ACCU World of Code
A Review: The Silmarillion
The Silmarillionby J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher TolkienISBN: 978-0007523221I read the Lord of the Rings when I was about 8, having loved the BBC radio play starring Michael Hordern as Gandalf. Of course I wanted to read the Silmarillion too, but was a…
A Review: The New One Minute Manager
The New One Minute Managerby Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson I rarely read a book more than once (unless it’s set in Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space Universe), but this is the third time I’ve read the New One Minute Manager, and It’s not…
A Review: The New One Minute Manager
The New One Minute Managerby Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson I rarely read a book more than once (unless it’s set in Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space Universe), but this is the third time I’ve read the New One Minute Manager, and It’s not…
Live code reviews make life better
I’ve just got off a call with a colleague. During that call I: learned a lot about how the work he is doing fits in with what my team is working on understood the specific code we were discussing much better than if I’d looked at it alone helped him f…
References don’t have top-level cv-qualifiers
Sometimes when reading about C++, for instance about template argument deduction, the term “top-level cv-qualifiers” comes up. I just spent an unreasonable amount of time being puzzled by something because I didn’t understand that references don’t have top-level cv-qualifiers. This post will hopefully help the next person (hi, next-year Anders) not make the same mistake. … Continue reading References don’t have top-level cv-qualifiers
Review of Embracing Modern C++ Safely by John Lakos, Vittorio Romeo, Rostislav Khlebnikov and Alisdair Meredith
Verdict: Conditionally Recommended (3/5) This is a huge book, over 1300 pages, and contains a wealth of information about all the language (not library) facilities added in C++11 and C++14. It has one "section" per language feature, and …
Visual Lint adds support for PC-lint Plus 2.0
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Added support for $([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove()), $([MSBuild]::GetPathOfFileAbove()), $([System.IO.Path]:…
Visual Lint adds support for PC-lint Plus 2.0
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Added support for $([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove()), $([MSBuild]::GetPathOfFileAbove()), $([System.IO.Path]:…
Review: Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days
Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Daysby Alistair ReynoldsISBN: 978-0575083134Diamond DogsI don’t get full satisfaction from stories that leave unanswered questions, unless those questions ge…
Review: Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days
Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Daysby Alistair ReynoldsISBN: 978-0575083134Diamond DogsI don’t get full satisfaction from stories that leave unanswered questions, unless those questions ge…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Fixed an MSBuild parsing issue which affected the definitions of the vcpkg project variables $(_ZVcpkgRoot), $(_ZVcpkg…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Fixed an MSBuild parsing issue which affected the definitions of the vcpkg project variables $(_ZVcpkgRoot), $(_ZVcpkg…
The Great Dune Trilogy: A Review
The Great Dune TrilogyFrank HerbertISBN-13: 0575070706I remember distinctly reading Dune in 1992 after seeing the 1980s film. In fact I can still picture myself lying on a bed in a holiday cottage in a small French village near Carcassonne reading the …
The Great Dune Trilogy: A Review
The Great Dune TrilogyFrank HerbertISBN-13: 0575070706I remember distinctly reading Dune in 1992 after seeing the 1980s film. In fact I can still picture myself lying on a bed in a holiday cottage in a small French village near Carcassonne reading the …
Duplicate Data in Microservices
So You Are Uncomfortable with Duplicate Data? If, like me, you’ve spent a reasonable amount of your career working with relational databases, where data is rationalised to avoid duplication, the idea of duplicating data across microservices …
Duplicate Data in Microservices
So You Are Uncomfortable with Duplicate Data? If, like me, you’ve spent a reasonable amount of your career working with relational databases, where data is rationalised to avoid duplication, the idea of duplicating data across microservices …
Why we probably shouldn’t have constexpr conditional operator
The idea I had a great idea. We have constexpr if, but no constexpr conditional operator. Time for a proposal? Since we can do stuff like this: Wouldn’t it be cool if we could also do My motivation was that I had a std::variant visitor that was identical for all types except one. So instead … Continue reading Why we probably shouldn’t have constexpr conditional operator
House Marks in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees
Last summer, in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees, I came across a House Mark above a barn door.
