants still hold.

Invariants are important. If you writing a function that operates on an object, the only thing that is guaranteed to be true about it is that the class invariants hold, unless you choose to impose additional preconditions.


Preconditions are those that must be true when a function is called. Every operation on a class has the implicit precondition that the class invariants hold, but operations can add additional preconditions. For example, you always call v.empty() to check if a vector is empty, but you only call v.front() to retrieve the first element if the vector is not empty. v[i] and differ only in their preconditions; v[i] requires the vector to have more than i elements, whereas is specified to work for any vector, throwing if i is out of range.

Some people like to write classes with two-stage construction — first you default-construct the object, then you call x.init() or similar to "finish off" the initialization, and you can't call any other function on that object until after the initialization is complete. Though I don't like this pattern it is valid code; every member function has a precondition that x.init() has been called.

Some people like to say that such a class can have "invariants" that do not hold until after initialization is complete. I think this is a misuse of the term; invariants must always hold for every object of a class, outside the internals of its member functions. As I just stated above, what such a class really has is a precondition on every function, not an invariant.

If I write a function

void do_stuff(X& x){
  // my code here

then I can rely on the invariants of X holding, but cannot rely on anything else unless I add preconditions to do_stuff.

Likewise, it should not be possible to do anything to an object that breaks its invariants. If you can then either you gave a bug, or they are not really invariants, just preconditions for most operations.

Some people like to write classes that have operations to transfer the internals from one object to another, leaving the source in a special "emptier than empty" state. This can be good for efficiency, especially when doing otherwise would require allocating resources to return the source to the plain "empty" state, and it is likely that the source will be destroyed immediately anyway.

Again, this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, particularly when the resources are expensive to allocate and performance of the code is important. The problem comes when people then want to say that the class invariants don't hold for this state. Just as with the pre-initialization state above, I think this is a misuse of the term; they are not invariants, it is just that most operations have a precondition that the object is not "emptier than empty".

Move semantics

Since C++11, C++ has had the concept of "moving" objects, transferring resources from the source to the destination. This is an important facility for expressiveness of code and efficiency. Objects that own resources such as std::unique_ptr, std::thread or std::fstream can now be moved, transferring ownership of the resource from the source to the destination. This allows such objects to be put in containers, and transferred between scopes, which can greatly simplify code. Likewise, containers like std::vector can be moved, transferring the entire set of contained objects from one vector to another without reallocation. These facilities are of great importance for writing clean, efficient code.

One thing all these operations have in common is that after a move, the class invariants still hold for the source object. This should go without saying: the source is still an object of its type, so of course the invariants hold.

The issue is with things like std::list, where some implementations allocate a sentinel node for the head/tail of the list in the default constructor, which is thus transferred during move operations, so the move constructor has to allocate a new sentinel node for the source, in order to ensure the class invariants still hold. A similar thing occurs with anything that uses the pimpl idiom: if the implementation pointer is transferred then either the class invariants must allow for there to be a null implementation pointer, or a new implementation object must be allocated.

Some people therefore argue that move operations should allow the source to be left with broken invariants, as a hollow shell of an object, in an "emptier than empty" state. I think this is misuse of the term "invariants". By all means, steal the internals and leave the source with a null pointer to the internals, or whatever. However, you now need to change the invariants of your class to allow this, or they are not invariants, because they would no longer apply to all objects of that class. There is no need to update any of the functions on your class to handle this new state, but if you do not do so, then any functions that don't work for objects in this "emptier than empty" state now have an additional precondition that the object is not in that state.

This is all perfectly fine, objects with such states are plentiful, and have legitimate reasons for existing, but it is important to accept that their functions now have preconditions. My do_stuff function above can only call member functions that are safe to use in such a state unless it too has a precondition that the object x is not in such a state.

