ACCU World of Code

  • ACCU Conference 2016

    In late April we exhibited at the ACCU Conference (#accuconf), which in many ways is our conference home. The first time we went was all the way back in 2007, and believe it or not we’ve not missed a single year since then. The conference is a great ev…

  • Writing; C Vu Magazine Columns (for January/March/May)

    Spectacularly late, but I ought to keep the records up to date: My January 2016 C Vu magazine column was Bug Hunting (Part 2), concluding my series on finding and fixing software faults. My March 2016 column was Software Development Is…, an investi…

  • Writing; C Vu Magazine Columns (for January/March/May)

    Spectacularly late, but I ought to keep the records up to date: My January 2016 C Vu magazine column was Bug Hunting (Part 2), concluding my series on finding and fixing software faults. My March 2016 column was Software Development Is…, an investi…

  • Basic Concepts of Christianity video

    Update: my ideas have changed quite a bit since I recorded this, especially about the idea that “every crime requires a punishment”. If you’d like to explore more, try this sermon by my friend Jörg. As a Christian myself I thought it might be interest…

  • Elm Basics Video

    Series: Snake in Elm, Elm makes me happy, Elm Basics, Elm Unit Test, Elm JSON A lot of the documentation about the new language I am really excited about, Elm focusses on the Elm Architecture and the ideas of Functional Reactive Programming, and while …

  • Speaking: Nordevcon

    I’ll be speaking on Friday at Nordevcon in Norwich. I’ll be giving  my Becoming a Better Programmer talk, and it should be great fun. Nordevcon has a strong line up this year, so it looks to be a great conference.

  • Speaking: Nordevcon

    I’ll be speaking on Friday at Nordevcon in Norwich. I’ll be giving  my Becoming a Better Programmer talk, and it should be great fun. Nordevcon has a strong line up this year, so it looks to be a great conference.

  • How to analyse a .phd heap dump from an IBM JVM

    If you have been handed a .phd file which is a dump of the heap of an IBM Java virtual machine, you can analyse it using the Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT), but you must install the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools first. Download MAT from eclip…

  • Elm makes me happy (old: Elm 0.17)

    Updated version: Elm makes me happy (updated for Elm 0.19) Elm lets you write interactive web sites in a really clean and safe-feeling way, which is a contrast to the feeling I get when using JavaScript and HTML. It’s functional, but instead of that ma…

  • Swift’s defer statement is funkier than I thought

    Swift 2.0 introduced the defer keyword. I’ve used this a little but only in a simple way, basically when I wanted to make sure some code would be executed regardless of where control left the function, e.g. private func resetAfterError() throws { &…

  • Swift’s defer statement is funkier than I thought

    Swift 2.0 introduced the defer keyword. I’ve used this a little but only in a simple way, basically when I wanted to make sure some code would be executed regardless of where control left the function, e.g. private func resetAfterError() throws { &…

  • The Perils of debugging with return statements in languages without semi-colon statement terminators, i.e. Swift

    This is a pretty obvious post but perhaps writing it will stop me falling prey to this issue. When I’m debugging and I know that some code executed in a function is not to blame but is noisy in terms of what it causes to happen etc. I’ll often just pr…

  • The Perils of debugging with return statements in languages without semi-colon statement terminators, i.e. Swift

    This is a pretty obvious post but perhaps writing it will stop me falling prey to this issue. When I’m debugging and I know that some code executed in a function is not to blame but is noisy in terms of what it causes to happen etc. I’ll often just pr…

  • OAuth authentication on tvOS

    Recently I’ve just published an Apple TV (tvOS) App to view photos stored on Microsoft OneDrive. Implementing this on tvOS rather than iOS presented one unique challenge. The OneDrive REST API requires OAuth2 authentication in order to o…

  • OAuth authentication on tvOS

    Recently I’ve just published an Apple TV (tvOS) App to view photos stored on Microsoft OneDrive. Implementing this on tvOS rather than iOS presented one unique challenge. The OneDrive REST API requires OAuth2 authentication in order to o…

  • What’s new in Java 8

    Java 8 makes some functional programming ideas available to the rest of us, using Lambda, function references and a streaming style (map, filter, replace etc.): Slides: What’s new in Java 8

  • Which Raspberry Pi photo was funniest?

