Product Owner: meet they customer

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


User Stories Masterclass, 29 June & Agile Estimating & Forecasting, 13 July – discounts below

I was once responsible for coaching a Product Owner called Jac. It was product owner for an “enterprise product” – a product sold to big companies to use internally. Sprint to sprint Jac got to decide what got done. In my book Product Owner authority went further: what was to be done in future sprints, what kind of things would be done in months to come, and the “roadmap” where the product was going. But… Jac seldom met customers, Jac might talk to them on the phone when they had a problem but Jac didn’t talk to the more senior people who signed the purchase orders.

Being an enterprise product there were consultants in the mix too: installing the product on site, configure the product, train customers and hold their hands. They went to customer sites and they met all sorts of people. Naturally the consultants had a view on what the product should do, what should be developed next and what should be done in coming months.

And all a consultant had to do was name a customer “Anna at Credit…” or “The CFO of first…. told me” and you could just see the product owner being undermined. I used to groan internally, I hated it – I hated it for my PO – but they were right.

When you meet customers you carry extra authority.

Last week I did a webinar entitled to Agile London entitled “Product Owner Common Mistakes” (the PDF). Guess what common mistake number #1 was?

(I also did a webinar with Adrian Reed entitled “Everything you ever wanted to know about the Product Owner but were afraid to ask” which was a great chat and audience Q&A session.)

Product Owner mistake #1: Not meeting customers

And here I mean Customers, and/or Users, and/or Stakeholders, I mean: people – and it is people – who have expectations, needs or wants for your product. Even if they don’t know your product could help address those needs and wants.

And when I say “meet,” well yes, I really would like you to meet them, shake them by the hand and share a coffee. I think you are both more likely to open up, share more and understand more. If possible spend some time observing them work.

I’m not stupid, I know we all work from home now, I know physical meetings are more difficult than ever so please substitute “meet” with Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or plain old telephone. But as soon as you can get out and meet people.

In meeting people Product Owners get two big benefits.

The most obvious benefit is that Product Owners understand their customers and their needs better. They can learn how the product could help more, or where the product trips them up. They can learn how the product is beneficial and valuable and how that value might be increased.

Product Owners will also learn things they might not like to hear, things which might not be said over the telephone: where the product stinks, what alternatives might be considered and where the product gets in the way.

“what the customer buys is seldom what the company sells” Peter Drucker

People don’t like giving bad news and it is easier to hide such facts phone call, let alone in an e-mail.

The second benefit, as described in my opening story is authority and legitimacy.

Product Owners are specialists in what customer problems need solving, how enhancements to the product can add value and therefore what needs to be done to the product. They can only do that when they meet customers.

Meeting customers brings authority, one can say “Anna at Credit Bank told me…”

Meeting customers brings legitimacy because most other people never interact with actual customers, or only interact with a small subset when they have problems.

And as my example shows: if a Product Owner is not meeting customers they leave themselves vulnerable to those who do. When someone else, like a consultant, comes along and says “Anna from … says… ” they have authority, if the PO can not say “Mez from … had a different perspective…”

Direct access to customers – speaking to them and visiting them – confers authority and legitimacy. Product Owners need that authority and the knowledge that comes with it.

User Stories Masterclass is running online again, 29 June NOW BOOKING

Use code BLOG_READER for 30% discount + 25% Early Bird discount

New online class: Agile Estimating & Forecasting, 13 July – NOW BOOKING

Use code BLOG_READER for 45% discount + 25% Early Bird discount

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An experiment involving matching regular expressions

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Recommendations for/against particular programming constructs have one thing in common: there is no evidence backing up any of the recommendations. Running experiments to measure the impact of particular language features on developer performance is not something that researchers do (there have been a handful of experiments looking at the impact of strong typing on developer performance; the effect measured was tiny).

In February I discovered two groups researching regular expressions. In the first post on duplicate regexs, I promised to say something about the second group. This post discusses an experiment comparing developer comprehension of various regular expressions; the paper is: Exploring Regular Expression Comprehension.

The experiment involved 180 workers on Mechanical Turk (to be accepted, workers had to correctly answer four or five questions about regular expressions). Workers/subjects performed two different tasks, matching and composition.

  • In the matching task workers saw a regex and a list of five strings, and had to specify whether the regex matched (or not) each string (there was also an unsure response).
  • In the composition task workers saw a regular expression, and had to create a string matched by this regex. Each worker saw 10 different regexs, which were randomly drawn from a set of 60 regexs (which had been created to be representative of various regex characteristics). I have not analysed this data yet.

What were the results?

For the matching task: given each of the pairs of regexs below, which one (of each pair) would you say workers were most likely to get correct?

