On joining JetBrains

Phil Nash from level of indirection


The JetBrains office in St. Petersburg

I recently joined JetBrains as Developer Advocate for their (our) C++ related tools, CLion (a cross-platform C++ IDE), AppCode (for Mac and iOS development - also supporting Swift and Objective-C) and ReSharper C++ (plug-in for Visual Studio).

This was a significant move for me as my previous full-time role had been as a developer at one place for over seven years! In that time I had been able to take time out to do occasional stints of coaching and consulting, as well as travelling to a number of conferences and other events where I always felt like I was more a part of the community. But making that a significant part of my job has been an interesting transition.

JetBrains are a superb software engineering company with a friendly, diverse, set of employees, distributed across a number of offices. I primarily interact with members in St. Petersburg, Russia and Munich, Germany (and have already visited both offices). Personally I work at home - as do the rest of the Developer Advocacy team (their respective homes, that is. There's not quite enough room at my place!)

I'm not going to talk too much more about my role in general, here. I covered it a bit more in an interview published on some of the JetBrains blogs soon after I joined. What I wanted to talk about here is how it affects my other activities - and in particular Catch.

One of the enticing things about taking this role was that I would be expected to continue work on Open Source projects. After all I wouldn't be working on a paid project anymore - but I still need to keep my skills relevant (and not just tuned to small, self-contained, demos). Over the last three months, however, I've found there has been a lot more to get up-to-speed on - as well as opportunity to overbook myself - than I had anticipated. So catching up on Catch has been minimal so far.

But with my first three release-oriented activities under my belt, and a clearer idea of what to expect, I'm looking forward to turning that around early in the new year. I have a lot of issues and PRs to catch up on, and I've started work on Catch2 in parallel, which I'm keen to get to a first release of (I intend to follow-up soon with a post on Catch2). I'm also hoping to find people I can work with (and give commit rights to) to help with all of the above.

Beyond Catch I expect to blog more frequently again (both here and on the JetBrains blogs) and I have some other projects in the pipeline too.

A Game of Tag

Phil Nash from level of indirection

One of the tent-pole features of Catch is the ability to write test names as free-form strings. When you run a Catch executable from the command line you can specify a test case by name, to run just that one:

./MyTestExe "a very nice test case"

or you can use wildcards to run a group of test cases (or just one with less typing):

./MyTestExe "*very nice*"

If you want to use wildcards but you're not sure what they'll match you can combine this with the listing option, -l, to see which test cases match the pattern:

./MyTestExe "*very nice*" -l
Matching test cases:
  a very nice test case
  a not very nice test case
2 matching test cases

This is already quite a powerful way to group test cases into ad-hoc "suites". However we don't want to twist our test names into artificial schemes for this purposes (although, early on, that's exactly what I proposed). Instead Catch allows you to add "tags" to test cases.

TEST_CASE( "a very nice test case", "[nice][good]" ) { /* ... */ }
TEST_CASE( "a not very nice test case", "[nice][bad]" ) { /* ... */ }

Now we can run all tests with a certain tag:

./MyTestExe [good]

or combination of tags:

./MyTestExe [nice][good]

also with exclusions:

./MyTestExe [nice]~[bad]

unions are supported with ,:

./MyTestExe [nice],[pleasant]

Very powerful! And this functionality has been around for a while.

More recent, and less well known (mostly because they weren't documented until recently) are a set of "special tags": Instruction Tags, Hiding Tags, Tag Aliases and some automatically generated tags.

Let's see what they're all about.

Instruction Tags

In general all tags that start with a symbol are reserved by Catch (or, put another way, user defined tag names must start with an alpha-numeric character). This allows a nice rich range of namespaces for special tags. Tags that start with the ! character are Instruction tags. They inform Catch something about the test case that they apply to. At time of writing the following are defined:

  • [!hide] This "hides" the test from the default run (i.e. if you run the test executable without specifying any names or tags). This feature was originally introduced with the [hide] tag (note, no: !) - and is still supported, though deprecated. There is also a shortcut form, [.] which we'll revisit in a moment.
  • [!throws] This tells Catch that an exception may be thrown in the course of executing the test - even if it is caught and dealt with. If you've ever tried to track down a rogue exception in your debugger - and so have set the debugger to break on exceptions as they're thrown - you'll know how frustrating all the false positives coming from such tests are! So Catch provides a way to suppress exceptions it is expecting - through the -e or --nothrow options on the command line. This already skips over REQUIRE_THROWS... or CHECK_THROWS... assertions. The [!throws] tag covers you for cases where the exception is caught and handled in the code under test (or your test code).
  • [!shouldfail] This tells Catch that you're expecting this test to fail! Furthermore, if it does fail then it should treat that as a pass!
  • [!mayfail] Rather than explicitly inverting the pass/ fail logic as the previous tag does, this tag just says that the test may fail but that's ok (although it is still reported). It's also ok if it passes.

