ACCU World of Code
Coding a tiny game in JavaScript video
I’m working on a little JavaScript library called Smolpxl. It aims to make it really easy to create retro-style pixellated games that run well in the browser, using simple JavaScript. This is me live-streaming writing a tiny “game” using Smolpxl: To …
short – command line tool to truncate lines to fit in the terminal
Sometimes I run grep commands that search files with hugely-long lines. If those lines match, they are printed out and spam my terminal with huge amounts of information, that I probably don’t need. I couldn’t find a tool that limits the line-length of …
Mutant algorithms
The word “algorithm” has caused a storm in recent news in the UK. Due to COVID-19 school children were not able to sit their exams. This left 16 and 18 year olds waiting to see how they would be assessed, and had obvious implications for their ac…
Mutant algorithms
The word “algorithm” has caused a storm in recent news in the UK. Due to COVID-19 school children were not able to sit their exams. This left 16 and 18 year olds waiting to see how they would be assessed, and had obvious implications for their ac…
Online Concurrency Classes
With all the restrictions brought upon us by COVID-19, many C++ conferences are moving online. This includes Cppcon and NDC Tech Town, both of which are being run as 100% virtual conferences this year. I will be running my More Concurrent Thinking clas…
Set the date (EXIF) of a photo on Linux
To set the date when a photo was taken, install ExifTool e.g.: sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl # If on Ubuntu sudo dnf install perl-Image-ExifTool.noarch # If on Fedora And modify the photo with a command like this: exiftool -DateTimeOrigina…
How to send an SMS using netcat (via SMPP)
SMPP is a binary protocol used by phone companies to send text messages, otherwise known as SMS messages. It can work over TCP, so we can use netcat on the command line to send messages. A much better way to understand this protocol is to use Wireshark…
Simple Tables From JSON Data With JQ and Column
My current role is more of a DevOps role and I’m spending more time than usual monitoring and administrating various services, such as the GitLab instance we use for source control, build pipelines, issue management, etc. While the GitLab UI is very us…
Simple Tables From JSON Data With JQ and Column
My current role is more of a DevOps role and I’m spending more time than usual monitoring and administrating various services, such as the GitLab instance we use for source control, build pipelines, issue management, etc. While the GitLab UI is very us…
Weekend Maintenance as Chaos Engineering
I was working on a new system – a grid based calculation engine for an investment bank – and I was beginning to read about some crazy ideas by Netflix around how they would kill off actual production servers to test their resilience to failure. I reall…
Weekend Maintenance as Chaos Engineering
I was working on a new system – a grid based calculation engine for an investment bank – and I was beginning to read about some crazy ideas by Netflix around how they would kill off actual production servers to test their resilience to failure. I reall…
Letter to my MP on racism in the US and UK
Here is the text of a letter I wrote to my MP today via Dear [], I am writing to you to express my growing horror at the ongoing police violence and brutality Black protesters are facing in the US, and the UK’s disturbing silence on t…
Clang-Tidying up the house
If there is any single consolation amidst the circumstances we are all having to cope with at the moment it is that many of us have lots of time to fill – not only with unproductive things like binging Netflix (I really should get around to watching Di…
Clang-Tidying up the house
If there is any single consolation amidst the circumstances we are all having to cope with at the moment it is that many of us have lots of time to fill – not only with unproductive things like binging Netflix (I really should get around to watching Di…
Victory in Europe (VE) Day in Churchill’s Toyshop
My grandfather, Norman Angier, worked at Churchill’s Toyshop (M.D.1) as the head civilian engineer during WWII. On VE day “Norman Angier felt it was an occasion for fireworks. He therefore acquired a large batch of quite big rockets and proc…
Victory in Europe (VE) Day in Churchill’s Toyshop
My grandfather, Norman Angier, worked at Churchill’s Toyshop (M.D.1) as the head civilian engineer during WWII. On VE day “Norman Angier felt it was an occasion for fireworks. He therefore acquired a large batch of quite big rockets and proc…
Example Android project with repeatable tests running inside an emulator
I’ve spent the last couple of days fighting the Android command line to set up a simple project that can run automated tests inside an emulator reliably and repeatably. To make the tests reliable and independent from anything else on my machine, I want…
Tizen on Orange Pi PC
Made some significant progress for running Tizen on an Orange Pi PC (and hopefully any other SBC with a similar Mali GPU). Main issue was that alignments in TBM (Tizen Buffer Manager) weren’t in sync with what the actual GPU driver expected. With that …
Tizen on Orange Pi PC
Made some significant progress for running Tizen on an Orange Pi PC (and hopefully any other SBC with a similar Mali GPU). Main issue was that alignments in TBM (Tizen Buffer Manager) weren’t in sync with what the actual GPU driver expected. With that …