From a user perspective, it would be nice to be able to query such a state, so I could know what operations are permitted. For example, std::future provides a member function valid so you can call f.valid() before trying to do anything with it, and std::thread provides the joinable member function, which can be used to see if the object holds a thread handle. My do_stuff function can then call x.is_emptier_than_empty() in order to check for the special state and take appropriate action. That said, this is a "nice to have": the absence of such a function doesn't mean that the state can't exist, just that it's potentially harder to deal with.

Interaction with other code

If you pass an object to a function or class, then you need to know what that function requires of your object and ensure that those expectations are met. If the function expects your object to be a container with at least one element and you pass an empty container, then you've broken the expectations and your code has a bug. Likewise, if the function expects to be able to call on your object, but foo cannot be called on an "emptier than empty" object, and you passed such an object to the function, your code has a bug.

The difficulty comes when such a state arises as a consequence of other actions. If can leave x in an "emptier than empty" state, then do_stuff had better be prepared to handle the scenario, otherwise there is a bug somewhere. Where the bug is depends on the documentation: if do_stuff requires that you can always perform certain actions on the object it is passed as a parameter, and those actions require that the object is not "emptier than empty", then the bug is in the caller, or maybe the implementation of class X. If there is no such documentation, the bug is in do_stuff.

Note that requiring that can only be called with objects that are not "emptier than empty" is a precondition. It should be perfectly acceptable for do_stuff to call any functions on x that do not have preconditions, even if x ends up in an "emptier than empty" state.

This is the exactly the same scenario we get with other code. For example if you pass a vector to a function that requires that the vector isn't empty, the function can erase the last element without a problem. If it wishes to erase the last element again, thus removing two elements in total, then it needs to check for and handle the case that the first erasure left the vector empty. Calling v.clear() or v.empty() or v.push_back(y) would be fine without checking, as those functions have no preconditions.

If is instead spelled y=std::move(x), then nothing changes: it is perfectly fine for x to end up in an "emptier than empty" state if do_stuff knows how to handle such a state, or doesn't care, because it doesn't touch x again.

One option is for do_stuff to say that after a move-assignment like this, it can't rely on x having any particular value, but it is still an instance of class X, so its invariants must hold, and therefore any operation without a precondition can be used. It can therefore call x.is_emptier_than_empty() and behave appropriately.

The other option is for do_stuff to place stronger requirements on x, such as requiring that it does not end up "emptier than empty" after a move, or even requiring that it has a specific state.

Valid but unspecified states

The standard library has chosen option 1: after move, objects must be valid - i.e. still actually be objects of the expected type, and not destroyed - but they have an unspecified state, so the function cannot rely on any specific value, and can therefore only perform operations without preconditions, until it has verified that the preconditions for other operations hold.

This holds both for standard library types such as std::string or std::vector<int>, but also for user defined types that you use with the standard library. If you write

std::string s="hello";
std::string s2=std::move(s);

then s was the source of a move operation, and thus is in a valid, but unspecified state. For implementations that use the Small String Optimization, such that short strings are stored entirely within the string object itself, without requiring dynamic allocation, this might mean that s still has the value hello after the move, because then it doesn't have to store an empty string value in s as well as copying the contents to s2. It is also possible that the implementation might clear s, for consistency with longer strings. Both are valid choices, as in either case s is still a std::string object, and the exact details of the state are unspecified.

Likewise, if you write

std::vector<MyWidget> v=create_some_widgets();

then that call to v.insert is going to have to move the widgets around in order to make room at the beginning for the extra one. The library requires that moving widgets leaves them in a valid, but unspecified, state. In this case, that means that having moved a widget from one position to another, it is OK to move another widget on top of the first one, as that is the only operation the vector will perform anyway. If you pass your object to a standard library function that does something other than move things around (such as std::sort or std::remove_if), then you need to check that the other operations the function might do can still be done on a moved-from object. By calling the library function you are stating that your objects meet (and will continue to meet) any preconditions you have imposed on the operations that the library function specification says it might perform.

