The C++ committee has taken off its ball and chain

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

A step change in the approach to updates and additions to the C++ Standard occurred at the recent WG21 meeting, or rather a change that has been kind of going on for a few meetings has been documented and discussed. Two bullet points at the start of “C++ Stability, Velocity, and Deployment Plans [R2]”, grab reader’s attention:

● Is C++ a language of exciting new features?
● Is C++ a language known for great stability over a long period?

followed by the proposal (which was agreed at the meeting): “The Committee should be willing to consider the design / quality of proposals even if they may cause a change in behavior or failure to compile for existing code.”

We have had 30 years of C++/C compatibility (ok, there have been some nibbling around the edges over the last 15 years). A remarkable achievement, thanks to Bjarne Stroustrup over 30+ years and 64 full-week standards’ meetings (also, Tom Plum and Bill Plauger were engaged in shuttle diplomacy between WG14 and WG21).

The C/C++ superset/different issue has a long history.

In the late 1980s SC22 (the top-level ISO committee for programming languages) asked WG14 (the C committee) whether a standard should be created for C++, and if so did WG14 want to create it. WG14 considered the matter at its April 1989 meeting, and replied that in its view a standard for C++ was worth considering, but that the C committee were not the people to do it.

In 1990, SC22 started a study group to look into whether a working group for C++ should be created and in the U.S. X3 (the ANSI committee responsible for Information processing systems) set up X3J16. The showdown meeting of what would become WG21, was held in London, March 1992 (the only ISO C++ meeting I have attended).

The X3J16 people were in London for the ISO meeting, which was heated at times. The two public positions were: 1) work should start on a standard for C++, 2) C++ was not yet mature enough for work to start on a standard.

The, not so public, reason given for wanting to start work on a standard was to stop, or at least slow down, changes to the language. New releases, rumored and/or actual, of Cfront were frequent (in a pre-Internet time sense). Writing large applications in a version of C++ that was replaced with something sightly different six months later was has developers in large companies pulling their hair out.

You might have thought that compiler vendors would be happy for the language to be changing on a regular basis; changes provide an incentive for users to pay for compiler upgrades. In practice the changes were so significant that major rework was needed by somebody who knew what they were doing, i.e., expensive people had to be paid; vendors were more used to putting effort into marketing minor updates. It was claimed that implementing a C++ compiler required seven times the effort of implementing a C compiler. I have no idea how true this claim might have been (it might have been one vendor’s approximate experience). In the 1980s everybody and his dog had their own C compiler and most of those who had tried, had run into a brick wall trying to implement a C++ compiler.

The stop/slow down changing C++ vs. let C++ “fulfill its destiny” (a rallying call from the AT&T rep, which the whole room cheered) finally got voted on; the study group became a WG (I cannot tell you the numbers; the meeting minutes are not online and I cannot find a paper copy {we had those until the mid/late-90s}).

The creation of WG21 did not have the intended effect (slowing down changes to the language); Stroustrup joined the committee and C++ evolution continued apace. However, from the developers’ perspective language change did slow down; Cfront changes stopped because its code was collapsing under its own evolutionary weight and usable C++ compilers became available from other vendors (in the early days, Zortech C++ was a major boost to the spread of usage).

The last WG21 meeting had 140 people on the attendance list; they were not all bored consultants looking for a creative outlet (i.e., exciting new features), but I’m sure many would be happy to drop the ball-and-chain (otherwise known as C compatibility).

I think there will be lots of proposals that will break C compatibility in one way or another and some will it into a published standard. The claim will be that the changes will make life easier for future C++ developers (a claim made by proponents of every language, for which there is zero empirical evidence). The only way of finding out whether a change has long term benefit is to wait a long time and see what happens.

The interesting question is how C++ compiler vendors will react to breaking changes in the language standard. There are not many production compilers out there these days, i.e., not a lot of competition. What incentive does a compiler vendor have to release a version of their compiler that will likely break existing code? Compiler validation, against a standard, is now history.