Hiding Tags

We already looked at [!hide] (and the deprecated [hide]) above, and mentioned that [.] was a shortcut for the same.

It turns that when one of these tags is used it is often combined with another tag that is used when you do want to run the test. The classic example is where you write integration tests in the same executable as unit tests. By default you don't want the integration tests to run as you want the shortest possible path to running just unit tests. So you hide them but also tag them [integration], or something similar (the word "integration" has no significance to Catch). So pairings like, [.][integration] or [.][performance] are frequently found together.

So, as a convenience, Catch now supports . as a tag prefix. The rest of the tag can be completely custom and works exactly like any other normal tag - except that the test is also hidden. Our examples would, thus, be written as [.integration] and [.performance]

One final point to mention about hiding tags is that, due to the way they have evolved through a number of forms (including the severely deprecated "./" name prefix) whichever form is used will not only hide the test, but any of the other forms will match it in a tag pattern. e.g. if you tag a test with [.] you can match it with [!hide].

Tag Aliases

As we saw earlier, tags can be combined in fairly complex ways. While this is powerful and flexible, it can be a bit awkward if you often want to use the same tag expression. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way of writing the expression once then getting Catch to remember it for you - and associate it with an easier to remember name?

Well there is! You can associate any tag pattern with a name that you can use just like any normal tag - except that it must begin with the @ character.

You create a tag alias, in code, using the CATCH_REGISTER_TAG_ALIAS macro. E.g.

CATCH_REGISTER_TAG_ALIAS( "[@not nice]", "~[nice]~[!hide]" );

This registers a tag alias, [@not nice] which, when expanded will match all tests that are not tagged [nice] but also are not hidden. The second part is important because if you have any hidden tests then they will usually be included any time you use a not expression (~) because the rule is that tests are only hidden if no pattern is specified!

Also did you notice that we had a space in the tag name? Surprised? I never said that tags could not include spaces. Of course they can.

You can register as many aliases as you like and you can put them anywhere you like (as long as catch.hpp is #included). However I recommend keeping them all in your main source file (the one you #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN, or equivalent) - simply so you only have to look in one place for them.

Filenames As Tags

The newest special tag form is the result of automatically generating a set of tags. The tags all begin with the # character (I've resisted the urge to call them "hash tags"). The rest of the tag is generated from the name of the source file that the test is implemented in. The full path (as reported by __FILE__) is stripped of its directories and extension - so all tests in /Development/Tests/SquirrelTests.cpp would be tagged, [#SquirrelTests].

At time of writing this feature is only available on the develop branch on GitHub - and must be specifically enabled running with the --filenames-as-tags or -# command line options. It's possible that situation may change by the time it makes it onto master.

The Tag Line

So tags not only provide a rich grouping mechanism in Catch - they also allow you to control some aspects of how Catch runs and treats test cases. Some tags can be generated for you - and some tags can be expanded from simpler forms. We've covered here the complete set of special tags at the time of writing. If you're reading this in the future there may be more - I'll try and be better at keeping the docs up-to-date there. Also any stock price tips you might have from the future would be welcome too.

Naming is hard – or is it?

Phil Nash from level of indirection

Following Peter Hilton's excellent ACCU talk, at last week's conference in Bristol, "How to name things - the hardest problem in programming", a few of us were discussing some of the points raised - and some not raised.

He had discussed identifier length without any mention of Uncle Bob's guideline, whereby the length of a variable name should be proportional to it's scope (i.e. large or global scopes need longer, descriptive, names whereas in smaller, local, scopes shorter, more concise - even single letter - names are appropriate). This seemed all the more of an omission given that he later referenced the book, Clean Code.

It wasn't that Peter disgreed with Uncle Bob (who doesn't, half the time?) that surprised me but that he didn't even mention it in passing. I thought it was fairly well known. Actually I double checked and it is not discussed fully in the book, which only says, "The length of a name should correspond to the size of its scope". This is expanded considerably in Clean Coders (video) episode 2. Also, of course, this is not really "Uncle Bob's rule". Kevlin Henney recalls that he first heard of it in the 90s and it may well have been kicking around before that. Bob calls it "The Scope Rule".

