Cubic Line Division – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

Last time we took a look at how we can use linear interpolation to approximate a function from a set of points on its graph by connecting them with straight lines. As a consequence the result isn't smooth, meaning that its derivative isn't continuous and is undefined at the x values of the points, known as the nodes of the interpolation.
In this post we shall see how we can define a smooth interpolation by connecting the points with curves rather than straight lines.

Chalk The Lines – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

Given a set of points (xi,yi), a common problem in numerical analysis is trying to estimate values of y for values of x that aren't in the set. The simplest scheme is linear interpolation, which connects points with consecutive values of x with straight lines and then uses them to calculate values of y for values of x that lie between those of their endpoints.
On the face of it implementing this would seem to be a pretty trivial business, but doing so both accurately and efficiently is a surprisingly tricky affair, as we shall see in this post.