         R1                  R2
1.     tri[a-f]3         tri[abcdef]3
2.     no[w-z]5          no[wxyz]5
3.     no[w-z]5          no(w|x|y|z)5
4.     [ˆ0-9]            [\D]

The percentages correct for (1) were essentially the same, at 94.0 and 93.2 respectively. The percentages for (2) were 93.3 and 87.2, which is odd given that the regex is essentially the same as (1). Is this amount of variability in subject response to be expected? Is the difference caused by letters being much less common in text, so people have had less practice using them (sounds a bit far-fetched, but its all I could think of). The percentages for (3) are virtually identical, at 93.3 and 93.7.

The percentages for (4) were 58 and 73.3, which surprised me. But then I have been using regexs since before \D support was generally available. The MTurk generation have it easy not having to use the ‘hard stuff’ 😉

See Table III in the paper for more results.

This matching data might be analysed using Item Response theory, which can take into account differences in question difficulty and worker/subject ability. The plot below looks complicated, but only because there are so many lines. Each numbered colored line is a different regex, worker ability is on the x-axis (greater ability on the right), and the y-axis is the probability of giving a correct answer (code+data; thanks to Peipei Wang for fixing the bugs in my code):

Probability of giving a correct answer, by subject ability, for 60 regex matching questions

Yes, for question 51 the probability of a correct answer decreases with worker ability. Heads are being scratched about this.

There might be some patterns buried in amongst all those lines, e.g., particular kinds of patterns require a given level of ability to handle, or correct response to some patterns varying over the whole range of abilities. These are research questions, and this is a blog article: answers in the comments :-)

This is the first experiment of its kind, so it is bound to throw up more questions than answers. Are more incorrect responses given for longer regexs, particularly if they cannot be completely held in short-term memory? It is convenient for the author to use a short-hand for a range of characters (e.g., a-f), and I was expecting a difference in performance when all the letters were enumerated (e.g., abcdef); I had theories for either one being less error-prone (I obviously need to get out more).

User stories are not…

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


Final call: Adding Value to Stories, starts 5 June

New: User Stories Masterclass waitlist, 29 June – waitlist available

When started writing what became “Little Book of Requirements & User Stories” I thought I was writing a few thousand words about the relatively straight forward subject of User Stories in agile development. A “few thousand” became a dozen online articles for Agile Journal and a few tens of thousands of words in the book.

Now those same lessons form the basis for my online workshop “User Stories Masterclass”. Still I find new perspectives and insights on User Stories. I was wrong, there is more to the simple “as a… I want… so that…” than I ever thought possible.

But for once I think we need to draw some boundaries, we need to be clear on what User Stories are NOT.

User Stories are not promises or commitments. Stories are ideas. Stories are tokens for work that might be done. Little more.

Simply writing a User Story, even adding it to a backlog in no way commits anyone to doing anything. Indeed I regularly recommend deleting stories from a backlog. I hear from start-ups who tell me that 30% to 50% of stories are never done.

User Stories are not functional specifications, although if you add enough acceptance criteria they may start to look like that.

User Stories are not functional specifications because User Stories are not complete. They are intended as a “placeholder for a conversation” or “a token for work to be done”. If they were complete there would be no need for that conversation and they would be much more than a token. They are deliberately incomplete to allow the conversation to happen. If the story was complete what can a conversation add? There is more value in the conversation than the story.

User Stories are not unambiguous, or rather: User Stories may contain ambiguities. In the same way User Stories are not complete they can be ambiguous. Again, if stories were clean cut and unambiguous there would be little to talk about in the famous conversation.

And by the way, the User Story conversation is not necessarily a one-off event: if you have the conversation then later, say, during development or testing, then talk some more.

User Stories are not user documentation, a collection of stories does not make a User Guide. If you need to create a user guide then the stories might serve as a reminder of what the software does but using them as user documentation would make for a very poor user guide.

If the system you are building needs a User Guide then the act of writing the User Guide is probably a story itself, a token for work to be done:

As a new customer using the system for the first time
I want a guide to get started
So that I can quickly get the benefits of the new system

All the usual rules of user stories apply here: be specific about who is using the system and what they need, include a so that clause to explain why they want to do this, leave some space for discussion (do the really want a user guide or a quick start guide?) and ensure the story has value in itself.

Similarly, User Stories are not any sort of system documentation, e.g. architecture document, maintenance guide. Again these are work to be done and may be the subject of a User Story.

In general User Stories are not part of the contractual commitment a team enters into. User Stories are poorly suited to be contractual documentation. Because User Stories are not complete and because they are ambiguous they perform poorly when used contractually.

