Unwelcome surprise – homebrew Emacs has no GUI after OS X Mojave update

Timo Geusch from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I finally got around to upgrading my OS X installation from Mojave to High Sierra – my OS update schedule is usually based on the old pilot wisdom of “don’t fly the A model of anything”. As part of the upgrade, I ended up reinstalling all homebrew packages including Emacs to make sure I was […]

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And now, an Emacs with a working org2blog installation again

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I mentioned in my previous post that I somehow had ended up with a non-working org2blog installation. My suspicion is that this was triggered by my pinning of the htmlize package to the “wrong” repo. I had it pinned to marmalade rather than melpa-stable, and marmalade had an old version of htmlize (1.39, from memory). The fact that marmalade is erroring out with an expired certificate is most likely a sign that I need to stop using it.

Unwelcome surprise – homebrew Emacs has no GUI after OS X Mojave update

The Lone C++ Coder's Blog from The Lone C++ Coder's Blog

I finally got around to upgrading my OS X installation from Mojave to High Sierra - my OS update schedule is usually based on the old pilot wisdom of “don’t fly the A model of anything”. As part of the upgrade, I ended up reinstalling all homebrew packages including Emacs to make sure I was all up to date. That proved to be a big mistake as I suddenly had a GUI-less Emacs.

In The Neighbourhood – a.k.

a.k. from thus spake a.k.

A little under four years ago we saw how we could use the k means algorithm to divide sets of data into distinct subsets, known as clusters, whose members are in some sense similar to each other. The interesting thing about clustering is that even though we find it easy to spot clusters, at least in two dimensions, it's incredibly difficult to give them a firm mathematical definition and so clustering algorithms invariably define them implicitly as the subsets identified by this algorithm.
The k means algorithm, for example, does so by first picking k different elements of the data as cluster representatives and then places every element in the cluster whose representative is nearest to it. The cluster representatives are then replaced by the means of the elements assign to it and the process is repeated iteratively until the clusters stop changing.
Now I'd like to introduce some more clustering algorithms but there are a few things that we'll need first.

Scheduling a task in Java within a CompletableFuture

Andy Balaam from Andy Balaam's Blog

When we want to do something later in our Java code, we often turn to the ScheduledExecutorService. This class has a method called schedule(), and we can pass it some code to be run later like this:

    ScheduledExecutorService executor =
        () -> {System.out.println("..later");},
    // (Don't forget to shut down the executor later...)

The above code prints “do…” and then one second later it prints “…later”.

We can even write code that does some work and returns a result in a similar way:

    // (Make the executor as above.)
    ScheduledFuture future = executor.schedule(
        () -> 10 + 25, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    System.out.println("answer=" + future.get())

The above code prints “answer=35”. When we call get() it blocks waiting for the scheduler to run the task and mark the ScheduledFuture as complete, and then returns the answer to the sum (10 + 25) when it is ready.

This is all very well, but you may note that the Future returned from schedule() is a ScheduledFuture, and a ScheduledFuture is not a CompletableFuture.

Why do you care? Well, you might care if you want to do something after the scheduled task is completed. Of course, you can call get(), and block, and then do something, but if you want to react asynchronously without blocking, this won’t work.

The normal way to run some code after a Future has completed is to call one of the “then*” or “when*” methods on the Future, but these methods are only available on CompletableFuture, not ScheduledFuture.

Never fear, we have figured this out for you. We present a small wrapper for schedule that transforms your ScheduledFuture into a CompletableFuture. Here’s how to use it:

    CompletableFuture future =
            () -> 10 + 25,
        answer -> {System.out.println(answer);}
    System.out.println("Answer coming...")

The above code prints “Answer coming…” and then “35”, so we can see that we don’t block the main thread waiting for the answer to come back.

So far, we have scheduled a synchronous task to run in the background after a delay, and wrapped its result in a CompletableFuture to allow us to chain more tasks after it.

In fact, what we often want to do is schedule a delayed task that is itself asynchronous, and already returns a CompletableFuture. In this case it feels particularly natural to get the result back as a CompletableFuture, but with the current ScheduledExecutorService interface we can’t easily do it.

It’s OK, we’ve figured that out too:

    Supplier> asyncTask = () ->
        CompletableFuture.completedFuture(10 + 25);
    CompletableFuture future =
            executor, asyncTask, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        answer -> {System.out.println(answer);}
    System.out.println("Answer coming...")