House Marks in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees
Last summer, in Ossun-ez-Angles, Haute Pyrenees, I came across a House Mark above a barn door.
Air-Source Heat Pump – 1 year later
10 months ago I wrote a blog post Air-Source Heat Pump – our experience so far, 2 months in about our new air source heat pump. Have a look back at that for photos of the device itself and more detail about installation etc. Less energy We used a lot l…
Deleted my Twitter account
Update: my twitter archive is here: Update: you can see the hacky scripts I used to build this, based on twitter-archive-parser. This evening I deleted my Twitter account. I’m feeling surprisingly unsettled by doing it, to …
IETF115 Trip Report (Can Matrix help messaging standardisation through MIMI?)
Geeks don’t like to be formal, but we do like to be precise. That is the contrast that comes to mind as I attend my first IETF meeting, IETF 115 in London in November 2022. Like most standards bodies, IETF appears to have been formed as a reaction to s…
WMI Performance Anomaly: Querying the Number of CPU Cores
As one of the few devs that both likes and is reasonably well-versed in PowerShell I became the point of contact for a colleague that was bemused by a performance oddity when querying the number of cores on a host. He was introducing Ninja into the bui…
WMI Performance Anomaly: Querying the Number of CPU Cores
As one of the few devs that both likes and is reasonably well-versed in PowerShell I became the point of contact for a colleague that was bemused by a performance oddity when querying the number of cores on a host. He was introducing Ninja into the bui…
How to build/upgrade emacs-mac using homebrew
In the time honored tradition of using one’s blog as an Internet-enabled notepad, here’s a quick not on how I build GNU Emacs on macOS using homebrew and the emacs-mac port cask: brew upgrade -s railwaycat/emacsmacport/emacs-mac –with-mac-…
The Tims by Eleanor Farjeon
From The Little Bookroom by Eleanor Farjeon via Eldrbarry There were five Tims all told, Old Tim, Big Tim, Little Tim, Young Tim and Baby Tim, and they were all born wise. So whenever something was the matter in the village, or anything went wrong, o…
The Tims by Eleanor Farjeon
From The Little Bookroom by Eleanor Farjeon via Eldrbarry There were five Tims all told, Old Tim, Big Tim, Little Tim, Young Tim and Baby Tim, and they were all born wise. So whenever something was the matter in the village, or anything went wrong, o…
A Review: Eversion by Alastair Reynolds
Eversionby Alastair ReynoldsISBN-13 : 978-0575090781There’s little to no sci-fi in the first 30% of this book and you’d be forgiven for thinking Reynolds was just indulging himself in a seafaring romp. There’s only a hint of sci-fi up to about half…
A Review: Eversion by Alastair Reynolds
Eversionby Alastair ReynoldsISBN-13 : 978-0575090781There’s little to no sci-fi in the first 30% of this book and you’d be forgiven for thinking Reynolds was just indulging himself in a seafaring romp. There’s only a hint of sci-fi up to about half…
Is this shampoo?
Mini-bottles in hotel bathrooms… Am I the only one who can’t read the writing on them? I mean the font size is tiny. You can’t read them. There’s just no way to tell which bottles are which. Shampoo? Conditioner? Body lotion? Moisturiser? Shower gel?…
Is this shampoo?