Kevlin was one of those discussing this afterwards. After initially toying with The Scope Rule in the 90s he came to consider it not particularly useful. This, too, surprised me as I had found it worked quite well for me. Or so I thought. Further discussion with Kevlin led to the conclusion that I had read more of my own interpretation into The Scope Rule than I had realised! So I started musing over exactly what my interpretation was.

A transparent reference

As it happened a concept key to clarifying matters came from another great talk at the same conference just the day before. Didier Verna's "Referential transparency is overrated". In this talk Didier discussed various ways that useful idioms in Lisp required violating referential transparency. At one point he explained how "hidden" variables may be introduced by one macro that were then used by another. This worked because the thing being referred to was named very generically - so both macros agreed on the name. He drew on the term "Anaphora" from linguistics, which is where one part of an expression - usually a pronoun - stands in for a more specialised part - such as a person's name - introduced earlier in the context. For example, just now I used the word, "he" to refer to Didier Verna. It was clear who I was talking about because his was the most recently specified name in the current context. In fact I used this anaphoric term a couple of times - and many, many, times in this article. If I had had to fully qualify "Didier Verna" every time writing would quickly become very cumbersome. Anaphora is used very frequently in natural language - usually to good effect.

Scope Creep

I believe this is key to understanding why and when shorter identifiers can be used too. When I had been talking with Kevlin it had become apparent that we had different interpretations of the word, "scope". I realised that I had subconsciously expanded the specific technical meaning to include a more general idea of "context" - including the anaphoric context.

To make this clear I might write some (C++) code like this:

	std::string s = getNextString();
	if( !s.empty() )
		std::cout << "received string: " << s << std::endl;

Many corporate, or personal, coding standards would balk at such practice! Single character identifiers? Way to obfuscate the code!

But how has it obfuscated anything? Look at it as an anaphoric entity. In this case the variable name 's' is anaphoric. We know it is "the next string" because we saw it being introduced by the function call, "getNextString()". We then use it twice on the next couple of lines. There are no other strings being introduced in the same vicinity to confuse it with, and the context in which it is used is kept small. There is no ambiguity and the full identity is revealed in the immediate vicinity.


But what if we add more code, or move parts of this elsewhere? Certainly code evolves over time in ways that can make things less clear if we don't change them. That's true regardless. Naming of the entities at play should always form part of your consideration when refactoring or otherwise modifying existing code. Does it make this code less "sustainable" (to reference another property that Kevlin likes to talk about)? I don't think so. In the worst case, if you don't immediately notice that a short name has become unclear because it's usage has drifted out of anaphoric range, you'll notice the next time you look at it and, momentarily, think "why is there an free variable called 's' here? What on earth is that. You'll take a moment to find it's original declaration, work out what it is, then decide to encode that in the name by renaming the variable at that point. Variable renaming is one of the safest and most ubiquituous refactorings around so I have no qualms about deferring such identity expansion to such a time as it is needed.


But what about the other side of the argument? Is there any advantage to using a short, even single character, variable name in the first place?

This is often cast as a matter of optimising for typing speed - in world where we typically read these names many many times more than we write them.

While introducing, even small, speed bumps to writing code might discourage spending more time than necessary writing code (which in turn may discourage certain refactorings) it's not really about typing performance at all - It's about readability! Consider again the linguistic definition of anaphora: substituting an, unambiguous, subsequent reference to an entity with a shorter form (e.g. a pronoun) that means the same thing. We do this all the time in natural speech and the written word. Why? Because it would sound unnatural and cumbersome to fully qualify every entity we talk about all the time!

The same applies in programming. Where it is perfectly clear from the immediate context what an identifier refers to then using greater verbosity actually increases the cognitive friction! The more unnecessary and redundant noise and ceremony we can strip away from our code the easier it will be to read, in a shorter period of time. That fact that anaphora is so common in natural language should give us a clue as to our ability to code with it's use in a natural and efficient way.

Now I've only mentally organised my thoughts around this as a result of ruminating on those two talks - and some of the offshoot discussions - but I realise this is essentially how I had interpreted The Scope Rule. Now I've worked it through when I go back and compare it with what Mr Martin actually said his version sounds like a poor proxy for the anaphoric interpretation.

So naming - good naming - is still hard. We've only just discussed one narrow aspect here. But perhaps this has made some of it that little bit easier.

Modern C++ Testing

Phil Nash from level of indirection

Back in August I took my family to stay for a week at my brother's house in (Old) South Wales. I've not been to Wales for a long time and it was great to be back there - but that's not what this post is about, of course.