The above code prints “Answer coming…” and then “35”, so we can see that our existing asynchronous task was scheduled in the background, and we didn’t have to block the main thread waiting for it. Also, under the hood, we are not blocking the ScheduledExecutorService‘s thread (from its pool) while the async task is running – that task just runs in whatever thread it was assigned when it was created. (Note: in our example we don’t really run an async task at all, but just immediately return a completed Future, but this does work for real async tasks.)

I know you’re wondering how we achieved all this. First, here’s how we run a simple blocking task in the background and wrap it in a CompletableFuture:

    public static  CompletableFuture schedule(
        ScheduledExecutorService executor,
        Supplier command,
        long delay,
        TimeUnit unit
    ) {
        CompletableFuture completableFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
            (() -> {
                try {
                    return completableFuture.complete(command.get());
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    return completableFuture.completeExceptionally(t);
        return completableFuture;

And here’s how we delay execution of an async task but still return its result in a CompletableFuture:

    public static  CompletableFuture scheduleAsync(
        ScheduledExecutorService executor,
        Supplier> command,
        long delay,
        TimeUnit unit
    ) {
        CompletableFuture completableFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
            (() -> {
                    t -> {completableFuture.complete(t);}
                    t -> {completableFuture.completeExceptionally(t);return null;}
        return completableFuture;

Note that this should all work to run methods like exceptionally(), thenAccept(), whenComplete() etc.

Feedback and improvements welcome!

“The Developers” 2019 presentation and book signing

Anthony Williams from Just Software Solutions Blog

I will be presenting "Concurrency in C++20 and beyond" at The Developers 2019 in Romania on 23rd May 2019. Here is the abstract of my talk:

C++20 is set to add new facilities to make writing concurrent code easier. Some of them come from the previously published Concurrency TS, and others are new, but they all make our lives as developers easier. This talk will introduce the new features, and explain how and why we should use them.

The evolution of the C++ Concurrency support doesn't stop there though: the committee has a continuous stream of new proposals. This talk will also introduce some of the most important of these, including the new Executor model.

I will also be signing copies of the second edition of my book C++ Concurrency In Action now that it is finally in print.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Posted by Anthony Williams
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MI5 agent caught selling Huawei exploits on Russian hacker forums

Derek Jones from The Shape of Code

An MI5 agent has been caught selling exploits in Huawei products, on an underground Russian hacker forum (a paper analyzing the operation of these forums; perhaps the researchers were hired as advisors). How did this news become public? A reporter heard Mr Wang Kit, a senior Huawei manager, complaining about not receiving a percentage of the exploit sale, to add to his quarterly sales report. A fair point, given that Huawei are funding a UK centre to search for vulnerabilities.

The ostensive purpose of the Huawei cyber security evaluation centre (funded by Huawei, but run by GCHQ; the UK’s signals intelligence agency), is to allay UK fears that Huawei have added back-doors to their products, that enable the Chinese government to listen in on customer communications.

If this cyber centre finds a vulnerability in a Huawei product, they may or may not tell Huawei about it. Obviously, if it’s an exploitable vulnerability, and they think that Huawei don’t know about it, they could pass the exploit along to the relevant UK government department.

If the centre decides to tell Huawei about the vulnerability, there are two good reasons to first try selling it, to shady characters of interest to the security services:

  • having an exploit to sell gives the person selling it credibility (of the shady technical kind), in ecosystems the security services are trying to penetrate,
  • it increases Huawei’s perception of the quality of the centre’s work; by increasing the number of exploits found by the centre, before they appear in the wild (the centre has to be careful not to sell too many exploits; assuming they manage to find more than a few). Being seen in the wild adds credibility to claims the centre makes about the importance of an exploit it discovered.

How might the centre go about calculating whether to hang onto an exploit, for UK government use, or to reveal it?

The centre’s staff could organized as two independent groups; if the same exploit is found by both groups, it is more likely to be found by other hackers, than an exploit found by just one group.

Perhaps GCHQ knows of other groups looking for Huawei exploits (e.g., the NSA in the US). Sharing information about exploits found, provides the information needed to more accurately estimate the likelihood of others discovering known exploits.

How might Huawei estimate the number of exploits MI5 are ‘selling’, before officially reporting them? Huawei probably have enough information to make a good estimate of the total number of exploits likely to exist in their products, but they also need to know the likelihood of discovering an exploit, per man-hour of effort. If Huawei have an internal team searching for exploits, they might have the data needed to estimate exploit discovery rate.

Another approach would be for Huawei to add a few exploits to the code, and then wait to see if they are used by GCHQ. In fact, if GCHQ accuse Huawei of adding a back-door to enable the Chinese government to spy on people, Huawei could claim that the code was added to check whether GCHQ was faithfully reporting all the exploits it found, and not keeping some for its own use.