Invariants and Concurrency

Right back at the beginning of this article I stated that "Users of objects of that class never see an object for which the invariant is not true", but also that "class member functions may temporarily break invariants, and then restore them afterwards". These two things don't work together very well if an object can be accessed concurrently from multiple threads, and this is one aspect that makes writing concurrent code hard, especially if you try to use fine-grained locks or atomic operations.

Consider a simple class Names which holds two vectors, one for first names and one for last names:

class Names{
  std::vector<std::string> firstNames,lastNames;

I want the invariant of this class to be that the number of elements in firstNames and lastNames is always the same, so that I can add operations to this class knowing that is always true. There is a strong argument that this ought to be a std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string>> rather than two vectors, but assume that the class author has a legitimate reason for the separate vectors.

At first glance, a member function to add an entry is quite simple:

void Names::addEntry(std::string const& first,std::string const& last){

However, even for the single-threaded case, this isn't good: if lastNames.push_back(last) throws an exception, then our invariant is broken, as we successfully added an element to firstNames but not to lastNames. We therefore need to handle that case:

void Names::addEntry(std::string const& first,std::string const& last){
  } catch(...){

Now, if lastNames.push_back(last) throws, then std::vector guarantees that lastNames is unchanged, so we can ensure our invariant holds again by shrinking firstNames back to the same size, and the single-threaded case is now sorted. If our Names object is only ever accessed by a single thread, then the invariant holds at all times outside the internals of a member function.

What about the concurrent case? If we call Names::addEntry from multiple threads, then everything is broken: std::vector is not safe for concurrent access from multiple threads, so we have data races and undefined behaviour. Using a ThreadSafeVector class instead which provides the operations we need but is safe for concurrent access removes these data races and the undefined behaviour, but doesn't fix the overall problem. Thread safety is not composable. In this case, the invariants are still broken during the call to Names::addEntry, so a concurrent call will see an object with broken invariants: the thread safety of the two vectors doesn't matter if the second thread can see firstNames and lastNames with different sizes.

We can fix the problem by using a mutex: the mutex lock prevents the second thread from accessing the internals of the object until the first thread has finished, so the second thread cannot see the state with a broken invariant. It also allows us to revert back to std::vector rather than ThreadSafeVector since the individual vectors are only ever accessed by one thread at a time:

class Names{
  std::mutex mutex;
  std::vector<std::string> firstNames,lastNames;

  void addEntry(std::string const& first,std::string const& last){
    std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
    } catch(...){

This is one of the big reasons why lock-free data structures are so hard to write: we cannot just stick a mutex lock on the outside to ensure other threads never see broken invariants. Instead, we must ensure that the invariants hold at all times, even during the operation of member functions. For this reason, lock-free data structures are often designed so that as much as possible is done off to the side, without modifying the core data structures, and then either the entire change is committed with a single atomic operation, or care is taken to ensure that the invariants still hold after each incremental step.

End note

Invariants are important. They are vital to working with objects, and without them it is much harder to write correct code. However, you have to choose your invariants carefully: invariants that make the rest of your code easier to reason about can have a cost, so you have to be aware of the trade-offs. Like everything in programming it is up to you what trade-off you choose: simplicitly vs performance is a common choice, but it can also be a choice of which operations are fast and which are slow. Whatever you choose, there will be cases where the other choice was more appropriate.

Whatever you choose, you must be honest with yourself, and the users of your class. Don't claim something is an invariant just because it holds most of the time; it must hold all of the time. Obviously, you can make it so a precondition of a function that objects it operates on are only in certain states, and then write your program logic to ensure that the conditions are met, but don't confuse the two.

Posted by Anthony Williams
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Struggling with Rust to figure out the right types for a function signature

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam&#039;s Blog

I am loving writing code in Rust. So many things about the language and its ecosystem feel so right*.

* For example: ownership of objects, expressive type system, compile to native, offline API docs, immutability, high quality libraries.

One of the things I like about it is that I don’t feel like I need to use an IDE, so I can happily code in Vim with no clever plugins.

