Business of Software Conference Europe

Products, the Universe and Everything from Products, the Universe and Everything

Kathy Sierra on 'Motivation Matters' at Business of Software Europe

Our founder Anna attended the Business of Software Europe Conference in Cambridge last week, and it was quite something indeed.

Although the Business of Software Conference has been running for several years in the USA, this is the first year an event has been held in Europe (and what better a place than Cambridge?). The conference covered everything from live Python telephony to the psychology of the internet and the organisation and management of sales teams, so it was pretty diverse.

If you are interested in more than just coding, this is an event we can strongly recommend. Photos and videos from the conference should be online soon, so if you are interested please stay tuned.

Business of Software Conference Europe

Products, the Universe and Everything from Products, the Universe and Everything

Kathy Sierra on 'Motivation Matters' at Business of Software Europe
Our founder Anna attended the Business of Software Europe Conference in Cambridge last week, and it was quite something indeed. Although the Business of Software Conference has been running for several years in the USA, this is the first year an event has been held in Europe (and what better a place than Cambridge?). The conference covered everything from live Python telephony to the psychology of the internet and the organisation and management of sales teams, so it was pretty diverse. If you are interested in more than just coding, this is an event we can strongly recommend. Photos and videos from the conference should be online soon, so if you are interested please stay tuned.

Sprinkler controller upgrade part II – the Pi(e)s have arrived

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

The Raspberry Pis have landed. Guess which box contains the sensitive electronics and is worth about twice as much as the other one: That’s right: Geez Amazon, what is it about the shoddy packing when it comes to items that are bought via Amazon Fulfillment Services? This is not the first time I got something that can only be described as badly packaged. The OpenSprinkler kit has also arrived, all I’m currently waiting for is a smaller memory card as the regular SD cards I bought are a little to big to fit into the OpenSprinkler case.

Resolving strong references between Swift and Objective-C classes – Using unowned and weak references from Swift to Objective-C classes

Pete Barber from C#, C++, Windows & other ramblings

My Swift and SpriteKit exploration continues. At the moment I'm writing the collision handling code.

Rather than derive game objects from SKSpriteNode with each derived class containing the code for handling collisions with the other types of game objects I'm following something akin to a Component-Entity model.

I have per-game-object handler classes of which an instance of each is stored in the actual SKSpriteNode's userData dictionary. In turn each handler instance has a reference to the SKSpriteNode that references it. Given ARC is used this is a classical strong-reference chain which will prevent memory from being freed. The usual solution to this in Objective-C is to have one of the references be weak. In Swift there are two types of weak references: weak which is the same as in Objective-C and unowned (which I think is new). The difference is that an unowned reference can never be nil, i.e. it's optional whether a weak pointer reference an object but an unowned pointer must always reference something. As such the member variable is always defined using let and must be initialized, i.e. an init method is required.

The following code shows how I was intending to implement this. There is the strong reference from node.UserData to PhysicsActions and then the unowned reference back again from PhysicsActions.

class PhysicsActions
  unowned let node : SKSpriteNode

  init(associatedNode : SKSpriteNode)
    // Store really weak (unowned) reference
    self.node = associatedNode

  func onContact(other : PhysicsActions)
     // Do stuff with node


class func makeNode(imageNamed name: String) -> SKSpriteNode
  let node = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: name)
  node.userData = NSMutableDictionary()
  // Store strong reference
  node.userData["action"] = makeActionFn(node)
  return node


However, when I went to use this code it crashed within the onContact method when it attempted to use the node. Changing this the reference type from unowned to weak fixed this, e.g.

weak let node : SKSpriteNode?

This verified that the rest of the code was ok so this seemed to look like another Swift/Objective-C interoperability issue. Firstly, I made a pure Swift example which is a simplified version from the The Swift Programming Language book.

class Foo
  var bar : Bar?

  func addBar(bar: Bar)
  { = bar

class Bar
  unowned let foo : Foo
  init(foo : Foo)
  { = foo

  func f()

var foo : Foo? = Foo()
var bar = Bar(foo: foo!)


Which works and results in:

foo:C14XXXUnownedTest3Foo (has 1 child)

Ok, not a fundamental problem but let's try having an unowned reference to an Objective-C class which is just like the real case as that's what SKSpriteNode is.


