New job: Zivid Labs!

Anders Schau Knatten from C++ on a Friday

I know it’s not Friday, but I couldn’t wait to share this: Yesterday I signed the contract for my new job as senior developer at Zivid Labs!

While looking for a new position this time, I talked to a lot of cool companies. Zivid stuck out as the most interesting, and I’m very happy to have been accepted into their team!

Zivid have made the world’s most accurate real-time 3D color camera. In other words, the world’s coolest eyes for robots 😎. The main API is in modern, clean C++, with bindings to other languages as well. My main role will be working on the C++ parts of the API, as well as other C++ systems and frameworks. This is actually my first C++ job for over five years, so you can expect me to increase activity both on this blog and on C++ conferences, both of which I really look forward to!

Why did I choose Zivid?

  • They make a really cool product!
  • They have very high ambitions for the developer experience of their users (this is important to me, as it sets a very high bar for code quality, API quality, docs quality etc.)
  • Even though they’re a “hardware company”, they treat software as a first class citizen, and an equally important success factor as the hardware itself
  • I met some great people during my interviews there, all of which I really wanted to work with
  • They have very experienced owners, like SINTEF and Geir Førre (Chipcon, Energy Micro)
  • They recently started shipping their first product, and the first customers seem to be very impressed

Now it’s time to finish paternity leave, have a few weeks of much needed vacation, then I’ll join the team on 1 October. I’m really looking forward to joining an awesome team making an awesome product!