The thing about Wales is that it has mountains (and where there are no mountains there are plenty of hills and valleys and cliffs). Mobile cell coverage is non-existent in much of the country - particularly where my brother lives.

So the timing was particularly bad when, just as we were driving along the south cost (somewhere between Cardiff and Swansea, I think), I started getting emails and tweets from people pointing out that Catch was riding high on HackerNews! Someone had recently discovered Catch and was enjoying it enough that they wanted to share it with the community. Which is awesome!

Except that, between lack of mobile reception and spending time with my family, I didn't have opportunity to join the discussion.

When I got back home a week later I read through the comments. One of them stuck out because it called me out on describing Catch as a "Modern C++" framework (the commenter recommended another framework, Bandit, as being "more modern").

When I first released Catch, back in 2010, C++11 was still referred to as C++1x (or even C++0x!) and the final release date was still uncertain. So Catch was written to target C++03. It used a few "modern" idioms of the time - but the modernity was intended more as being a break from the past - where most C++ frameworks were just reimplementations of JUnit in C++. So I think the label was somewhat justified at the time.

Of course since then C++11 has not only been standardised but is fully, or nearly fully, implemented by many leading, mainstream, compilers. I think adoption is still not high enough, at this point, that I'd be willing to drop support for C++03 in Catch (there is even an actively maintained fork for VC6!). But it is enough that the baseline for what constitutes "modern C++" has definitely moved on. And now C++14 is here too - pushing it even further forward.

"Modern" is not what it used to be

What does it mean to be a "Modern C++ Test Framework" these days anyway? Well the most obvious thing for the user is probably the use of lambdas. Along with a few other features, lambdas allow for a lot of what previously required macros to be done in pure C++. I'm usually the first to hold this up as A Good Thing. In a moment I'll get to why I don't think it's necessarily as good a step as you might think.

But before I get to that; one other thing: For me, as a framework author, the biggest difference C++11/14 would make to something like Catch would be in the internals. Large chunks of code could be removed, reduced or at least cleaned up. The "no dependencies" policy means that Catch has complete implementations of things like shared pointers, optional types and function objects - as well as many things that must be done the long way round (such as iterating collections - I long for range for loops - or at least BOOST_FOREACH).

The competition

I've come across three frameworks that I'd say qualify as truly trying to be "modern C++ test frameworks". I'm sure there are others - and I've not really even used these ones extensively - but these are the ones I'll reference in this discussion. The three frameworks are:

  • Lest - by Martin Moene, an active contributor to Catch - and partly based on some Catch ideas - re-imagined for a C++11 world.
  • Bandit - this is the one mentioned in the Hacker News comment I kicked off with
  • Mettle - I saw this in a tweet from @MeetingCpp last week and it's what kicked off the train of thought that led me to this post

The case for test case macros

But why did I say that the use of lambdas is not such a good idea? Actually I didn't quite say that. I think lambdas are a very good idea - and in many ways they would certainly clean up at least the mechanics of defining and registering test cases and sections.

Before lambdas C++ had only one place you could write a block of imperative code: in a function (or method). That means that, in Catch, test cases are really just functions - which must have a function signature - including a name (which we hide - because in Catch the test name is a string). Those functions must be captured somehow. This is done by passing a pointer to the function to the constructor of a small class - who's sole purposes is to forward the function pointer onto a global registry. Later, when the tests are being run, the registry is iterated and the function pointers invoked.

So a test case like this:

    TEST_CASE( "test name", "[tags]" )
        /* ... */

...written out in full (after macro expansion) looks something like:

    static void generatedFunctionName();
    namespace{ ::Catch::AutoReg generatedNameAutoRegistrar
        (   &generatedFunctionName, 
       	    ::Catch::SourceLineInfo( __FILE__, static_cast<std::size_t>( __LINE__ ) ), 
            ::Catch::NameAndDesc( "test name", "[tags]") ); 
    static void generatedFunctionName()
        /* .... */

(generatedFunctionName is generated by yet another macro, which combines root with the current line number. Because the function is declared static the identifier is only visible in the current translation unit (cpp file), so this should be unique enough)

So there's a lot of boilerplate here - you wouldn't want to write this all by hand every time you start a new test case!

With lambdas, though, blocks of code are now first class entities, and you can introduce them anonymously. So you could write them like:

    Catch11::TestCase( "test name", "[tags]", []() 
        /* ... */
    } );

This is clearly far better than the expanded macro. But it's still noisier than the version that uses the macro. Most of the C++11/14 test frameworks I've looked at tend to group tests together at a higher level. The individual tests are more like Catch's sections - but the pattern is still the same - you get noise from the lambda syntax in the form of the []() or [&]() to introduce the lambda and an extra ); at the end.