If WG21 make too many breaking changes, they could find C++ vendors ignoring them and developers asking whether the ISO C++ standards’ committee is past its sell by date.

East End Functions

Phil Nash from level of indirection

There has been a recent stirring of attention, in the C++ community, for the practice of always placing the const modifier to the right of the thing it modifies. The practice has even been gifted a catchy name: East Const (which, I think, is what has stirred up the interest).

As purely a matter of style it's fascinating that it seems to have split the community so strongly! There are cases for and against, but both sides seem to revolve around the idea of "consistency". For the East Const believers the consistency is in the sense that you can always apply one, simple, rule about what const means and where it goes. For the West Consters the consistency is with the majority of existing code out there - as well as the Core Guidelines recommendation!

Personally I've been an East Const advocate for many years (although not by that name, of course) - and converted the entire Catch codebase over to East Const quite early on.

But there's another style choice that I've not seen discussed quite as much, but has a number of parallels.

As with East vs West Const this is purely a matter of style (it doesn't change what the compiler generates), and one of the arguments in favour is consistency across application (there are some cases where you must do it this way) - but the main argument against is also consistency - with most existing code. Sound familiar? But what is it?

The issue is about where to specify return types on function signatures. For most of C++'s history the only choice has been to write the type before the name of the function (along with any modifiers). But since C++11 we've been able to write the type at the end of the function signature (after a -> - and the function must be prefixed with the keyword auto).

auto someFunc( int i ) -> std::string;
// instead of
std::string someFunc( int i );

So why would you prefer this style? Well, first there's that consistency argument. It's the only way to specify return types for lambdas. You're also required to use trailing return types if the type is a decltype that is dependent on the name of one of the function's arguments. Indeed, that's the motivating case for adding the syntax in the first place. e.g.:

template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
auto add( Lhs const& lhs, Rhs const& rhs ) -> decltype( lhs + rhs ) {
    return lhs + rhs;

A Foolish Consistency?

Given those cases where it is required, using the same syntax in all other cases would seem to be more consistent.

I'm not sure the consistency argument is as strong here as it is with East Const - there was never much confusion over what the return applied to, after all. But I think it's worth keeping in mind.

The next reason for is consistency with other languages. Many languages, especially functional programming languages, exclusively use the trailing syntax for return types. Quite a few, e.g. Swift, use the same -> syntax.

It's not a strong reason on its own, but combined with the internal consistency argument I think there's something there.

However, for me at least, the most compelling rationale is for readability. Why do I think it's more readable? There are actually two parts to this:

  1. Function declarations tend to line up. Certain qualifiers might spoil this effect, although one approach might be to group similarly qualified functions (e.g. all virtuals) together. This makes glancing through the list of function names much easier.

  2. The name of the function is usually the most important thing when you're browsing the code. If you're more interested in the return type it's usually because you already know which function you're interested in. So making the name the first thing you read (after the auto introducer) seems fitting.

auto doesItBlend() -> bool;
auto whatsYourFavouriteNumber() -> int;
auto add( double a, double b ) -> double;
void setTheControls();

(note that many who prefer this form, including myself, tend to still put void first)

For me the arguments for are compelling. The arguments against really boil down to the same argument against East Const - inconsistency with older code. As Jon Kalb deliberated on in A Foolish Consistency, this sort of thinking can hold us back.

I've been favouring this style for more than a couple of years now. In fact I tracked down a post to the ACCU mailing list (linked here, but I believe you have to be a subscriber to read it) where I talked about it - and made all the same points I'm making here. My opinion since then has not changed much. Other than feeling more confident that it's The Right Thing.

So I think it's time we gave it a catchy name. Unlike East Const it already has a name, "trailing return types". It's not especially galvanising, though. Given the parallels to East vs West Const - and the fact that it, also, relates to the thing in question being placed to the left or the right, I propose East End Functions (vs West End Functions).

What about the redundant auto keyword?