Creating a tiny Docker image of a Rust project
I am building a toy project in Rust to help me learn how to deploy things in AWS. I’m considering using Elastic Beanstalk (AWS’s platform-as-a-service) and also Kubernetes. Both of these support deploying via Docker containers, so I am learning how to …
SIGCHLD si_pid Linux kernel bug
While trying to get Tizen working on my Orange Pi PC, I noticed some strange behaviour in the Linux kernel in that SIGCHLD signals sent to the parent process don’t always set the “si_pid” field correctly. I tracked this down to a bug in the Linux kerne…
SIGCHLD si_pid Linux kernel bug
While trying to get Tizen working on my Orange Pi PC, I noticed some strange behaviour in the Linux kernel in that SIGCHLD signals sent to the parent process don’t always set the “si_pid” field correctly. I tracked this down to a bug in the Linux kerne…
COVID-19 Lockdown Blues
A corner of the roof of our office building. Even though the sea is just over 350m away to the left, sadly it’s currently off-limits. 2020 is not turning out to be what we expect as – like much of the world – the UK is locked down right now as a resul…
COVID-19 Lockdown Blues
A corner of the roof of our office building. Even though the sea is just over 350m away to the left, sadly it’s currently off-limits. 2020 is not turning out to be what we expect as – like much of the world – the UK is locked down right now as a resul…
Life, the Universe and Everything
is an excellent book by Douglas Adams (isbn 978-0-330-49120-4). As usual I’m going to quote from a few pages. He would insult the universe. That is, he would insult everybody in it. Individually, personally, one by one, and (this was the thing t…
Life, the Universe and Everything
is an excellent book by Douglas Adams (isbn 978-0-330-49120-4). As usual I’m going to quote from a few pages. He would insult the universe. That is, he would insult everybody in it. Individually, personally, one by one, and (this was the thing t…
Keeping track of podcast times with a simple bash script on Linux
I was recording some podcast audio tonight and wanted to be able to press a single key when I reached a significant moment, so I could add the times to the show notes. I couldn’t find anything that already did this, so I wrote a tiny bash script. I ran…
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
is an excellent book by Douglas Adams (isbn 978-0-330-49121-1). As usual I’m going to quote from a few pages. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. Thi…
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
is an excellent book by Douglas Adams (isbn 978-0-330-49121-1). As usual I’m going to quote from a few pages. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. Thi…
Can a decision tree tell us about wine categories?
I previously wrote an overview showing how decision trees work: This time, let’s build a decision tree with some data. There are many freely available data …
Can a decision tree tell us about wine categories?
I previously wrote an overview showing how decision trees work: This time, let’s build a decision tree with some data. There are many freely available data …
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
is an excellent book by Douglas Adams (isbn 978-0-330-49119-8). As usual I’m going to quote from a few pages. Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun…
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
is an excellent book by Douglas Adams (isbn 978-0-330-49119-8). As usual I’m going to quote from a few pages. Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun…
Custom Bash tab completion for my program
I love Bash tab completion, and I want it for the command I am writing, so it can automatically complete parts of the command line when I run my program. Code Here is the script (install-bash-completion) I wrote to set it up (no need to be root – it in…
Invariants and Preconditions
I tend to think about invariants and preconditions a lot. Pretty much every class has invariants, and most functions have preconditions. I don’t think they are complicated concepts, but somehow they seem to confuse people anyway, so I decided it was ti…
Struggling with Rust to figure out the right types for a function signature
I am loving writing code in Rust. So many things about the language and its ecosystem feel so right*. * For example: ownership of objects, expressive type system, compile to native, offline API docs, immutability, high quality libraries. One of the thi…
Rock Pi S Review
Got a $20 voucher code for a review of a Rock Pi S SBC. Although the cost of the board is only $13.90, with shipping at just over $8, it’s a bit over $22 in total. When the board arrived, I did actually wonder if shipping could have been made a bit mor…
Rock Pi S Review
Got a $20 voucher code for a review of a Rock Pi S SBC. Although the cost of the board is only $13.90, with shipping at just over $8, it’s a bit over $22 in total. When the board arrived, I did actually wonder if shipping could have been made a bit mor…
React Concepts Video
I tried to describe the main ideas that will help you write decent React code. Maybe it will help you understand the docs a bit more when you read them… Slides: React Concepts slides
Blog Post #300