@interface Foo2 : NSObject


@implementation Foo2

  return [super init];



class Bar2
  unowned let foo2 : Foo2
  init(foo2 : Foo2)
    self.foo2 = foo2

  func f()

var foo2 = Foo2()
var bar2 = Bar2(foo2: foo2)

Which when foo2.f() is invoked results in:

0x100142420:  pushq  %rbp
0x100142421:  movq   %rsp, %rbp
0x100142424:  leaq   0x17597(%rip), %rax       ; "attempted to retain deallocated object"
0x10014242b:  movq   %rax, 0x348be(%rip)       ; gCRAnnotations + 8
0x100142432:  int3   
0x100142433:  nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)

Again, changing unowned let foo2 : Foo2 to weak var foo2 : Foo2? works. 

I can't explain what the actual problem is but it looks like the enhanced weak reference support (unowned) only works with pure Swift classes. If you have cyclic references to Objective-C classes from Swift then don't use unowned. In fact writing the previous sentence led me to try the following:

let orig = Foo2()
unowned let other = orig

No cyclic references, just an ordinary reference counted instance of Foo2 (the Objective-C class) which is then assigned to an unowned reference. The final call to println will keep the instance around until the end. This crashes as per the previous example when the other variable is accessed. Changing the type assigned to orig from Foo2 (Objective-C) to Foo (Swift) make it work.

Therefore it seems unowned should not be used to refer to Objective-C classes, just Swift classes.

Beware: Despite the docs SKNode userData is optional

Pete Barber from C#, C++, Windows & other ramblings

In the Swift documentation for SKNode the userData member (a dictionary) is defined as follows:


A dictionary containing arbitrary data.


var userData: NSMutableDictionary!


@property(nonatomic, retain) NSMutableDictionary *userData

However, in Objective-C the userData member is initially nil. Given that this is the same class then it should also be in Swift and using it, e.g.

let node = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: name)
node.userData["action"] = Action() // custom class

causes a crash:

fatal error: Can't unwrap Optional.None

This is because the it is in fact nil despite the '!' following the Swift definition. This must be a documentation bug. The correct code is:

let node = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: name)
node.userData = NSMutableDictionary()
node.userData["action"] = Action() // custom class

The latest project – improving the home’s sprinkler system, part I of probably a lot

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I normally don’t play much with hardware, mainly because there isn’t/wasn’t much I want to do that tends to require hardware that’s not a regular PC or maybe a phone or tablet. This one is different, because no self-respecting geek would want the usual rotary control “programmable” timer to run their sprinkler system, would they? We do live at the edge of the desert and we have pretty strict watering restrictions here.

I prefer ConEmu over Console2, and so should you…

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

OK, I admit it - I’m a dinosaur. I still use the command line a lot as I’m subscribing to the belief that I can often type faster than I can move my hand off the keyboard to the mouse, click, and move my hand back. Plus, I grew up in an era when the command line was what you got when you turned on the computer, and Windows 2.0 or GEM was a big improvement.

Python’s super(): Not as Simple as You Thought

Austin Bingham from Good With Computers

Python's super() is one of those aspects of the language that many developers use without really understanding what it does or how it works. [1] To many people, super() is simply how you access your base-class's implementation of a method. And while this is true, it's far from the full story.

In this series I want to look at the mechanics and some of the theory behind super(). I want to show that, far from just letting you access your base-class, Python's super() is the key to some interesting and elegant design options that promote composability, separation of concerns, and long-term maintainability. In this first article I'll introduce a small set of classes, and in these classes we'll find a bit of a mystery. In subsequent articles we'll investigate this mystery by seeing how Python's super() really works, looking at topics like method resolution order, the C3 algorithm, and proxy objects.

In the end, you'll find that super() is both more complex than you probably expected, yet also surprisingly elegant and easy-to-understand. This improved understanding of super() will help you understand and appreciate Python on at a deeper level, and it will give you new tools for developing your own Python code.

A note on Python versions

This series is written using Python 3, and some of the examples and concepts don't apply completely to Python 2. In particular, this series assumes that classes are "new-style" classes. ((For a discussion of the difference between "old-style" and "new-style" classes, see the Python wiki.)) In Python 3 all classes are new-style, while in Python 2 you have to explicitly inherit from object to be a new-style class.

For example, where we might use the following Python 3 code in this series:

class IntList:
    . . .

the equivalent Python 2 code would be:

class IntList(object):
    . . .