Similarly, User Stories are not good as a record of what has been done. They can be forced into this role if they are updated after they have been developed – and preferably delivered. But that requires more work.

As with any documentation – user guide, system guide, a record of what was done, etc. – you should always ask: what value does this documentation have? and who will complain if this document does not exist?

Documentation is not free. Indeed documentation is very expensive – both to write and to read. And documentation is itself work to be done. Which means: if someone is writing a document then they are not doing something else, e.g. if a developer is documenting the system they are not adding new functionality.

Even when there is a technical author on staff to write documentation other work is displaced. The money used to pay a technical author could be spent elsewhere, another programmer or a tester maybe.

Documentation is expensive. Documentation is another deliverable.

User Stories are not intended to form part of the deliverable. They are transient, they come into existence to represent work that needs doing. They change as understanding improves and can, even should, be thrown away when the work is done.

User Stories Masterclass is running online again at the end of June.

Rather one session a week this time the class will be one afternoon, or possibly one and a half afternoons. Tickets will be on-sale soon, in the meantime you can join the waitlist and be the first to know when tickets go on sale.

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Sander Hoogendoorn @ Agile on the Beach Keynote – and discount

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


As most readers will already know – and everyone else will have guessed – Agile on the Beach 2020 isn’t happening. Gather than try and move the whole conference online we are running some smaller events. Two of these are now booking: an online talk and an online TDD workshop.

Sander Hoogendoorn will be giving his Agile on the Beach 2020 online on July 8 – yes, that is the day he would have been giving it live in Falmouth if you-know-what hadn’t happened.

Tickets are free to those who have bought Agile on the Beach 2020 tickets (which will be honoured at AOTB 2021 too) so just remember to register for a ticket.

For everyone else there is a £20 fee – but if you enter the code “AOTBSH2050” will get you a 50% discount.

But before Sander’s talk, AOTB’s sister organization Software Cornwall is running a Test Driven Development workshop with Kevlin Henney and Jon Jagger. Again there are free tickets for AOTB ticket holder but places are limited so book soon.

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The post Sander Hoogendoorn @ Agile on the Beach Keynote – and discount appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.

C++ template usage

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Generics are a programming construct that allow an algorithm to be coded without specifying the types of some variables, which are supplied later when a specific instance (for some type(s)) is instantiated. Generics sound like a great idea; who hasn’t had to write the same function twice, with the only difference being the types of the parameters.

All of today’s major programming languages support some form of generic construct, and developers have had the opportunity to use them for many years. So, how often generics are used in practice?

In C++, templates are the language feature supporting generics.

The paper: How C++ Templates Are Used for Generic Programming: An Empirical Study on 50 Open Source Systems contains lots of interesting data :-) The following analysis applies to the five largest projects analysed: Chromium, Haiku, Blender, LibreOffice and Monero.

As its name suggests, the Standard Template Library (STL) is a collection of templates implementing commonly used algorithms+other stuff (some algorithms were commonly used before the STL was created, and perhaps some are now commonly used because they are in the STL).

It is to be expected that most uses of templates will involve those defined in the STL, because these implement commonly used functionality, are documented and generally known about (code can only be reused when its existence is known about, and it has been written with reuse in mind).

The template instantiation measurements show a 17:1 ratio for STL vs. developer-defined templates (i.e., 149,591 vs. 8,887).

What are the usage characteristics of developer defined templates?

Around 25% of developer defined function templates are only instantiated once, while 15% of class templates are instantiated once.

Most templates are defined by a small number of developers. This is not surprising given that most of the code on a project is written by a small number of developers.

The plot below shows the percentage instantiations (of all developer defined function templates) of each developer defined function template, in rank order (code+data):

Number of tasks having a given estimate.

Lines are each a fitted power law, whose exponents vary between -1.5 and -2. Is it just me, or are these exponents surprising close?

The following is for developer defined class templates. Lines are fitted power law, whose exponents vary between -1.3 and -2.6. Not so close here.

Number of tasks having a given estimate.

What processes are driving use of developer defined templates?

Every project has its own specific few templates that get used everywhere, by all developers. I imagine these are tailored to the project, and are widely advertised to developers who work on the project.

Perhaps some developers don’t define templates, because that’s not what they do. Is this because they work on stuff where templates don’t offer much benefit, or is it because these developers are stuck in their ways (if so, is it really worth trying to change them?)

