for-loop usage at different nesting levels

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

When reading code, starting at the first line of a function/method, the probability of the next statement read being a for-loop is around 1.5% (at least in C, I don’t have decent data on other languages). Let’s say you have been reading the code a line at a time, and you are now reading lines nested within various if/while/for statements, you are at nesting depth d. What is the probability of the statement on the next line being a for-loop?

Does the probability of encountering a for-loop remain unchanged with nesting depth (i.e., developer habits are not affected by nesting depth), or does it decrease (aren’t developers supposed to using functions/methods rather than nesting; I have never heard anybody suggest that it increases)?

If you think the for-loop use probability is not affected by nesting depth, you are going to argue for the plot on the left (below, showing number of loops appearing in C source at various nesting depths), with the regression model fitting really well after 3-levels of nesting. If you think the probability decreases with nesting depth, you are likely to argue for the plot on the right, with the model fitting really well down to around 10-levels of nesting (code+data).

Number of C source lines containing a given number of characters.

Both plots use the same data, but different scales are used for the x-axis.

If probability of use is independent of nesting depth, an exponential equation should fit the data (i.e., the left plot), decreasing probability is supported by a power-law (i.e, the right plot; plus other forms of equation, but let’s keep things simple).

The two cases are very wrong over different ranges of the data. What is your explanation for reality failing to follow your beliefs in for-loop occurrence probability?

Is the mismatch between belief and reality caused by the small size of the data set (a few million lines were measured, which was once considered to be a lot), or perhaps your beliefs are based on other languages which will behave as claimed (appropriate measurements on other languages most welcome).

The nesting depth dependent use probability plot shows a sudden change in the rate of decrease in for-loop probability; perhaps this is caused by the maximum number of characters that can appear on a typical editor line (within a window). The left plot (below) shows the number of lines (of C source) containing a given number of characters; the right plot counts tokens per line and the length effect is much less pronounced (perhaps developers use shorter identifiers in nested code). Note: different scales used for the x-axis (code+data).

Number of lines containing a given number of C tokens.

I don’t have any believable ideas for why the exponential fit only works if the first few nesting depths are ignored. What could be so special about early nesting depths?

What about fitting the data with other equations?

A bi-exponential springs to mind, with one exponential driven by application requirements and the other by algorithm selection; but reality is not on-board with this idea.

Ideas, suggestions, and data for other languages, most welcome.

Comparing expression usage in mathematics and C source

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Why does a particular expression appear in source code?

One reason is that the expression is the coded form of a formula from the application domain, e.g., E=mc^2.

Another reason is that the expression calculates an algorithm/housekeeping related address, or offset, to where a value of interest is held.

Most people (including me, many years ago) think that the majority of source code expressions relate to the application domain, in one-way or another.

Work on a compiler related optimizer, and you will soon learn the truth; most expressions are simple and calculate addresses/offsets. Optimizing compilers would not have much to do, if they only relied on expressions from the application domain (my numbers tool throws something up every now and again).

What are the characteristics of application domain expression?

I like to think of them as being complicated, but that’s because it used to be in my interest for them to be complicated (I used to work on optimizers, which have the potential to make big savings if things are complicated).

Measurements of expressions in scientific papers is needed, but who is going to be interested in measuring the characteristics of mathematical expressions appearing in papers? I’m interested, but not enough to do the work. Then, a few weeks ago I discovered: An Analysis of Mathematical Expressions Used in Practice, by Clare So; an analysis of 20,000 mathematical papers submitted to arXiv between 2000 and 2004.

The following discussion uses the measurements made for my C book, as the representative source code (I keep suggesting that detailed measurements of other languages is needed, but nobody has jumped in and made them, yet).

The table below shows percentage occurrence of operators in expressions. Minus is much more common than plus in mathematical expressions, the opposite of C source; the ‘popularity’ of the relational operators is also reversed.

Operator  Mathematics   C source
=         0.39          3.08
-         0.35          0.19 
+         0.24          0.38
<=        0.06          0.04
>         0.041         0.11
<         0.037         0.22

The most common single binary operator expression in mathematics is n-1 (the data counts expressions using different variable names as different expressions; yes, n is the most popular variable name, and adding up other uses does not change relative frequency by much). In C source var+int_constant is around twice as common as var-int_constant

The plot below shows the percentage of expressions containing a given number of operators (I've made a big assumption about exactly what Clare So is counting; code+data). The operator count starts at two because that is where the count starts for the mathematics data. In C source, around 99% of expressions have less than two operators, so the simple case completely dominates.

Percentage of expressions containing a given number of operators.

For expressions containing between two and five operators, frequency of occurrence is sort of about the same in mathematics and C, with C frequency decreasing more rapidly. The data disagrees with me again...

