Acid Air Pollution on the Cowley Road Oxford Uk

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

The Long Wall which Long Wall Street is named for always has a light line of white sand at its base, and nearly always has ongoing masonry works to repair it.

These pictures are taken at another Oxford road junction.

On the eastern edge of Oxford another set of traffic lights, at the junction of Cowley Road and Between Towns Road, again causes stationary traffic.

The local limestone is not very hard, and is constantly eroded, with the damage to the mortar being worse than that to the stone.

The damage is worst at ground level up to one metre.

The damage is worst near the ground and is caused by acidic exhaust fumes.

Here all the lichen has been killed and the brick looks as though it has been cleaned with brick acid.

We know that breathing in small particles from diesel exhaust is dangerous, as the particle size is small enough to pass deep into the lungs. The pattern of the effect on the walls shows that the concentration is particularly strong under one metre in height. There are two primary schools, one on either side of this junction.

Iffley Village Oxford Rag Stone

The quality of Oxford stone can be pretty shaky, and the stone that was used for field and road boundary walls was presumably of lower quality than that used for houses as good quality stone is scarce on the clay. This wall in Iffley is a charming example, but note what is happening to the bottom metre.

Who should we be claiming financial damages from? Shell? BP? Exxon?

Add new lines to end of files with missing line ends

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

A Sonar rule: Files should contain an empty new line at the end convention
Some tools such as Git work better when files end with an empty line.

To add a new line to all files without one place the following in a file called newlines

for f in $FILES
c=tail -c 1 $f
if [ "$c" != "" ];
echo "$f No new line"
echo "" >> $f

Then invoke:

$ chmod +x newlines
$ find * -name *.java |xargs ./newlines

Setting up a mac

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

Plugin, turn on, update, allow an hour!

Ensure you do not accept the default user details or your admin user will be timpizey not timp.

Install homebrew from Ruby is installed already. This process will install devtools.

Install chrome, font size is under Web Content.

The System Font cannot be altered! The System Font is used by all native Apple applications such as iPhoto and iStore. This is a little annoying (EN_US tr: infuriating and probably illegal). For more general, well written, unix applications the fonts can be altered one by one.

How to mount the Nexus 4 storage SD card on Linux systems

Tim Pizey from Tim Pizey

Taken from How to mount the Nexus 4 storage SD card on Linux systems and comments there.

Reproduced here so that I can find it again!

Enable Developer Mode

Settings >>‘about phone’ menu and after that you should tap seven times on ‘Build Number’.

Now, from the Developer Options menu enable USB Debugging.

sudo apt-get install mtp-tools mtpfs
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Note not smart quotes as in the article

#LG – Nexus 4
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1004?, MODE="0666?
sudo chmod +x /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules 
sudo service udev restart
sudo mkdir /media/nexus4
sudo chmod 755 /media/nexus4

Next, connect your Google Nexus 4 to your Ubuntu computer using the USB cable. The MTP option has to be enabled.

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other /media/nexus4

To unmount:

sudo umount /media/nexus4