Basic ideas of Python 3 asyncio concurrency

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Series: asyncio basics, large numbers in parallel, parallel HTTP requests, adding to stdlib

Python 3’s asyncio module and the async and await keywords combine to allow us to do cooperative concurrent programming, where a code path voluntarily yields control to a scheduler, trusting that it will get control back when some resource has become available (or just when the scheduler feels like it). This way of programming can be very confusing, and has been popularised by Twisted in the Python world, and nodejs (among others) in other worlds.

I have been trying to get my head around the basic ideas as they surface in Python 3’s model. Below are some definitions and explanations that have been useful to me as I tried to grasp how it all works.

Futures and coroutines are both things that you can wait for.

You can make a coroutine by declaring it with async def:

import asyncio
async def mycoro(number):
    print("Starting %d" % number)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("Finishing %d" % number)
    return str(number)

Almost always, a coroutine will await something such as some blocking IO. (Above we just sleep for a second.) When we await, we actually yield control to the scheduler so it can do other work and wake us up later, when something interesting has happened.

You can make a future out of a coroutine, but often you don’t need to. Bear in mind that if you do want to make a future, you should use ensure_future, but this actually runs what you pass to it – it doesn’t just create a future:

myfuture1 = asyncio.ensure_future(mycoro(1))
# Runs mycoro!

But, to get its result, you must wait for it – it is only scheduled in the background:

# Assume mycoro is defined as above
myfuture1 = asyncio.ensure_future(mycoro(1))
# We end the program without waiting for the future to finish

So the above fails like this:

$ python3 ./
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<mycoro() running at ./python-async:10>>
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'mycoro' was never awaited

The right way to block waiting for a future outside of a coroutine is to ask the event loop to do it:

# Keep on assuming mycoro is defined as above for all the examples
myfuture1 = asyncio.ensure_future(mycoro(1))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Now this works properly (although we’re not yet getting any benefit from being asynchronous):

$ python3
Starting 1
Finishing 1

To run several things concurrently, we make a future that is the combination of several other futures. asyncio can make a future like that out of coroutines using asyncio.gather:

several_futures = asyncio.gather(
    mycoro(1), mycoro(2), mycoro(3))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

The three coroutines all run at the same time, so this only takes about 1 second to run, even though we are running 3 tasks, each of which takes 1 second:

$ python3
Starting 3
Starting 1
Starting 2
Finishing 3
Finishing 1
Finishing 2
['1', '2', '3']

asyncio.gather won’t necessarily run your coroutines in order, but it will return a list of results in the same order as its input.

Notice also that run_until_complete returns the result of the future created by gather – a list of all the results from the individual coroutines.

To do the next bit we need to know how to call a coroutine from a coroutine. As we’ve already seen, just calling a coroutine in the normal Python way doesn’t run it, but gives you back a “coroutine object”. To actually run the code, we need to wait for it. When we want to block everything until we have a result, we can use something like run_until_complete but in an async context we want to yield control to the scheduler and let it give us back control when the coroutine has finished. We do that by using await:

import asyncio
async def f2():
    print("start f2")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("stop f2")
async def f1():
    print("start f1")
    await f2()
    print("stop f1")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This prints:

$ python3
start f1
start f2
stop f2
stop f1

Now we know how to call a coroutine from inside a coroutine, we can continue.

We have seen that asyncio.gather takes in some futures/coroutines and returns a future that collects their results (in order).

If, instead, you want to get results as soon as they are available, you need to write a second coroutine that deals with each result by looping through the results of asyncio.as_completed and awaiting each one.

# Keep on assuming mycoro is defined as at the top
async def print_when_done(tasks):
    for res in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        print("Result %s" % await res)
coros = [mycoro(1), mycoro(2), mycoro(3)]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This prints:

$ python3
Starting 1
Starting 3
Starting 2
Finishing 3
Result 3
Finishing 2
Result 2
Finishing 1
Result 1

Notice that task 3 finishes first and its result is printed, even though tasks 1 and 2 are still running.

asyncio.as_completed returns an iterable sequence of futures, each of which must be awaited, so it must run inside a coroutine, which must be waited for too.