Mini-bottles in hotel bathrooms… Am I the only one who can’t read the writing on them? I mean the font size is tiny. You can’t read them. There’s just no way to tell which bottles are which. Shampoo? Conditioner? Body lotion? Moisturiser? Shower gel?…
Setting the text selection in a browser: just use setBaseAndExtent
The Selection API is confusing and weird. But, here’s what I’ve discovered: just use setBaseAndExtend, and when (rarely) needed, extend. Summary Every selection in a browser consists of: an “anchor” – the beginning, where you started dragging, and a “…
ARD & Winterfyleth at the Bread Shed
ARDFollowing a nightmare which is parking in Manchester and getting a meal on a Saturday night without booking, we walked into the Bread Shed just as ARD were getting going, minus my vinyl and CDs for signing!. The masterpiece which is Take Up My Bones…
ARD & Winterfyleth at the Bread Shed
ARDFollowing a nightmare which is parking in Manchester and getting a meal on a Saturday night without booking, we walked into the Bread Shed just as ARD were getting going, minus my vinyl and CDs for signing!. The masterpiece which is Take Up My Bones…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: The VisualLintConsole command line parser now accepts spaces between the name and value of a command line switch. As …
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: The VisualLintConsole command line parser now accepts spaces between the name and value of a command line switch. As …
Tips for contenteditables
I’ve been working a bit with contenteditable tags in my HTML, and learnt a couple of things, so here they are. Update: See also my demo of how to select text in various ways in a contenteditable. Why can’t I see the cursor inside an empty contenteditab…
Glory! Hammer!
Glory! Hammer! Were fantastic! They played well and were lots of fun as you’d expect. I mean who doesn’t like a gig to start with a cardboard cutout of Tom Jones and Delilah playing on the PA. The band were all dressed up – it must have been very…
2-day More Concurrent Thinking class at CppCon 2022
I am excited to be going to CppCon again this year, where I will be running a 2-day class: More Concurrent Thinking in C++: Beyond the Basics. The class is onsite at the conference venue in Aurora, Colorado, USA, on Saturday 10th September 2022 and Sun…
Outreachy August 2022 update
I had the pleasure of being a mentor this summer for an Outreachy internship for the Matrix organisation. Outreachy provides internships to people subject to systemic bias and impacted by underrepresentation in the technical industry where they are liv…
Microsoft C++ versions explained
Microsoft has five different version numbers to think about when it comes to C++. Here’s an attempt to explain what they all mean. Visual Studio versions What most people will see first is the Visual Studio release year. You’ll download Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio 2019 etc. These however also have a more normal major.minor … Continue reading Microsoft C++ versions explained
Transcoding video files for playback in a browser
ffmpeg -i original.mkv -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -ac 2 -ab 384000 -ar 48000 new.mp4 (Short answer: use the above ffmpeg command line. Read on for how I did this in Tdarr.) I recently discovered Jellyfin, which gives me a Netflix-like UI for viewing my own …
Matrix is a Distributed Real-time Database Video
Curious to know a bit more about Matrix? This video goes into the details of what kinds of requests you need to send to write a Matrix client, and why it’s interesting to write a Matrix server. Slides: Matrix is a Distributed Real-time Database Slides…
Building cross-platform Rust for Web, Android and iOS – a minimal example
One of the advantages of writing code in Rust is that it can be re-used in other places. Both iOS and Android allow using native libraries within your apps, and Rust compiles to native. Web pages can now use WebAssembly (WASM), and Rust can compile to …
Deporting desperate people from the UK
Letter to my MP on deporting refugees to Rwanda, 2022-06-06. Dear Ben Spencer, Please do what you can to reverse the policy of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. We are breaking our proud tradition of commitment to refugees. This policy seems to have th…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Added support for Codegear C++ Builder 11 Alexandria. Fixed a crash in the Visual Studio plugin when a file was opene…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Added support for Codegear C++ Builder 11 Alexandria. Fixed a crash in the Visual Studio plugin when a file was opene…
Improving my vimrc live on stream
I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with how crufty my neovim config was getting, and especially how I didn’t understand parts of it, so I decided to wipe it clean and rebuild it from scratch. I did it live on stream, to make it feel like a worth…
EnvDTE::DocumentEvents crash in VS2022 v17.1 Preview 2
