Announcing I-DUNNO 1.0 and web-i-dunno

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

It’s hard to believe it’s already a year since the release of RFC 8771 (The Internationalized Deliberately Unreadable Network NOtation), which for me at least made me think about IP addresses in a whole new way.

So, it seems fitting for the anniversary to be able to release proper support for this standard in the Rust universe, with Rust I-DUNNO version 1.0 released. You can find it on Rust’s at and the API documentation is at

Also, because for a standard like this to receive the wide adoption it deserves, it’s important that young people have a chance to interact with it, playing with encodings to get a real feel for what it’s like to use in practice, I’m proud to announce the I-DUNNO Creator. On that page you can enter an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and see it transformed immediately into a candidate I-DUNNO, with live information about the Confusion Level of the I-DUNNO, as specified in the standard. You can find the source code for the I-DUNNO Creator in the web-i-dunno repo.

The I-DUNNO Creator is built on the Rust package, making use of Rust’s highly-developed WASM support to compile the code into a form that works naturally in a web browser.

I hope that by offering both systems programmers and the young people of today and their new-fangled web sites the opportunity to create I-DUNNOs, I can contribute a little to spreading the word about deliberately unreadable notations to new audiences.

Note: the current implementation is limited to generate only I-DUNNOs with no padding bits. As specified in the standard, I-DUNNOs may end with arbitrary padding, and adding this functionality to rust-i-dunno is left as an exercise for the reader: merge requests welcome!

Automatically filling in the UK COVID test results page with Selenium IDE

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Lots of people are filling in the extremely detailed UK government COVID test result page twice every week.

It asks you to fill in a very large list of details, most of which are the same every time, but it doesn’t remember what you typed last time.

I didn’t want to write a Python script or similar to enter my results, because I wanted to check I’d done it right, and because there is a captcha at the end that is clearly intended to prevent automation like that.

However, with a Selenium IDE script, I can drive my browser, watching what it does and checking the input, and manually filling in the captcha and final double-check page.

In case it’s helpful, here is the script I created: report-covid-test.side.

You can create one for each child if you have several, filling in school name, NHS number, names, date of birth etc. in the script and re-using it, modifying it each time to enter the bar code number for the test itself.

To use it you’ll need the Selenium IDE plugin for firefox, or Selenium IDE plugin for another browser.

I’d recommend loading this script into the Selenium IDE plugin in Firefox, looking through it and editing the values that say “ENTER…HERE”, then clicking Run Script and watching it fill in values.

It doesn’t actually submit the result, so you can always check and modify it manually if something doesn’t work out, before clicking the last couple of buttons to submit.

Toggle window decorations on Linux GTK3 with Python3

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

The Internet is full of outdated Python code for doing things with windows, so here is what I got working today in a Python 3, GTK 3 environment.

This script toggles the window decorations on the active window on and off. I have it bound to Ctrl+NumPadMinus for easy access.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import gi
gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0')
gi.require_version('GdkX11', '3.0')
gi.require_version('Wnck', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gdk
from gi.repository import GdkX11
from gi.repository import Wnck

def active_window(screen):
    for window in screen.get_windows():
       if window.is_active() == True:
            return window

def toggle_decorations(w):
    if w.get_decorations().decorations == 0:

screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
display = GdkX11.X11Display.get_default()
window = active_window(screen)
window_id = window.get_xid()

w = GdkX11.X11Window.foreign_new_for_display(display, window_id)

window = None
screen = None

Questions about RFC 8771

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

During my work on RFC 8771 The Internationalized Deliberately Unreadable Network NOtation (I-DUNNO) I have come across a number of questions. I am documenting them here so I can send them to the authors and try to improve my understanding of the intention.

This is an excellent RFC, and I thank the authors for their efforts in creating it.

1. Non-printable characters

In 4.2. Satisfactory Confusion Level, the RFC states that encodings may be deemed Satisfactory if they contain ‘At least one non-printable character’ (as well as one other condition in this section).

Both of the existing implementations that I know of ( and ) interpret “printable” to mean the same as Python’s isprintable() function: that is Nonprintable characters are those characters defined in the Unicode character database as “Other” or “Separator”, excepting the ASCII space (0x20) which is considered printable.