    We had a great day at the Egham Raspberry Pi Jam, and Rabbit Escape and our Photo Booth: seemed to go down well: But which photo was funniest? Here are some of the entries (I had to choose kids’ ones without faces to go on here, but there were some o…

  • Raspberry Pi Funniest Photo Game

    For our latest Egham Raspberry Pi Jam, we worked on a photo booth program, using the Raspberry Pi camera. Here’s how we did it. Downloads: funniest-photo-game.odp, Update 1: fixed a bug where it tried to create a directory that already…

  • Snake in Elm

    Snake Series: Groovy, Ruby, BASIC, Dart, Elm, Python3+Qt5 Elm Series: Snake in Elm, Elm makes me happy, Elm Basics, Elm Unit Test, Elm JSON I’m writing the game Snake in lots of programming languages, for fun, and to try out new languages. Elm brings t…

  • Out-of-school education settings

    Here is the comment I sent to the Government consultation on out-of-school education settings. Feel free to re-use, modify, distribute as you like. I am writing to express my opposition to the government’s plans to regulate the content of out-of-school…

  • Git remote repos with OneDrive

    I have various public git repositories on GitHub but I like to keep some source (usually my active App Store apps) private. Whilst it’d be nice to use GitHub private repositories, given my Apps are for fun and don’t really make anything, don’…

  • Git remote repos with OneDrive

    I have various public git repositories on GitHub but I like to keep some source (usually my active App Store apps) private. Whilst it’d be nice to use GitHub private repositories, given my Apps are for fun and don’t really make anything, don’…

  • Swift Enums and Protocols

    I’m trying to clear out my inbox before Christmas and I noticed an emails to myself entitled ‘Enum question. Add protocol to enum?’. The short answer is yes. The longer one. Take the following protocol protocol Foo { func f() -> Void } …

  • Swift Enums and Protocols

    I’m trying to clear out my inbox before Christmas and I noticed an emails to myself entitled ‘Enum question. Add protocol to enum?’. The short answer is yes. The longer one. Take the following protocol protocol Foo { func f() -> Void } …

  • PC-lint Plus is coming – and with it, full support for C++ 11 and C++ 14

    Gimpel have just announced a beta of PC-lint Plus – a new product which will sit alongside PC-lint. To understand the (rather complex, I’m afraid) background and the background to why a beta of PC-lint Plus has been announced rather than one for the l…

  • PC-lint Plus is coming – and with it, full support for C++ 11 and C++ 14

    Gimpel have just announced a beta of PC-lint Plus – a new product which will sit alongside PC-lint. To understand the (rather complex, I’m afraid) background and the background to why a beta of PC-lint Plus has been announced rather than one for the l…

  • New open source project on work time – git-history-data

    Announcing a little open source project that I have built at work and been allowed to publish Freely. git-history-data analyses a Git source code repository and dumps out data in a form that is easy to analyse. I wrote an article demonstrating how to u…

  • Java HTTPS to a server with a self-signed certificate

    Nothing is easy in Java, and nothing is more disproportionately non-easy than downloading something. If you add SSL to the equation, it becomes unfeasible for any human to navigate the twisted passages of the Java API, so here is a tiny fragment of map…

  • Vim as editor for Claws Mail

    I got sick of not having Vim as my text editor for emails in Claws Mail but GVim makes my eyes bleed so I wanted proper Vim-in-a-terminal as my editor, which was not particularly straightforward. The proper incantation was to make a script in my PATH c…

  • Using GitHub and GitLab

    Taking all the Git understanding we’ve developed through the series on Git and applying it to how to work on and contribute to projects on GitHub and similar systems like GitLab:

  • Writing: Bug hunting (part 1)

    The latest C Vu magazine has hit respectable doormats the world over. It contains my latest column, entitled “Bug Hunting”. You’ll never guess what it’s about.