Heads-up for anyone writing Visual Studio extensions that it looks like EnvDTE::DocumentEvents::DocumentOpening() has a regression or change in behaviour that can cause a crash freeing a BSTR if you use it in VS2022 v17.1 Preview 2 onwards. The interfa…
EnvDTE::DocumentEvents crash in VS2022 v17.1 Preview 2
Heads-up for anyone writing Visual Studio extensions that it looks like EnvDTE::DocumentEvents::DocumentOpening() has a regression or change in behaviour that can cause a crash freeing a BSTR if you use it in VS2022 v17.1 Preview 2 onwards. The interfa…
Letter to Anneliese Dodds on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Dear Anneliese Dodds, I learn from the BBC ( that “The UK is to phase out Russian oil by the end of the year” and “Russian imports account for 8% of total UK oil demand”. 8% is a small amount and the end of t…
Letter to Anneliese Dodds on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia
Dear Anneliese Dodds, I learn from the BBC ( that “The UK is to phase out Russian oil by the end of the year” and “Russian imports account for 8% of total UK oil demand”. 8% is a small amount and the end of t…
Migrating source code from RCS to Mercurial
Version control system migrations are a fact of life for developers in any longer lived codebase. In fact, I’ve had a hand in quite a few migrations as newer, more workable version control systems became available. Also, like a lot of developers,…
Comparison of Matrix events before and after “Extensible Events”
[Updated 2022-11-17 based on the new draft of the MSC, notably removing backwards compatibility and the abbreviated forms.] (Background: Matrix is the awesome open standard for messaging that I get to work on now that I work at Element.) The Extensible…
How can I pin dependent packages when using use-package?
I’ve been trying to up my use-package game recently and converted my hand rolled package check and installer to use-package. I usually prefer to use packages from melpa-stable so I pin the default package source used by use-package to melpa-stabl…
Another quick Isso setup tweak
While I was implementing a few more changes on my web server – mostly adding the sorely needed blacklistd configuration for sshd – I noticed that NGINX’s log was showing occasional errors when trying to contact the Isso process. They all had one …
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Fixed a bug in the handling of preprocessor symbol properties in Visual Studio projects. VisualLintGui will now open …
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: Fixed a bug in the handling of preprocessor symbol properties in Visual Studio projects. VisualLintGui will now open …
Air-Source Heat Pump – our experience so far, 2 months in
[Update: see also Air-Source Heat Pump – 1 year later.] Summary: less energy, more money 2 months ago, we replaced our gas boiler with an air-source heat pump, which uses electricity to heat our home and boiler. This is a report of our experience so fa…
Using Elliptical curve cryptography for TLS with Postfix, Dovecot and nginx
I may have mentioned this before – I do run my own virtual servers for important services (basically email and my web presence). I do this mostly for historic reasons and also because I’m not a huge fan of using centralised services for all of th…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: The Visual C++ project (.vcxproj) file parser now defines the value of _MSVC_LANG appropriately if /std:c++14, /std:c++…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This is a maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and includes the following changes: The Visual C++ project (.vcxproj) file parser now defines the value of _MSVC_LANG appropriately if /std:c++14, /std:c++…
Visual Lint and log4j (TL;DR: we don’t use it)
A good question from a customer given a bunch of headlines about security holes in the log4j logging library: Triggered by the recent log4j vulnerability our organisation is asking all our software vendors if their software is affected by it – and if …
Visual Lint and log4j (TL;DR: we don’t use it)
A good question from a customer given a bunch of headlines about security holes in the log4j logging library: Triggered by the recent log4j vulnerability our organisation is asking all our software vendors if their software is affected by it – and if …
Providing MapLibre-compatible style JSON from openstreetmap-tile-server
[Previous: Self-hosting maps on my laptop] In the previous post I showed how to run OSM tile server stack locally. Now I’ve managed to connect a MapLibre GL JS front end to my local tile server and it’s showing maps! Sharing a location in Element Web (…
Self-hosting maps on my laptop
[See also: Providing MapLibre-compatible style JSON from openstreetmap-tile-server] As part of my research for working on location sharing for Element Web, the Matrix-based instant messenger, I have been learning about tile servers. I managed to get OS…
Including data in Python packages