Think of auto, here, as the "function introducer". In other languages it might be spelt fun or func. If it makes you feel better you could always:

#define func auto

... actually don't. The point is, in languages that introduce a function with func, then have a trailing return type, nobody gives it a second thought. auto is the same number of characters as func. It's a shame it's not quite as expressive - but that's the price of legacy. It shouldn't mean we "can't have nice things".

No more pointers

Simon Brand from Simon Brand

One of the major changes at the most recent C++ standards meeting in Jacksonville was the decision to deprecate raw pointers in C++20, moving to remove them completely in C++23. This came as a surprise to many, with a lot of discussion as to how we’ll get by without this fundamental utility available any more. In this post I’ll look at how we can replace some of the main use-cases of raw pointers in C++20.

Three of the main reasons people use raw pointers are:

  • Dynamic allocation & runtime polymorphism
  • Nullable references
  • Avoiding copies

I’ll deal with these points in turn, but first, an answer to the main question people ask about this change.

The elephant in the room

What about legacy code? Don’t worry, the committee have come up with a way to both move forward the language boldly forward without breaking all the millions of lines of C++ which people have written over the years: opt-in extensions.

If you want to opt-in to C++20’s no-pointers feature, you use #feature.

#feature <no_pointers> //opt-in to no pointers
#feature <cpp20>       //opt-in to all C++20 features

This is a really cool new direction for the language. Hopefully with this we can slowly remove features like std::initializer_list so that new code isn’t bogged down with legacy as much as it is today.

Dynamic allocation & runtime polymorphism

I’m sure most of you already know the answer to this one: smart pointers. If you need to dynamically allocate some resource, that resource’s lifetime should be managed by a smart pointer, such as std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr. These types are now special compiler-built-in types rather than normal standard library types. In fact, std::is_fundamental<std::unique_ptr<int>>::value now evaluates to true!

Nullable references

Since references cannot be rebound and cannot be null, pointers are often used to fulfil this purpose. However, with C++20, we have a new type to fulfil this purpose: std::optional<T&>. std::optional was first introduced in C++17, but was plagued with no support for references and no monadic interface. C++20 has fixed both of these, so now we have a much more usable std::optional type which can fill the gap that raw pointers have left behind.

Avoiding copies

Some people like to use raw pointers to avoid copies at interface boundaries, such as returning some resource from a function. Fortunately, we have much better options, such as (Named) Return Value Optimization. C++17 made some forms of copy elision mandatory, which gives us even more guarantees for the performance of our code.

Wrapping up

Of course there are more use-cases for raw pointers, but this covers three of the most common ones. Personally, I think this is a great direction to see the language going in, and I look forward to seeing other ways we can slowly make C++ into a simpler, better language.

emBO++ 2018 Trip Report

Simon Brand from Simon Brand

emBO++ is a conference focused on C++ on embedded systems in Bochum, Germany. This was it’s second year of operation, but the first that I’ve been along to. It was a great conference, so I’m writing a short report to hopefully convince more of you to attend next year!


The conference took place over four days: an evening of lightning talks and burgers, a workshop day, a day of talks (what you might call the conference proper), and finally an unofficial standards meeting for those interested in SG14. This made for a lot of variety, and each day was valuable.


One thing I really enjoyed about emBO++ was that the different tech and social events were dotted around the city. This meant that I actually got to see some of Bochum, get lost navigating the train system, walk around town at night, etc., which made a nice change from being cooped up in a hotel for a few days.

The main conference venue was at the Zentrum für IT-Sicherheit (Centre for IT Security). It was a spacious building with a lot of light and large social areas, so it suited the conference environment well. The only problem was that it used to be a military building and was lined with copper, making the thing into one huge Faraday cage. This meant that WiFi was an issue for the first few hours of the day, but it got sorted eventually.


Food and Drink

The catering at the main conference location was really excellent: a variety of tasty food with healthy options and large quantities. Even better were the selection of drinks available, which mostly consisted of interesting soft drinks which I’d never seen before, such as bottled Matcha with lime and a number of varieties of Mate. All the locations we went to for food and drinks were great – especially the speakers dinner. A lot of thought was obviously put into this area of the conference, and it showed.


