Making 100 million requests with Python aiohttp

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Series: asyncio basics, large numbers in parallel, parallel HTTP requests, adding to stdlib

I’ve been working on how to make a very large number of HTTP requests using Python’s asyncio and aiohttp.

PaweÅ‚ Miech’s post Making 1 million requests with python-aiohttp taught me how to think about this, and got us a long way, with 1 million requests running in a reasonable time, but I need to go further.

PaweÅ‚’s approach limits the number of requests that are in progress, but it uses an unbounded amount of memory to hold the futures that it wants to execute.

We can avoid using unbounded memory by using the limited_as_completed function I outined in my previous post.



We have a server program “server”:

(Note it differs from PaweÅ‚’s version because I am using an older version of aiohttp which has fewer convenient features.)

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5

from aiohttp import web
import asyncio
import random

async def handle(request):
    await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(0, 3))
    return web.Response(text="Hello, World!")

async def init():
    app = web.Application()
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/{name}', handle)
    return await loop.create_server(
        app.make_handler(), '', 8080)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This just responds “Hello, World!” to every request it receives, but after an artificial delay of 0-3 seconds.

Synchronous client

As a baseline, we have a synchronous client “client-sync”:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5

import requests
import sys

url = "http://localhost:8080/{}"
for i in range(int(sys.argv[1])):

This waits for each request to complete before making the next one. Like the other clients below, it takes the number of requests to make as a command-line argument.

Async client using semaphores

Copied mostly verbatim from Making 1 million requests with python-aiohttp we have an async client “client-async-sem” that uses a semaphore to restrict the number of requests that are in progress at any time to 1000:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5

from aiohttp import ClientSession
import asyncio
import sys

limit = 1000

async def fetch(url, session):
    async with session.get(url) as response:
        return await

async def bound_fetch(sem, url, session):
    # Getter function with semaphore.
    async with sem:
        await fetch(url, session)

async def run(session, r):
    url = "http://localhost:8080/{}"
    tasks = []
    # create instance of Semaphore
    sem = asyncio.Semaphore(limit)
    for i in range(r):
        # pass Semaphore and session to every GET request
        task = asyncio.ensure_future(bound_fetch(sem, url.format(i), session))
    responses = asyncio.gather(*tasks)
    await responses

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
with ClientSession() as session:
    loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.ensure_future(run(session, int(sys.argv[1]))))

Async client using limited_as_completed

The new client I am presenting here uses limited_as_completed from the previous post. This means it can make a generator that provides the futures to wait for as they are needed, instead of making them all at the beginning.

It is called “client-async-as-completed”:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5

from aiohttp import ClientSession
import asyncio
from itertools import islice
import sys

def limited_as_completed(coros, limit):
    futures = [
        for c in islice(coros, 0, limit)
    async def first_to_finish():
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            for f in futures:
                if f.done():
                        newf = next(coros)
                    except StopIteration as e:
                    return f.result()
    while len(futures) > 0:
        yield first_to_finish()

async def fetch(url, session):
    async with session.get(url) as response:
        return await

limit = 1000

async def print_when_done(tasks):
    for res in limited_as_completed(tasks, limit):
        await res

r = int(sys.argv[1])
url = "http://localhost:8080/{}"
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
with ClientSession() as session:
    coros = (fetch(url.format(i), session) for i in range(r))

Again, this limits the number of requests to 1000.

Test setup

Finally, we have a test runner script called “timed”:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

./server &
sleep 1 # Wait for server to start

/usr/bin/time --format "Memory usage: %MKB\tTime: %e seconds" "$@"

# %e Elapsed real (wall clock) time used by the process, in seconds.
# %M Maximum resident set size of the process in Kilobytes.

kill %1

This runs each process, ensuring the server is restarted each time it runs, and prints out how long it took to run, and how much memory it used.


When making only 10 requests, the async clients worked faster because they launched all the requests simultaneously and only had to wait for the longest one (3 seconds). The memory usage of all three clients was fine:

$ ./timed ./client-sync 10
Memory usage: 20548KB	Time: 15.16 seconds
$ ./timed ./client-async-sem 10
Memory usage: 24996KB	Time: 3.13 seconds
$ ./timed ./client-async-as-completed 10
Memory usage: 23176KB	Time: 3.13 seconds

When making 100 requests, the synchronous client was very slow, but all three clients worked eventually:

$ ./timed ./client-sync 100
Memory usage: 20528KB	Time: 156.63 seconds
$ ./timed ./client-async-sem 100
Memory usage: 24980KB	Time: 3.21 seconds
$ ./timed ./client-async-as-completed 100
Memory usage: 24904KB	Time: 3.21 seconds

At this point let’s agree that life is too short to wait for the synchronous client.