  • Writing: Bug hunting (part 1)

    The latest C Vu magazine has hit respectable doormats the world over. It contains my latest column, entitled “Bug Hunting”. You’ll never guess what it’s about.

  • Speaking: Juce Summit

    I’m giving a “guest talk” at the Juce Summit on the 19th November. Juce is a great C++ framework that’s particularly well suited to audio application development. I’ll be giving a specially crafted version of one of my favourite talks – this time call…

  • Speaking: Juce Summit

    I’m giving a “guest talk” at the Juce Summit on the 19th November. Juce is a great C++ framework that’s particularly well suited to audio application development. I’ll be giving a specially crafted version of one of my favourite talks – this time call…

  • Avoiding postfix error “status=deferred (unable to look up host”

    My emails wouldn’t send when I was working from home, giving me this message in /var/log/mail.log: Nov 11 12:38:16 machinename postfix/smtp[20672]: CF5D6D41CE2: to=, relay=none, delay=14416, delays=14416/0.01/0.07/0, dsn=4.3.5, status=deferred (Host or…

  • Things I learnt from Swift Summit

    I attended the first Swift Summit on 21st of March; there were two days but I only went to the first. Here are some of the facts I learned: Int is not a fundamental type as you would think of it in most languages.  Instead it’s a struct that der…

  • Things I learnt from Swift Summit

    I attended the first Swift Summit on 21st of March; there were two days but I only went to the first. Here are some of the facts I learned: Int is not a fundamental type as you would think of it in most languages.  Instead it’s a struct that der…

  • Speaking: XP Days Ukraine, 2015

    I’m giving an opening presentation at XP Days Ukraine in October. The talk is called Becoming a Better Programmer. Find out more about this conference here. Looks like it will be really interesting.

  • Speaking: XP Days Ukraine, 2015

    I’m giving an opening presentation at XP Days Ukraine in October. The talk is called Becoming a Better Programmer. Find out more about this conference here. Looks like it will be really interesting.

  • Finding the download count of GitHub releases

    You can use the GitHub API to find out how many times the files in your releases have been downloaded. For example, to find out how many downloads there have been of my Rabbit Escape project you can do: curl -s…

  • Software Process Dynamics

    At the Software Architect 2015 conference in London I presented “What if? Supporting decisions with software dynamics simulations”. [1] This talk introduces the idea of performing numerical simulations of software development teams and the products they build. The value in such simulations is to inform policy decisions and guide deliberate …

  • Software Process Dynamics

    At the Software Architect 2015 conference in London I presented “What if? Supporting decisions with software dynamics simulations”. [1] This talk introduces the idea of performing numerical simulations of software development teams and the products they build. The value in such simulations is to inform policy decisions and guide deliberate …

  • Android: using a TextView to show rich text in an AlertDialog

    If you want to display a link or basic formatting in an AlertDialog on Android, you can do it by providing HTML. The key parts you need are Html.fromHtml and TextView.setMovementMethod. Make sure you pass the dialog’s context in to the constructor of t…

  • Assassination of individuals by the state

    I wrote to my MP (via about the British government assassinating people they suspected of planning terrorist attacks. He replied saying that the government believes the action was legal, proportional and necessary. Part of this justifi…

  • Event-Sourced Domain Models in Python at PyCon UK

    At PyCon UK 2015 I led a very well attended workshop with the goal of introducing Python developers to the tried-and-tested techniques and patterns of Domain Driven Design (DDD), in particular when used as part of an event-sourced architecture.