However, the definition of this function may be rather Python-specific, since its intention appears to be related to language internals like the repr function.

It would be helpful to find out exactly what is meant by “non-printable character” in the RFC.

2. Are Modifier Symbols, Symbols?

Also in section 4.2, the RFC mentions ‘”A character from the “Symbol” category’.

The Python implementation excludes Modifier Symbols from its definition. I believe this is incorrect, and have logged an issue on the topic: Some Symbol characters not recognised as such.

It would be helpful to have clarification on this point.

3. What does “different directionalities” mean?

Unicode classifies characters into several Bidi_Classes (for example, U+CED6E is Left_To_Right). In section 4.3. Delightful Confusion Level, the RFC refers to ‘Characters from scripts with different directionalities’.

As far as I can see there are two possible interpretations of this phrase:

  1. The encoding should contain characters from at least two different Bidi_Classes, or
  2. The encoding should contain characters that are both left-to-right and right-to-left in direction, either weakly or strongly.

Both current implementations interpret this statement like number 1, but I suspect the intention may actually be something more like number 2.

If number 2 was meant, I think that would mean ignoring characters with Neutral directionality, and treating weakly directional characters as the same directionality as strongly directional ones.

4. What is a Confusable character?

Section 4.3 mentions ‘Character classified as “Confusables”‘. Both implementations interpret this quite loosely, as meaning something like ‘the encoding contains any character or substring which might be confused with any other character or substring’.

This means a lot of “normal” characters are included: all of the ASCII digits, and many of the Latin letters.

Was this is intention?

That’s all my questions. It has been great fun working on this RFC.

Announcing Rust I-DUNNO

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

At the ACCU Conference last week I learned about RFC 8771 The Internationalized Deliberately Unreadable Network NOtation (I-DUNNO) from Jim Hague, and thought it would be fun to knock up a Rust implementation.

The project is here: and the docs are published at

It’s not done yet, but encoding an IP address as I-DUNNO appears to be working:

$ i-dunno

$ i-dunno | hexdump -C
00000000  db 81 6b 1a 2e 0a                                 |..k...|

Decoding is still to be done.

The implementation is seriously slow at the moment, so I am looking forward to improving it.

I am hoping it is reasonably correct – I based it on the existing Python I-DUNNO implementation and in the process found several potential bugs in that, and created some merge requests to fix bugs and help with testability.

Speaking of testability, I am building up a collection of test cases that could be a potential resource for other implementors, and would welcome suggestions of how this could be shared between projects. The examples so far were generated using the Python implementation, and then manually corrected where I found bugs in that, so I do not have 100% confidence that they are correct.

Anyway, have a play, and send patches and feedback!

Letter to my MP on Yemen

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Sent via WriteToThem on Monday 1 March 2021.

Dear Ben Spencer,

Your experience on the front line in medicine means you are probably much more able than I to imagine the human impact of the situation in Yemen.

On Sunday OCHA stated that 16 million people will go hungry this year, and nearly 50,000 are already living in famine-like conditions.

How can the UK government throw away its position of leadership on this matter by cutting funding at such a desperate time? I share the urgent concern expressed by Andrew Mitchell this morning.

I would be grateful if you would pass my concerns on to the FCDO.

Yours sincerely,

Andy Balaam


Making Smolpxl work on phones and tablets

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

I’ve added the first features intended to make Smolpxl games work well on touch interfaces like phones and tablets:

Spring game with touch controls

I’ve added a button bar at the bottom (and moved the navigation buttons to the top).

I’m looking for feedback on this:

  • Does it work on your device?
  • Are the buttons the right size?
  • Do they look ok? If not, how could they look better?
  • For games that require arrow keys, do you need them in the normal arrow-keys layout, or is a simple row fine?

Duckmaze game with touch controls in a single row

If you’re writing a game and you want to add buttons like this, you just need to add a single line like this:

game.showControls(["MENU", "SELECT", "BUTTON1", "BUTTON2"]);

or this:

game.showControls(["MENU", "SELECT", "LEFT", "DOWN", "UP", "RIGHT"]);

and they should appear.

