ACCU World of Code

  • FreeGuide source layout (and SVN migration)

    Christian and others have pointed out lots of problems with the source code layout in FreeGuide. The biggest problem is that each plugin has its own source tree which makes it very difficult to set up in an IDE like Eclipse. I knew it needed doing, and…

  • Letter to Linux Journal

    Dear LJ, I’d like to start by saying thank you very much for the years of quality articles and features that your magazine has provided. I eagerly await the arrival of each month’s copy as it jets over the Atlantic to my doorstep. LJ has always provide…

  • Linux Journal slides

    jdub notes that Linux Journal is going to the dogs. If the only change were to the back page I could get over it and move on, but so far I am about half way through the latest issue (March 2006?) and I’ve read nothing but opinion pieces. I can get all …

  • Donation

    Forgot to mention: I got my first non-anonymous donation to the FreeGuide project – Steve Fuller sent in a donation along with a request (but with no implication of linkage ;). Thanks Steve! It never ceases to amaze me how Americans will donate to proj…

  • FreeGuide update

    I have very little time for FreeGuide at the moment. Part of the problem is that there are lots of boring bugs to fix instead of interesting new features, and it’s hard to motivate myself to get into it. I am really keen on making it Just Work every ti…

  • Faster Poker Analysis

    Forgot to mention that I also have one other optimisation up my sleeve: instead of fully analysing each hand I could only do that when I need it i.e. when the hand type is the same, so I could just return “flush” and only if your opponent also has a fl…

  • Poker Analysis

    I’ve just requested sourceforge space for my latest mini-project: Poker Analysis. I’ve been a big fan of poker for years, and am pleased to see everyone is catching up with me finally with the boom of Internet poker. I’ve started playing a little onlin…

  • Podcasts I listen to

    I use a modestly-modified BashPodder to download my podcasts (Internet radio shows) automatically every night, and sort them into different directories. If anyone is interested in my modifications, do ask and I can send them to you. I haven’t sent them…

  • Setting up my ideal email system 4

    Sending mail I used to do something clever with sendmail, but then spamcop blocked my computer because it apparently wasn’t set up properly, so now I use my ISP’s smtp server like everyone else. When I need to tunnel in I simply create a tunnel from lo…

  • I spawn

  • Setting up my ideal email system 3

    Fetchmail setup My ISP provides my email by POP3, so I use fetchmail to download it every 10 minutes. I created a file .fetchmailrc file in my home directory that looks like this: # Configuration created Wed Jul 27 06:43:07 2005 by fetchmailconf set po…

  • FreeGuide 0.10pre2

    So I’ve put out FreeGuide version 0.10pre2, and then a little bug-fix release because the Linux RPMs were broken. By calling this 0.10pre2-2 I managed to annoy my faithful Gentoo packager Christian, and myself, but at the time it seemed too much hassle…

  • Setting up my ideal email system 2

    Setting up Mozilla Thunderbird On the same machine that was running Dovecot, I set up Thunderbird to be able to access my email. I did this by creating a new email account (which I called “Andy IMAP”), choosing “localhost” as the server, and entering t…

  • Setting up my ideal email system

    Recently I have managed to get pretty much my ideal email system set up. This is the kind of thing that would simply be impossible on a Windows box, but (when you know how) is a quick job on Linux. I didn’t know how, but now I do (ish). I’m going to do…

  • Just a little bit longer…

    Now that my Christian youth holiday is over, I’ve got just one more major job to do before I can get back to working on FreeGuide: my thesis corrections. I don’t know how long it’s going to take, but it will certainly be painful. It might be best to av…

  • BashPodder

    I really must get BashPodder working, not only to download my two favourite Linux shows TLLTS and LugRadio but also because Radio 4 has started making Today and the best radio programme out there, From Our Own Correspondent available for podcast downlo…

  • Python objects in C++

    Sometime I find myself thinking in Python. Or, accurately, wistfully thinking of Python. Raw C++ is completely hamstrung when it comes to simple concepts like handling strings or dealing with lists (maybe BOOST is better?). Why can’t I just do this: re…

  • CD writing on Fedora Core 3

    I’m now thing of moving off Fedora Core 3 (probably to Ubuntu, or maybe FC4 for the Java stuff) and it turns out I’ve never written a CD from it, because when I tried it didn’t work: I kept getting the message “cdrecord: Success. Cannot open SCSI drive…

  • Prince of Persia – The Sands of Time

    arrived through the post from ebay yesterday. It is superb. Exactly my kind of game, and with loads of features from the old game (one of my favourites of all time), all updated and made even more beautiful. It is incredibly atmospheric, and so far the…

  • Personal stuff is boring

    …and I am not a big fan of pictures in blogs, but this is a special occasion: World domination is nigh. Soon we shall all be Balaams.

  • Sourceforge

    I have requested a Sourceforge project for DIYBlog, and it just struck me again how utterly fantastic Sourceforge is. What would the Free and Open Source Software world be like now without Sourceforge? A lot poorer, I reckon. I’m desperately trying to …

  • London

    London is a little quieter than normal this morning, but still pretty busy. It seems like most people are going to work, although some are having to walk. There are definitely fewer tourists on the streets.