Also, throughout this series we'll call super() with no arguments. This is only supported in Python 3, but it has an equivalent form in Python 2. In general, when you see a method like this:

class IntList:
    def add(self, x):

the equivalent Python 2 code has to pass the class name and self to super(), like this:

class IntList:
    def add(self, x):
        super(IntList, self).add(x)

If any other Python2/3 differences occur in the series, I'll be sure to point them out. [2]

The Mystery of the SortedIntList

To begin, we're going to define a small family of classes that implement some constrained list-like functionality. These classes form a diamond inheritance graph like this:

Inheritance graph

At the root of these classes is SimpleList:

class SimpleList:
    def __init__(self, items):
        self._items = list(items)

    def add(self, item):

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self._items[index]

    def sort(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._items)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}({!r})".format(

SimpleList uses a standard list internally, and it provides a smaller, more limited API for interacting with the list data. This may not be a very realistic class from a practical point of view, but, as you'll see, it let's us explore some interesting aspects of inheritance relationships in Python.

Next let's create a subclass of SimpleList which keeps the list contents sorted. We'll call this class SortedList:

class SortedList(SimpleList):
    def __init__(self, items=()):

    def add(self, item):

The initializer calls SimpleList's initializer and then immediately uses SimpleList.sort() to sort the contents. SortedList also overrides the add method on SimpleList to ensure that the list always remains sorted.

In SortedList we already see a call to super(), and the intention of this code is pretty clear. In SortedList.add(), for example, super() is used to call SimpleList.add() - that is, deferring to the base-class - before sorting the list contents. There's nothing mysterious going on...yet.

Next let's define IntList, a SimpleList subclass which only allows integer elements. This list subclass prevents the insertion of non-integer elements, and it does so by using the isinstance() function:

class IntList(SimpleList):
    def __init__(self, items=()):
        for item in items: self._validate(item)

    def _validate(cls, item):
        if not isinstance(item, int):
            raise TypeError(
                '{} only supports integer values.'.format(

    def add(self, item):

You'll immediately notice that IntList is structurally similar to SortedList. It provides its own initializer and, like SortedList, overrides the add() method to perform extra checks. In this case, IntList calls its _validate() method on every item that goes into the list. _validate() uses isinstance() to check the type of the candidates, and if a candidate is not an instance of int, _validate() raises a TypeError.

Chances are, neither SortedList nor IntList are particularly surprising. They both use super() for the job that most people find most natural: calling base-class implementations. With that in mind, then, let's introduce one more class, SortedIntList, which inherits from both SortedList and IntList, and which enforces both constraints at once:

class SortedIntList(IntList, SortedList):

It doesn't look like much, does it? We've simply defined a new class and given it two base classes. In fact, we haven't added any new implementation code at all. But if we go to the REPL we can see that it works as we expect. The initializer sorts the input sequence:

>>> sil = SortedIntList([42, 23, 2])
>>> sil
SortedIntList([2, 23, 42])

but rejects non-integer values:

>>> SortedIntList([3, 2, '1'])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 43, in __init__
    for x in items: self._validate(x)
  File "", line 49, in _validate
    raise TypeError(
                '{} only supports integer values.'.format(
TypeError: SortedIntList only supports integer values.

Likewise, add() maintains both the sorting and type constraints defined by the base classes:

>>> sil.add(-1234)
>>> sil
SortedIntList([-1234, 2, 23, 42])
>>> sil.add('the smallest uninteresting number')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 45, in add
  File "", line 42, in _validate
    raise TypeError(
                '{} only supports integer values.'.format(
TypeError: SortedIntList only supports integer values.

You should spend some time playing with SortedIntList to convince yourself that it works as expected. You can get the code here.

It may not be immediately apparent how all of this works, though. After all, both IntList and SortedList define add(). How does Python know which add() to call? More importantly, since both the sorting and type constraints are being enforced by SortedIntList, how does Python seem to know to call both of them? This is the mystery that this series will unravel, and the answers to these questions have to do with the method resolution order we mentioned earlier, along with the details of how super() really works. So stay tuned!

[1]If you do know how it works, then congratulations! This series probably isn't for you. But believe me, lots of people don't.
[2]For a detailed look at the differences between the language versions, see Guido's list of differences.

Python’s super() explained

Austin Bingham from Good With Computers

You probably already know how to use Python's super() to call base-class implementations of methods. But do you really know what it's doing? The details of super() are elegant, interesting, and powerful, and while super() is probably more complex than you expect, it's also surprisingly easy to understand. In this series we'll explore super() by first uncovering a bit of a mystery. To resolve the mystery, we'll look a bit under Python's hood to see how super() really works.