When making 10000 requests, both async clients worked quite quickly, and both had increased memory usage, but the semaphore-based one used almost twice as much memory as the limited_as_completed version:

$ ./timed ./client-async-sem 10000
Memory usage: 77912KB	Time: 18.10 seconds
$ ./timed ./client-async-as-completed 10000
Memory usage: 46780KB	Time: 17.86 seconds

For 1 million requests, the semaphore-based client took 25 minutes on my (32GB RAM) machine. It only used about 10% of my CPU, and it used a lot of memory (over 3GB):

$ ./timed ./client-async-sem 1000000
Memory usage: 3815076KB	Time: 1544.04 seconds

Note: PaweÅ‚’s version only took 9 minutes on his laptop and used all his CPU, so I wonder whether I have made a mistake somewhere, or whether my version of Python (3.5.2) is not as good as a later one.

The limited_as_completed version ran in a similar amount of time but used 100% of my CPU, and used a much smaller amount of memory (162MB):

$ ./timed ./client-async-as-completed 1000000
Memory usage: 162168KB	Time: 1505.75 seconds

Now let’s try 100 million requests. The semaphore-based version lasted 10 hours before it was killed by Linux’s OOM Killer, but it didn’t manage to make any requests in this time, because it creates all its futures before it starts making requests:

$ ./timed ./client-async-sem 100000000
Command terminated by signal 9

I left the limited_as_completed version over the weekend and it managed to succeed eventually:

$ ./timed ./client-async-as-completed 100000000
Memory usage: 294304KB	Time: 150213.15 seconds

So its memory usage was still very bounded, and it managed to do about 665 requests/second over an extended period, which is almost identical to the throughput of the previous cases.


Making a million requests is usually enough, but when we really need to do a lot of work while keeping our memory usage bounded, it looks like an approach like limited_as_completed is a good way to go. I also think it’s slightly easier to understand.

In the next post I describe my attempt to get something like this added to the Python standard library.

Python – printing UTC dates in ISO8601 format with time zone

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

By default, when you make a UTC date from a Unix timestamp in Python and print it in ISO format, it has no time zone:

$ python3
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1496998804).isoformat()

Whenever you talk about a datetime, I think you should always include a time zone, so I find this problematic.

The solution is to mention the timezone explicitly when you create the datetime:

$ python3
>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1496998804, tz=timezone.utc).isoformat()

Note, including the timezone explicitly works the same way when creating a datetime in other ways:

$ python3
>>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
>>> datetime(2017, 6, 9).isoformat()
>>> datetime(2017, 6, 9, tzinfo=timezone.utc).isoformat()

Python 3 – large numbers of tasks with limited concurrency

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Series: asyncio basics, large numbers in parallel, parallel HTTP requests, adding to stdlib

I am interested in running large numbers of tasks in parallel, so I need something like asyncio.as_completed, but taking an iterable instead of a list, and with a limited number of tasks running concurrently. First, let’s try to build something pretty much equivalent to asyncio.as_completed. Here is my attempt, but I’d welcome feedback from readers who know better:

# Note this is not a coroutine - it returns
# an iterator - but it crucially depends on
# work being done inside the coroutines it
# yields - those coroutines empty out the
# list of futures it holds, and it will not
# end until that list is empty.
def my_as_completed(coros):

    # Start all the tasks
    futures = [asyncio.ensure_future(c) for c in coros]

    # A coroutine that waits for one of the
    # futures to finish and then returns
    # its result.
    async def first_to_finish():

        # Wait forever - we could add a
        # timeout here instead.
        while True:

            # Give up control to the scheduler
            # - otherwise we will spin here
            # forever!
            await asyncio.sleep(0)

            # Return anything that has finished
            for f in futures:
                if f.done():
                    return f.result()

    # Keep yielding a waiting coroutine
    # until all the futures have finished.
    while len(futures) > 0:
        yield first_to_finish()

The above can be substituted for asyncio.as_completed in the code that uses it in the first article, and it seems to work. It also makes a reasonable amount of sense to me, so it may be correct, but I’d welcome comments and corrections.

my_as_completed above accepts an iterable and returns a generator producing results, but inside it starts all tasks concurrently, and stores all the futures in a list. To handle bigger lists we will need to do better, by limiting the number of running tasks to a sensible number.