Limiting the number of open sockets in a tokio-based TCP listener

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

I learned quite a bit today about how to think about concurrency in Rust. I was trying to use a Semaphore to limit how many open sockets my TCP listener allowed, and I had real trouble making it work. It either didn’t actually work, allowing any number of clients to connect, or the compiler told me I couldn’t do what I wanted to do, because the lifetime of my Semaphore was not 'static. Here’s the journey I took towards working code that I think is correct (feedback welcome).


In the tokio tutorial there is a short section entitled “Backpressure and bounded channels” (partway down the Channels page). It contains this statement:

…take care to ensure total amount of concurrency is bounded. For example, when writing a TCP accept loop, ensure that the total number of open sockets is bounded.

Obviously, when I started work on a TCP accept loop, I wanted to follow this advice.

Like many things in my journey with Rust, it was harder than I expected, and eventually enlightening.

The code

Here is a short Rust program that listens on a TCP port and accepts incoming connections.


name = "tcp-listener-example"
version = "1.0.0"
edition = "2018"
include = ["src/"]

tokio = { version = ">=1.0.1", features = ["full"] }


use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;

async fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();

    loop {
        let (mut tcp_stream, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
            loop {
                let n = buf).await.unwrap();
                if n == 0 {
                print!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf[0..n]));

This program listens on port 8080, and every time a client connects, it spawns an asynchronous task to deal with it.

If I run it with:

cargo run

It starts, and I can connect to it from multiple other processes like this:

telnet 8080

Anything I type into the telnet terminal window gets printed out in the terminal where I ran cargo run. The program works: it listens on TCP port 8080 and prints out all the messages it receives.

So what’s the problem?

The problem is that this program can be overwhelmed: if lots of processes connect to it, it will accept all the connections, and eventually run out of sockets. This might prevent other things working right on the computer, or it might crash our program, or something else. We need some kind of sensible limit, as the tokio tutorial mentions.

So how do we limit the number of people allowed to connect at the same time?

Just use a semaphore, dummy

A semaphore does exactly what we need here – it keeps a count of how many people are doing something, and prevents that number getting too big. So all we need to do is restrict the number of clients that we allow to connect using a semaphore.

Here was my first attempt:

use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::sync::Semaphore;

async fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    let sem = Semaphore::new(2);

    loop {
        let (mut tcp_stream, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
        // Don't copy this code: it doesn't work
        let aq = sem.try_acquire();
        if let Ok(_guard) = aq {
            tokio::spawn(async move {
                let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
                loop {
                    let n = buf).await.unwrap();
                    if n == 0 {
                    print!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf[0..n]));
        } else {
            println!("Rejecting client: too many open sockets");

This compiles fine, but it doesn’t do anything! Even though we called Semaphore::new with an argument of 2, intending to allow only 2 clients to connect, in fact I can still connect more times than that. It looks like our code changes had no effect at all.

What we were hoping to happen was that every time a client connected, we created _guard, which is a SemaphoreGuard, that occupies one of the slots in the semaphore. We were expecting that guard to live until the client disconnects, at which point the slot will be released.

Why doesn’t it work? It’s easy to understand when you think about what tokio::spawn does. It creates a task and asks for it to be executed in the future, but it doesn’t actually run it. So tokio::spawn returns immediately, and _guard is dropped, before the code that handles the request is executed. So, obviously, our change doesn’t actually restrict how many requests are being handled because the semaphore slot is freed up before the request is processed.

Just hold the guard for longer, dummy

So, let’s hold on to the SemaphoreGuard for longer:

use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::sync::Semaphore;

async fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    let sem = Semaphore::new(2);

    loop {
        let (mut tcp_stream, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
        let aq = sem.try_acquire();
        if let Ok(guard) = aq {
            tokio::spawn(async move {
                let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
                loop {
                    let n = buf).await.unwrap();
                    if n == 0 {
                    print!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf[0..n]));
        } else {
            println!("Rejecting client: too many open sockets");

The idea is to pass the SemaphoreGuard object into the code that actually deals with the client request. The way I’ve attempted that is by referring to guard somewhere within the async move closure. What I’ve actually done is tell it to drop guard when we are finished with the request, but actually any mention of that variable within the closure would have been enough to tell the compiler we want to move it in, and only drop it when we are done.