There were four workshops on the first day of the conference with two running in parallel. The two which I attended were very interesting and instructive, but I wish that they had been more hands-on.

Jörn Seger – Getting Started with Yocto

I was in two minds about attending this workshop. We need to use Yocto a little bit in my current project, so I could attend the workshop in order to gain more knowledge about it. On the other hand, I’d then be the most experienced member of my team in Yocto and would be forced to fix all the issues!

In the end I decided to go along, and it was definitely worthwhile. Previously I’d mostly muddled along without an understanding of the fundamentals of the system; this workshop provided those.

Kris Jusiak – Embedding a Compile-Time-State-Machine

Kris gave a workshop on Boost.SML, which is an embedded domain specific language (EDSL) for encoding expressive, high-performance state machines in C++. The library is very impressive, and it was valuable to see all the different use-cases it supports and how it supports switching out the frontend and backend of the system. I was particularly interested in this session as my talk the next day was on EDSLs, so it was an opportunity to steal some things to mention in my talk.

You can find Boost.SML here.


There were two tracks for most of the day, with the first and final ones being plenary sessions. There was a strong variety of talks, and I felt that my time was well-spent at all of them.

Simon Brand – Embedded DSLs for Embedded Programming

My talk! I think it went down well. I got some good engagement and questions from the audience, although not much feedback from the attendees later on in the day. I guess I’ll need to wait for it to get torn apart on YouTube.


Klemens Morgenstern – Developing high-performance Coroutines for ARMs

Klemens gave an excellent talk about an ARM coroutine library which he implemented. This talk has nothing to do with the C++ Coroutines TS, instead focusing on how coroutines can be implemented in a very low-overhead manner. In Klemens’ library, the user provides some memory to be used as the stack for the coroutine, then there are small pieces of ARM assembly which perform the context switch when you suspend or resume that coroutine. The talk went into the performance considerations, implementation, and use in just the right amount of detail, so I would definitely recommend watching if you want an overview of the ideas.

The library and presentation can be found here.

Emil Fresk – The compile-time, reactive scheduler: CRECT

CRECT is a task scheduler which carries out its work at compile time, therefore almost entirely disappearing from the generated assembly. Emil’s lofty goal for the talk was to present all of the necessary concepts such that those viewing the talk would feel like they could go off and implement something similar afterwards. I think he mostly succeeded in this – although a fair amount of metaprogramming skills would be required! He showed how to use the library to specify the jobs which need to be executed, the resources which they require, and when they should be scheduled to run. After we understood the fundamentals of the library, we learned how this actually gets executed at compile-time in order to produce the final scheduled output. Highly recommended for those who work with embedded systems and want a better way of scheduling their work.

You can find CRECT here.

Ben Craig – Standardizing an OS-less subset of C++

If you watch one talk from the conference it should be this one. C++ has had a “freestanding” variant for a long time, and it’s been neglected for the same amount of time. Ben talked about all the things which should not be available in freestanding mode but are, and those which should be but are not. He presented his vision for what should be standards-mandated facilities available in freestanding C++ implementations, and a tentative path to making this a reality. Particularly of interest were the odd edge cases which I hadn’t considered. For example, it turns out that std::array has to #include <string> somewhere down the line, because can throw an exception (std::out_of_range), and that exception has a constructor which takes std::string as an argument. These tiny issues will make getting a solid standard for freestanding difficult to pin down and agree on, but I think it’s a worthy cause.

Ben’s ISO C++ paper on a freestanding standard library can be found here.

Jacek Galowicz — Scalable test infrastructure for advanced bare-metal software development

In Jacek’s team, they have many different hardware versions to support. This creates a problem of creating regressions in some versions and not others when changes are made. This talk showed how they developed the testing infrastructure to enable them to test all hardware versions they needed on each merge request to ensure that bad commits aren’t merged in to the master branch. They wrote a simple testing framework in Haskell which was fine-tuned to their use case rather than using an existing solution like Jenkins (that’s what we use at Codeplay for solving the same problem). Jacek spoke about issues they faced and the creative solutions they put in place, such as putting a light detector over the CAPS LOCK button of a keyboard and making it blink in Morse code in order to communicate out from machines with no usable ports.