Let’s start with a test program:

import asyncio
async def mycoro(number):
    print("Starting %d" % number)
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0 / number)
    print("Finishing %d" % number)
    return str(number)

async def print_when_done(tasks):
    for res in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        print("Result %s" % await res)

coros = [mycoro(i) for i in range(1, 101)]

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This uses asyncio.as_completed to run 100 tasks and, because I adjusted the asyncio.sleep command to wait longer for earlier tasks, it prints something like this:

$ time python3
Starting 47
Starting 93
Starting 48
Finishing 93
Finishing 94
Finishing 95
Result 93
Result 94
Result 95
Finishing 46
Finishing 45
Finishing 42
Finishing 2
Result 2
Finishing 1
Result 1

real    0m1.590s
user    0m0.600s
sys 0m0.072s

So all 100 tasks were completed in 1.5 seconds, indicating that they really were run in parallel, but all 100 were allowed to run at the same time, with no limit.

We can adjust the test program to run using our customised my_as_completed function, and pass in an iterable of coroutines instead of a list by changing the last part of the program to look like this:

async def print_when_done(tasks):
    for res in my_as_completed(tasks):
        print("Result %s" % await res)
coros = (mycoro(i) for i in range(1, 101))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

But we get similar output to last time, with all tasks running concurrently.

To limit the number of concurrent tasks, we limit the size of the futures list, and add more as needed:

from itertools import islice
def limited_as_completed(coros, limit):
    futures = [
        for c in islice(coros, 0, limit)
    async def first_to_finish():
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(0)
            for f in futures:
                if f.done():
                        newf = next(coros)
                    except StopIteration as e:
                    return f.result()
    while len(futures) > 0:
        yield first_to_finish()

We start limit tasks at first, and whenever one ends, we ask for the next coroutine in coros and set it running. This keeps the number of running tasks at or below limit until we start running out of input coroutines (when next throws and we don’t add anything to futures), then futures starts emptying until we eventually stop yielding coroutine objects.

I thought this function might be useful to others, so I started a little repo over here and added it: asyncioplus/ Please provide merge requests and log issues to improve it – maybe it should be part of standard Python?

When we run the same example program, but call limited_as_completed instead of the other versions:

async def print_when_done(tasks):
    for res in limited_as_completed(tasks, 10):
        print("Result %s" % await res)
coros = (mycoro(i) for i in range(1, 101))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

We see output like this:

$ time python3
Starting 1
Starting 2
Starting 9
Starting 10
Finishing 10
Result 10
Starting 11
Finishing 100
Result 100
Finishing 1
Result 1

real	0m1.535s
user	0m1.436s
sys	0m0.084s

So we can see that the tasks are still running concurrently, but this time the number of concurrent tasks is limited to 10.

See also

To achieve a similar result using semaphores, see Python asyncio.semaphore in async-await function and Making 1 million requests with python-aiohttp.

It feels like limited_as_completed is more re-usable as an approach but I’d love to hear others’ thoughts on this. E.g. could/should I use a semaphore to implement limited_as_completed instead of manually holding a queue?

Basic ideas of Python 3 asyncio concurrency

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Series: asyncio basics, large numbers in parallel, parallel HTTP requests, adding to stdlib

Python 3’s asyncio module and the async and await keywords combine to allow us to do cooperative concurrent programming, where a code path voluntarily yields control to a scheduler, trusting that it will get control back when some resource has become available (or just when the scheduler feels like it). This way of programming can be very confusing, and has been popularised by Twisted in the Python world, and nodejs (among others) in other worlds.

I have been trying to get my head around the basic ideas as they surface in Python 3’s model. Below are some definitions and explanations that have been useful to me as I tried to grasp how it all works.

Futures and coroutines are both things that you can wait for.

You can make a coroutine by declaring it with async def:

import asyncio
async def mycoro(number):
    print("Starting %d" % number)
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("Finishing %d" % number)
    return str(number)

Almost always, a coroutine will await something such as some blocking IO. (Above we just sleep for a second.) When we await, we actually yield control to the scheduler so it can do other work and wake us up later, when something interesting has happened.

You can make a future out of a coroutine, but often you don’t need to. Bear in mind that if you do want to make a future, you should use ensure_future, but this actually runs what you pass to it – it doesn’t just create a future:

myfuture1 = asyncio.ensure_future(mycoro(1))
# Runs mycoro!

