Performance of Java 2D drawing operations (part 2: image issues)

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Series: operations, images

In my previous post I examined the performance of various drawing operations in Java 2D rendering. Here I look at some specifics around rendering images, with an eye to finding optimisations I can apply to my game Rabbit Escape.

You can find the code here:


  • Drawing images with transparent sections is very slow
  • Drawing one large image is slower than drawing many small images covering the same area(!)
  • Drawing images outside the screen is slower than not drawing them at all (but faster than drawing them onto a visible area)


  • Avoid transparent images where possible
  • Don’t bother pre-rendering your background tiles onto a single image
  • Don’t draw images that are off-screen

Images with transparency

All the images I used were PNG files with a transparency layer, but in most of my experiments there were no transparent pixels. When I used images with transparent pixels the frame rate was much slower, dropping from 78 to 46 FPS. So using images with transparent pixels causes a significant performance hit.

I’d be grateful if someone who knows more about it can recommend how to improve my program to reduce this impact – I suspect there may be tricks I can do around setComposite or setRenderingHint or enabling/encouraging hardware acceleration.

Composite images

I assumed that drawing a single image would be much faster than covering the same area of the screen by drawing lots of small images. In fact, the result was the opposite: drawing lots of small images was much faster than drawing a single image covering the same area.

The code for a single image is:


and for the small images it is:

for (y in 0 until 40)
    for (x in 0 until 60)
            compositeImages[(y*20 + x) % compositeImages.size],
            10 + (20 * x),
            10 + (20 * y),

The single large image was rendered at 74 FPS, whereas covering the same area using repeated copies of 100 images was rendered at 80 FPS. I ran this test several times because I found the result surprising, and it was consistent every time.

I have to assume some caching (possibly via accelerated graphics) of the small images is the explanation.

Drawing images off the side of the screen

Drawing images off the side of the screen was faster than drawing them in a visible area, but slower than not drawing them at all. I tested this by adding 10,000 to the x and y positions of the images being drawn (I also tested subtracting 10,000 with similar results). Not drawing any images ran at 93 FPS, drawing images on-screen at 80 FPS, and drawing them off-screen only 83 FPS, meaning drawing images off the side takes significant time.

Advice: check whether images are on-screen, and avoid drawing them if not.



Test FPS
large nothing 95
large images20 largeimages 78
large images20 largeimages transparentimages 46

Composite images

(Lots of small images covering an area, or a single larger image.)

Test FPS
large nothing 87
large largesingleimage 74
large compositeimage 80

Offscreen images

Test FPS
large nothing 93
large images20 largeimages 80
large images20 largeimages offscreenimages 83

Feedback please

Please do get back to me with tips about how to improve the performance of my experimental code.

Feel free to log issues, make merge requests or add comments to the blog post.

Throwing mud at a wall

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


Throwing mud at a wall is a metaphor I use again and again. As a description of what I do and as a metaphor for creating change in organizations.

When you throw mud at a wall most of it falls off immediately. Some will stick for a little while then falls off. A little sticks permanent. Perhaps too little to see. So you throw some more and the same thing happens. Sometimes it looks like no mud has stuck but actually a little bit has even though you cannot see it.

Every time the mud falls off it is sad, even depressing but you have to keep throwing. Thats all you can do really.

You keep throwing, the more mud that sticks the better the chances that more will stick next time. Gradually, slowly, sometimes imperceptibly the mud builds up. As long as you can maintain your energy, stamina and resolve, you keep trying.

It can be depressing. Sometimes you can stay positive and you give up. Perhaps you move on to another wall.

In this blog, in my books, in my tweets (thankfully vastly reduced recently) I throw mud. Yes, I am a mud slinger, some people think I doing it with bad intentions. But my intentions good, I see a world that needs to think differently.

And when I’m hired to help companies I see it much the same way. I throw a lot of ideas at people, I suggest lots of changes, I throw mud at a wall and most of my ideas fall off. Much of what I suggest gets ignored. No matter how much I talk I have no authority, people are free to ignore me.

Some places I’m very successful, some less so. When I’m inside a company I try to be a bit more directed with my mud throwing, and I limit the ideas I’m throwing. But still it is a question of stamina and resolve. Some places are just more receptive to new ideas than others.