2019 in the programming language standards’ world

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Last Tuesday I was at the British Standards Institute for a meeting of IST/5, the committee responsible for programming language standards in the UK.

There has been progress on a few issues discussed last year, and one interesting point came up.

It is starting to look as if there might be another iteration of the Cobol Standard. A handful of people, in various countries, have started to nibble around the edges of various new (in the Cobol sense) features. No, the INCITS Cobol committee (the people who used to do all the heavy lifting) has not been reformed; the work now appears to be driven by people who cannot let go of their involvement in Cobol standards.

ISO/IEC 23360-1:2006, the ISO version of the Linux Base Standard, has been updated and we were asked for a UK position on the document being published. Abstain seemed to be the only sensible option.

Our WG20 representative reported that the ongoing debate over pile of poo emoji has crossed the chasm (he did not exactly phrase it like that). Vendors want to have the freedom to specify code-points for use with their own emoji, e.g., pineapple emoji. The heady days, of a few short years ago, when an encoding for all the world’s character symbols seemed possible, have become a distant memory (the number of unhandled logographs on ancient pots and clay tablets was declining rapidly). Who could have predicted that the dream of a complete encoding of the symbols used by all the world’s languages would be dashed by pile of poo emoji?

The interesting news is from WG9. The document intended to become the Ada20 standard was due to enter the voting process in June, i.e., the committee considered it done. At the end of April the main Ada compiler vendor asked for the schedule to be slipped by a year or two, to enable them to get some implementation experience with the new features; oops. I have been predicting that in the future language ‘standards’ will be decided by the main compiler vendors, and the future is finally starting to arrive. What is the incentive for the GNAT compiler people to pay any attention to proposals written by a bunch of non-customers (ok, some of them might work for customers)? One answer is that Ada users tend to be large bureaucratic organizations (e.g., the DOD), who like to follow standards, and might fund GNAT to implement the new document (perhaps this delay by GNAT is all about funding, or lack thereof).

Right on cue, C++ users have started to notice that C++20’s added support for a system header with the name version, which conflicts with much existing practice of using a file called version to contain versioning information; a problem if the header search path used the compiler includes a project’s top-level directory (which is where the versioning file version often sits). So the WG21 committee decides on what it thinks is a good idea, implementors implement it, and users complain; implementors now have a good reason to not follow a requirement in the standard, to keep users happy. Will WG21 be apologetic, or get all high and mighty; we will have to wait and see.

The Perils of Multi-Phase Construction

Chris Oldwood from The OldWood Thing

I’ve never really been a fan of C#’s object initializer syntax. Yes, it’s a little more convenient to write but it has a big downside which is it forces you to make your types mutable by default. Okay, that’s a bit strong, it doesn’t force you to do anything, but it does promote that way of thinking and allows people to take advantage of mutability outside the initialisation block [1].

This post is inspired by some buggy code I encountered where my suspicion is that the subtleties of the object initialisation syntax got lost along the way and partially constructed objects eventually found their way into the wild.

No Dragons Yet

The method, which was to get the next message from a message queue, was originally written something like this:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
  result = new Message
    Priority = message.Priority,
    Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
    Body = message.Body, 

return result;

This was effectively correct. I say “effectively correct” because it doesn’t contain the bug which came later but still relies on mutability which we know can be dangerous.

For example, what would happen if the GetHeader() method threw an exception? At the moment there is no error handling and so the exception propagates out the method and back up the stack. Because we make no effort to recover we let the caller decide what happens when a duff message comes in.

The Dragons Begin Circling

Presumably the behaviour when a malformed message arrived was undesirable because the method was changed slightly to include some recovery fairly soon after:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
    result = new Message
      Priority = message.Priority,
      Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
      Body = message.Body,  
  catch (Exception e)
    Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);

return result;

Still no bug yet, but that catch handler falling through to the return at the bottom is somewhat questionable; we are making the reader work hard to track what happens to result under the happy / sad paths to ensure it remains correct under further change.

Object Initialisation Syntax

Before showing the bug, here’s a brief refresher on how the object initialisation syntax works under the covers [2] in the context of our example code. Essentially it invokes the default constructor first and then performs assignments on the various other properties, e.g.

var __m = new Message();
__m.Priority = message.Priority;
__m.Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”);
__m.Body = message.Body,  
result = __m;

Notice how the compiler introduces a hidden temporary variable during the construction which it then assigns to the target at the end? This ensures that any exceptions during construction won’t create partially constructed objects that are bound to variables by accident. (This assumes you don’t use the constructor or property setter to attach itself to any global variables either.)

Hence, with respect to our example, if any part of the initialization fails then result will be left as null and therefore the message is indeed discarded and the caller gets a null reference back.