But, to get its result, you must wait for it – it is only scheduled in the background:

# Assume mycoro is defined as above
myfuture1 = asyncio.ensure_future(mycoro(1))
# We end the program without waiting for the future to finish

So the above fails like this:

$ python3 ./
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<mycoro() running at ./python-async:10>>
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'mycoro' was never awaited

The right way to block waiting for a future outside of a coroutine is to ask the event loop to do it:

# Keep on assuming mycoro is defined as above for all the examples
myfuture1 = asyncio.ensure_future(mycoro(1))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Now this works properly (although we’re not yet getting any benefit from being asynchronous):

$ python3
Starting 1
Finishing 1

To run several things concurrently, we make a future that is the combination of several other futures. asyncio can make a future like that out of coroutines using asyncio.gather:

several_futures = asyncio.gather(
    mycoro(1), mycoro(2), mycoro(3))
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

The three coroutines all run at the same time, so this only takes about 1 second to run, even though we are running 3 tasks, each of which takes 1 second:

$ python3
Starting 3
Starting 1
Starting 2
Finishing 3
Finishing 1
Finishing 2
['1', '2', '3']

asyncio.gather won’t necessarily run your coroutines in order, but it will return a list of results in the same order as its input.

Notice also that run_until_complete returns the result of the future created by gather – a list of all the results from the individual coroutines.

To do the next bit we need to know how to call a coroutine from a coroutine. As we’ve already seen, just calling a coroutine in the normal Python way doesn’t run it, but gives you back a “coroutine object”. To actually run the code, we need to wait for it. When we want to block everything until we have a result, we can use something like run_until_complete but in an async context we want to yield control to the scheduler and let it give us back control when the coroutine has finished. We do that by using await:

import asyncio
async def f2():
    print("start f2")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("stop f2")
async def f1():
    print("start f1")
    await f2()
    print("stop f1")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This prints:

$ python3
start f1
start f2
stop f2
stop f1

Now we know how to call a coroutine from inside a coroutine, we can continue.

We have seen that asyncio.gather takes in some futures/coroutines and returns a future that collects their results (in order).

If, instead, you want to get results as soon as they are available, you need to write a second coroutine that deals with each result by looping through the results of asyncio.as_completed and awaiting each one.

# Keep on assuming mycoro is defined as at the top
async def print_when_done(tasks):
    for res in asyncio.as_completed(tasks):
        print("Result %s" % await res)
coros = [mycoro(1), mycoro(2), mycoro(3)]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This prints:

$ python3
Starting 1
Starting 3
Starting 2
Finishing 3
Result 3
Finishing 2
Result 2
Finishing 1
Result 1

Notice that task 3 finishes first and its result is printed, even though tasks 1 and 2 are still running.

asyncio.as_completed returns an iterable sequence of futures, each of which must be awaited, so it must run inside a coroutine, which must be waited for too.

The argument to asyncio.as_completed has to be a list of coroutines or futures, not an iterable, so you can’t use it with a very large list of items that won’t fit in memory.

Side note: if we want to work with very large lists, asyncio.wait won’t help us here – it also takes a list of futures and waits for all of them to complete (like gather), or, with other arguments, for one of them to complete or one of them to fail. It then returns two sets of futures: done and not-done. Each of these must be awaited to get their results, so:


# is roughly equivalent to:

async def mygather(*args):
    ret = []
    for r in (await asyncio.wait(args))[0]:
        ret.append(await r)
    return ret

I am interested in running very large numbers of tasks with limited concurrency – see the next article for how I managed it.

Event-Sourced Domain Models in Python at PyCon UK

Rob Smallshire from Good With Computers

At PyCon UK 2015 I led a very well attended workshop with the goal of introducing Python developers to the tried-and-tested techniques and patterns of Domain Driven Design (DDD), in particular when used as part of an event-sourced architecture.

The two-and-a-half hour workshop was comprised of excerpts from our training course DDD Patterns in Python. Although the workshop material was heavily edited and compressed from the course – I'm confident that the majority of attendees grasped the main principles.

Several attendees have since asked for the introductory slides, which preceded the exercises. Here they are:

Sixty North training materials are for individual use. For training in a commercial setting please contact us to book a training course or obtain a license for the materials.

Event Processing with Transducers

Rob Smallshire from Good With Computers

In the previous article in this series on transducers we looked at lazily evaluating transducers. This time we'll look not at pulling output through a transducer chain from downstream, but at pushing input items into the chain from upstream.

All of the uses of transducers we've demonstrated in Python so far are probably better handled by existing and well established Python programming techniques, such as generator expressions and generator functions. At this point in the series, we move definitely beyond that into new territory where transducers bring completely new capabilities to Python.

One the key selling points of transducers is that they abstract the essence of a transformation away from the details of the data series that is being transformed. We'll show this in Python by using transducers to transform a series of events modelled using Python coroutines.