And actually, this is my model for all organizational change. To my mind, all us “change agents” (yes I hate the term too) can do is make suggestions. Throw ideas at people, if they like the ideas, if they think the idea might help then they might adopt it. But they don’t have to. It is hard to force change on people, if you try they may say they will change, they may go through the motions but sooner or later – when your back is turned – the mud will fall off.

Individuals have free will. Most of them want to work as best they can. So if some “agile coach” turns up with an idea workers don’t think will work they are free to ignore it.

I’m not a great believer in authority: just because you are blessed with the title “Manager” (or “Director” or “Executive” or even “President”) doesn’t mean people will fall your orders immediately and without question.

The best way of getting your mud to stick, getting your ideas and changes adopted is to help people understand how such changes will benefit them as individuals. Benefit them in the work they do, the quality of their life-work balance and the pride they feel in work.

Conversely, there are some people, even some organisations, who are totally unreceptive to mud. They go out of their way to avoid it. It is hard enough throwing mud which doesn’t stick, but when people don’t want it to stick, well, I’m probably better off going elsewhere.

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The post Throwing mud at a wall appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.


Frances Buontempo from BuontempoConsulting

CppOnSea 2019

Phil Nash organised a new conference, CppOnSea, this year. I was lucky enough to be accepted to speak, so attended to two conference days, but not the workshops.

There were three tracks, along with a beginners track, run by Tristan Brindle, who organises the C++ London Uni, which is a great resource for people who want to learn C++. I'll do a brief write-up of the talks I attended.

The opening keynote was by Kate Gregory, called "Oh The Humanity!" She made us think about the words we use. For example, Foo and Bar trace back to military usage, hinting at people putting their lives on the line. Perhaps we need better names for our variable and functions. We are not fighting a war. What about one letter variable names? 'k. Nuff said. What about errorMessage? If you call the helpMessage instead, how does that affect your thinking?
Kate was also talking about trying to keep the code base friendly, to increase confidence:

I went to see Kevlin Henney next. I have no idea how to summarise this. He covered so many thing. What does structured programming really mean? By looking back to various uses and abuses of goto, By highlighting the structure in various code snippets, he was emphasising some styles make the structure and intent easier to see.

I saw Andreas Fertig next. Inspired by Matthew CompilerExplorer's Godbolt, he has created Try it out. It unwraps some of the syntactic sugar, so you can see what the compiler has created for, say, a range based for loop. This can remind you where you might be creating temporaries or have references instead of copies or vice versa, without dropping down into assembly. Do you know the full horror of what might be going on inside a Singleton?

This led to an aside about statics and the double checked locking pattern. His headline point was the spirit of C++ is "you pay only for what you use", so be clear about what you are using. The point isn't that the new language features are expensive. They are often cheaper than old skool ways of going things. Just try to be clear about what's going on under the hood. Play with the insights tool.

Next up, I saw Barney Dellar, talking about strong types in C++. His slides are probably clear enough by themselves, since they have thorough speaker notes. My main note to myself says "MIB: mishap investigation board", which amused me. He was talking about the trouble that can happen if you have doubles, or similar, for all your types, like mass and force:

double CalculateForce(double mass);

It's really easy to use the wrong units or send things in in the wrong order. By creating different types, known as strong types, you can get the compiler to stop you making mistakes. Use a template with tags, you can write clear code avoiding these mistakes.

Next up was a plenary talk by Patricia Aas on Deconstructing Privilege. She's given the talk before, so you'll be able to find the slides or previous versions on YouTube. Her take is that privilege is about things that haven't happened to you. Many people get defensive if you say they have been privileged,  but this way of framing the issue gives a great perspective. Loads of people turned up and listened. Maybe surprising for a serious geek C++ conference, but the presence of ensured there were many like minded people around. If you are privileged, listen and try to help. And be careful asking intrusive questions if you meet someone different to you.

