Migrating videos from YouTube to PeerTube inside a Docker container

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

I have quite a few videos hosted on YouTube that I would like to upload to my new PeerTube location, but I don’t want to install all the PeerTube dependencies on my machine, so I did it all inside a Docker image.

First I built and started a Docker container:

$ git clone https://github.com/chocobozzz/PeerTube /tmp/peertube
$ cd /tmp/peertube
$ docker build . -f ./support/docker/production/Dockerfile.stretch --tag peertube
$ docker run --tty --interactive peertube bash

Then I ran these commands inside it:

# yarn install --production=false
# node dist/server/tools/import-videos.js -u "https://peertube.mastodon.host" -U "andybalaam" -t "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG0qRDrUPpA"

Of course, it would be better to write this up into its own Dockerfile to make this a one-liner.

References: PeerTube Docker setup, PeerTube video import.