Is that really worth worrying about?

Personally I find it's enough extra noise that I think I'd prefer to continue to use a macro - even if it used lambdas under the hood. But it's also small enough that I can certainly see the case for going macro free here.

Assert yourself

But that's just test cases (and sections). Assertions have traditionally been written using macros too. In this case the main reasons are twofold:

  1. It allows the expression evaluation to be wrapped in an exception handler.
  2. It allows us the capture the file and line number to report on.

(1) can arguably be handled in whatever is holding the current lambda (e.g. it or describe in Bandit, suite, subsuite or expect in Mettle). If these blocks are small enough we should get sufficient locality of exception handling - but it's not as tight as the per-expression handling with the macro approach.

(2) simply cannot be done without involving the preprocessor in some way (whether it's to pass __FILE__ and __LINE__ manually, or to encapsulate that with a macro). How much does that matter? Again it's a matter of taste but you get several benefits from having that information. Whether you use it to manually locate the failing assertion or if you're running the reporter in an IDE window that automatically allows you to double-click the failure message to take you to the line - it's really useful to be able to go straight to it. Do you want to give that up in order to go macro free? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Interestingly lest still uses a macro for assertions

Weighing up

So we've seen that a truly modern C++ test framework, using lambdas in particular, can allow you to write tests without the use of macros - but at a cost!

So the other side of the equation must be: what benefit do you get from eschewing the macros?

Personally I've always striven to minimise or eliminate the use of macros in C++. In the early days that was mostly about using const, inline and templates. Now lambdas allow us to address some of the remaining cases and I'm all for that.

But I also tend to associate a much higher "cost" to macro usage when it generates imperative code. This is code that you're likely to find yourself needing to step through in a debugger at runtime - and macros really obfuscate this process. When I use macros it tends to be in declarative code. Code that generates purely declarative statements, or effectively declarative statements (such as the test case function registration code). It tends to always generate the exact same machinery - so should not be sensitive to its inputs in ways that will require debugging.

How do Catch's macros play out in that regard? Well the test case registration macros get a pass. Sections are a grey area - they are on the path of code that needs to be stepped over - and, worse, hide a conditional (a section is really just an if statement on a global variable!). So score a few points down there. Assertions are also very much runtime executable - and are frequently on the debugging path! In fact stepping into expressions being asserted on in Catch tests can be quite a pain as you end up stepping into some of the "hidden" calls before you get to the expression you supplied (in Visual Studio, at least, this can be mitigated by excluding the Catch namespace using the StepOver registry key).

Now, interestingly, the use of macros for the assertions was never really about C++03 vs C++11. It was about capturing extra information (file/ line) and wrapping in a try-catch. So if you're willing to make that trade-off there's no reason you can't have non-macro assertions even in C++03!

Back to the future

One of my longer arcs of development on Catch (that I edge towards on each refactoring) is to decouple the assertion mechanism from the guts of the test runner. You should be able to provide your own assertions that work with Catch. Many other test frameworks work this way and it allows them to be much more flexible. In particular it will allow me to decouple the matcher framework (and maybe allow third-party matchers to work with Catch).

Of course this would also allow macro-less assertions to be used (as it happens the assertions in bandit and mettle are both matcher-like already).

So, while I think Catch is committed to supporting C++03 for some time yet, that doesn't mean there is no scope for modernising it and keeping it relevant. And, modern or not, I still believe it is the simplest C++ test framework to get up and running with, and the least noisy to work with.

The Future Of Computing

Phil Nash from level of indirection

The future is already here! - it's just not very evenly distributed.

I have some ideas about what computing will be like in the future but it is composed mostly of pieces we already have - or have the promise of. At the centre of my vision is the evolution of the Post-PC device

What is Post PC anyway?

Many people attribute this term to Steve Jobs, who certainly brought it to the mainstream in 2007, using it to describe iOS devices and how they would come to eclipse "traditional" PCs in sales and use. This is already coming to pass. But it was actually David Clark who coined the phrase, back in 1999. That article is really worth a read. You should go and read it now. Go on. I'll wait. (Actually I'll just carry on writing - but the appearance will be the same).

So while the Jobsian vision (initially, at least) refers to the reset in expectation, interaction and ease of use that iOS devices ushered in, Clarks original words encompass more - including Cloud Services, cashless payment systems, and most interestingly (to me) finer grained distribution of responsibilities.

It's that last one where I think the most opportunities are yet to play out.