After quite a heavy, but great talk, I was "in charge" of the lightning talks. Eleven people got slots. More volunteered, but there wasn't time for every one:

Simon Brand; C++ Catastrophes: A Poem.
Odin Holmes; volatile none of the things
Paul Williams; std::pmr
Heiko Frederik Bloch; the finer points of parameter packs
Barney Dellar;imposter syndrome or mob programming
Matt Godbolt; "words of power"
Kevlin Henney; list
Neils Dekker; noexcept considered harmful???
Patricia Aas; C++ is like JavaScript
Louise Brown; The Research Software Engineer - A Growing Career Path in Academia
Denis Yaroshevskiy; A good usecase for if constexpr

My heartfelt thanks to Jim from and Kevlin "obi wan kenobi" Henney for helping me switch between powerpoint, power point in presenter mode and the pdfs, and getting them to show on the main screen and my laptop. No body knows what was happening with the screen on the stage for the speaker. If you ever attend a conference, do volunteer to give a lightning talk. Sorry to the people we didn't have time for.

Day one done. Day two begun.First up, for me, after missing my own talk pitch, was Nico Josuttis. Don't forget his leanpub C++17 book. It's still growing. He talked about a variety of C++17 features. The standout point for me was the mess you can get into with initialisation. He's using {} everywhere, near enough. Like

for (int i{0}; i<n; ++i)

Adding an equals can end up doing horrible things.

Much as I wanted to go see Simon Brand, Vittorio Romeo and Hana Dusikova (with slide progression by Matt Godbolt) next, I had a talk to do myself. I managed to diffuse my way out of a paper bag, while reminding us why C's rand is terrible, how useful property based testing can be, using some very simple mathematics: adding up and multiplying. This was based on a chapter of my book, and you can download the source code from that page if you want, even if you don't buy the book. I used the SFML to draw the diffusing green blobs. Sorry for not putting up a list of resources near the end.

I attempted to go to Guy Davidson's Linear algebra talk next, but the room was packed and I was a bit late. I heard great things about this. In particular, how important it is to design a good interface if you are making libraries.

My final choice was Clare Macrae's "Quickly testing legacy code". This was my unexpected hidden gem of the conference. She talked about approval testing. This compares a generated file to a gold standard file  and bolts straight into googletest or Catch. It's available for several other languages. It generates the file on your first run, allowing you to get almost anything, provided it writes out a file you can compare, under test. Which then means you can start writing unit tests, if you need to change the code a bit. Changing legacy code to get it under test, without a safety hardness is dangerous. This keeps you safer. Her world involves Qt and chemical molecules visualisations. These can be saved as pngs, so she can check she hasn't broken anything. She showed how you can bolt in custom comparators, so it doesn't complain about different generated dates and does a closer than the human eye could notice RGB difference. Her code samples from the talk are here.  I've not seen this as a formal framework before. Her slides were really clear and she explained what she was up to step by step. Subsequently twitter has been talking about this a fair bit, including adding support for Python3.

Matt "Compiler Explorer" Godbolt gave the closing keynote. Apparently, the first person Phil Nash has met who;s first conference talk was a keynote. He also had some AV issues:

If you've not encountered the compiler explorer before, try it out. You can chose which compiler you want to point your C++ code at and see what it generates. You need a little knowledge of the "poetry" it generates. More lines doesn't mean slower code. His tl;dr; message was many people spread rumours about what's slow, for example virtual functions. Look and see what your compiler actually does, rather than stating things that were true years ago. Speculative de-virtualization is a thing. Your compiler might decide you only really have one likely virtual function you'll call so checks the address and does not then have the "overhead" it used to years ago. He also demonstrated what happened to various bit counting algos - most got immediately squashed down to one instruction, no matter how clever they looked. How many times have you been asked to count bits at interview. Spin up Godbolt and explore.This really shows you need to keep up to date with your knowledge. Something that was true ten years ago may not longer hold with new compiler versions. Measure, explore, think.

There was a lovely supportive atmosphere and a variety of speakers. People were brave enough to ask questions, and only a few people were showing off they though they new something the speaker didn't.

I'll try to back fill links to slides as I get them. Thanks to Phil for arranging this.

Did I mention I wrote a book?

Join us for the process sessions at nor(DEV):con 2019: #Evolution from #NoProjects to Continuous Digital!