The argument to asyncio.as_completed has to be a list of coroutines or futures, not an iterable, so you can’t use it with a very large list of items that won’t fit in memory.

Side note: if we want to work with very large lists, asyncio.wait won’t help us here – it also takes a list of futures and waits for all of them to complete (like gather), or, with other arguments, for one of them to complete or one of them to fail. It then returns two sets of futures: done and not-done. Each of these must be awaited to get their results, so:


# is roughly equivalent to:

async def mygather(*args):
    ret = []
    for r in (await asyncio.wait(args))[0]:
        ret.append(await r)
    return ret

I am interested in running very large numbers of tasks with limited concurrency – see the next article for how I managed it.

C++ iterator wrapping a stream not 1-1

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam&#039;s Blog

Series: Iterator, Iterator Wrapper, Non-1-1 Wrapper

Sometimes we want to write an iterator that consumes items from some underlying iterator but produces its own items slower than the items it consumes, like this:

ColonSep items("aa:foo::x");
// Prints "aa, foo, , x"
for(auto s : items)
    std::cout << s << ", ";

When we pass a 9-character string (i.e. an iterator that yields 9 items) to ColonSep, above, we only repeat 4 times in our loop, because ColonSep provides an iterable range that yields one value for each whole word it finds in the underlying iterator of 9 characters.

To do something like this I'd recommend consuming the items of the underlying iterator early, so it is ready when requested with operator*. We also need our iterator class to hold on to the end of the underlying iterator as well as the current position.

First we need a small container to hold the next item we will provide:

struct maybestring
    std::string value_;
    bool at_end_;

    explicit maybestring(const std::string value)
    : value_(value)
    , at_end_(false)

    explicit maybestring()
    : value_("--error-past-end--")
    , at_end_(true)

A maybestring either holds the next item we will provide, or at_end_ is true, meaning we have reached the end of the underlying iterator and we will report that we are at the end ourself when asked.

Like the simpler iterators we have looked at, we still need a little container to return from the postincrement operator:

class stringholder
    const std::string value_;
    stringholder(const std::string value) : value_(value) {}
    std::string operator*() const { return value_; }

Now we are ready to write our iterator class, which always has the next value ready in its next_ member, and holds on to the current and end positions of the underlying iterator in wrapped_ and wrapped_end_:

class myit
    typedef std::string::const_iterator wrapped_t;
    wrapped_t wrapped_;
    wrapped_t wrapped_end_;
    maybestring next_;

The constructor holds on the underlying iterator pointers, and immediately fills next_ with the next value by calling next_item passing in true to indicate that this is the first item:

    myit(wrapped_t wrapped, wrapped_t wrapped_end)
    : wrapped_(wrapped)
    , wrapped_end_(wrapped_end)
    , next_(next_item(true))

    // Previously provided by std::iterator
    typedef int                     value_type;
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t          difference_type;
    typedef int*                    pointer;
    typedef int&                    reference;
    typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category;

next_item looks like this:

    maybestring next_item(bool first_time)
        if (wrapped_ == wrapped_end_)
            return maybestring();  // We are at the end
            if (!first_time)
            return read_item();

next_item recognises whether we've reached the end of the underlying iterator and saves the empty maybstring if so. Otherwise, it skips forward once (unless we are on the first element) and then calls read_item:

    maybestring read_item()
        std::string ret = "";
        for (; wrapped_ != wrapped_end_; ++wrapped_)
            char c = *wrapped_;
            if (c == ':')
            ret += c;
        return maybestring(ret);

read_item implements the real logic of looping through the underlying iterator and combining those values together to create the next item to provide.