Coroutines in Python

Coroutines in Python are little-used, and their workings are not widely known, so their implementation bears repeating here. If you're familiar with the notion of coroutines in general, and the specifics of how they're implemented in Python, you can skim over this section.

Coroutines are like generator functions insofar as they are resumable functions. In fact, coroutines in Python are generator functions which use yield as an expression rather than a statement. What this means in practice is that generator function objects sport a send() method which allows the client of the generator function to transmit information to a running generator and for the generator to receive this data as the value of the yield expression. As usual, an example will serve to make things clearer.

We'll start by defining a generator function which enters an infinite loop, waits at the yield expression for a value to be received, and then prints this value to the console.

>>> def event_receiver():
...     while True:
...         message = (yield)
...         print("Message:", message)

We create a generator object just the same as we would with any other generator:

>>> r = event_receiver()
>>> r

Now we'll try to send it a message, using the send() method of the generator object:

>>> r.send("message")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in
TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator

This actually fails, because the generator code has not yet been executed at all. We need to prime the pump, so to speak, by advancing execution to the first occurrence of yield. We can do this by passing the generator to the next() built-in:

>>> next(r)

We'll fix this pump-priming annoyance of generator based coroutines shortly.

Now we can send messages:

>>> r.send("message")
Message: message
>>> r.send("another message")
Message: another message

When we're done, we terminate the coroutine by calling the close() method. (This actually raises a GeneratorExit exception at the site of the yield expression, which allows control flow to exit the otherwise infinite loop; this special exception is intercepted by the Python runtime system, so it isn't seen by us at the console).

>>> r.close()

Any further attempts to send() messages into the generator function cause StopIteration to be raised. This, of course, is the normal means of indicating that a generator is exhausted:

>>> r.send("message")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in

Priming generator-based coroutines

Now to address the awkwardness of having to prime coroutine generator functions by initially passing them to next(). We can improve this with a function decorator which creates the generator object and calls next on our behalf. We'll call the decorator @coroutine:

def coroutine(func):
    def start(*args, **kwargs):
        g = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return g
    return start

We'll use our new decorator to assist in defining a slightly more sophisticated coroutine for printing, called rprint():

import sys

def rprint(sep='\n', end=''):
    """A coroutine sink which prints received items to stdout

      sep: Optional separator to be printed between received items.
      end: Optional terminator to be printed after the last item.
        first_item = (yield)
        while True:
            item = (yield)
    except GeneratorExit:

In this implementation, we intercept GeneratorExit explicitly to give us the opportunity to print a terminator. We also regularly flush the stream so we get immediate feedback for our following experiments.

Event sources

The opposite of a sink is a source. Until now, we've been sourcing 'events' ourself by sending them from the REPL, but to make this a little more interesting, we'll cook up a function – just a plain old function, not a generator – which takes values from an iterable series and intermittently sends them, after a delay, to anything with a send() method such as our coroutine generators. For fun, the random delay has a so-called Poisson distribution which mimics a radioactive source; imagine a device with a geiger counter which sends the next item from an iterable series each time an atom decays:

def poisson_source(rate, iterable, target):
    """Send events at random times with uniform probability.

      rate: The average number of events to send per second.

      iterable: A series of items which will be sent to the target
          one by one.

      target: The target coroutine or sink.

        The completed value, or None if iterable was exhausted
        and the target was closed.
    for item in iterable:
        duration = random.expovariate(rate)
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value
    return None

When either the iterable series is exhausted or the target signals it has terminated (by raising StopIteration) we call close() on the target. Note that by supplying an infinite iterable series we could make the source send events forever.

Let's hook our source and sink together at the REPL:

>>> printer = rprint(sep=', ', end='\nDONE!\n')
>>> count_to_nine = range(10)
>>> poisson_source(rate=0.5, iterable=count_to_nine, target=printer)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Combined event sources and event sinks

Of course, we can build functions which act as both sinks and sources, transforming the messages they receive in some way and forwarding the processed results onwards to another sink. Here's a combined source and sink function, which simply doubles the values it receives:

def doubler(target):
    while True:
        item = (yield)
        doubled_item = item * 2
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

To use, doubler() we chain the components of the pipeline together

>>> printer = rprint(sep=', ', end='\nDONE!\n')
>>> count_to_nine = range(10)
>>> poisson_source(rate=0.5,
...                iterable=count_to_nine,
...                target=doubler(target=printer))
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18

From doubler() it's but a short hop to a more general mapper() which accepts an arbitrary transforming function:

def mapper(transform, target):
    while True:
        item = (yield)
        transformed_item = transform(item)
        except StopIteration as e:
            return e.value

Used like so,

>>> printer = rprint(sep=', ', end='\nDONE!\n')
>>> count_to_nine = range(10)
>>> poisson_source(rate=0.5, iterable=count_to_nine, target=mapper(transform=square, target=printer))
0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81

From here, you can see how we could also implement equivalents of filter(), reduce() and so on to operate on the 'push' event stream modelled by Python coroutines.