I signed off My 200th Blog Post in November 2014 with the following words: See you again in a few years. At the time I didn’t think it would take me over 5 years to write another 100 blog posts, but it has. Does this mean I’ve stopped writing and gone…
Blog Post #300
I signed off My 200th Blog Post in November 2014 with the following words: See you again in a few years. At the time I didn’t think it would take me over 5 years to write another 100 blog posts, but it has. Does this mean I’ve stopped writing and gone…
Converting HTML slides to a PDF with Firefox
I have not found an automated way to generate a nice PDF from some slides written in HTML – if you know of one please add a comment! In the meantime, if you create slides using my HTML Slides template, then you can make a decent-ish-looking PDF like th…
Support the Software Freedom Conservancy
The Software Freedom Conservancy helps Free/Open Source software projects by providing infrastructure, financial structures, and legal help. It is a not-for-profit organisation that is dedicated to software freedom, something that I think is an importa…
Cargo Culting GitFlow
A few years back I got to spend a couple of weeks consulting at a small company involved in the production of smart cards. My team had been brought in by the company’s management to cast our critical eye over their software development process and prov…
Cargo Culting GitFlow
A few years back I got to spend a couple of weeks consulting at a small company involved in the production of smart cards. My team had been brought in by the company’s management to cast our critical eye over their software development process and prov…
Branching 0 – Git 1
My recent tirade against unnecessary branching – “Git is Not the Problem” – might have given the impression that I don’t appreciate the power that git provides. That’s not true and hopefully the following example highlights the appreciation I have for …
Branching 0 – Git 1
My recent tirade against unnecessary branching – “Git is Not the Problem” – might have given the impression that I don’t appreciate the power that git provides. That’s not true and hopefully the following example highlights the appreciation I have for …
Git is Not the Problem
Git comes in for a lot of stick for being a complicated tool that’s hard to learn, and they’re right, git is a complicated tool. But it’s a tool designed to solve a difficult problem – many disparate people collaborating on a single product in a totall…
Git is Not the Problem
Git comes in for a lot of stick for being a complicated tool that’s hard to learn, and they’re right, git is a complicated tool. But it’s a tool designed to solve a difficult problem – many disparate people collaborating on a single product in a totall…
Choosing “a” Database, not “the” Database
One thing I’ve run across a few times over the years is the notion that an application or system has one, and only one, database product. It’s as if the answer to the question about where we should store our data must be about where we store “all” our …
Choosing “a” Database, not “the” Database
One thing I’ve run across a few times over the years is the notion that an application or system has one, and only one, database product. It’s as if the answer to the question about where we should store our data must be about where we store “all” our …
Automating Windows VM Creation on Ubuntu
TL;DR you can find my resulting Oz and Packer configuration files in this Oz gist and this Packer gist on my GitHub account.As someone who has worked almost exclusively on Windows for the last 25 years I was somewhat surprised to find myself needing to…
Automating Windows VM Creation on Ubuntu
TL;DR you can find my resulting Oz and Packer configuration files in this Oz gist and this Packer gist on my GitHub account.As someone who has worked almost exclusively on Windows for the last 25 years I was somewhat surprised to find myself needing to…
KotlinJS: First impressions (formed by writing Snake) video
What it was like to write a snake game in KotlinJS: Slides: Snake in KotlinJS slides Code:
Arbitrary Cache Timeouts
Like many other programmers I’ve probably added my fair share of caches to systems over the years, and as we know from the old joke, one of the two hardest problems in computer science is knowing when to invalidate them. It’s a hard question, to be sur…
Arbitrary Cache Timeouts
Like many other programmers I’ve probably added my fair share of caches to systems over the years, and as we know from the old joke, one of the two hardest problems in computer science is knowing when to invalidate them. It’s a hard question, to be sur…
Validate in Production
The change was reasonably simple: we had to denormalise some postcode data which was currently held in a centralised relational database into some new fields in every client’s database to remove some cross-database joins that would be unsupported on th…
Validate in Production
The change was reasonably simple: we had to denormalise some postcode data which was currently held in a centralised relational database into some new fields in every client’s database to remove some cross-database joins that would be unsupported on th…
Dependency Injection frameworks: reasons to avoid them video
At my job we have done a great deal of work to remove Guice from our codebase. Here I try to explain why we did that, and try to apply my reasoning to dependency injection frameworks in general. Slides: Dependency Injection frameworks: reasons to avo…
kmscube Running on Orange Pi PC with Mainline Kernel