Every time I need to include data in a Python package, I find myself going in circles checking existing projects, blog posts, and every other resource I can find to figure out the right way to do it. For something so seemingly straightforward, including data in a package always turns …
Including data in Python packages
Every time I need to include data in a Python package, I find myself going in circles checking existing projects, blog posts, and every other resource I can find to figure out the right way to do it. For something so seemingly straightforward, including data in a package always turns …
Unborking my ISSO comments system and making it more resilient
First, I apologise for not noticing that the comments had been broken for a while. This was entirely my fault and not fault of ISSO, which I’m still super happy with as a self-hosted comments system. So in this post I’m going to describe wh…
Streaming to Twitch and PeerTube simultaneously using nginx on Oracle cloud
Simulcasting RTMP using NGINX I want people to be able to watch my Matrix and Rust live coding streams using free software, so I’d like to simulcast to PeerTube as well as Twitch. This is possible using NGINX and its RTMP module. It does involve buildi…
New game: Tron – frantic multiplayer retro action
My newest game is out now on Smolpxl Games – Tron: Play at It’s a frantic multiplayer retro pixellated thingy playable in your browser. Try to stay alive longer than everyone else! This version allows many players (up to 16 if …
Running Jest tests in VS Code with custom environment variables
Currently the most popular Jest test runner extension for VS Code is vscode-jest by Orta. For most common setups, this extension works without any configuration needed to VS Code. In my case, though, I needed to enable Node’s support for ECMAScript modules. The Jest documentation lists a few ways to …
Running Jest tests in VS Code with custom environment variables
Currently the most popular Jest test runner extension for VS Code is vscode-jest by Orta. For most common setups, this extension works without any configuration needed to VS Code. In my case, though, I needed to enable Node’s support for ECMAScript modules. The Jest documentation lists a few ways to …
Preventing Virgin Media hijacking my DNS
Yesterday I learned that Virgin Media is inserting itself into some of my DNS requests. Much as I am not a fan of how powerful Cloudflare are, if they are telling the truth about their DNS, then it’s safe, so I followed their instructions on how to use…
Visual Lint – a Clang download here, a CppCheck download there….
Visual Lint has now been released. The most notable changes in this build relate to configuration – in particular, the user interface now embeds links to the installers for open source analysis tools, which should make configuring Visual Lint…
Visual Lint – a Clang download here, a CppCheck download there….
Visual Lint has now been released. The most notable changes in this build relate to configuration – in particular, the user interface now embeds links to the installers for open source analysis tools, which should make configuring Visual Lint…
An Exception wrapper suitable for a RESTful API
User Story As a third line support engineer I want to be able to go to the server class that throws an exception reported by a client So that I do not need to look for the stack trace in the server logs Example Client code if (responseCode != …
An Exception wrapper suitable for a RESTful API
User Story As a third line support engineer I want to be able to go to the server class that throws an exception reported by a client So that I do not need to look for the stack trace in the server logs Example Client code if (responseCode != …
Chaining IF and && with CMD
An interesting bug cropped up the other day in a dub configuration file which made me realise I wasn’t consciously aware of the precedence of && when used in an IF statement with cmd.exe. Batch File Idioms I’ve written a ton of batch files ov…
Chaining IF and && with CMD
An interesting bug cropped up the other day in a dub configuration file which made me realise I wasn’t consciously aware of the precedence of && when used in an IF statement with cmd.exe. Batch File Idioms I’ve written a ton of batch files ov…
Upgrading my OpenBSD WireGuard server to in-kernel WireGuard
I’ve blogged about putting together a WireGuard server using OpenBSD a couple of years back. The main purpose of the server was to ensure a slightly more secure connection when I was on hotel WiFi. Of course thanks to the pandemic, I have barely …
Visual Lint adds support for Visual Studio 2022
Visual Lint has now been released. This a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and adds support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview: Visual Lint running within Visual Studio 2022 Preview 5.0 The following changes are incl…
Visual Lint adds support for Visual Studio 2022
Visual Lint has now been released. This a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0, and adds support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview: Visual Lint running within Visual Studio 2022 Preview 5.0 The following changes are incl…