The point here is that we can't just re-use any existing functions which process 'pull' data series – such as the functions in itertools – with 'push' data series. Each and every function needs to be reimplemented to accept values pushed from upstream, and send processed results downstream.

Transducing events

Transducers provide a way out of this quandary. We've demonstrated earlier in this series that 'reduce' is a fundamental operation, and by reimagining reduce() into a more general transduce() we were able to use the same transducers to operate on both eager and lazy data series. We can do the same with coroutine-based push events, by implementing a version of transduce() which allows us to use any transducer to process a stream of such events.

Our reactive_transduce() is a coroutine which accepts two arguments: a transducer and a target sink to which the transduced results will be sent:

def reactive_transduce(transducer, target=None):
    reducer = transducer(sending())
    accumulator = target if (target is not None) else reducer.initial()
        while True:
            item = (yield)
            accumulator = reducer.step(accumulator, item)
            if isinstance(accumulator, Reduced):
                accumulator = accumulator.value
    except GeneratorExit:
    return reducer.complete(accumulator)

The reactive_transduce() function connects to the upstream end of a transducer chain, adapting from the coroutine protocol to the reducer interface. At the downstream end of the transducer chain, we need to adapt the other way, from the reducer interface to the coroutine protocol. To do this we use a reducer called Sending, which we hard-wire as the 'bottom' reducer on the first line of reactive_transduce(). The Sending reducer looks like this:

class Sending:
    def initial(self):
        return null_sink()

    def step(self, result, item):
        except StopIteration:
            return Reduced(result)
            return result

    def complete(result):
        return result

The step() method literally sends the next item to the result – which must therefore be a legitimate event sink. Should the sink indicate that it can't accept a further item, by raising StopIteration we return the result wrapped in the Reduced sentinel. The initial() method provides a legitimate sink – just a simple do-nothing sink defined as:

def null_sink():
    while True:
        _ = (yield)

Going back to reactive_transduce() the main loop continues to iterate, receiving new values via a yield expression, until such time as GeneratorExit is signalled by the client or the reducer signals termination by returning Reduced.

When the main loop is exited by whatever means, we give the reducer opportunity to complete(), and the Sending.complete() method ensures that close() is called on the target.

With these pieces in place, let's look at how to use reactive_transduce(). We'll reproduce our previous example where we squared the output from poisson_source(), but this time using the mapping() transducer to do the work:

>>> poisson_source(rate=0.5,
...                iterable=range(10),
...                target=transduce(transducer=mapping(square),
...                target=printer))
0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81

The key point here is that we can now take an arbitrary transducer and reuse it with eager collections, lazy iterables, and push-events! In fact, simply by devising an appropriate transduce function we can use re-use our transducers in an arbitrary data-series processing context.

This is the true power of transducers: Data processing components completely abstracted away from how the input data arrives, or to where the output results are sent.

Lazy Transducer Evaluation

Rob Smallshire from Good With Computers

In the previous article in this series on transducers we looked at transducers which push more items downstream through the reducer chain than they receive from upstream. We promised that this would make lazy evaluation of transducer chains quite interesting.

When used with our transduce() function, our mapping and filtering transducers are in some ways less flexible than the map() and filter() functions built into Python 3 because our transduce() eagerly evaluates the reduction operation, whereas the built-in map() and filter() are lazy. [1]

The eagerness of our mapping and filtering transducers is not inherent in their implementation though. The eagerness is a result of the for-loop in transduce() which must run to completion before returning. Thankfully, due to the clear separation of concerns between the reduction algorithm embodied in the transducers and the transducer "driver", we can design an alternative transducible process which is lazy.

Here's a reminder of our non-lazy transduce() function:

UNSET = object()

def transduce(transducer, reducer, iterable, init=UNSET):
    r = transducer(reducer)
    accumulator = init if (init is not UNSET) else reducer.initial()
    for item in iterable:
        accumulator = r.step(accumulator, item)
        if isinstance(accumulator, Reduced):
            accumulator = accumulator.value
    return r.complete(accumulator)

Recall that our non-lazy transduce() function accepts, in addition to the transducer, a separate reducer argument which is used to collect the results of applying the transducer into, say, a list. Our lazy transduction function will be implemented as a Python generator function which yields each result as it becomes available, returning control to the caller, and then resumes execution when the next value is requested.