The hard part of the iterator class is done, leaving only the more normal functions we must provide:

    value_type operator*() const
        return next_.value_;

    bool operator==(const myit& other) const
        // We only care about whether we are at the end
        return next_.at_end_ == other.next_.at_end_;

    bool operator!=(const myit& other) const { return !(*this == other); }

    stringholder operator++(int)
        stringholder ret(next_.value_);
        next_ = next_item(false);
        return ret;

    myit& operator++()
        next_ = next_item(false);
        return *this;

Note that operator== is only concerned with whether or not we are an end iterator or not. Nothing else matters for providing correct iteration.

Our final bit of bookkeeping is the range class that allows our new iterator to be used in a for loop:

class ColonSep
    const std::string str_;
    ColonSep(const std::string str) : str_(str) {}
    myit begin() { return myit(std::begin(str_), std::end(str_)); }
    myit end()   { return myit(std::end(str_),   std::end(str_)); }

A lot of the code above is needed for all code that does this kind of job. Next time we'll look at how to use templates to make it useable in the general case.

A Magical new World — Thoughts of a first time ACCU attendee.

Samathy from Stories by Samathy on Medium

I went to my first ACCU Conference last week. It was great.

ACCU Conference

I’d heard about ACCU from Russel Winder several months ago. He recommended I check out the conference (for which hes on the programme board) since I’m a fan and user of the C and C++ languages.

I arrived in Bristol on Tuesday excited for what the week held.

This post contains a section about the talks and a section about my experience at the bottom.

Be aware that some of the photos might not look as good on here as they should, I think Medium has compressed them a bit. All my photos should be online shortly.

The Talks

Russ Miles opens ACCU 2017

We started the conference proper with a fantastically explosive keynote delivered by Russ Miles who jumped on stage to deliver a programming parody of Highway to Hell accompanied by his own guitar playing.
His keynote was all about modern development and how most of a programmer’s tools currently just shout information at the programmer, rather than actually helping.

Later on the Wednesday I headed into a talk from Kevlin Henny that totally re-jigged how I think about concurrency. Thinking outside the Synchronisation Quadrant was wonderfully entertaining, with Kevlin excitedly bouncing across the floor.
A fantastically engaging speaker.

Lightning talks on Wednesday

Wednesday’s talks continued with several other good talks and a number of great lightning talks too.
Finalising with the welcome reception where delegates gathered in the hotel for drinks, food and conversation.

It was here that I really got the chance to socialise with a good few people, including Anna-Jayne and Beth, who I’d been excited about meeting since I found out they were going to be there!

Thursday began with an interesting keynote about the Chapel parallel programming language. The talk has encouraged me to try the language out and I’ll certainly be having a good play with that soon.

Peter Hilton’s Documentation for Developers workshop

Thursday’s stand out talks included Documentation for Developers workshop by Peter Hilton. I really enjoyed the workshoppy style that Peter used to deliver the talk. He got the audience working in groups, talking to each other and essentially complaining about documentation. He finished with suggesting a method of writing docs called Readme Driven Development as well as other suggestions.

The other talk on Thursday which I really loved was “The C++ Type System is your Friend”. Hubert Matthews was a great speaker with clear experience in explaining a complex topic in an easier to understand fashion.
I can’t say I understood everything, but I certainly liked listening to Hubert speak.

Thursday evening I headed out for dinner with Anna-Jayne and Beth before heading back to my accommodation to write up a last minute talk for Friday.

My talk was covering Intel Software Guard Extensions — Russel announced that there was an open slot on Friday for a 15 minute topic and I took the chance to speak then.

Friday began with a curious but thought provoking talk from Fran Buontempo called AI: Actual Intelligence.
I’m not entirely sure what the take away from the talk was intended to be, but nonetheless it was interesting!

Friday morning was full of 15 minute talks. A format I think is wonderful.
I really loved that amongst the 90 min talks throughout the rest of the week, there was time for these quick fire shorter talks too that were still serious technical talks (unlike the 5min lightning talks).