Slashing The Odds – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

In the previous post we explored the Cauchy distribution, which, having undefined means and standard deviations, is an example of a pathological distribution. We saw that this is because it has a relatively high probability of generating extremely large values which we concluded was a consequence of its standard random variable being equal to the ratio of two independent standard normally distributed random variables, so that the magnitudes of observations of it can be significantly increased by the not particularly unlikely event that observations of the denominator are close to zero.
Whilst we didn't originally derive the Cauchy distribution in this way, there are others, known as ratio distributions, that are explicitly constructed in this manner and in this post we shall take a look at one of them.

Letter to my MP on racism in the US and UK

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Here is the text of a letter I wrote to my MP today via

Dear [],
I am writing to you to express my growing horror at the ongoing police violence and brutality Black protesters are facing in the US, and the UK's disturbing silence on the matter.
These protests, begun as peaceful demonstrations against the state-enabled murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department, have been escalated by the US police, who are using excessive force against protesters practising their civic rights. If this were a non-white country, Western countries would have denounced this brutality; instead, the UK has elected to remain silent.
I am painfully aware that the UK itself suffers from many racist structures. Thanks to systematic injustice, the recent pandemic has impacted BAME people at a vastly higher rate than white people. The death of Belly Mujinga, caused by a racist attack and by her presence at work despite underlying conditions that should have resulted in paid leave, was horrifying and preventable, and the dropped inquiry utterly disgraceful.
I ask you personally to:
- write to the Foreign Secretary asking for a strong statement of condemnation of police brutality in the US,
- make it a personal priority to address the systematic injustice of unfair outcomes for BAME people in the UK,
- ensure that the government responds materially to the report on BAME COVID-19 deaths,
- insist on a full enquiry into the circumstances surrounding Belly Mujinga's death.
Yours sincerely,

Estimating in round numbers

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

People tend to use round numbers. When asked the time, the response is often rounded to the nearest 5-minute or 15-minute value, even when using a digital watch; the speaker is using what they consider to be a relevant level of accuracy.

When estimating how long it will take to perform a task, developers tend to use round numbers (based on three datasets). Giving what appears to be an overly precise value could be taken as communicating extra information, e.g., an estimate of 1-hr 3-minutes communicates a high degree of certainty (or incompetence, or making a joke). If the consumer of the estimate is working in round numbers, it makes sense to give a round number estimate.

Three large software related effort estimation datasets are now available: the SiP data contains estimates made by many people, the Renzo Pomodoro data is one person’s estimates, and now we have the Brightsquid data (via the paper “Utilizing product usage data for requirements evaluation” by Hemmati, Didar Al Alam and Carlson; I cannot find an online pdf at the moment).

The plot below shows the total number of tasks (out of the 1,945 tasks in the Brightsquid data) for which a given estimate value was recorded; peak values shown in red (code+data):

Number of tasks having a given estimate.

Why are there estimates for tasks taking less than 30 minutes? What are those 1 minute tasks (are they typos, where the second digit was omitted and the person involved simply create a new estimate without deleting the original)? How many of those estimate values appearing once are really typos, e.g., 39 instead of 30? Does the task logging system used require an estimate before anything can be done? Unfortunately I don’t have access to the people involved. It does look like this data needs some cleaning.

There are relatively few 7-hour estimates, but lots for 8-hours. I’m assuming the company works an 8-hour day (the peak at 4-hours, rather than three, adds weight to this assumption).

New users generate more exceptions than existing users (in one dataset)

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

Application usage data is one of the rarest kinds of public software engineering data.

Even data that might be used to approximate application usage is rare. Server logs might be used as a proxy for browser usage or operating system usage, and number of Debian package downloads as a proxy for usage of packages.

Usage data is an important component of fault prediction models, and the failure to incorporate such data is one reason why existing fault models are almost completely worthless.

The paper Deriving a Usage-Independent Software Quality Metric appeared a few months ago (it’s a bit of a kitchen sink of a paper), and included lots of usage data! As far as I know, this is a first.

The data relates to a mobile based communications App that used Google analytics to log basic usage information, i.e., daily totals of: App usage time, uses by existing users, uses by new users, operating system+version used by the mobile device, and number of exceptions raised by the App.

Working with daily totals means there is likely to be a non-trivial correlation between usage time and number of uses. Given that this is the only public data of its kind, it has to be handled (in my case, ignored for the time being).

I’m expecting to see a relationship between number of exceptions raised and daily usage (the data includes a count of fatal exceptions, which are less common; because lots of data is needed to build a good model, I went with the more common kind). So a’fishing I went.

On most days no exception occurred (zero is the ideal case for the vendor, but I want lots of exception to build a good model). Daily exception counts are likely to be small integers, which suggests a Poisson error model.

It is likely that the same set of exceptions were experienced by many users, rather like the behavior that occurs when fuzzing a program.