For two or three decades we have obsessed over convergence. Traditional PC systems converged to a single device - the laptop. Post-PC devices have taken that to the next level - a single slab, fronted by a piece of glass that is both the display and primary input. These tiny devices also pack in cameras, extra sensors and even fingerprint scanners and replace what used to be dozens of separate devices. But they have also been born into a world where wireless communication technologies are ubiquitous and come in many forms. Many of their capabilities are distributed in "the cloud", or consist of sending things between devices or connecting wirelessly with additional "smart" peripherals such as cameras, fitness trackers, printers and other devices. They are intensely personal yet highly social. Autonomous yet democratised. Functions such as Airplay and its counterparts reinforce the idea that these devices are not isolated computing silos. They are participants in a computing ecosystem that is distributed at many different levels. And all so seamlessly that entire demographics that were previously written off as "computer illiterate" are regularly using these devices. They are barely even considered "computers" anymore. The term has come to be associated with that clunky, finicky, bulky thing you used to struggle to get to do anything you want.

This new generation of devices, finally, "just works".

The NeXT Steps

So where does it go from here? Have we reached the end of the evolution of the personal computing device?

Not by a long shot! We're just getting warmed up!

We have just crossed the threshold from general-purpose computers being primarily for the focused used of businesses and enthusiasts to being something that everyone uses and carries with them everywhere. That in itself has been opening up possibilities that had been hitherto unseen or simply not feasible.

The degree to which these devices and their interconnections have embedded themselves into our lives already is quite breath-taking when you take a step back. While, admittedly, I'm a bit of an early adopter, none of the following is particularly extreme:

On a typical, weekday, morning I am awoken by music served as an alarm from my phone. I get up and go to begin my bathroom routine. Part of that routine involves stepping onto a set of scales that take my weight and fat mass and automatically send the figures, via wi-fi, to a cloud service that is immediately accessible to my phone, collated together with a number of other metrics that are tracked over time.

Once finished and dressed I leave the house and go to my car, which automatically unlocks itself due to the proximity of the key fob in my pocket. I get in and push a button and the car starts. As I start driving the media system in the car has automatically connected, via bluetooth, to my phone, which is also still in my pocket, and continues playing the podcast that I had previously been listening to. I drive to the station and park the car.

As I get out I put my bluetooth headphones on and, at the push of another button, they too have connected to my phone (still in my pocket) and the podcast resumes once again. I get on the train and get my laptop out to do some development work. It connects via a personal wi-fi network to my phone for an internet connection (which, when I pick up LTE, is faster than my home broadband was only a few years ago) - all the time it is still sending audio to my headphones. Later I get off the train and walk to my office. As I walk my steps are being counted by a device on my belt that intermittently sends this information on to my phone via Bluetooth LE, where it is sent to the cloud service that is collating my health related measurements - including heart rate and blood pressure. Along my journey something interesting and unexpected happens. I take out my phone and take a photo, then continue on. As I get near the office a reminder pops up that I had set to go off in that proximity. Eventually I get to my desk where I put my phone in a dock to charge because battery technology is still struggling to keep up with all these demands!

We're only just getting started, so it's not all as seamless as it could be yet, but the story I've just recounted is real and usually all "just works" without a hitch. I think, as time goes on, these sort of experiences will become more reliable and encompass more things.

But that's the present - wasn't I going to be talking about the future? Well I apologise for burying the lede but it's important to remember how much of the future is already here (albeit not evenly distributed). And my vision is really an extension of the things already discussed. That may sound a little uninspiring - but remember that phenomenon of incremental advances suddenly creating whole new opportunities?

Evenly distributed

One of the criticisms often levelled at the current crop of Post-PC devices is that they are great for consumption, but less so for content creation - or "real work". Many contend that you still need a "real" PC for that. I don't think it's quite so black and white - but there do remain many tasks that are cumbersome to undertake with a tablet or smartphone. It won't always be that way, though. Although tablets with keyboards and mice, and hybrid operating systems, exist now - that's not the way of the future.

I believe that in the not too distant future touch-screens, keyboards, and other input devices will all be merely components of a distributed "system" that consists of both cloud services and local sharing of storage and processing. This system will scale seamlessly to the task at hand. Whether you need more computational power, a different input metaphor, or a different way to output you should be able to add what you need without missing a beat. Right now if your needs outgrow a tablet you have to switch to a whole different device (a laptop, say) - which may or may not sync over data you were working on - in this future you would just add the keyboard if you need it (more easily than now), add some extra processing units (you can do this now in certain limited ways), extra storage (again cloud services already play a role here - as does card based storage in some tablets) or even an extra display (technologies like AirPlay are showing the promise of this).