The Dragons Surface

Time passes and the code is then updated to support a new property which is also passed via a header. And then another, and another. However, being more complicated than a simple string value the logic to parse it is placed outside the object initialisation block, like this:

Message result = null;
RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message != null)
    result = new Message
      Priority = message.Priority,
      Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),
      Body = message.Body,  

    var str = GetHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”);
    if (str != null && TryParseInt(str, out var value))
      result.IntValue = value;

    // ... more of the same ...
  catch (Exception e)
    Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);

return result;

Now the problems start. With the latter header parsing code outside the initialisation block result is assigned a partially constructed object while the remaining parsing code runs. Any exceptions that occur [3] mean that result will be left only partially constructed and the caller will be returned the duff object because the exception handler falls out the bottom.

+1 for Tests

The reason I spotted the bug was because I was writing some tests around the code for a new header which also temporarily needed to be optional, like the others, to decouple the deployments. When running the tests there was an error displayed on the console output [4] telling me the message was being discarded, which I didn’t twig at first. It was when I added a retrospective test for the previous optional fields and I found my new one wasn’t be parsed correctly that I realised something funky was going on.


So, what’s the answer? Well, I can think of a number of approaches that would fix this particular code, ranging from small to large in terms of the amount of code that needs changing and our appetite for it.

Firstly we could avoid falling through in the exception handler and make it easier on the reader to comprehend what would be returned in the face of a parsing error:

catch (Exception e)  
  Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);
  return null;

Secondly we could reduce the scope of the result variable and return that at the end of the parsing block so it’s also clearer about what the happy path returns:

var result = new Message  
  // . . .  

var str = GetHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”);
if (str != null && TryParseInt(str, out var value)
  result.IntValue = value;

return result;

We could also short circuit the original check too and remove the longer lived result variable altogether with:

RawMessage message = queue.Receive();

if (message == null)
    return null;

These are all quite simple changes which are also safe going forward should someone add more header values in the same way. Of course, if we were truly perverse and wanted to show how clever we were, we could fold the extra values back into the initialisation block by doing an Extract Function on the logic instead and leave the original dragons in place, e.g.

  result = new Message  
    Priority = message.Priority,  
    Type = GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),  
    Body = message.Body,
    IntValue = GetIntHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”),
    // ... more of the same ...  
catch (Exception e)  
  Log.Error(“Invalid message. Skipping.”);  

But we would never do that because the aim is to write code that helps stop people making these kinds of mistakes in the first place. If we want to be clever we should make it easier for the maintainers to fall into The Pit of Success.

Other Alternatives 

I said at the beginning that I was not a fan of mutability by default and therefore it would be remiss of me not to suggest that the entire Message type be made immutable and all properties set via the constructor instead:

result = new Message  
  priority: message.Priority,  
  type: GetHeader(message, “MessageType”),  
  body: message.Body,
  IntValue: GetIntHeader(message, “SomeIntValue”),
  // ... more of the same ...  

Yes, adding a new property is a little more work but, as always, writing the tests to make sure it all works correctly will dominate here.

I would also prefer to see use of an Optional<> type instead of a null reference for signalling “no message” but that’s a different discussion.


While this bug was merely “theoretical” at the time I discovered it [5] it quickly came back to bite. A bug fix I made on the sending side got deployed before the receiving end and so the misleading error popped up in the logs after all.

Although the system appeared to be functioning correctly it had slowed down noticeably which we quickly discovered was down to the receiving process continually restarting. What I hadn’t twigged just from reading this nugget of code was that due to the catch handler falling through and passing the message on it was being acknowledged on the queue twice –– once in that catch handler, and again after processing it. This second acknowledgment attempt generated a fatal error that caused the process to restart. Deploying the fixed receiver code as well sorted the issue out.

Ironically the impetus for my blog post “Black Hole - The Fail Fast Anti-Pattern” way back in 2012 was also triggered by two-phase construction problems that caused a process to go into a nasty failure mode, but that time it processed messages much too quickly and stayed alive failing them all.


[1] Generally speaking the setting of multiple properties implies it’s multi-phase construction. The more common term Two-Phase Construction comes (I presume) from explicit constructor methods names like Initialise() or Create() which take multiple arguments, like the constructor, rather than setting properties one-by-one.

[2] This is based on my copy of The C# Programming Language: The Annotated Edition.

[3] When the header was missing it was passing a null byte[] reference into a UTF8 decoder which caused it to throw an ArgumentNullException.

[4] Internally it created a logger on-the-fly so it wasn’t an obvious dependency that initially needed mocking.

[5] It’s old, so possibly it did bite in the past but nobody knew why or it magically fixed itself when both ends where upgraded close enough together.