In order to handle early terminating transducers such as First, stateful transducers which emit left-over state such as Batching, and transducers which emit more elements than they consume such as Repeating, the lazy_transduce() function is necessarily quite complex:

from collections import deque

def lazy_transduce(transducer, iterable):
    """Lazy application of a transducer to an iterable."""
    r = transducer(Appending())
    accumulator = deque()
    reduced = False
    for item in iterable:
        accumulator = r.step(accumulator, item)
        if isinstance(accumulator, Reduced):
            accumulator = accumulator.value
            reduced = True

        yield from all_pending_items_in(accumulator)

        if reduced:

    left_overs = r.complete(accumulator)
    assert left_overs is accumulator

    yield from all_pending_item_in(left_overs)

def all_pending_items_in(queue):
    while queue:
        yield queue.popleft()

Our function accepts only a transducer and the iterable series of source items. There's no need to provide a reducer, because this function hardwires it's own on the first line, where we provide an Appending reducer. Notice that unlike the eager transduce() we never call the Appending.initial() method to retrieve the seed value for the reduction, so we must provide a legitimate mutable sequence type. For reasons that will become clear shortly, we provide a deque from the Python Standard Library collections module [2] - a double-ended queue, which supports append() to push items into the right-hand end.

We also set a flag reduced so we know when we're finished.

The first part of the body of the for-loop is the same as for eager transduce(): we step the transducer, accumulating each item, looking for the sentinel Reduced value as we go. If we encounter Reduced we un-box its contents and set the reduced flag to signal that we're (nearly) done.

The next part of the for-loop body is where things really diverge from the eager transduce() version. Bearing in mind that the call to step() may have appended multiple items to the accumulator, we now need to yield them one by-one to the client. We do this using the yield from statement which delegates to another generator function all_items_pending_in() which simply keeps yielding items from the queue until it is empty.

At the end of the for-loop, we check the reduced flag, and break out of the loop if we're done.

After the loop, with all the input items dealt with, we make the necessary call to complete(), bearing in mind that this may append further results to the accumulator queue. After a sanity check that the return value from complete() is indeed the queue (which we know it should be, because Appending.complete() simply returns its argument) we use the yield from all_pending_items_in(left_overs) statement one last time to yield any lingering results to the client.

In order to demonstrate the laziness in action, we'll create a little wrapper around the built-in range() sequence that logs the yielded integers to the console:

def logging_range(n):
    for i in range(n):
        print("i =", i)
        yield i

Here it in in action, demonstrating it's laziness:

>>> primes_repeating = compose(filtering(is_prime), repeating(3))
>>> repeated_primes = lazy_transduce(primes_repeating, logging_range(100))
>>> repeated_primes
>>> next(repeated_primes)
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
i = 3
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
i = 4
i = 5
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
i = 6
i = 7
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
i = 8
i = 9
i = 10
i = 11
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
>>> next(repeated_primes)
i = 12
i = 13

So we see that transducers allow orthogonal specification of the reducing operation, the result collection and whether to evaluate eagerly or lazily. Neat!

In a future article we'll look at using transducers to process 'push' events modelled by Python coroutines.

[1]Back in Python 2 map() and filter() were eager.
[2]The documentation for the Python collections.deque double-ended queue.

Item Injecting Transducers

Rob Smallshire from Good With Computers

In the previous article in our series on understanding transducers through Python we showed how to support early termination of a reduction operation. This time, we'll demonstrate how transducers can produce more items than they consume. Although this may seem obvious, it leads to some important consequences for implementing lazy evaluation of transducers, which is what we'll look at next time.

Consider a transducer Repeating which repeats each source item multiple times into the output:

class Repeating:

    def __init__(self, reducer, num_times):
        self._reducer = reducer
        self._num_times = num_times

    def initial(self):
        return self._reducer.initial()

    def step(self, result, item):
        for _ in range(self._num_times):
            result = self._reducer.step(result, item)
        return result

    def complete(self, result):
        return self._reducer.complete(result)

    def repeating(num_times):

        if num_times < 0:
            raise ValueError("num_times cannot be negative")

        def repeating_transducer(reducer):
            return Repeating(reducer, num_times)

        return repeating_transducer

The key point to notice here, is that each call to Repeating.step() results in multiple calls to the underlying reducer's self._reducer.step(), thereby injecting more items into the output series than are received in the input series.