    The two-and-a-half hour workshop was comprised of excerpts from our training …

  • Event-Sourced Domain Models in Python at PyCon UK

    At PyCon UK 2015 I led a very well attended workshop with the goal of introducing Python developers to the tried-and-tested techniques and patterns of Domain Driven Design (DDD), in particular when used as part of an event-sourced architecture.

    The two-and-a-half hour workshop was comprised of excerpts from our training …

  • A slight enhancement on Developing tvOS Apps with Swift

    Apple announced tvOS yesterday. Downloading Xcode 7.1 Beta comes with the SDK and simulator for tvOS apps. The official documentation starts to run through how to create a basic app but is doesn’t mention where to place and load the JS from and the sam…

  • A slight enhancement on Developing tvOS Apps with Swift

    Apple announced tvOS yesterday. Downloading Xcode 7.1 Beta comes with the SDK and simulator for tvOS apps. The official documentation starts to run through how to create a basic app but is doesn’t mention where to place and load the JS from and the sam…

  • Difficult merges in Git – don’t panic!

    A video in which I try to explain what merging and rebasing really are, to help you understand what is going on when Git presents you with scary-looking conflict messages. I also explain why you shouldn’t panic because it’s hard to lose your work, and …

  • ZX Spectrum BASIC Web Server

    Finally, you can write your web sites in ZX Spectrum BASIC, using my new project, ZX Spectrum BASIC CGI server . How it works Here’s what happens when a request comes in: Apache HTTPD receives the request, and runs the CGI script that does the magic. …

  • Letter to my MP on UK government assassination of British Citizens in Syria

    Below is a copy of the letter I sent to my MP this morning (via Feel free to re-use and adapt it if you want to send a similar letter. Update: follow-up letter. Dear Philip Hammond, I was extremely concerned to hear of the assassinati…

  • Rabbit Escape out now on Android!

    Watch the video: Buy the game on the Play Store.

  • Writing: More magazine columns

    I’ve been remiss at posting news of my recent magazine columns. C Vu issue 27.2 carried a column entitled Wallowing in Filth, about how to deal with messy code. C Vu 27.3’s column was called Coding Dinosaurs, and discussed how to avoid become an&nb…

  • Writing: More magazine columns

    I’ve been remiss at posting news of my recent magazine columns. C Vu issue 27.2 carried a column entitled Wallowing in Filth, about how to deal with messy code. C Vu 27.3’s column was called Coding Dinosaurs, and discussed how to avoid become an&nb…

  • Changing the Docker daemon options in systemd on Ubuntu 15.04

    Update: now documenting the better way, as described in issue 14513. Update 2: I think this way is even better (works in Ubuntu 16.04, Docker 1.12.2, Reference: dockerd command line):sudo -s -H echo ‘{“insecure-registries”:[“”]}’ …

  • Docker fails to start on Ubuntu 15.04

    I installed Docker on Ubuntu 15.04 using: wget -qO- | sh as described at Install Docker on Ubuntu. I added myself to the docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker balaaman Then I logged out and logged in again, and ran: docker run h…

  • Preventing Audacity from crashing when using PulseAudio

    I found that Audacity would crash whenever the Playback Device in the Devices section of Preferences was set to “pulse” or “default”. This can be fixed by launching Audacity like this: Exec=env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=100 audacity I fixed it “permanently” b…

  • Movie podcast “The Good Robot Andys”

    My friend and I have launched a new podcast in which we discuss movies: The Good Robot Andys. Enjoy.

  • Speaking: CodeConf 2015

    I’ll be giving the closing keynote at GitHub’s CodeConf 2015 in Nashville this month. Find out more from the conference’s website here: The talk is called Becoming a Better Programmer.

  • Speaking: CodeConf 2015

    I’ll be giving the closing keynote at GitHub’s CodeConf 2015 in Nashville this month. Find out more from the conference’s website here: The talk is called Becoming a Better Programmer.

