Improve git performance on Windows without patching your git install

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I’ve blogged about improving the performance of Git on Windows in the past and rightly labelled the suggested solution as a bad hack because it requires you to manually replace binaries that are part of the installation. For people who tend to use DVCSs from the command line, manually replacing binaries is unlikely to be a big deal but it’s clunky and should really be a wakeup call for some people to include a newer base system.

Adding TLS support to Emacs 24.5 on Windows

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The Windows build of Emacs 24.5 doesn’t ship with SSL and TLS support out of the box. Normally that’s not that much of a problem until you are trying to access marmalade-repo or have org2blog talk to your own blog via SSL/TLS. Adding SSL and TLS support to the Windows builds of Emacs is easy. SSL/TLS support in the official Emacs build for Windows isn’t enabled because it doesn’t ship with the necessary support libraries, but you can get pre-built binaries from the ezwinports project on Sourceforge.