By composing it with our filtering primality checking predicate, we can use it to repeat each prime number three times:

>>> primes_repeating = compose(filtering(is_prime), repeating(3))
>>> transduce(primes_repeating, Appending(), range(100))
[2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 11, 13, 13, 13, 17, 17,
 17, 19, 19, 19, 23, 23, 23, 29, 29, 29, 31, 31, 31, 37, 37, 37, 41,
 41, 41, 43, 43, 43, 47, 47, 47, 53, 53, 53, 59, 59, 59, 61, 61, 61,
 67, 67, 67, 71, 71, 71, 73, 73, 73, 79, 79, 79, 83, 83, 83, 89, 89,
 89, 97, 97, 97]

In the next article, we'll see that although seemingly fairly innocuous, support for item injecting transducers such as Repeating complicates lazy evaluation quite a bit!

Terminating Transducers

Rob Smallshire from Good With Computers

In the previous article in this series on transducers, we showed how to implement stateful transducers, and how to deal with any left-over state or other clean-up operations when the reduction operation is complete. Sometimes, however, there is no need to process a whole series of items in order to produce the final result. For example, if we just want the first item from a series, we only need to process the first item. Our existing implementation of transduce() looks like this:

UNSET = object()

def transduce(transducer, reducer, iterable, init=UNSET):
    r = transducer(reducer)
    accumulator = init if (init is not UNSET) else reducer.initial()
    for item in iterable:
        accumulator = r.step(accumulator, item)
    return r.complete(accumulator)

It uses a for-loop to iteratively apply the reducing function, but there is no way of exiting the loop early.

To accommodate early termination, we'll allow our step() method to return a sentinel value indicating that reduction is complete. This sentinel will actually be a 'box' called called Reduced which we can detect by type, and which will contain the final value:

class Reduced:
    """A sentinel 'box' used to return the final value of a reduction."""

    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def value(self):
        return self._value

It has only an initialiser which accepts a single value, and a property to provide read-only access to that value.

Our updated Reduced detecting transduce() function looks like this:

def transduce(transducer, reducer, iterable, init=UNSET):
    r = transducer(reducer)
    accumulator = init if (init is not UNSET) else reducer.initial()
    for item in iterable:
        accumulator = r.step(accumulator, item)
        if isinstance(accumulator, Reduced):
            accumulator = accumulator.value
    return r.complete(accumulator)

When we detect Reduced we simply un-box its value and then break from the loop.

Our First transducer, which accepts an optional predicate looks like this:

class First:

    def __init__(self, reducer, predicate):
        self._reducer = reducer
        self._predicate = predicate

    def initial(self):
        return self._reducer.initial()

    def step(self, result, item):
        return Reduced(self._reducer.step(result, item)) if self._predicate(item) else result

    def complete(self, result):
        return self._reducer.complete(result)

    def first(predicate=None):
        predicate = true if predicate is None else predicate

        def first_transducer(reducer):
            return First(reducer, predicate)

        return first_transducer

Notice that true here can be passed to the transducer constructor in lieu of the predicate function being supplied; this isn't the Python constant True but a function which always returns True, irrespective of what it is passed. We need to define ourselves:

def true(*args, **kwargs):
    return True

Putting it all together, we get:

>>> transduce(
...   compose(
...     filtering(is_prime),
...     mapping(square),
...     first(lambda x: x > 1000)),
...   Appending(),
...   range(1000))

Notice that single result is returned as the only element of a list. This is because we used Appending as our reducer. If we'd prefer a scalar value to be returned, we can simply define a new reducer called ExpectingSingle that only expects exactly one step() operation to be performed:

class ExpectingSingle:

    def __init__(self):
        self._num_steps = 0

    def initial(self):
        return None

    def step(self, result, item):
        assert result is None
        self._num_steps += 1
        if self._num_steps > 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Too many steps!")
        return item

    def complete(self, result):
        if self._num_steps < 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Too few steps!")
        return result

Reattempting our example, we now get a scalar value:

.. code-block:: python
>>> transduce(
...   compose(
...     filtering(is_prime),
...     mapping(square),
...     first(lambda x: x > 1000)),
...   ExpectingSingle(),
...   range(1000))

We've now exercised all the parts of the transducer protocol:

  • Association of the initial value through initial()
  • Incremental reduction through step()
  • Completion and clean-up of state through complete()
  • Signalling early completion with Reduced()

In the next article, we'll show how this protocol allows transducers to produce more items than they consume, which may be obvious, be is an important case to be handled when we implement lazy transduction in a future article.