Applications often have an initial beta testing period, intended to check that everything works. Lucky for me the beta testing data is included (i.e., more exceptions are likely to occur during beta testing, which get sorted out prior to official release). This is the data I concentrated my modeling.

The model I finally settled on has the form (code+data):

Exceptions approx uses^{0.1}newUserUses^{0.54}e^{0.002sqrt{usagetime}}AndroidVersion

Yes, newUserUses had a much bigger impact than uses. This was true for all the models I built using data for all Android/iOS Apps, and the exponent difference was always greater than two.

Why square-root, rather than log? The model fit was much better for square-root; too much better for me to be willing to go with a model which had usagetime as a power-law.

The impact of AndroidVersion varied by several orders of magnitude (which won’t come as a surprise to developers using earlier versions of Android).

There were not nearly as many exceptions once the App became generally available, and there were a lot fewer exceptions for the iOS version.

The outsized impact of new users on exceptions experienced is easily explained by developers failing to check for users doing nonsensical things (which users new to an App are prone to do). Existing users have a better idea of how to drive an App, and tend to do the kind of things that developers expect them to do.

As always, if you know of any interesting software engineering data, please let me know.

Product owner as a homeowner

Allan Kelly from Allan Kelly Associates


For years people have been comparing software construction with building construction. Think about how we talk about “architecture” or foundations, or the cost of change and so on. As I’ve said before, building software is not like building a house. Now it occurs to me that a better metaphor is the ongoing ownership of the building.

Every building requires “maintenance” and over time buildings change – indeed buildings learn. While an Englishman’s home is his castle those of us, even the English, who are lucky enough to own a house don’t have a free hand in the changes we make to our houses

Specifically I’m thinking about the Product Owner. Being a Product Owner is less about deciding what you want your new house to look like, or how the building should be constructed, its not even about deciding how many rooms the house should have. The role of the Product Owner is to ensure the house continues to be liveable, preferably the house is getting nicer to live in, and the house is coping with the requests made on it.

I own a house – a nice one in West London. As the owner I am responsible for the house. I do little jobs myself – like painting the fences. More significantly I have to think about what I want to do with the house: do we want to do a loft conversion? What would that entail and when might I be able to afford that?

I am the Product Owner of my own house. I have to decide on what is to be done, what can wait and what trade-offs I can accept.

When I bought the house the big thing to change was the kitchen and backroom. There was little point in any other works until those rooms were smashed to bits and rebuilt. I had to think though what was needed by my family, what was possible and what the result might be like. I received quotes from several builders – each of whom had their own ideas about what I wanted. I hired an architect for advice. I looked at what neighbours had done. And I had a hard think about how much money I could spend.

An Englishman’s home is his castle – I am the lord of my house and I can decide what I want, except…

My wife and children have a say in what happens to the house. Actually my wife has a pretty big say, while the children have less say there needs are pretty high on my list of priorities.

My local council and even the government have a say because they place certain constraints on what I can do – planning permission, rules and building codes. The insurance company and mortgage bank set some constraints and expectations too.

My neighbours might not own my house but they are stakeholders: I can’t upset them (too much) and they impose some constraints. (In my first flat/apartment the neighbours were a bigger issue because we shared a roof, a garden and the walls.)

So while I may be lord of my own house I am not a completely a free agent. And the same is true with Product Owners.

The secret with Product Owners is: they are Owners. They are more than managers – managers are just hired help. But neither do POs have a free hand, they don’t have unlimited power, the are not dictators, they are not completely free to do what they want and order people around.

Like me, Product Owners have limited resources available: how much money, how many helpers, access to customers and more. I have to balance my desire for a large loft conversion (with shower, balcony and everything else) with the money I can afford to spend on it. That involves trade-off and compromises. I could go into debt – increase my mortgage – but that comes with costs.

Product owners have responsibilities: to customers and users, to the those who fund the work (like the mortgage bank), to team members and peers to name a few. Some decisions they can make on their own, but on other decisions they can only lead a conversation and guide it towards a conclusion.

What the homeowner metaphor misses entirely is the commercial aspect: my house exists for me to live in. I don’t expect to make money out of it. The house next door to mine is owned by a commercial landlord who rents it out: the landlord is actively trying to make money out of that house.

Most Product Owners are trying to further some other agenda: commercial (generating money), or public sector (furthering Government policies), or third sector (e.g. a charity). In other words: Product Owners are seeking to add value for their organization. This adds an additional dimension because the PO has to justify their decisions to a higher authority.

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The post Product owner as a homeowner appeared first on Allan Kelly Associates.