It all sounds reasonable, but actually this code doesn’t compile. Here’s the error I get:

error[E0597]: `sem` does not live long enough
  --> src/
12 |         let aq = sem.try_acquire();
   |                  ^^^--------------
   |                  |
   |                  borrowed value does not live long enough
   |                  argument requires that `sem` is borrowed for `'static`
29 | }
   | - `sem` dropped here while still borrowed

What the compiler is saying is that our SemaphoreGuard is referring to sem (the Semaphore object), but that the guard might live longer than the semaphore.

Why? Surely sem is held within a scope that includes the whole of the client-handling code, so it should live long enough?

No. Actually, the async move closure that we are passing to tokio::spawn is being added to a list of tasks to run in the future, so it could live much longer. The fact that we are inside an infinite loop confused me further here, but the principle still remains: whenever we make a closure like this and pass something into it, the closure must own it, or if we are borrowing it, it must live forever (which is what a 'static lifetime means).

The code above passes ownership of guard to the closure, but guard itself is referring to (borrowing) sem. This is why the compiler says that “sem is borrowed for 'static“.

Wrong things I tried

Because I didn’t understand what I was doing, I tried various other things like making sem an Arc, making guard an Arc, creating guard inside the closure, and even trying to make sem actually have 'static storage by making it a constant. (That last one didn’t work because only very simple types like numbers and strings can be constants.)

Solution: Share the Semaphore in an Arc

After what felt like too much thrashing around, I found what I think is the right answer:

use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::sync::Semaphore;

async fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    let sem = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(2));

    loop {
        let (mut tcp_stream, _) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
        let sem_clone = Arc::clone(&sem);
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let aq = sem_clone.try_acquire();
            if let Ok(_guard) = aq {
                let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
                loop {
                    let n = buf).await.unwrap();
                    if n == 0 {
                    print!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&buf[0..n]));
            } else {
                println!("Rejecting client: too many open sockets");

This code:

  • Creates a Semaphore and stores it inside an Arc, which is a reference-counting pointer that can be shared between tasks. This means it will live as long as someone holds a reference to it.
  • Clones the Arc so we have a copy that can be safely moved into the async move closure. We can’t move sem in to the closure because it’s going to get used again the next time around the loop. We can move sem_clone in to the closure because it’s not used anywhere else. sem and sem_clone both refer to the same Semaphore object, so they agree on the count of clients that are connected, but they are different Arc instances, so one can be moved into the closure.
  • Only aquires the SemaphoreGuard once we’re inside the closure. This way we’re not doing something difficult like borrowing a reference to something that lives outside the closure. Instead, we’re borrowing a reference via sem_clone, which is owned by the closure which we are inside, so we know it will live long enough.

It actually works! After two clients are connected, listener.accept actually opens a socket to any new client, but because we return almost immediately from the closure, we only hold it open very briefly before dropping it. This seemed preferable to refusing to open it at all, which I thought would probably leave clients hanging, waiting for a connection that might never come.

Lifetimes are cool, and tricky

Once again, I have learned a lot about what my code is really doing from the Rust compiler. I find this stuff really confusing, but hopefully by writing down my understanding in this post I have helped my current and future selves, and maybe even you, be clearer about how to share a semaphore between multiple asynchronous tasks.

It’s really fun and empowering to write code that I am reasonably confident is correct, and also works. The sense that “the compiler has my back” is strong, and I like it.

Recommendation against the use of WhatsApp in your company

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

Here is the email I just sent to the organisation I volunteer for. Feel free to adapt and use in your context.

Dear [organisation leaders],

Much of the tech industry (e.g. [1]) is warning against the use of WhatsApp due to its policy of collecting and sharing user information with third parties and the poor track record of its parent company (Facebook) on ethical issues (see examples [2] and [3], and many more).

The situation was made considerably worse with a recent change to the WhatsApp terms and conditions [4].

So, as your IT person I recommend not using WhatsApp for our work.

We already have an alternative available, and I would be really happy to help anyone who needs help setting it up.

[Details here of the alternative we use (Zulip) and how to use it. The simplest alternative to recommend is Signal.]

Thanks, Andy

[1] What Facebook and WhatsApp’s Data Sharing Plans Really Mean for User Privacy

[2] Facebook experimented with modifying people’s moods

[3] Facebook paid teens for total access to their phone activity

[4] If you’re a WhatsApp user, you’ll have to share your personal data

Streaming video with Owncast on a free Oracle Cloud computer

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

I just streamed about 40 minutes of me playing Trials Fusion using Owncast. Owncast is a self-hosted alternative to streaming services like Twitch and YouTube live.

