Moving to a multi-VHD Windows installation to separate work and personal data

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I had been thinking about setting myself up with a way to work from home in a disconnected fashion. Most of the places I’ve worked at in the past required me to remote into the work desktop, which is a good idea if both sides have 100% uptime on their network connection and no issues with them being affected by adverse weather. Which in reality means that the connections tended to be unstable if the weather dictated that one really, really wanted to work from home on a particular day because snowfall was horizontal, for example.

Another good reason to keep source file sizes small

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

Merging a file between SCM branches that is several thousand lines in size and has significant changes in both branches is a good way to have an unpleasant day, even if the SCM that’s being used has good support for cross-branch merging. Yes, I know, ideally one tries to make sure that two branches don’t diverge that far but that’s not always possible, especially if there are significant changes to the design that affect the merge.

Useful collection of Qt debug visualizers for Visual Studio

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I had to reinstall VS2010 at work and because I clearly didn’t think this all the way through, forgot to save my autoexp.dat file before removing the old installation. And of course I didn’t realise what had happened until I had to dig deeper into some Qt GUI code that wasn’t quite working as expected, and of course I was prompted with the raw data. Fortunately a quick search on Google led me to this page Human Machine Teaming Lab | Knowledge / Qt that contains a very comprehensive set of visualisers.