Paul Grenyer from Paul Grenyer

Join us for the process sessions at nor(DEV):con 2019 on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd of February in Norwich!

Get your Early Bird tickets here before they finish on Friday!

# Evolution from #NoProjects to Continuous Digital

Allan Kelley

Once upon a time there was IT, and IT departments had projects. Projects were always a bad fit for software development but somehow we made them work. As IT became Agile the damage caused by the project model became obvious and #NoProjects emerged to help teams go beyond projects.

Today growth businesses are digital. Technology is the business and the business is technology. Projects end but do you want your business to end? Or do you want it to grow? Growing a digital business means growing software technology.

In this presentation Allan Kelly will look at how #NoProjects came about, how it evolved into Continuous Digital and why it is the future of management.

Miscellaneous Process Tips
Jon Jagger

This session will explore three important process laws.

1. The New Law.
Why does nothing new ever work?

2. The Chatelier’s Principle.
How do systems change? How do they stay the same?

3. The Composition Fallacy.
No difference plus no difference equals no difference is a fallacy. Why?

Jugaad: Bringing Troubled Projects Back On Track
Giovanni Asproni

What do you do when a project is not going well—e.g., the client is upset, the team demoralized, the quality of the product is low, the project is late—to bring it back under control and make the client and the team happy again?

How do you that in highly politically charged environments?

In this talk I’ll answers the questions above and more, by sharing my experience in doing that in several projects of various sizes (from small to quite big) using some jugaad—a Hindi word, which, roughly, means thinking in a frugal way and being flexible, which, in turn, requires the ability to adapt quickly to often unforeseen situations and uncertain circumstances in an intelligent way.

I’ll describe, among other things, how to:

  • Work in highly politically charged environments
  • Deal with difficult (and powerful) people and speak truth to them
  • Help the teams to improve their morale and motivation
  • Make progress with limited resources
  • Use different leadership stiles (including command and control)
  • Make your client happier
  • Deal with serious mistakes

Bug-First Development – Agile Software Development For User Story Prospecting
Adrian Pickering

The idea behind bug-first or bug-driven development is devilishly simply: Everything is a bug until it isn’t.

As far as a user is concerned, there is essentially no difference between a bug, a feature that hasn’t been delivered and one that is otherwise unusable, say through substandard user interface or user experience. Bug-driven development essentially asks the user what operation they want to do next that they currently can’t undertake. The benefit this brings is laser-focused story discovery and prioritisation.

Working remote vs Working colocated
Paul Boocock

We often talk about waterfall, scrum, agile and many other processes but these are often considered from a colocated perspective.

As demand for remote working continues to increase, we will discuss if our usual processes work in a remote environment and what changes or considerations do we need to make to support remote workers?

One Team, Two Teams, Many Teams: Scaling Up Done Right (90 or 45 minutes, 90 preferred)
Giovanni Asproni

Scaling up software projects is one of the trends of the moment—many companies, big and small, try to do that  to increase the speed of delivery of their projects.

However, scaling up can be quite difficult (even going only from one to two teams),  especially if it is done focusing on the wrong aspects – most companies give too much weight to formal structures and processes (e.g., mandating the use of SAFe, LESS or other frameworks), and not enough weight to other aspects that would give a bigger bang for the buck: eg removing friction, improving communication channels, setting clear goals, delegating responsibility and accountability, etc.

In this session I’ll share my experience in successfully helping companies to do the right thing in projects ranging from two to about eighty teams, and I’ll offer some tools that you will be able to use right away in your projects.

The session, among other things, includes:

  • A description of what needs to be done right before scaling up
  • Strategies on how to decide when to add new people to a team and new teams to a project
  • Things to consider when deciding the structure of the teams (eg feature vs component teams), and its relationship with the shape of the system
  • How to use simple rules to allow teams to collaborate productively
  • An explanation on why each project has a upper bound in its ability to scale, and what to do about it

Reengineering a Library
Burkhard Kloss

Session abstract: Over the last few years, I’ve been consulting on reengineering a quant library. As is wont, the library had originally accreted, rather than been designed; eventually, it had turned into a ball of mud, and maintenance was becoming increasingly problematic. We decided to rewrite the library from scratch, using best practices as we understood them, and eventually turned it into a piece of code we can be proud of – and maintain and extend without too much pain.