Managed to get kmscube running on my Orange Pi PC with a mainline Linux 5.3 kernel and an updated mesa package from Ubuntu’s ubuntu-x-swat PPA. The amazing thing is that it’s all just mainline now, no board-specific patches needed. Interestingly, a Ras…
kmscube Running on Orange Pi PC with Mainline Kernel
Managed to get kmscube running on my Orange Pi PC with a mainline Linux 5.3 kernel and an updated mesa package from Ubuntu’s ubuntu-x-swat PPA. The amazing thing is that it’s all just mainline now, no board-specific patches needed. Interestingly, a Ras…
Coding workshop example worksheets
This week we did a coding workshop exercise: 2 teams implemented the different sides of the SMPP protocol (without speaking to each other) and this morning we tried out connecting them together. We successfully sent a message and received an acknowledg…
Swarm algorithms
I wrote a book about about genetic algorithms and machine learning. You can buy it here. Apart from genetic algorithms and other aspects of machine learning, it includes some swarm algorithms. Where a genetic algorithm mixes up potential solu…
Swarm algorithms
I wrote a book about about genetic algorithms and machine learning. You can buy it here. Apart from genetic algorithms and other aspects of machine learning, it includes some swarm algorithms. Where a genetic algorithm mixes up potential solu…
More Productive C++ with TDD
The title might read a little like click-bait, and there are certainly some nuances and qualifications here. But, hey! That’s what the article is for. Those that know me know that I have been a practitioner of, and advocate for, TDD in C++ for many …
More Productive C++ with TDD
The title might read a little like click-bait, and there are certainly some nuances and qualifications here. But, hey! That’s what the article is for. Those that know me know that I have been a practitioner of, and advocate for, TDD in C++ for many …
Decision trees for feature selection
I asked twitter who is using decision trees and what for. Most were using them, unsurprisingly, to make decisions. It wasn’t always clear how the trees themselves were built. If you are armed with data, so that each row has some features and a categor…
Decision trees for feature selection
I asked twitter who is using decision trees and what for. Most were using them, unsurprisingly, to make decisions. It wasn’t always clear how the trees themselves were built. If you are armed with data, so that each row has some features and a categor…
Building an all-in-one Jar in Gradle with the Kotlin DSL
To build a “fat” Jar of your Java or Kotlin project that contains all the dependencies within a single file, you can use the shadow Gradle plugin. I found it hard to find clear documentation on how it works using the Gradle Kotlin DSL (with a build.gra…
No-one knows the type of char + char
Quick quiz! Given the following: Which overload gets called by the following? Alternatives: f(unsigned int) f(int) f(char) No-one knows the type of char + char If you answered 4), congratulations! And if you answered 2), maybe you tried the code on your own computer? Most people will get f(int) when they try this code, but … Continue reading No-one knows the type of char + char
Log driven development
Everyone knows attempting to figure out what’s happening by resorting to print statements is desperation. Everyone knows you should use TDD, BDD or some xDD to write code well, don’t they? I am desperate. I suggest PDD, print driven development is slow…
Log driven development
Everyone knows attempting to figure out what’s happening by resorting to print statements is desperation. Everyone knows you should use TDD, BDD or some xDD to write code well, don’t they? I am desperate. I suggest PDD, print driven development is slow…
Creating a self-signed certificate for Apache and connecting to it from Java
Our mission: to create a self-signed certificate for an Apache web server that allows us to connect to it over HTTPS (SSL/TLS) from a Java program. The tricky bit for me was generating a certificate that contains Subject Alternative Names for my server…
ACCU Talk “How Kotlin makes your Java code better”
Here is the live version of my talk designed to help you advocate for adopting Kotlin:
ACCU Talk “How Git really works”
Here is the talk CB Bailey and I did at ACCU Conference 2019. This was the first talk I have done with someone else, and I really enjoyed it:
Examples of Kotlin making your Java code better video
People at work suggested Kotlin was “just syntactic sugar”, so I set out to explain how Kotlin can really make better code, and here is the result: Slides: Examples of Kotlin making your Java code better slides
What is a Monad? Video
Slightly jokey video about what a Monad is, but with a genuine explanation, all in just about 5 minutes. First given as a lightning talk at the ACCU Conference in 2019. Slides: What is a Monad? Slides
Build with a different Java version (e.g. 11) using Docker
To spin up a temporary environment with a different Java version without touching your real environment, try this Docker command: docker run -i -t –mount “type=bind,src=$PWD,dst=/code” openjdk:11-jdk bash (Change “11-jdk” to the version you want as li…
Outdoor Maps in Galaxy Store
My Outdoor Maps app for Samsung Gear/Galaxy watches has finally been approved in the Galaxy Store.
Outdoor Maps in Galaxy Store
My Outdoor Maps app for Samsung Gear/Galaxy watches has finally been approved in the Galaxy Store.