Each of these components would be what we call "smart". That is they are computers in their own right with enough processing power and sensors to be aware of their environment and how they connect and interact. Take a display, for example. The display itself would contain accelerometers and gyroscopes so it is aware of it's orientation in the real world and whether it is being moved - just like your tablet or smartphone does now. It would also know when another display is nearby, and if so how near and in what direction. Of course the display would be a touch-screen. Imagine you have an object on one display. You could start up a new display, place it next to the first one, touch the object and "flick" it over to the second display. All without any need to configure anything.

Now this system, distributed as it is, would need a centralised "brain". It must scale down to a single device that can be used in isolation. It would make sense for this to be what we currently think of as a smartphone. We would need to carry them with us everywhere and use them for communication, so it would be equipped with audio input and output and cameras - just as our current smartphones are. In fact they needn't be much different to the smartphones we have now. They would be more powerful - but needn't be much more powerful as they can scale up the processing power as needed with additional devices and/ or cloud services. And with all data synced to cloud services an alternate device could be picked up and made into your primary hub for the day as necessary.

Everyday revisited

Most of the pieces are already there. There are some challenges - mostly business-oriented rather than technical - but the trend is already in this direction. Yet it all seems very incremental. To see how transformative it would be consider a re-run of my story earlier, reworked to showcase these future technologies (and a few others to spice it up a bit).

It's a typical, weekday, morning. I am awoken by music serving as an alarm on my primary computing device (which will have a really cool name). I get up and go to begin my bathroom routine. Part of that routine involves having various health metrics samples and sent to a cloud service. Another part is that my bathroom mirror presents me with some curated information pertinent to the day ahead - the current weather, traffic conditions and any early appointments I have set. Perhaps also the days news headlines.

Once finished and dressed I leave the house and go to my car, which automatically unlocks itself due to the proximity of the computing device in my pocket. I get in and push a button and the car starts. As I start driving the media system in the car has automatically connected to my computing device, which is still in my pocket, and continues playing the podcast that I had previously been listening to. I drive to the station and park the car. My computing device knows that I have just parked in a car park and automatically communicates with the car park server and pays for my day's stay.

Just before I get out I ask the device to switch it's audio over to the earpieces embedded in my ears and the podcast resumes once again. I get on the train and get my tablet out to do some development work - which is, of course, already online. I might also fish out a keyboard - which automatically connects as it comes into proximity with the tablet. Later I get off the train and walk to my office. As I walk my steps are being counted by the peripheral device on my wrist where it is collated along with my other health measurements and sent to the cloud. Along my journey something interesting and unexpected happens. I bring out my device to take a photo. But I really want a good quality picture, so I quickly fish out a lens with a full size sensor from my bag, which wirelessly connects to my device and instantly beefs up the optics to professional standards. I take a great picture then continue on. As I get near the office a reminder pops up on my wrist that I had set to go off in that vicinity. Eventually I get to my desk where I put my device on the wireless charging pad as it connects to my keyboard and large displays and I continue the work I started on the train.

The task at hand

One consequence of this more distributed way of working is that the single-(main-)tasking metaphor that the iPhone doggedly champions is allowed to survive while still allowing multiple applications to run and be interactive. The metaphor becomes "one app per device". Each device is typically running one interactive application at a time - for some devices it is the same app at any time (a keyboard, for example). For a more general purpose device, such as a tablet, it may run one app, while a different app runs on the "phone" beside it. But the devices can see each other and documents and other data may be shared between them - probably using real-world metaphors like the "flick" mentioned earlier.

Conversely at any one time two or more devices may appear to be running a portion of the same app - but in truth they will be running their own instances - with tight integration between them.

My vision of the future is one of heterogenous, smart devices - some specialised, some generalised - participating in the fabric of a system that surrounds us - and which tends to recede into our surroundings. The seeds are there - and they're growing. I think the next decade is going to be an exciting and transformative time in technology - perhaps even more so than the last!


I had wanted to publish this post by New Year's Eve (2013) but didn't get time to finish up by then. I'm pushing it now, largely un-edited, to try and keep it relatively seasonal (but I may come back and edit more aggressively yet - it's much too rambling for my liking).

As I was finishing I saw blog post by Dave Addey - which he actually posted back in September - covering very similar material. I haven't had a chance to think how to work it in organically to this post (yet) but didn't want to miss the opportunity to link to it - so I'll do that explicitly here. Go read it now. Go on, I'll wait.