This talk is a personal retrospective on techniques and processed we applied; what worked, what did not, and why.

Get your tickets now:

Performance of Java 2D drawing operations

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam&#039;s Blog

I want to remodel the desktop UI of my game Rabbit Escape to be more
convenient and nicer looking, so I took a new look at game-loop-style graphics rendering onto a canvas in a Java 2D (Swing) UI.

Specifically, how fast can it be, and what pitfalls should I avoid when I’m doing it?


  • Larger windows are (much) slower
  • Resizing images on-the-fly is very slow, even if they are the same size every time
  • Drawing small images is fast, but drawing large images is slow
  • Drawing rectangles is fast
  • Drawing text is fast
  • Drawing Swing widgets in front of a canvas is fast
  • Creating fonts on-the-fly is a tiny bit slow


You can find the full code (written in Kotlin) at

Basically, we make a JFrame and a Canvas and tell them not to listen to repaints (i.e. we control their drawing).

val app = JFrame()
app.ignoreRepaint = true
val canvas = Canvas()
canvas.ignoreRepaint = true

Then we add any buttons to the JFrame, and the canvas last (so it displays behind):


Now we make the canvas double-buffered and get hold of a buffer image for it:

app.isVisible = true
val bufferStrategy = canvas.bufferStrategy
val bufferedImage = GraphicsEnvironment
    .createCompatibleImage(config.width, config.height)

Then inside a tight loop we draw onto the buffer image:

val g2d = bufferedImage.createGraphics()
    g2d.color = backgroundColor
    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, config.width, config.height)

    ... the different drawing operations go here ...

and then swap the buffers:

    val graphics = bufferStrategy.drawGraphics
    try {
        graphics.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, 0, null)
        if (!bufferStrategy.contentsLost()) {
    } finally {
} finally {


Baseline: some rectangles

I decided to compare everything against drawing 20 rectangles at random points on the screen, since that seems like a minimal requirement for a game.

My test machine is an Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz with 6GB RAM and a GeForce GT 740 graphics card (I have no idea whether it is being used here – I assume not). I am running Ubuntu 18.04.1 Linux, OpenJDK Java 1.8.0_191, and Kotlin 1.3.20-release-116. (I expect the results would be identical if I were using Java rather than Kotlin.)

I ran all the tests in two window sizes: 1600×900 and 640×480. 640.×480 was embarrassingly fast for all tests, but 1600×900 struggled with some of the tasks.

Drawing rectangles looks like this:

g2d.color = Color(
    rand.nextInt(config.width / 2),
    rand.nextInt(config.height / 2),
    rand.nextInt(config.width / 2),
    rand.nextInt(config.height / 2)

In the small window, the baseline (20 rectangles) ran at 553 FPS. In the large window it ran at 87 FPS.

I didn’t do any statistics on these numbers because I am too lazy. Feel free to do it properly and let me know the results – I will happily update the article.

Fewer rectangles

When I reduced the number of rectangles to do less drawing work, I saw small improvements in performance. In the small window, drawing 2 rectangles instead of 20 increased the frame rate from 553 to 639, but there is a lot of noise in those results, and other runs were much closer. In the large window, the same reduction improved the frame rate from 87 to 92. This is not a huge speed-up, showing that drawing rectangles is pretty fast.

Adding fixed-size images

Drawing pre-scaled images looks like this:


When I added 20 small images (40×40 pixels) to be drawn in each frame, the performance was almost unchanged. In the small window, the run showing 20 images per frame (as well as rectangle) actually ran faster than the one without (561 FPS versus 553), suggesting the difference is negligible and I should do some statistics. In the large window, the 20 images version ran at exactly the same speed (87 FPS).

So, it looks like drawing small images costs almost nothing.

When I moved to large images (400×400 pixels), the small window slowed down from 553 to 446 FPS, and the large window slowed from 87 to 73 FPS, so larger images clearly have an impact, and we will need to limit the number and size of images to keep the frame rate acceptable.