  • Interview: Fog Creek (Going Beyond Code to Become A Better Programmer)

    I recently did a short interview with the guys at Fog Creek on the subject Becoming a Better Programmer. You can view it here. It’s a heroic editing effort! Between unreliable network connections and probably a 40 minute conversion they’ve heroically …

  • Interview: Fog Creek (Going Beyond Code to Become A Better Programmer)

    I recently did a short interview with the guys at Fog Creek on the subject Becoming a Better Programmer. You can view it here. It’s a heroic editing effort! Between unreliable network connections and probably a 40 minute conversion they’ve heroically …

  • Code for detecting when you leave an Android app

    Further to Detecting whether an Android app is stopping (or starting), I implemented code to decide when you are leaving or entering my game Rabbit Escape. The relevant class is called Lifecycle2SoundEvents. (Yes, it’s a terrible name. Yes, I spent a l…

  • Release news: Hungry Bunny & KeyChainItemCRUDKit

    Not a technical post today, just a bit of news on the things I’ve been working on.

    Firstly, my latest SpriteKit game written in Swift is now available on the App Store. It’s called Hungry Bunny and is effectively an endless runner/skill test. It’s free with ads.

    Secondly, now that Hungry Bunny is complete I’ve returned to working on another project. This is nowhere near complete but I got to the point where I needed to securely store an OAuth2 token on iOS. I came across the Keychain API. However, the API for this was long winded and I only wanted to use it in a simple manner. Therefore I created a Swift framework to provide CRUD access to it along with a higher level interface where any type conforming to NSCoding and be saved, loaded & deleted.

    This is available on github and also as my first ever CocoaPod. All the docs are in the README plus there’s an example iOS program (Single View App) and the Unit Tests.

  • Release news: Hungry Bunny & KeyChainItemCRUDKit

    Not a technical post today, just a bit of news on the things I’ve been working on.

    Firstly, my latest SpriteKit game written in Swift is now available on the App Store. It’s called Hungry Bunny and is effectively an endless runner/skill test. It’s free with ads.

    Secondly, now that Hungry Bunny is complete I’ve returned to working on another project. This is nowhere near complete but I got to the point where I needed to securely store an OAuth2 token on iOS. I came across the Keychain API. However, the API for this was long winded and I only wanted to use it in a simple manner. Therefore I created a Swift framework to provide CRUD access to it along with a higher level interface where any type conforming to NSCoding and be saved, loaded & deleted.

    This is available on github and also as my first ever CocoaPod. All the docs are in the README plus there’s an example iOS program (Single View App) and the Unit Tests.

  • Mocks are Bad, Layers are Bad

    In which I argue that mocks are a code smell, and layers lead to increased coupling: Mocks are Bad, Layers are Bad (in ACCU’s Overload Journal issue 127) I also suggest some ways to avoid both mocks and layers, including Classical TDD, Selfish Object, …

  • Prediction result: corporate Linux

    Ten years ago I predicted that 30% of corporate desktops would be Linux or similar open source desktops. It’s very hard to find any accurate (or even confident) numbers, but it seems clear I was wrong. This month, NetMarketShare puts Linux usage at 1.2…

  • Detecting whether an Android app is stopping (or starting)

    I am writing an Android app (called Rabbit Escape), and I want it to start playing music when the user enters the app, and stop when the user leaves. Not as easy as it sounds because Android largely doesn’t think in apps, but Activities. Update: real-l…

  • Order of Android Activity lifecycle events

    I noticed some variation between devices so I tested various user actions on various devices and recorded the Android Activity lifecycle methods (e.g. onResume, onPause, onCreate, onStop) that got called. My results are below. [Why? I want to detect wh…

  • Snake in Dart

    Series: Groovy, Ruby, BASIC, Dart, Elm, Python3+Qt5 I’m writing the game Snake in lots of programming languages, for fun, and to try out new languages. This time, Dart, which is for people who love Java and wish they didn’t have to do JavaScript. Sli…