Letter to my MP about climate emergency
[Introduction including details about my own air source heat pump install, and mention of the ending of the RHI funding in April 2022.] After I have installed an air source heat pump, I will pay more money to heat my home, even though I am using less e…
The difference between no move constructor and a deleted move constructor
It’s easy to think that deleting the move constructor means removing it. So if you do MyClass(MyClass&&) = delete , you make sure it doesn’t get a move constructor. This is however not technically correct. It might seem like a nitpick, but it actually gives you a less useful mental model of what’s going on. … Continue reading The difference between no move constructor and a deleted move constructor
Twenty Year Exit from the Oracle Ecosystem
The Oracle Ecosystem instance that I inheritted was designed from 2000 and went live in 2004. Its centre piece Oracle Workflow went end of life that year but had new versions through to 2007. In its own way it was a pinnacle of a certain view of softw…
Twenty Year Exit from the Oracle Ecosystem
The Oracle Ecosystem instance that I inheritted was designed from 2000 and went live in 2004. Its centre piece Oracle Workflow went end of life that year but had new versions through to 2007. In its own way it was a pinnacle of a certain view of softw…
ResOrg adds support for Visual Studio 2022
ResOrg has now been released. This a recommended maintenance update for ResOrg 2.0, and adds support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview: ResOrg running within Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4.1 The following changes are included in this bu…
ResOrg adds support for Visual Studio 2022
ResOrg has now been released. This a recommended maintenance update for ResOrg 2.0, and adds support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview: ResOrg running within Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4.1 The following changes are included in this bu…
The Woes of Windows Smartscreen
Windows Smartscreen is a great idea, but if you develop downloadable software for Windows it can sometimes be incredibly frustrating. That has certainly been our experience this year, as Windows has displayed the following warning when running every bu…
The Woes of Windows Smartscreen
Windows Smartscreen is a great idea, but if you develop downloadable software for Windows it can sometimes be incredibly frustrating. That has certainly been our experience this year, as Windows has displayed the following warning when running every bu…
Transient Expand-Archive Failures
[I’m sure there is something else going on here but on the off-chance someone else is also observing this and also lost at least they’ll know they’re not alone.] We have a GitLab project pipeline that started out as a monolithic job but over the last …
Transient Expand-Archive Failures
[I’m sure there is something else going on here but on the off-chance someone else is also observing this and also lost at least they’ll know they’re not alone.] We have a GitLab project pipeline that started out as a monolithic job but over the last …
New Job at Element (Matrix)
I started a new job today at Element! It has been a long-standing ambition of mine to work in Free and Open Source software, and I am very excited to work for a company that is the main developer of a really important project: the Matrix communication …
Lose the Source Luke?
We were writing a new service to distribute financial pricing data around the trading floor as a companion to our new desktop pricing tool. The plugin architecture allowed us to write modular components that could tap into the event streams for various…
Lose the Source Luke?
We were writing a new service to distribute financial pricing data around the trading floor as a companion to our new desktop pricing tool. The plugin architecture allowed us to write modular components that could tap into the event streams for various…
Migrating from my trusty 2009 Mac Pro to a 2020 Mac Mini M1
I’ve been using a 2009 cheesegrater Mac Pro for quite a while now. I bought it used quite a while ago – around 2013 if I remember correctly – and it’s been serving as my main photo/video/general programming workhorse, although the latter ta…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0 and includes the following changes: The Eclipse C/C++ project (.cproject) file reader now attempts to take into account buildTools.path and toolcha…
Visual Lint has been released
Visual Lint has now been released. This a recommended maintenance update for Visual Lint 8.0 and includes the following changes: The Eclipse C/C++ project (.cproject) file reader now attempts to take into account buildTools.path and toolcha…
The Case of the Curious Commit Message
I had taken a new contract at an investment bank and started working on a very mature codebase which was stored in ClearCase. As a long-time user [1] of version control systems one of the things that bugged me about the codebase were empty commit messa…