One thing an IDE might give me would be an “extract function” refactoring. In most languages I am happy to do that manually, because I can let the compile errors guide me on what my function should look like.

However, in Rust I sometimes find it’s hard to find the right signature for a function I want to extract, and I am struggling to persuade the compiler to help me.

Here is an example from my new listsync project, in

use actix_web::{middleware, App, HttpServer};
use listsync_client_rust;
// ...
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| {

I would like to extract the code highlighted above, the creation of an App, into a separate function, like this:

fn new_app() -> ??? {
    HttpServer::new(|| {

Simple, right? To find out what the return type of the function should be, I can just make a bad guess, and get the compiler to tell me what I did wrong. In this case, I will guess by changing the question marks above into i32, and run cargo test. I get quite a few errors, one of which is:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `i32: actix_service::IntoServiceFactory<_>` is not satisfied
  --> src/bin/
27 | /     HttpServer::new(|| {
28 | |         new_app()
29 | |     })
   | |______^ the trait `actix_service::IntoServiceFactory<_>` is not implemented for `i32`
   = note: required by `actix_web::server::HttpServer`

So the first problem I see is that the error message I am seeing is about the later code, and there are no errors about my new function.

I obviously went a little too fast. Let’s change the HttpServer::new code back to how it was before, and only make a new function new_app. Now I get an error that should help me:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/bin/
11 |   fn new_app() -> i32 {
   |                   --- expected `i32` because of return type
12 | /     App::new()
13 | |         .wrap(listsync_client_rust::cookie_session::new_session())
14 | |         .wrap(middleware::Logger::default())
15 | |         .configure(listsync_client_rust::config)
   | |________________________________________________^ expected i32, found struct `actix_web::app::App`
   = note: expected type `i32`
              found type `actix_web::app::App<impl actix_service::ServiceFactory, actix_web::middleware::logger::StreamLog<actix_http::body::Body>>`

So the compiler has told us what type we are returning! Let’s copy that into the type signature of the function:

use actix_service::ServiceFactory;
use actix_http::body::Body;
// ...
fn new_app() -> App<impl ServiceFactory, middleware::logger::StreamLog<Body>> {
// ...

The first error I get from the compiler is a distraction:

error[E0432]: unresolved import `actix_service`
 --> src/bin/
1 | use actix_service::ServiceFactory;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared type or module `actix_service`

I can fix it by adding actix-service = "1.0.5" to Cargo.toml. (I found the version by looking in Cargo.lock, since this dependency was already implicitly used – I just need to make it explicit if I am going to use it directly.)

Once I do that I get the next error:

error[E0603]: module `logger` is private
  --> src/bin/
13 | fn new_app() -> App<impl ServiceFactory, middleware::logger::StreamLog<Body>> {
   |                                                      ^^^^^^

This leaves me a bit stuck: I can’t use StreamLog because it’s in a private module.

More importantly, it makes the point that I don’t actually want to be as specific as I am being: I don’t care what the exact type parameters for App are – I just want to return an App of some kind and have the compiler fill in the blanks. Ideally, if I change the body of new_app later, for example to add another wrap call that changes the type of App we are returning, I’d like to leave the return type the same and have it just work.

With that in mind, I took at look at the type that HttpServer::new takes in. Here is HttpServer:

impl<F, I, S, B> HttpServer<F, I, S, B> where
    F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static,
    I: IntoServiceFactory<S>,
    S: ServiceFactory<Config = AppConfig, Request = Request>,
    S::Error: Into<Error> + 'static,
    S::InitError: Debug,
    S::Response: Into<Response<B>> + 'static,
    <S::Service as Service>::Future: 'static,
    B: MessageBody + 'static, 

and HttpServer::new looks like:

pub fn new(factory: F) -> Self

So it takes in a function which actually makes the App, and the type of that function is F, which is a Fn which returns a I + Send + Clone + 'static. From the declaration of HttpServer we can see that the type of I depends on S and B, which have quite complex types. Let’s paste the whole thing in:

use actix_http::{Error, Request, Response};
use actix_service::IntoServiceFactory;
use actix_web::body::MessageBody;
use actix_web::dev::{AppConfig, Service};
use core::fmt::Debug;
// ...
fn new_app<I, S, B>() -> I
    I: IntoServiceFactory<S> + Send + Clone + 'static,
    S: ServiceFactory<Config = AppConfig, Request = Request>,
    S::Error: Into<Error> + 'static,
    S::InitError: Debug,
    S::Response: Into<Response<B>> + 'static,
    <S::Service as Service>::Future: 'static,
    B: MessageBody + 'static,

Note that I had to modify I to include the extra requirements on the return type of F from the definition of HttpServer. (I think I did the right thing, but I’m not sure. If I just remove the + Send + Clone + 'static it seems to behave similarly.)

Now I get this error from the compiler:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/bin/
17 |   fn new_app<I, S, B>() -> I
   |                            - expected `I` because of return type
27 | /     App::new()
28 | |         .wrap(listsync_client_rust::cookie_session::new_session())
29 | |         .wrap(middleware::Logger::default())
30 | |         .configure(listsync_client_rust::config)
   | |________________________________________________^ expected type parameter, found struct `actix_web::app::App`
   = note: expected type `I`
              found type `actix_web::app::App<impl actix_service::ServiceFactory, actix_web::middleware::logger::StreamLog<actix_http::body::Body>>`
   = help: type parameters must be constrained to match other types
   = note: for more information, visit

The compiler really tries to help here, suggesting I read a chapter of the Rust Book, but even after reading it I could not figure out how to do what I am trying to do.

Can anyone help me?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there were some way the compiler could give me easier-to-understand help to figure this out?

#NoProjects everywhere

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


After years of shared #NoProjects advocacy I finally for to meet Evan Leybourn exactly two years ago. Over lunch in a Melbourne cafe we talked #NoProjects and how we were both moving on. It may have been a little pre-emptive and some might call it arrogant but we felt #NoProjects was triumphant.

Two years on and projects are still with us, projects aren’t going away anytime soon but the ideas behind #NoProjects are mainstream. The leading thinkers in the software/agile/digital space generally support the thesis – certainly nobody is arguing the case for projects. Cutting edge teams don’t use projects. The language of projects remains (unfortunately) but the supremacy of the project model increasingly looks like a historical footnote.

Two years on from that lunch and it is clearer than ever that the (digital) world is moving away from projects. This was really brought home to me last week when I joined an unconference organized by the McKinsey consultancy. Nobody said “#NoProjects” but nobody was talking projects. Nobody was advocating more project managers or new project management approaches. The CTO of a bank came pretty close to saying “#NoProjects” but why bother? – not saying it meant it was accepted.

#NoProjects is in your face. #NoProjects is an invitation to start a flame war. #NoProjects is confrontation in itself. #NoProjects is very negative. #NoProjects doesn’t tell you what to do only what not to do.

Back in 2013 #NoProjects needed saying, Josh Arnold, Steve Smith and myself started Tweeting it to death – Evan came later. (I think it might have been Josh who first used the tag.)

As much as I’d like to take all the credit we were just the public face of #NoProjects. We were far from alone. Woody Zuill and Vasco Duarte started the #NoEstimates movement about the same time. While in my mind #NoProjects and #NoEstimates are different things many people see them as two sides of the same coin.

I’d first heard Mary Poppendieck talk candidly about problems with the project model over dinner at Agile on the Beach 2011. Many, many, other people were reaching the same conclusion. Once you start looking at the project model, especially in an agile environment, the problems are easy to see.

The logic against projects can be overwhelming but exposing it was a career threatening move. Even today being an open advocate for #NoProjects means there are jobs you cannot apply for. None of the original names will ever be considered for a project management job.

Look around you today: The Project Manager role is being replace by the Delivery Manager role.

SAFe is a #NoProject model.