  • Preventing Kupfer switching to existing windows

    I am enjoying using Kupfer but I don’t like the way it switches to an existing window of an application, instead of launching a new instance. I should write a patch for a config option or similar, but for now, here are my notes on how I disabled the be…

  • Using Kupfer on MATE

    I am trying out MATE desktop and really liking it. I like to use a (GNOME-Do style) keyboard-driven application launcher, and have found Kupfer really good. Kupfer as packaged for Ubuntu MATE does not support MATE desktop, so the file manager (“Caja”) …

  • Tweetable Art Code

    Picking apart some cool code to draw pretty pictures with code that fits into 3 tweets: This comes from a codegolf question here: Tweetable Mathematical Art. Slides: Tweetable Art Code.

  • Drawing into bitmaps and saving as a PNG in Swift on OS X

    Not an in depth post today. For a small iOS Swift/SpriteKit game I’m writing for fun I wanted a very basic grass sprite that could be scrolled; to create a parallax effect. This amounts to a 800×400 bitmap which contains sequential isosceles triangles …

  • Drawing into bitmaps and saving as a PNG in Swift on OS X

    Not an in depth post today. For a small iOS Swift/SpriteKit game I’m writing for fun I wanted a very basic grass sprite that could be scrolled; to create a parallax effect. This amounts to a 800×400 bitmap which contains sequential isosceles triangles …

  • Rabbit Escape 0.3.1 – now with zoom!

    I’ve just release the latest version of Rabbit Escape, which makes things look a lot nicer because you can zoom in, getting you much closer to your rabbits: There are still 60 levels of Lemmings and Pingus -like gameplay, all downloadable for free art…

  • Treat warnings as errors in a (Gnu) Makefile

    I got hit again last night by a bug in my Makefile that meant I effectively ran rm -rf /*, which was not fun. Today I have been looking for how to make Make stop if a variable is undefined. Here’s my solution. This Makefile contains a bug (“SRCS” inste…

  • Switching Xfce to use metacity

    I am trying out Xfce and liking it. However, I’ve never found a window manager better than Metacity, so I’d like to use it. Here’s how I switched: # Install it sudo apt-get install metacity metacity-themes # Tell it how many workspaces I want gsetting…

  • Java game programming: image rendering hints make no difference to rendering time

    I am writing an Open Source/Free Software Java desktop game (Rabbit Escape) and am experimenting with allowing you to zoom in so that the images being rendered are fairly big, and I’m seeing some slow-down. [Note: Rabbit Escape is also available on And…

  • Speaking: ACCU 2015

    I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be delivering the opening keynote at the awesome ACCU 2015 developer conference in Bristol this April. The talk is called “Becoming a Better Programmer” (it’s no coincidence that this is the same title as my new book&n…

  • Speaking: ACCU 2015

    I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be delivering the opening keynote at the awesome ACCU 2015 developer conference in Bristol this April. The talk is called “Becoming a Better Programmer” (it’s no coincidence that this is the same title as my new book&n…

  • Videos: MPC Sneak Peeks

    In my day job I am the software lead for Akai’s MPC product line. This is a product I’m immensely proud of, and I’m very proud of the the work the software team puts into this iconic music controller. Over the last few months we’ve been producing in…

  • Videos: MPC Sneak Peeks

    In my day job I am the software lead for Akai’s MPC product line. This is a product I’m immensely proud of, and I’m very proud of the the work the software team puts into this iconic music controller. Over the last few months we’ve been producing in…

  • Event Processing with Transducers

    In the previous article in this series on transducers we looked at lazily evaluating transducers. This time we’ll look not at pulling output through a transducer chain from downstream, but at pushing input items into the chain from upstream.

    All of the uses of transducers we’ve demonstrated in Python so …

  • Event Processing with Transducers

    In the previous article in this series on transducers we looked at lazily evaluating transducers. This time we’ll look not at pulling output through a transducer chain from downstream, but at pushing input items into the chain from upstream.