Odin Holmes – Bare-Metal-Roadmap

Odin’s talk summed up some current major problems that are facing the embedded community, and roped together all of the talks which had come before. It was cool to see the overlap in all the talks in areas of abstraction, EDSLs, making choices at compile time, etc.


I had a great time at emBO++ and would whole-heartedly recommend attending next year. The talks should be online in the next few months, so I look forward to watching those which I didn’t attend. The conference is mostly directed at embedded C++ developers, but I think it would be valuable to anyone doing low-latency programming on non-embedded systems, or those writing C/Rust/whatever for embedded platforms.

Thank you to Marie, Odin, Paul, Stephan, and Tabea for inviting me to talk and organising these great few days!


Do compilers take inline as a hint?

Simon Brand from Simon Brand

If you’ve spent any time in C or C++ communities online, you’ve probably seen someone say this:

inline used to be a hint for compilers to inline the definition, but no compilers actually take that into account any more.

You shouldn’t believe everything you see on the internet.

Of course, inline has mandatory effects on linkage and whatnot, but this post is only interested in whether or not compilers might change the decision to inline a function or not based on whether you write inline in the declaration.

However, the point of this article isn’t to give you good rules for when to use inline, because as much as I like to debate technical minutiae, your compiler will likely be a better judge than you anyway. Instead I want to show that if you want to know how compilers or standard libraries implement things, you can just go look! It might be daunting the first time, but getting a knack for finding things in large code bases and understanding your tools can pay off. I’ll be diving into the codebases for Clang and GCC to see how they handle inlining hints and hopefully convince you that you can do the same for questions which you have about your tools.


Let’s do this bottom-up. Clang is a compiler frontend for LLVM, which means that it takes C-family languages, translates them to LLVM Intermediate Representation, and LLVM handles generating assembly/binaries from that. So we can dig around in LLVM to see if we can find code which deals with inlining. I armed myself with a text editor and grep and found the following code in llvm/lib/Analysis/InlineCost.cpp:

  // Adjust the threshold based on inlinehint attribute and profile based
// hotness information if the caller does not have MinSize attribute.
if (!Caller->optForMinSize()) {
if (Callee.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::InlineHint))
Threshold = MaxIfValid(Threshold, Params.HintThreshold);
if (PSI) {
uint64_t TotalWeight;
if (CS.getInstruction()->extractProfTotalWeight(TotalWeight) &&
PSI->isHotCount(TotalWeight)) {
Threshold = MaxIfValid(Threshold, Params.HotCallSiteThreshold);
} else if (PSI->isFunctionEntryHot(&Callee)) {
// If callsite hotness can not be determined, we may still know
// that the callee is hot and treat it as a weaker hint for threshold
// increase.
Threshold = MaxIfValid(Threshold, Params.HintThreshold);
} else if (PSI->isFunctionEntryCold(&Callee)) {
Threshold = MinIfValid(Threshold, Params.ColdThreshold);

By just looking at this code without knowledge of all the other functions, we won’t be able to totally understand what it’s doing. But there’s certainly some information we can gleam here:

    if (Callee.hasFnAttribute(Attribute::InlineHint))
Threshold = MaxIfValid(Threshold, Params.HintThreshold);

So now we know that LLVM takes the presence of an inlinehint attribute into account in its inlining cost model. But does Clang produce that attribute? Let’s look for that attribute in the Clang sources:

    // Otherwise, propagate the inline hint attribute and potentially use its
// absence to mark things as noinline.
if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(D)) {
if (any_of(FD->redecls(), [&](const FunctionDecl *Redecl) {
return Redecl->isInlineSpecified();
})) {
} else if (CodeGenOpts.getInlining() ==
CodeGenOptions::OnlyHintInlining &&
!FD->isInlined() &&
!F->hasFnAttribute(llvm::Attribute::AlwaysInline)) {