Scaling images on the fly

You can scale an image on the fly as you draw onto a Canvas. (Spoiler: don’t do this!)

My code looks like:

val s = config.imageSize
val x1 = rand.nextInt(config.width)
val y1 = rand.nextInt(config.height)
val x2 = x1 + s
val y2 = y1 + s
    x1, y1, x2, y2,
    0, 0, unscaledImageWidth, unscaledImageHeight,

Note the 10-argument form of drawImage is being used. You can be sure you have avoided this situation if you use the 4-argument form from the previous section.

Note: the resulting image is the same size every time, and the Java documentation implies that scaled images may be cached by the system, but I saw a huge slow-down when using the 10-argument form of drawImage above.

On-the-fly scaled images slowed the small window from 446 to 67 FPS(!), and the large window from 73 to 31 FPS, meaning the exact same rendering took over twice as long.

Advice: check you are not using one of the drawImage overloads that scales images! Pre-scale them yourself (e.g. with getScaledInstance as I did here).

Displaying text

Drawing text on the canvas like this:

g2d.font = Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 12)
g2d.color = Color.GREEN
g2d.drawString("FPS: $fpsLastSecond", 20, 20 + i * 14)

had a similar impact to drawing small images – i.e. it only affected the performance very slightly and is generally quite fast. The small window slowed from 553 to 581 FPS, and the large window from 87 to 88.

Creating the font every time (as shown above) slowed the process a little more, so it is worth moving the font creating out of the game loop and only doing it once. The slowdown just for creating the font was 581 to 572 FPS in the small window, and 88 to 86 FPS in the large.

Swing widgets

By adding Button widgets to the JFrame before the Canvas, I was able to display them in front. Their rendering and focus worked as expected, and they had no impact at all on performance.

The same was true when I tried adding these widgets in front of images rendered on the canvas (instead of rectangles).

Turning everything up to 11

When I added everything I had tested all at the same time: rectangles, text with a new font every time, large unscaled images, and large window, the frame rate reduced to 30 FPS. This is a little slow for a game already, and if we had more images to draw it could get even worse. However, when I pre-scaled the images the frame rate went up to 72 FPS, showing that Java is capable of running a game at an acceptable frame rate on my machine, so long as we are careful how we use it.


Small window (640×480)

Test FPS
nothing 661
rectangles2 639
rectangles20 553
rectangles20 images2 538
rectangles20 images20 561
rectangles20 images20 largeimages 446
rectangles20 images20 unscaledimages 343
rectangles20 images20 largeimages unscaledimages 67
rectangles20 text2 582
rectangles20 text20 581
rectangles20 text20 newfont 572
rectangles20 buttons2 598
rectangles20 buttons20 612

Large window (1200×900)

Test FPS
large nothing 93
large rectangles2 92
large rectangles20 87
large rectangles20 images2 87
large rectangles20 images20 87
large rectangles20 images20 largeimages 73
large rectangles20 images20 unscaledimages 82
large rectangles20 images20 largeimages unscaledimages 31
large rectangles20 text2 89
large rectangles20 text20 88
large rectangles20 text20 newfont 86
large rectangles20 buttons2 88
large rectangles20 buttons20 87
large images20 buttons20 largeimages 74
large rectangles20 images20 text20 buttons20 largeimages newfont 72
large rectangles20 images20 text20 buttons20 largeimages unscaledimages newfont 30

Feedback please

Please do get back to me with tips about how to improve the performance of my experimental code.

Feel free to log issues, make merge requests or add comments to the blog post.

Join us for the nor(DEV):con 2019 Business Sessions: Running a business is hard!

Paul Grenyer from Paul Grenyer

Join us for the nor(DEV):con 2019 Business Sessions on Friday 22nd February!

Get your Early Bird tickets here before the price goes up after Friday!

Running a business is hard

John Gostling

Running a business is hard….harder when you don’t have much experience of running a business! 6 years ago I joined Breakwater IT as a Systems Engineer, I quickly realised there was so much potential that had yet to be tapped into, and every day since then my focus has been on releasing this, creating a better company to work with, and to work for. It’s been a constantly evolving journey, 2 steps forward, one step back (sometimes two!), but things are finally starting to fall into place.