ACCUConf 2019
The ACCU conference happened in Bristol again this year. For my first time ever, I was at a workshop. In fact, I ran a work shop with Chris Simons. We talked about Evolutionary Algorithms in practice. We gave a 90 minute talk later in the week, using t…
ACCUConf 2019
The ACCU conference happened in Bristol again this year. For my first time ever, I was at a workshop. In fact, I ran a work shop with Chris Simons. We talked about Evolutionary Algorithms in practice. We gave a 90 minute talk later in the week, using t…
Rabbit Escape t-shirts
If you’d like to help promote Rabbit Escape, my free software Android/PC game, how about a t-shirt? Use the link below to design your shirt: Rabbit Escape t-shirt Note: there’s no profit in this for us – it’s just for promotion. If you’d like to contr…
Scheduling a task in Java within a CompletableFuture
When we want to do something later in our Java code, we often turn to the ScheduledExecutorService. This class has a method called schedule(), and we can pass it some code to be run later like this: ScheduledExecutorService executor =…
PowerShell’s Call Operator (&) Arguments with Embedded Spaces and Quotes
I was recently upgrading a PowerShell script that used the v2 nunit-console runner to use the v3 one instead when I ran across a weird issue with PowerShell. I’ve haven’t found a definitive bug report or release note yet to describe the change in behav…
PowerShell’s Call Operator (&) Arguments with Embedded Spaces and Quotes
I was recently upgrading a PowerShell script that used the v2 nunit-console runner to use the v3 one instead when I ran across a weird issue with PowerShell. I’ve haven’t found a definitive bug report or release note yet to describe the change in behav…
CI/CD Server Inline Scripts
As you might have already gathered if you’d read my 2014 post “Building the Pipeline – Process Led or Product Led?” I’m very much in favour of developing a build and deployment process locally first, then automating that, rather than clicking buttons i…
CI/CD Server Inline Scripts
As you might have already gathered if you’d read my 2014 post “Building the Pipeline – Process Led or Product Led?” I’m very much in favour of developing a build and deployment process locally first, then automating that, rather than clicking buttons i…
New website and chips, please!
HOWTO: celebrate finishing a project. If you are reading this you might have noticed that the Riverblade website has undergone a bit of a redesign. This is something we’ve been working on for a little while in the background, and we think it’s probabl…
New website and chips, please!
HOWTO: celebrate finishing a project. If you are reading this you might have noticed that the Riverblade website has undergone a bit of a redesign. This is something we’ve been working on for a little while in the background, and we think it’s probabl…
Abstraction with Database Views
After being away from the relational database world for a few years it’s been interesting coming back and working on a mature system with plenty of SQL code. It’s been said that SQL is the assembly language of databases and when SQL code is written onl…
Abstraction with Database Views
After being away from the relational database world for a few years it’s been interesting coming back and working on a mature system with plenty of SQL code. It’s been said that SQL is the assembly language of databases and when SQL code is written onl…
The ACCU’s Overload magazine
ACCU is an organisation for programmers. Its original focus was C and C++, but now members use a variety of languages, talk about testing and process and how to keep learning. ACCU holds an annual conference in the UK, attended by people from around th…
The ACCU’s Overload magazine
ACCU is an organisation for programmers. Its original focus was C and C++, but now members use a variety of languages, talk about testing and process and how to keep learning. ACCU holds an annual conference in the UK, attended by people from around th…
The Perils of Multi-Phase Construction
I’ve never really been a fan of C#’s object initializer syntax. Yes, it’s a little more convenient to write but it has a big downside which is it forces you to make your types mutable by default. Okay, that’s a bit strong, it doesn’t force you to do an…
The Perils of Multi-Phase Construction
I’ve never really been a fan of C#’s object initializer syntax. Yes, it’s a little more convenient to write but it has a big downside which is it forces you to make your types mutable by default. Okay, that’s a bit strong, it doesn’t force you to do an…
Rabbit Escape 0.12 out now, with water
The newest feature of Rabbit Escape, water, has been brewing a long time, but we now think it’s ready: Water can flow, it can put out fires, and it can drown rabbits. Rabbots seem to be immune though… Check out the 20 new levels we have released! (T…
Convert a video to a GIF with reasonable colours
Here’s a little script I wrote to avoid copy-pasting the ffmpeg command from superuser every time I needed it. It converts a video to a GIF file by pre-calculating a good palette, then using that palette. Usage: ./to_gif input.mp4 output.gif The file t…
Gradle: what is a task, and how can I make a task depend on another task?
In an insane world, Gradle sometimes seems like the sanest choice for building a Java or Kotlin project. But what on Earth does all the stuff inside build.gradle actually mean? And when does my code run? And how do you make a task? And how do you persu…