  • London terrorist attacks

    As a largely unmilitarised country, Britain (like many other Western countries) is a soft target for terrorists. But that very softness makes attacking us in this way pointless: it’s like punching a sponge. We won’t change – we like our country how it …

  • The dangers of learning to code

    I was speaking to someone over the weekend who works in HR and has been enjoying making various Microsoft Access databases to do useful things for work. I warned her she might get the programming bug and then never be able to stop. Then I realised she …

  • Train gaming

    For my train journey, I ended up downloading a few emulators that didn’t work, and a few games that didn’t work, but what did work was the PC version of Prince of Persia, and the PC version of Cannon Fodder, both of which were very enjoyable. Especiall…

  • Constantly changing passwords

    I know it’s supposed to be best practice to force users to change their passwords regularly, but how are we supposed to remember them? I wonder whether anyone has done any research into passwords becoming lower quality as people are asked to change the…

  • Gaming on the move

    We’re taking a 4.5 hour train ride to Leeds at the weekend, and then even longer on the way home, so I am hoping to entertain myself using a Windows 2000 laptop with no CD drive. The options I’m thinking of are: Pingus Prince of Persia on WinUAE Conti…

  • ATV Palm export

    We’ve already had a bug report/feature request for the ATV Palm plugin Alex wrote, so it’s obviously going to be pretty popular. It’s really great that Alex is doing so much work on FreeGuide at the moment. We are having our disagreements here and ther…

  • Nearing a new release

    FreeGuide is hopefully nearing a new release. Alex has been working on the plugins system, and hopefully I will be able to test it this week. If it works ok, we’ll release it as unstable, and then with a few bug fixes we should be able to make the next…

  • DIYPlanet

    When I wrote DIYBlog it occurred to me that what I was writing would translate into a blog aggregator pretty easily, and so I’m working on making that so. I’d like to start a little community of Java developers who are working on small free and open so…

  • Re-implementing

    Been discussing with Alex about the dangers of re-implementing – he wants to simplify the command-line arguments code in FreeGuide, but rather than modifying the existing code, he’s re-written it. The problem with re-writing is that old code usually ha…

  • Honestly my last post about my viva

    …for a while. Woke up at 4.30am today having awful dreams about how none of the code worked. My dreams transposed the problems I am trying to solve at work onto the code I need to write for my corrections. I couldn’t stand it any longer so I got up a…

  • Corrections

    Well, I passed, so I should be happy, but I’ve got to do some corrections before I become a doctor, so I’m feeling disappointed, but really I’m very close to finally achieving what I’ve worked so hard for. Just one last push.

  • Viva today

    Today I find out whether I get a PhD. I’ve been strangely not-nervous about it, although I’ve woken up pretty early this morning. It’s difficult to `revise’ since most of what we’ll be talking about is what I wrote. I’ve been trying to refresh my memor…

  • Mnemonic

    I made a page for the band Pete Beresford and me had when we were at uni. You can download the 3 songs I was getting around to sending to John Peel. If you like your metal instrumental and a tiny bit Propellorheads, it might be for you: Mnemonic. If yo…

  • FreeGuide’s TODO list

    Take a look at the latest TODO list. There are several categories of things on it: Already done e.g. “Add firefox to the possible browsers.” Completeness features e.g. “Use Java’s printing capabilities to print” Feature creep e.g. “Automatically make …

  • FreeGuide packaging and plugins

    I couldn’t sleep last night, I think because my viva for my DPhil (PhD) is coming up on Monday. Work is going to be a struggle, but at least I got a chance to think about FreeGuide. Alex is working on a plugins system (it’s sort-of-working in CVS) that…

  • DIYBlog

    I’ve made a page about how I’m making this blog, here: DIYBlog. I may even get around to putting it on freshmeat at some point, and if others want to contribute I may even put it on SourceForge.

  • RSS working?

    I think I’ve managed to work out a system to make RSS work. Basically I write my blog entries into a raw RSS file, and then run a little Python script to add ids, links etc. and generate an HTML page from that. It’s been a hassle to write (mainly due t…

  • Prediction: corporate Linux

    By Thursday 9th June 2015 30% of corporate desktop computers will be running operating systems (and desktop environments) which satisfy the Open Source Definition.

  • Guilty Expression

    Having previously been the anonymous benevolent dictator of Guilty Expression I have decided to become non-anonymous and I’ll just have to make sure what I write there is either acceptable or I’ll have to log out before I write it. Guilty Expression is…

  • RSS

    I really should provide an RSS feed. Does anyone know of a good reference on the simplest form of RSS that I can use to auto-generate some RSS from the HTML of this page? I’m prepared to do a little python coding to make it happen. Give me an email if …

  • A real job

    Getting used to working is an interesting thing. I haven’t been as tired as I thought I might be, probably partly because I got into a routine of getting up at 7am with my wife (she was working while I did my PhD). However, the weirdness of how much of…

  • What is going on with FreeGuide?

    I thought I’d write a little bit about FreeGuide, since I’m planning to link this page off the FreeGuide page. I’m the lead developer on FreeGuide, and having just started a new job (which so far is excellent) my free time is seriously limited, especia…

  • Google

    Can’t decide what to think about Google. I was very suspicious about gmail, and this whole portal business is very boring, and _so_ corporate, but you really can’t argue with sponsoring open source contributions, can you? If doing this kind of thing st…

  • Beginning blog

    I’ve decided to start writing a blog, not least to convince people that although my work on open source projects (especially FreeGuide) has slowed down, it has not slipped out of my mind. Quite the opposite: I’m finding my lack of time very frustrating…