This is a very open self-appraisal of the how we have transformed a loss making company into one that turns a profit and is currently growing at 20% year on year.

Crack the motivation code!

Cassandra Andrews

Imagine if you knew precisely what motivated each member of your team, how motivated they were and what you could do to improve their motivation! 

Cassandra Andrews interactive workshop focuses on motivation in the workplace and introduces ‘motivational maps’, an incredibly accurate and user-friendly tool which enables us to unlock and measure employee motivation.

Understanding exactly what motivates individuals in an organisation can be used with significant impact to support business growth and profitability by maximising employee and team motivation, retain employees and recruit the right people to complement existing teams.

At the workshop you will discover how to create high performing teams by learning:

What motivation is, how it can be measured and how it impacts the workforce.
About the nine motivators identified in motivational maps.
How to increase team performance by identifying conflicts in motivation.

To enable all delegates to get their own ‘wow’ moment from the workshop, there will be an opportunity for four attendees to win a complimentary individual motivational map with feedback/insight session and discounted motivational maps available for other attendees.

Developing an app to promote emotional resilience


Since summer 2017, Dr Laura Biggart and Dr Kamena Henshaw, from the School of Psychology, have been working with UEA computer science students and Steve Jones and Adam Ziolkowski from JoziTech to develop a student support app. Currently the app is focused on supporting students’ transition into Higher Education. In this session we will talk about the development of the app, the research background to the features, and the feedback since our launch in September 2018. We will conclude with a discussion of our future plans, including evaluation of the app and our plans to work with other organisations to develop bespoke OpenUp apps

Don’t fall over like Elon Musk did – How to stay energised and disrupt an industry

Ian Hacon

Elon Musk is one of the most famous workaholic cases in recent years. So much so, many others quoted him as a badge of honour when they too worked too hard. In 2018, his wheel fell off, forced to take a total break due to exhaustion. This session will help you understand how looking after your own energy is good for business and you will leave with some easily implementable steps to do so.

Orchestrated Mobility – Changing The Way We Move

John Fagan

By late 2030, its predicted that 95% U.S. passenger miles travelled will be served by on-demand vehicles owned by fleets, not individuals, in a new business model Transport-as-a-Service (TaaS).

Citizens will pay a monthly fee to go anywhere they wish, much like we do today using on demand services for music and video, like Spotify and Netflix.

TaaS will unify public, private & autonomous transportation into an efficient service and is predicted to deliver a largely carbon-free road transportation system.

In this talk i will…

Vision of Transport as a Service

Key Drivers (Technologies, Autonomous electric vehicles, ride sharing, costs and barriers)
Impacts on society, economics and the environment
Who should be the Netflix for Transport?
Examples of use cases and disruption happening today

Harnessing the power of subscription technology

Juliana Meyer

Thousands of professionals are discovering ways to transform the way they work and the way they earn a living. Leveraging the skills we each have, the talk uncovers how anyone can can build their own subscription business using the knowledge and talents they already have.

I’ll go deep into the steps needed, opportunities available, the how and why, and what has worked and not worked for others. This has already been a game changer for others who learnt this from my previous talks which then transformed their lives, their living, and their opportunities.

Given the key trends of subscription, technology and self-education, I’ll explore and explain how anyone can successfully launch their own apps from home to generate a passive income and lift the lid on exchanging time for money.

Get your tickets here:

Archimedean Crew – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

We have recently seen how we can define dependencies between random variables with Archimedean copulas which calculate the probability that they each fall below given values by applying a generator function φ to the results of their cumulative distribution functions, or CDFs, for those values, and applying its inverse to their sum.
Like all copulas they are effectively the CDFs of vector valued random variables whose elements are uniformly distributed when considered independently. Whilst those Archimedean CDFs were relatively trivial to implement, we found that their probability density functions, or PDFs, were somewhat more difficult and that the random variables themselves required some not at all obvious mathematical manipulation to get right.
Having done all the hard work implementing the ak.archimedeanCopula, ak.archimedeanCopulaDensity and ak.archimedeanCopulaRnd functions we shall now use them to implement some specific families of Archimedean copulas.