The above code from clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenModule.cpp shows Clang setting the inlinehint attribute. It will also possibly mark declarations as noinline if inline was not supplied (depending on compiler flags). Now we can look for code which affects isInlineSpecified:

// clang/include/clang/Sema/DeclSpec.h
bool isInlineSpecified() const {
return FS_inline_specified | FS_forceinline_specified;

// clang/lib/Sema/DeclSpec.cpp
bool DeclSpec::setFunctionSpecInline(SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID) {
// 'inline inline' is ok. However, since this is likely not what the user
// intended, we will always warn, similar to duplicates of type qualifiers.
if (FS_inline_specified) {
DiagID = diag::warn_duplicate_declspec;
PrevSpec = "inline";
return true;
FS_inline_specified = true;
FS_inlineLoc = Loc;
return false;

// Parse/ParseDecl.cpp:ParseDeclarationSpecifiers
case tok::kw_inline:
isInvalid = DS.setFunctionSpecInline(Loc, PrevSpec, DiagID);

The above snippets show the functions which set and retrieve whether something was specified as inline, and the code in the parser which calls the setter.

So now we know that Clang propagates the presence of the inline keyword through to LLVM using the inlinehint attribute, and that LLVM takes this into account in its cost model for inlining. Our detective work has been successful!


How about GCC? The source for GCC is a fair bit less accessible than that of LLVM, but we can still make an attempt. After a bit of searching, I found that the DECL_DECLARED_INLINE_P macro seemed to be used lots of places which were relevant. So we can look for where that’s set:

        // c/c-decl.c:grokdeclarator

/* Record presence of `inline' and `_Noreturn', if it is
reasonable. */

if (flag_hosted && MAIN_NAME_P (declarator->
if (declspecs->inline_p)
pedwarn (loc, 0, "cannot inline function %<main%>");
if (declspecs->noreturn_p)
pedwarn (loc, 0, "%<main%> declared %<_Noreturn%>");
if (declspecs->inline_p)
/* Record that the function is declared `inline'. */
if (declspecs->noreturn_p)
if (flag_isoc99)
pedwarn_c99 (loc, OPT_Wpedantic,
"ISO C99 does not support %<_Noreturn%>");
pedwarn_c99 (loc, OPT_Wpedantic,
"ISO C90 does not support %<_Noreturn%>");

We can then look for uses of this macro which seem to affect the behaviour of the inliner. Here are a few:


/* Do fast and conservative check if the function can be good
inline candidate. At the moment we allow inline hints to
promote non-inline functions to inline and we increase
MAX_INLINE_INSNS_SINGLE 16-fold for inline functions. */

else if ((!DECL_DECLARED_INLINE_P (callee->decl)
&& (!e->count.ipa ().initialized_p () || !e->maybe_hot_p ()))
&& ipa_fn_summaries->get (callee)->min_size
- ipa_call_summaries->get (e)->call_stmt_size
want_inline = false;


/* ... and do not overwrite user specified hints. */
&& (!DECL_DECLARED_INLINE_P (edge->callee->decl)
|| DECL_DECLARED_INLINE_P (caller->decl)))))


/* Do not consider functions not declared inline. */
if (!DECL_DECLARED_INLINE_P (callee->decl)
&& !opt_for_fn (node->decl, flag_inline_small_functions)
&& !opt_for_fn (node->decl, flag_inline_functions))

That’s some evidence that the keyword is being taken into account. If we want to get a better idea of all of the effects, then we now have a starting point from which to conduct our expectations.


I hope I’ve managed to convince you of two things:

  1. Some modern compilers still take inline hints into account.
  2. If you want to understand how your compiler works and it’s open source, you can just go and look.

If you’re actually going to try and optimize your code using inline then Do The Right Thing And Measure It1. See what your compiler actually generates. Profile your code to make sure you’re opmitizing something that needs optimizing. Don’t guess.

  1. DTRTAMI (dee-tee-arr-tamee) kinda has a ring to it.Â