    All of the uses of transducers we’ve demonstrated in Python so …

  • Snake in ZX Spectrum BASIC

    Series: Groovy, Ruby, BASIC, Dart, Elm, Python3+Qt5 I’m writing the game Snake in lots of programming languages, for fun, and to try out new languages. This time, the first language I ever learned: Slides: Snake in ZX Spectrum BASIC If you want to, y…

  • fetchmail complaining about GoDaddy SSL certificate

    Update: I don’t think this fixed the problem I was getting this every time I ran fetchmail. fetchmail: Server certificate verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate fetchmail: Broken certification chain at: /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale…

  • Writing: Coders Causing Conflict

    My latest Becoming a Better Programmer column is published in the March issue of C Vu magazine (27.1). It’s called Coders Causing Conflict and investigates how “conflict” can be a driving force for good in software develop…

  • Writing: Coders Causing Conflict

    My latest Becoming a Better Programmer column is published in the March issue of C Vu magazine (27.1). It’s called Coders Causing Conflict and investigates how “conflict” can be a driving force for good in software develop…

  • Encapsulation as passing on responsibility

    I recently dealt with some code that I felt was not properly encapsulated, but in a sense that I’ve not seen articulated in this way before. Please enlighten me if I missed it. Here’s a snippet: OutputThing manipulate( InputThing input ) { Processi…

  • Snake in Ruby

    Series: Groovy, Ruby, BASIC, Dart, Elm, Python3+Qt5 I’m writing the game Snake in lots of programming languages, for fun, and to try out new languages. Slides: Snake in Ruby If you want to, you can Support me on Patreon.

  • Batch-converting audio files to be louder (on Linux)

    My mp3 player is very quiet, so I wanted to make all my podcasts as loud as possible. First I ran this to get the programs I needed: sudo apt-get install libav-tools normalize-audio To convert each file I made a script that makes a “loud” directory, a…

  • Why Rabbit Escape is Open Source / Free Software

    Why I wanted to make Rabbit Escape Free Software, even though I also plan to sell it. Because I want to share it.

  • When a Swift immutable collection isn’t or is at least immutable-ish

    Take the following code: struct Foo { var value: Int } let foo = [Foo(value: 1), Foo(value: 2)] By using ‘let foo’ an immutable array has been created. As such no members of this array can be replaced and nor can an element’s …

  • When a Swift immutable collection isn’t or is at least immutable-ish

    Take the following code: struct Foo { var value: Int } let foo = [Foo(value: 1), Foo(value: 2)] By using ‘let foo’ an immutable array has been created. As such no members of this array can be replaced and nor can an element’s …

  • What is a good company?

    I’ve been trying to work out what I think would be a good company to work for. Here’s what I’ve got so far. Please comment pointing out what I got wrong and missed out. Be coo We believe a company should be a good place to work. We sum that up in one r…

  • Visual Studio 2013, PC-lint and C++ 11 Variadic Templates

    Although we added support for Visual Studio 2013 some time ago, PC-lint has lagged behind somewhat and even now (well over a year after it was released) has difficulty analysing any projects for it which use the Standard Template Library (STL) to any s…

  • Visual Studio 2013, PC-lint and C++ 11 Variadic Templates

    Although we added support for Visual Studio 2013 some time ago, PC-lint has lagged behind somewhat and even now (well over a year after it was released) has difficulty analysing any projects for it which use the Standard Template Library (STL) to any s…

  • Book review: Swift Essentials

    Disclaimer I was asked to review: Swift Essentials by Alex Blewitt from Packt Publishing (I’d previously reviewed another book of theirs for the ACCU) and ideally publicise the review. In return I was given a free copy of the eBook and offe…

  • Book review: Swift Essentials

    Disclaimer I was asked to review: Swift Essentials by Alex Blewitt from Packt Publishing (I’d previously reviewed another book of theirs for the ACCU) and ideally publicise the review. In return I was given a free copy of the eBook and offe…