Normally, you would need to pay for a computer to self-host it on. Owncast suggest this will cost about $5/month.

But, Oracle Cloud has a “Always Free” tier that includes a “Compute Instance” (a virtual machine running Linux) that is capable of running Owncast.

Here’s how I did it:

Register for Oracle Cloud

This was probably the worst bit.

I went to and clicked “Sign up for free cloud tier”. It didn’t work in Firefox(!) so I had to use Chromium.

I had to enter my name, address, email address, phone number and credit card details. The email was verified, the phone number was verified (with a text message), and the credit card was verified (with a real transaction), so there was no getting around any of it.

They promise that they won’t charge my card. I’ll let you know if I discover differently.

Create a Compute Instance

Once I was logged in to the Oracle “console” (web site), I clicked the burger menu in the top left, chose “Compute” and then “Instances” to create a new instance. I followed all the default settings (including using the default “image”, which meant my instance was running Oracle Linux, which I think is similar to Red Hat), and when I got to the ssh keys part, I supplied the public key of my existing SSH key pair. Read the docs there if you don’t have one of these.

As soon as that was done, and I waited for the instance to be created and started, I was able to SSH in to my instance using a username of opc and the Public IP Address listed:

ssh opc@PUBLIC_IP

(Note: here and below, if I say “PUBLIC_IP”, I mean the IP address listed in the information about your compute instance. It should be a list of four numbers separated by dots.)

Allow connecting to the instance on different ports

Owncast listens for HTTP connections on port 8080, and RTMP streams on 1935, so I needed to do two things to make that work.

Modify the Security List to add Ingress Rules

  • On the information about my instance, I clicked on the name of the Subnet (under Primary VNIC).
  • In the subnet, I clicked the name of the Security List (“Default Security List for …”) in the Security Lists list.
  • In the Security List I clicked Add Ingress Rules and entered:
    Stateless: unchecked
    Source Type: CIDR
    Source CIDR:
    IP Protocol: TCP
    Source Port Range: (blank)
    Destination Port Range: 8080
    Description: (blank)

    and then clicked Add Ingress Rules to create the rule.

  • I then added another Ingress Rule that was identical, except Destination Port Range was 1935.

Allow ports 8080 and 1935 on the instance’s own firewall

It took me a long time to figure out, but it turns out the Oracle Linux running on the Compute Instance has its own firewall. Eventually, thanks to a blog post by meinside: When Oracle Cloud’s Ubuntu instance doesn’t accept connections to ports other than 22, and some Oracle docs on ways to secure resources, I found that I needed to SSH in to the machine (like I showed above) and run these commands:

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=1935/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Now I was able to connect to the services I ran on the machine on those ports.

Install Owncast

The Owncast install was incredibly easy. I just followed the instructions at Owncast Quickstart. I SSHd in to the instance as before, and ran:

curl -s | bash

and then edited the file owncast/config.yaml to have a custom stream key in it. You can do that by typing:

nano owncast/config.yaml

There is information about this file at:

Run Owncast

I ran the service like this:

cd owncast

In future, if I want to leave it running, I may run it inside screen, or even use systemd or similar.

Open the web site

I could now see the web site by typing this into my browser’s address bar:


(Where PUBLIC_IP is the Public IP copied from the Instance info as before.)

Stream some video

Finally, in OBS‘s Settings I chose the Stream section and entered:

Service: Custom...
Server: rtmp://PUBLIC_IP/live
Stream key: STREAM_KEY

Where “STREAM_KEY” means the stream key I added to config.yaml earlier.

Now, when I clicked “Start Streaming” in OBS, my stream appeared on the web site!

Costs and limits

Oracle stated during sign-up that I would not be charged unless I explicitly chose to use a different tier.

The Compute Instance is part of the “Always Free” tier, so in theory it should stay up and working.

However, if you use lots of resources (which streaming for a long time probably does), I would expect services would be throttled and/or stopped completely. I have no idea whether they will allow enough resources for regular streaming, or whether this is all waste of time. We shall see.