The talks I went to see were:

Odin Holmes talks about Named Parameters

At Friday lunch time I took part in a bit of an unplanned workshop on sketch noting with Michel Grootjans. It was essentially an hour of trying to make our notes prettier!
It was a lot of fun.

Sketch Noting with Michel Grootjans

Friday was the conference dinner — a rock themed night of fun and frivolities.

This was by far the high point of the conference for me.
It offered a great evening of meeting people and having a lot of fun.
I loved how everyone loosened up and spoke to anyone else there.

I met a whole bunch of people, and got on super well with a few people who I would like to consider friends now.

ACCU made it easy to get to know people too by forcing everyone who isn't a speaker to move tables between each meal course. Its a great idea!

Odin enjoys inflatable instruments

Saturday’s talks started with a really fun talk from Arjan van Leeuwen about string handling in C++1x. Covering the differences between char arrays and std::strings and how best to use them. As well as tantalising us with a C++17 feature called std::string_view (immutable views of a string).

Later I watched a talk from Anthony Williams and another from Odin, both of which went wildly over my head, but all the same I gained a few things from both of them.

Finishing off the conference was a brilliant keynote from renowned speaker and member of the ISO C++ standards committee Herb Sutter.

Herb Sutter on Metaclasses at ACCU 2017

Herb introduced a new feature of C++ that he may be proposing to the standards committee.
He described a feature allowing one to create meta-classes.

Essentially, one could describe a template of a class with certain interfaces, data and operators. Then, one could implement an instance of that class defining all the functionality of the class.
Its essentially a way to more cleanly describe something akin to inheritance with virtual functions.

I highly suggest you try to catch the talk, since it was so interesting that even an hour or so after the talk there was still quite a crowd of people gathered around Herb asking him questions.

Herb is surrounded by curious programmers

The Conference Environment

As a first time ACCU attendee — this wouldn't be a useful blog post without a few words about the environment at the conference.

As most of my readers know, I’m a young transwomen, so a safe and welcome environment is something that I very much appreciate and makes a huge difference to my experience of an event.

Its something thats super hard to achieve in a world like software development where the workforce are predominantly male.

I’m glad to say that ACCU did a great job of creating a safe and welcoming space. Despite being predominantly male as expected, everyone I encountered was not only friendly and helpful, but ever so willing to go out of their way to make me feel welcome and comfortable.
Everyone I met simply accepted me for me and didnt treat me any other way than friendly.

I would suggest that offering diversity tickets to ACCU would help make me feel even better there, since I’d feel better with a more diverse set of delegates.

I was especially comforted by Russel mentioning the code of conduct, without fail, every day of the conference. As well as one of the lightning talks being, delivered by a man, taking the form of a spoke word-ish piece praising the welcoming nature of ACCU and calling for the maintenance of the welcoming nature to all people in the community, not just people like himself.

I’d like to especially mention Julie and the Archer-Yates team for checking up on my happiness throughout the conference, they really helped me feel safe there.

I think there still could be work to do about making the conference a good place for younger adults — I was rather overwhelmed by the fact that everyone seemed older than me and clearly had a better idea of how to conduct themselves in the conference setting.
However, I think the only real way of solving this problem would be to make the conference easier to access to younger people (i,e cheaper tickets for students, its still super expensive) which wouldn't always be possible. Additionally, the inclusion of some simpler, easier to understand talks would have been great. Lots of the talks were very complicated and easily got to a level that was way over my head.

Thanks to everyone who helped me feel welcome at ACCU — including but not limited to Richard, Antonello, Anna-Jayne, Beth, Jackie, Fran, Russel and Odin.

In conclusion

ACCU was a fantastic experience for me. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in improving their C and C++ programming skills as well as general programming skills.
I’ll certainly be heading back next year if I can, and am happily a registered ACCU member now!