Spotify is a #NoProject model.

Continuous Delivery is a #NoProject model.

And my own entry: Continuous Digital is certainly #NoProjects (it was written to tell you what to do instead of projects).

Sure masochists can add projects to SAFe, Spotify and CD but why? These models work well enough without projects.

Even Government departments suggest funding teams not projects.

Today, at every conference and event you will hear people say “Products over projects.” There is a realisation that products last, projects end – who wants to work in a business that plans to end?

Again, to be clear: I’m talking about the digital world, what we used to call software or IT. I don’t know about construction, transport, policing or whatever other discipline you might want to draw a parallel with. I’m sure, some projects will always exist. Somethings do end. Even I will end one day.

That the IT/software/digital world can do better than projects is now recognised. Other management models create more valuable outcomes.

One might say that #NoProjects is heading into retirement. As Josh said:

“The first rule of #NoProjects is not to talk about #NoProjects.”

So don’t wave the red flag of #NoProjects and rub peoples noses in it. For your own benefit understand where the project model goes wrong. Use that knowledge to watch for problems such as goal displacement, commitment escalation, imaginary triple lock contracts, undercutting quality, control through planning, value destruction, cost of delay ignorance, Diseconomies of Scale of course, and unlearn the project funding model.

(If you haven’t already check out my own Project Myopia or Evan’s #NoProjects book.)

Then, set a course for a better world: call it SAFe, Spotify, Products, Continuous Digital, Continuous Delivery or whatever you like. Aim to harness the power of early release, evolving design, requirements and learning. Retool your governance process and management models.

Use the carrot not the stick.

Subscribe to my blog newsletter and download Project Myopia for Free

The post #NoProjects everywhere appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.

Visual Lint has been released

Products, the Universe and Everything from Products, the Universe and Everything

This is a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 7.0. The following changes are included:

  • Fixed a bug in the parsing of Visual Studio MSBuild expressions using the [MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove() function which was preventing the system include folder path from being read correctly in Visual Studio 2019 v16.4.4.

  • Updated the values of _MSC_VER and _MSC_FULL_VER in the PC-lint Plus compiler indirect file co-rb-vs2019.lnt to support Visual Studio 2019 v16.4.4.

  • Modified the PC-lint Plus Visual Studio 2019 compiler indirect file co-rb-vs2019.lnt to suppress an instance of error 4392 (constexpr declaration follows non-constexpr declaration) in the header file $(VCToolsInstallDir_160)\include\intrin0.h.

  • Added help documentation for the fields (e.g $(index), $(SourceFile) and $(LineNo)) which can be used in exported analysis results files.

  • Updated the helpfile to explicitly reference the PC-lint Plus analysis tool throughout.

  • Added a "PC-lint/PC-lint Plus multipass analysis" help topic.

  • Updated links within the online help as necessary.

Visual Lint has been released

Products, the Universe and Everything from Products, the Universe and Everything

This is a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 7.0. The following changes are included:

  • Fixed a bug in the parsing of Visual Studio MSBuild expressions using the [MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove() function which was preventing the system include folder path from being read correctly in Visual Studio 2019 v16.4.4.
  • Updated the values of _MSC_VER and _MSC_FULL_VER in the PC-lint Plus compiler indirect file co-rb-vs2019.lnt to support Visual Studio 2019 v16.4.4.
  • Modified the PC-lint Plus Visual Studio 2019 compiler indirect file co-rb-vs2019.lnt to suppress an instance of error 4392 (constexpr declaration follows non-constexpr declaration) in the header file $(VCToolsInstallDir_160)\include\intrin0.h.
  • Added help documentation for the fields (e.g $(index), $(SourceFile) and $(LineNo) ) which can be used in exported analysis results files.
  • Updated the helpfile to explicitly reference the PC-lint Plus analysis tool throughout.
  • Added a "PC-lint/PC-lint Plus multipass analysis" help topic.
  • Updated links within the online help as necessary.

Download Visual Lint