Optional streaming

Phil Nash from level of indirection

Catch has a number of macros that allow values of arbitrary types to be streamed into an ostringstream. The canonical example is the INFO macro:

INFO( "There were " << bottles.size() << " green bottles, hanging on the wall" );

This macro builds up a string that will be passed to the next assertion to be included as an annotation. Note that, unlike with a naked ostringstream there is no leading <<. This makes it clean and uncluttered when you just want to log a single value (such as a string), for example:

INFO( "Weirdness" );
The obvious way to do this is for the macro to provide the leading << prior to its argument. Conceptually something like this:
#define INFO( log ) { \
	std::ostringstream oss; \
	oss << log; \
	useTheString( oss.str() ); 

This all works quite nicely. But there are a few other macros that use this idiom, too: WARN, SUCCEED and FAIL.

The last two are of interest because the logging behaviour is more of a secondary concern. The primary behaviour is to appear like a passing or failing assertion, respectively, without the need to actually assert on anything. SUCCEED can be useful if you otherwise have no assertions in a test and you don't want to see warnings about it. FAIL is useful if the situation that leads to the failure is not captured in an expression for some reason. It can also be useful to force a test to fail, perhaps as a placeholder. These are useful macros to have available, but they are not often needed in practice. So when they are it's nice to be able to annotate their useage inline - hence the streamed argument.

This is all well and good. But I've found there are still enough cases where I don't want to annotate that having to pass an empty string or make something up is a little annoying. I also use a similar idiom in other projects where it would be nice to be able to make the stream completely optional.

This is not as easy as it sounds, though. The first, and most obvious, issue is that this requires support for variadic macros. Catch has made use of variadic macros, where available, for some time now. In theory they are available to any C++11 compiler. In practice most, if not all, compilers that support any reasonable chunk of C++11 support variadic macros - and most supported them as an extension even before that. That's certainly true of Visual C++, GCC and Clang.

The technically more interesting problem, though, is dealing with that initial <<. Remember the first << is being supplied inside the macro. It will still be there even if the caller does not supply an argument to the macro. If we wrote FAIL the same way we presented INFO earlier (but with variadic macros) it might look something like this:

#define FAIL( ... ) { \
	std::ostringstream oss; \
	oss << __VA_ARGS__; \
	notifyFail( oss.str() ); \
... which, with no argument provided, would expand to...
	std::ostringstream oss; 
	oss << ; 
	notifyFail( oss.str() ); 

Do you see the problem? With nothing following the << this will not compile.

So do we need a different operator? What properties would we need? It seems we'd need an operator that comes in two forms: a binary operator that allows us to capture an argument, and a unary operator that allows us to omit the argument. Furthermore the binary form must not require its argument to be enclosed in any sort of brackets. Finally it must have higher precedence than << so we can switch over to normal stream insertion at that point.

That's a long list. Does such an operator exist? Fortunately there's not just one but two such operators to choose from! + and -. The only slight hitch is that the unary form is right-to-left associative, whereas the binary form is left-to-right. So how can we work these in?

Let's pick one of the operators. I've gone with +, but I don't think there is any advantage either way. Because unary + is right-to-left associative it needs to prefix something. So we can't use it at the start of our streaming expression. We can, however, use it at the end. Then we'll need an object to apply it to. The object doesn't actually need to do anything else. I've gone with this implementation of StreamEndStop in Catch:

struct StreamEndStop {
    std::string operator+() {
        return std::string();
With this definition the expression, +StreamEndStop() now yields an empty string - which is idempotent with a stringstream. Which means we can write:
	std::ostringstream oss; 
	oss << +StreamEndStop();
	notifyFail( oss.str() ); 
And oss.str() evaluates to an empty string. Perfect. But what about when we do stream something? Well that would expand to:
	std::ostringstream oss; 
	oss << something +StreamEndStop();
	notifyFail( oss.str() ); 
... where something could be a string or variable or literal of any type. So we need some way for the expression:
something +StreamEndStop()
to yield the value of something. That's where the binary form of operator+ comes in:
template<typename T>
T const& operator + ( T const& value, StreamEndStop& ) {
	return value;
Now, whether we supply nothing, a single value or multiple values joined by <<s we'll end up with a stringstream containing what we expect. The relevant bit of code in Catch actually looks like this:
Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( messageType ) \
	<< __VA_ARGS__ \
which yields an ExpressionResultBuilder that gets passed on elsewhere. This is all protected by CATCH_CONFIG_VARIADIC_MACROS. Otherwise it falls back to:
Catch::ExpressionResultBuilder( messageType ) << log
So a lot of work to save a few explicit empty strings, but sometimes it's the little things.